View Full Version : Everything on hold

02-17-2014, 12:26 PM
Cant get down to shoot. Snow too deep. I need to go down to my valley and range. Pretty steep.
Al Gore says global warming but the stupid SOB does not know the earth shifted 3* with earthquakes. The sun shines on different spots.

white eagle
02-17-2014, 12:31 PM
yeah but he'll figure that one out and have a documentary made
the snow shut me off too
I have my own range however its 1/4 mile down a two track and I barely made it before the new snow

02-17-2014, 01:09 PM
Thanks a lot!

It's 16" deep on the way to my 85 yard target and I need to change it to test tomorrow! I agree with the sun thing too... It must be somewhere else as it hasn't peeked through more than a couple hours all week.

I'm too old to put testing on hold however! I'm way too old to shovel snow now that I think about it! At least temps don't have minus in front of them now; could even make 32º one day!


02-17-2014, 06:47 PM
But it's the greenhouse gasses from burning gun powder that's causing the trouble. And the Earth has shifted off it axis because of all the people hoarding lead for making bullets. Don't you read the papers?

02-17-2014, 07:42 PM
Send us some of that weather!

Here in AZ we are 15F above normal and dry as a bone! NEED RAIN.

It's all caused by that big high pressure dome over the west forcing the jet stream up and then plunging down in the midwest.

I vaguely remember as a kid in the Midwest that the farmers used to call this........WEATHER!

Have no fear.......spring is near!


02-17-2014, 09:01 PM
No, I'm sure Al Gore told me this is some sort of vast right wing conspiracy. We were having tea at the time, green tea, fair trade.

Jeff R
02-18-2014, 08:50 AM
I couldn't keep it on hold any longer. Sunday I had to shoot a few. I shoveled a path about 85 yards long. It was a balmy 20 degrees.




02-18-2014, 09:02 AM
Hey Jim, does this mean you have to buy a snow cat to replace the 4 wheeler?[smilie=1:

02-18-2014, 09:30 AM
Yeah... I've got 4 feet of global warming on either side of my driveway right now. Supposed to get above freezing for a couple days this week. I just might be able to get to the range. For those of you who shoot out in your back yard, I'm very jealous.

02-18-2014, 12:09 PM
Al Gore says global warming but the stupid SOB does not know the earth shifted 3* with earthquakes. The sun shines on different spots.

Interesting that I didn't learn that in any of my geology classes. When did the shift occur? And in which direction? How did it manage to do that and still leave Polaris over the axis?

02-18-2014, 12:16 PM
Here in south western Mt we have had higher than average temps and lower than average snow fall. Right now its in the 30s (normal) and snow is only on north slopes (shaded side) of the hills.
Just what we moved here for, warmer weather.

02-18-2014, 01:12 PM
that's why they switched the name to Climate Change. After 90 years of trying global warming (with 3 years of the next ice age thrown in for good measure) we just weren't falling for it. Climae change is a nice catch all.

here's a fun fact for yall. If Climate Change didn't come along for semantics, we'd be talking about "Global Shading". You see, all those man made coal fired plants are dumping all sorts of particulate matter into the sky and it's blotting out the sun. Blocking those important rays! So you see, it's still our fault, warm or cold. That's the biggest key of all. not the natural cycle of Climate, it's OUR FAULT! :rolleyes:

02-18-2014, 02:15 PM
I gave up on my range until some serious warm hits and shrinks the 6-7 foot of drifted in snowmass down enough that my steel plates at 100,200,300 yards once again become visable....which will flood my range for a bit. Accuracy testing is simply ON HOLD for awhile. I did hang a 4inch swinger on an a-frame about 80 yards out in ths side yard in front of a pile of clay left over from buryiing a shed last year and am now freehanding it off the front porch when the "urge" strikes....sometimes one must simply hear the clang of steel to keep what remains of his sanity ya know.

02-18-2014, 02:20 PM
GREEN house gas is all the green Gore made from the lies.
A lot has melted today so I got the Polaris started, backed out of the barn and promptly got stuck. It slid on top and all four wheels spun. Had to dig it out to put it back.
Supposed to get to 50* and rain so all will be muck.

02-22-2014, 08:12 PM
Has anyone noticed, they don't call it global warming anymore? The new buzzword is climate change! Global warming boxed them in too much! Now they can modify they're BS claims to suit the situation! My problem is the weather warmed the last 2 days and now the snow is melted and everything is MUD! cant make it down the hill to re-set my targets!

02-23-2014, 11:49 AM
Yeah, need a snow cat.
here is Lake Michigan. 97538

02-24-2014, 07:33 AM
And here I thought that was your back yard this passed couple weeks.

Yeah, need a snow cat.
here is Lake Michigan. 97538

02-24-2014, 07:41 AM
You guys are too hard on Al Gore. After all he gave us the internet..

02-24-2014, 10:44 PM
Wow. Out here in Taliban territory (I mean Jerry Brown territory), it's in the 70's and all the trees are in bloom. The magnolias have already dropped much of their blossoms. Rain forcast for the end of the week though!

02-25-2014, 08:33 AM
I have daffodils coming up here in the Eastern Panhandle of WV. Started poking through the foot and a half of snow we had. Does that count?

02-25-2014, 10:03 AM
I hope some shrooms pop up this spring.

02-25-2014, 01:20 PM
As much water as we have had sitting on the ground, I would say it is a distinct possibility.

I hope some shrooms pop up this spring.

02-26-2014, 12:14 PM
I hope so. Are you going to come shoot when it gets nice?

03-04-2014, 01:27 AM
With all the flexibility and near-100% retrospective accuracy like the social/communications theory of "cognitive dissonance", "climate change" on a global scale can be named as the cause of almost ANY localized variation in weather.

More heat there pushes cloud cover and moisture over here, resulting in colder weather and heavier precipitation.

As much as I distrust the religious fervor and squelching of contrary voices by the Man is Evil Lobby (when I was like nine years old I found some portions and themes of "Bambi" overly simplistic, scientifically uninformed like no wolf ever killed at ate a fawn, and otherwise offensive), there does remain a large body of generally reliable data pointing to increased temperatures globally.

But the alarmists and pop/political "science" types and breathlessly-reporting IDIOT news media never seem to address my questions about variations in solar output, earth's albedo, periodic volcanism and dust storms vs. manmade particulate matter reflections/absorptions of IR and thermally-significant portions of other wavelengths.

So I'm left trying to cull scientific objections from partisans who remind me of the John Birch Society denouncing fluoridated water as a Commie Plot. Their predictions of social rot seem borne out, but I really don't believe that cavity-fighting chemicals in our precious bodily fluids had anything to do with it.

Back to topic, my hat's off to everyone who has broken out a shovel or other implement of destruction to rebuild access to their frozen-over target areas. Gotta love ambition. No such cold problems here--the apricots are in bloom all at once a couple of days ago, grass is getting greener (except that ***** Bermuda junk), and it's time to dig out the Round-Up.

Stephen Cohen
03-04-2014, 04:06 AM
Jeff R, You want us to believe your shooting those targets in the distance, through that shovel handle right. Hey I believe ya.

03-04-2014, 09:17 AM
New snow on the ground and -2* this morning.
Have spent time working on an old chainsaw that sat too long. I am going to have to cut tons of wood this spring, I used more this year then ever.
Gore must be hiding in a drift somewhere so see if a snow blower can find him!