View Full Version : Types of additive for Ultrasonic Cleaner, and Brass Dryers.

44 WCF
02-13-2014, 06:23 PM
I started using an Ultrasonic Cleaner same as the Hornady just different color. It came with additive for cleaning brass cartridge case. Seems to work fine just wondering what type additive anyone else may use and of course cheap.

After rinse and dry I use toaster oven again from the thrift shop set 175 deg on timer for 2 hours mostly in Winter.. Or if time not issue, on screen in the sun for couple days in summer. Any one with other ideas to dry brass would like to hear.


02-14-2014, 01:05 AM
When it absolutely, positively has to be clean!: Micro 90, International Products Corp., Burlington, NJ.

Use only as directed (it's a super concentrate, so less than 1% should do it).

I use citric acid powder in warm water. Not acetic, etc. Citric acid has unique properties when it comes to copper alloys.

For drying, I just place the rinsed brass in a plastic colander on top of my oil furnace (one of those new, square box designs...warm, but not so hot that the cat can't sleep on it).

02-14-2014, 09:41 AM
Citric acid and a drop of dish soap works well. Citric acid can be found at the local grocery store as Lemishine, look at the dishwasher detergent section. It may be a little bit cheaper if you have a local homebrew/wine making store, can be had for +/- $5/lb.

When I use the ultrasonic unit to clean brass I use distilled water in the unit, when done the cases get a good rinse under HOT tap water. then spread on a towel. Winter time the towel goes under the woodstove, the rest of the time the brass gets set in the sun to dry.

Doc Highwall
02-14-2014, 12:07 PM
After I rinse my cases off with clean water I first tumble them around in the PLASTIC strainer to get as much water out and keep the noise down. Then I just throw them into my tumbler with crushed walnut shells (Lizard Litter) and tumble them for about 10-15 minutes to absorb all the water and after separating them from the crushed walnut they are nice and dry. I leave the top off the tumbler to let the crushed walnut dry, but watch out so the cat cannot use it as a litter box.

02-14-2014, 12:18 PM
Hot Citric Acid solution w/ Dawn for cleaning. Rinse under hot water. Shake the basket to remove excess water. Run them in the tumbler for an hour or so. I let them run that long because I have nufinish in the walnut and I want to protect the perfectly clean brass.

02-14-2014, 04:40 PM
What are you cleaning? Ed's red works well for parts.

I use citric acid and water for brass. To dry it, I place in a metal collander and place in the oven on low setting, i think 170*F, for a few hours and give it a shake a few times through. If I want it super shiny, I toss it in the tumbler. I've found that the oven seems to turn the shiny brass a darker brass color. I'm guessing from the heat and minor oxidation on the casing.

I also use the Lyman cleaner as well.

02-14-2014, 04:53 PM
After I wet tumble and give everything a rinse in the sink (in shop not house) I just throw it in my old toaster oven on 190 for about 30 minutes or so.

02-16-2014, 11:32 AM
I dry mine in an old food dehydrator. Set it on about 100 degrees and let it sit for a few hours. No issues at all with letting it run overnight for the 223 cartridges.

02-16-2014, 07:03 PM
simple green makes a good solution for the ultra-sonics too.

02-16-2014, 07:51 PM
Sorry for the intrusion 44 WCF but how much citric acid per quart of water are you guys using to clean brass?

02-16-2014, 08:02 PM
Sorry for the intrusion 44 WCF but how much citric acid per quart of water are you guys using to clean brass?

I use a teaspoon per quart. Don't know if it's right or wrong, but it works for me. You can find it in the canning section.