View Full Version : Mauser Central

02-16-2014, 09:30 PM
I had never been to Mauser central before this weekend. I had a couple Mauser questions so I checked it out. There didn't appear to be much activity so I wasn't expecting much response.
But I did get quick, good response both on the board and by PM.
I found the guys over there very friendly and helpful, kinda like here. Cruising around I saw several names I recognized.

If you've never been there and you like mausers you might check it out. Woody

02-16-2014, 10:09 PM
There is a lot of good info over there.

02-20-2014, 07:59 PM
I used to get on there a lot but, I've not recently. Good site though.

02-22-2014, 06:02 PM
I regularly check the Mauser Central site and its one of two web sites I'll post a surplus military rifle related question. Other site is Surplus Rifle Forum. Very seldom see an inquiry that someone couldn't answer question posed.

03-25-2014, 05:45 PM
Thanks for mentioning this site. I like mausers and have never heard of it.

Old School Big Bore
03-25-2014, 05:48 PM
+1 on the 'thanks'...never heard of either of those.