View Full Version : I Dodged the FedEx Boolit, . . . so to speak.

Jeff R
02-21-2014, 06:01 PM
I ordered some high antimony lead from a popular supplier, and this is what the FedEx driver plopped onto my counter:


That package was one pothole in the road away from disgorging its contents. This was the first time I ordered from them. I'm surprised that the packaging wasn't more bomb-proof. I have about 100 pounds of dental x-ray foils to smelt when it gets warmer.

02-21-2014, 06:33 PM
How ironic. My Fedex package arrived today (loaded with bulk bullets) in pretty much the same shape. Not planning on counting them (certain that I lost a few) but I do plan on avoiding Fedex at every opportunity from now on. And in my opinion, Fedex would destroy it even if you could bomb proof it.

02-21-2014, 06:44 PM
I would forward that pic to rotometals that packaging is not up to par its not completely fedex fault that it is improperly packaged its not even close to suitable for lead packaging

Jeff R
02-21-2014, 06:51 PM
I am going to email them the photo.

02-21-2014, 07:29 PM

02-21-2014, 08:47 PM
It's not the shipper's fault if the package isn't done up properly. I see it all the time at work.

02-21-2014, 09:26 PM
Its not easy to package heavy stuff like that. I'm not taking up for fedex but just saying that it may be a bit premature bashing.
I boxed up 60 pounds of 10 pounds ingots (usps mfb) with box in a box and stuffed all around as well as inside with cardboard sheets and taped the peewaddly out of it and it still busted . Funny thing was that the buyer ended up with some fancy pocket knife in the box that I did not ship with it.

Jeff R
02-21-2014, 09:35 PM
I'm not taking up for fedex but just saying that it may be a bit premature bashing.

I wasn't trying to bash, although a person could take it that way. I got back a fast response from Rotometals. The email said that they were trying out some new boxes, and they were still working on making them secure.

02-21-2014, 09:43 PM
It's the shippers fault when the delivery guy throws stuff on the floor and literally kicks it out the back door, like they did the last cylinder head I ordered. That was a triple wrapped package, with foam cushioning inside, and they still burst open the package and dislodged one of the rocker arms. I filed a complaint, which was promptly ignored. I do not willingly send anything 'fedhex'. mikey

02-21-2014, 09:50 PM
Oh, I have ordered superhard from Rotometals, some antimony and tin, all in the same package, and it got here with the sides intact. Different delivery driver.

02-21-2014, 09:53 PM
at least you got yours delivered to you. i had to drive to town today to pick up my fedex express package. 1/2 hour each way! they claim the road is not "safe". i drive an old 4runner, one of the 3 single women in the neighborhood drives an audi wagon!

02-21-2014, 10:00 PM
I've gotten 60-70lbs of lead in a FRB reinforced w/foam board. Also taped all over with packing tape. Also have received packages taped w/filament tape. I have learned from these and followed the same practice when shipping heavy objects. They are a bear to get opened but the contents are all there.

02-21-2014, 10:07 PM
Oh, I have ordered superhard from Rotometals, some antimony and tin, all in the same package, and it got here with the sides intact. Different delivery driver.
I ordered 200 pounds of SH from rotometals that came frb via usps. The delivery guy was a little old man that could not get the boxes out of his tote box so he just pulled the whole thing with 3 boxes in it off his truck to my driveway. His tote box busted open but my stuff was intact.
Anyway I put his busted tote out by the mailbox so he could get it back LOL!

02-22-2014, 11:35 AM
I ordered 200 pounds of SH from rotometals that came frb via usps. The delivery guy was a little old man that could not get the boxes out of his tote box...

It's easy to blame the carrier when the packages get damaged, calling them Neanderthals, baggage gorillas, etc..., but we in the casting field would do well to consider that these packages full of lead often go well above and beyond what the sorters and drivers normally deal with. The normal "pick up and carry" approach won't always work with these, and they are going to get dragged, shoved, have hand-truck lips jammed under them, set down heavily, and outright dropped a lot more than the box of hand-knit socks from Grandma. Box and seal accordingly.

02-22-2014, 12:18 PM
A couple of years ago I received 3 LFRB of lead alloy from an individual. All 3 were well packaged and in good shape. The Postal Person that delivered them was a female fill-in. She insisted she could handle them and brought the first into my garage. I insisted that she leave the other 2 in the van and I would take them to the garage. It was a little easier to convince her after the first one.

02-22-2014, 12:41 PM
My USPS person is an older gentleman. I have a working relationship with him. My Mailbox is at the foot of the hill so when there is a heavy package he comes to the house, blows the horn and I go out and get it out of the car for him. In the summer when the tomatoes start to get ripe I always stop him and give him a bag. Little things go a long way.

02-22-2014, 01:00 PM
I wasn't trying to bash, although a person could take it that way. I got back a fast response from Rotometals. The email said that they were trying out some new boxes, and they were still working on making them secure.

Oh, so the bean-counters at Rotmetals are pinching pennies and thought they could chinch on the package quality containing one of the heaviest substances on earth. And YOU and the FedEx team get to be the Beta Testers!!!!! I can see it now, at a board meeting, the decision is made to "send a few out and see what happens".

If I were you I'd demand a refund on the shipping and free shipping next time you order, regardless of packaging, for your time spent evaluating their new "economical, green, recycled" product.


02-22-2014, 01:53 PM
I wasn't trying to bash, although a person could take it that way. I got back a fast response from Rotometals. The email said that they were trying out some new boxes, and they were still working on making them secure.

+1 to what Gear said. I find it incredibly stupid that they would use customers to test their packaging and then admit it in an email to a customer.

02-22-2014, 01:54 PM
At least they were honest.

02-22-2014, 03:55 PM
It could be someone new at Rotometals is trying to make a name for himself by "improving the process" and saving them money. We are going through it right now at work with our new packaging supplier. Three weeks into the transition; it is a disaster. Our old supplier provided us with quality, cost savings and fantastic service. Someone at corporate wanted to make his life easier and we are paying the price. If it were my choice, we would go back the old vendor tomorrow. We ship 2,000-3,000 lb 45x48" skids with steel parts. Eliminating slats on a hardwood pallet to save money destroys parts.

02-22-2014, 04:08 PM
It could be someone new at Rotometals is trying to make a name for himself by "improving the process" and saving them money. We are going through it right now at work with our new packaging supplier. Three weeks into the transition; it is a disaster. Our old supplier provided us with quality, cost savings and fantastic service. Someone at corporate wanted to make his life easier and we are paying the price. If it were my choice, we would go back the old vendor tomorrow. We ship 2,000-3,000 lb 45x48" skids with steel parts. Eliminating slats on a hardwood pallet to save money destroys parts.

BTDT. I've seen that happen several times in my career as a manufacturing engineer. Way back when I even instigated one of those situations. Learned my lesson and tried to inject reason into similar situations when they arose. Worked sometimes, sometimes not. Glad I'm retired now and don't often hear of these things.

country gent
02-22-2014, 04:57 PM
Ive bought lead (20-1) from both baco and rotometals ( I normally order 100+ lbs at a time) and shipped usps. My mail man is a guy about my age and a big help to me with these. When I made the first order I stopped him and told him to just use my little "Red Wagon" On the front deck, I had set it out front of the deck in the yard. I always treat him well making sure the mail box is cleared and trimmed around. A few days later a knock on the door and hes standing there smiling. The 3 boxes of lead are on the wagon on the deck. He chuckled and told me the little wagon was great saved him 2 trips and was way easier than carrying it. I now leave the wagon out anytime theres a heavy or multiple packages coming to make it easier for him. I also use the wagon to move groceries and things in and out. Having mobility issues has made me do things a little diffrently at times. He now tells me he knows when Im expecting an order as the wagon is out front for him. LOL

02-23-2014, 07:27 AM
...Eliminating slats on a hardwood pallet to save money destroys parts.

Tell 'em you can save even more money shipping by donkey cart.
No don't, they might try it!

02-24-2014, 02:14 PM
I drove a FedEx delivery truck for several years. Damage is usually from load/unload of distribution center semi's, not the final delivery person.

02-24-2014, 02:37 PM
That box was not taped correctly, and they used a tape inadequate for the weight. They should have taped it in two directions, and the tape should have been the self-adhesive filament style strapping tape. That paper tape **** gives out way to easily. Still, if the had taped the box in two directions, we likely wouldn't be having this conversation. Fedex is innocent this time.

02-24-2014, 02:43 PM
Yup, that's the way I see it. The package was loaded well beyond what it was rated for (Read the fine print on the box information) and couldn't be reasonably expected to withstand normal handling without issue. Plus, NEWSPRINT for cushion? Seriously? How professional. I guess we get what we pay for with "free" shipping from them.


02-24-2014, 04:29 PM
Newsprint is not a suitable packing material. You crush it to get it into place, and hopefully fill voids. Unfortunately, newsprint will continue to crush under weight/pressure since it has no "memory", so it continuously compacts smaller and smaller until it's no better than a single sheet of shirt cardboard. At this point, your package contents slide around unrestrained, and under the right circumstances can end up bursting the box. Heavy kraft paper is a much better choice for filler. And no carrier likes to see paper tape used on anything anymore. Filament type tape is much, much more effective.

02-28-2014, 08:00 PM
When I was low on WW I traded guys some of my soft lead for WW. I made a wood box that just fit into a flat rate box. The lid screwed on with drywall screws. I easily got 58lbs in the box. That got shipped and they sent the box back with the WW. I would reload the box-etcetcetc. I did this at least 10 times (20 trips total with back shipments) The forum members and I NEVER had a problem with box damage. In fact I just tossed the box out last summer because I now have all the lead I will ever use. It's the only safe way to send heavy metals in the mail.

03-01-2014, 02:01 PM
thats right its not fedx fault i have got packages from all 3 usps ups fed x all have been tore up an i have found out over 30 yrs of shipping an rec its the co or person fault they do not package things right if you send 40 lbs of mixed hvy items in a flat rate bx they will be missing so put the items in a tyvck bag tape all arround put into a 2 layer box then tape all sides around intire box

William Yanda
03-01-2014, 02:37 PM
Its not easy to package heavy stuff like that. I'm not taking up for fedex but just saying that it may be a bit premature bashing.
I boxed up 60 pounds of 10 pounds ingots (usps mfb) with box in a box and stuffed all around as well as inside with cardboard sheets and taped the peewaddly out of it and it still busted . Funny thing was that the buyer ended up with some fancy pocket knife in the box that I did not ship with it.

Hey, that was me!