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Lloyd Smale
12-15-2007, 02:35 PM
what do you think of the DeLorme Earthmate PN-20

Rick Hodges
12-15-2007, 03:28 PM

I have no first hand experience with Delorme GPS's but just finished researching units to replace my old Garmin first generation GPS. The Delorme units didn't fare so well in the bulletin boards. Seems they were limited in features and only interfaced with their own programs. I do have a Delorme mapping program and I am less than satisfied with it.

An awful lot depends on what you want to do with the GPS and how much money you want to spend. I should warn you that I am an unabashed Garmin fan. I own an old 12XL and recently upgraded to a new Map60 Cx, a very capable unit but very pricey with the software I wanted.

"gpsinformation.net" has more information and evaluations of units than you can wade through in a week. Some of it is dated but it will bring you up to speed.

The camp that I hunt out of has had experience with Garmin and Magellin units. The garmins are the clear favorites. Most of the guys just use the basic E-Tec and are quite satisfied.


12-16-2007, 10:44 PM
We use Garmins exclusively for work (12, 72, 76map, Etrex, etc). I would not consider buying any other brand.

Garmins tend to be the easiest for me to get data into and out of when using them with PC based GIS and mapping software packages, which may or may not be a concern of yours.


12-16-2007, 11:01 PM
Rick, I also have a Garmin 12XL, and a Garmin 240 Fishfinder. They are both great, and have served me well over the years.
However, I would like to repace the older 12XL, and like a lot of other folks, I am simply overwhelmed with all the new stuff.....:???:

I have hinted for about 6 months now that Santa should bring me a new GPS that I can use in the car, plus when I'm actually out in the woods and in need of one.

Thanks for the information on gpsinformation.net


Lloyd Smale
12-17-2007, 07:25 AM
reason im considering the delorme is it has the capability to download and work with realtime satalite pictures and when you cosider it comes with all the topo and street maps the price is actually in line with gamlin top end machines.

12-17-2007, 03:32 PM
Hint: my secret method just for you. Go to target hold GPS on bullseye. Get a reading and set to "home". Go back to bench and strap it on to your pistola. Punch in the "route to home'. Move pistola in direction of target until the arrow is exactly pointing home and you will never miss the target!!

The Double D
12-18-2007, 01:04 AM
I have the Delorme Pn 20 with Atreet atlas. I like it for Road trips. I cn pre plan the trip on my computer at home. Then program it in before the road trip with the side trips and stops.

Never tried it with Topo. For making maps it might be okay but wouldn't want it for the field. I have smaller laptop, but in the car and in the field it's big.

I have a Garmin 12XL and use it in the field and have used it for to mark downed game and such stuff while I go back to the truck and get the sled to drag the game out. Works great.

Have used the 12XL for road trips and that what made me buy the Delorme PN20. The 12XL just didn't give me enough info for that use.

Down here in South Africa for safety and security, I have issued each of my staff a Garmin NUVI. They carry them with them all the time. They set a destination and head for it. If they run into problems and have to do any evasions the thing recalculates their route automatically. Thankfully we haven't had any problems, but it sure helps when you miss a turn which is easy to do here.

We have all sorts of stuff saved in it: the good resturants, the street fairs; a friends house. One thing we don't do is punch in a location as "home" If this thing goes astray or the car is stolen with it in it, we don't want it leading the bad guy to our homes.

These things would have been handy back in my Street Cop days if there was little faster keyboard input.

Lloyd Smale
12-18-2007, 06:44 AM
maybe a guy could also buy one of those units for dog tracking and round up all the deer in the area and fit them with collars. Then you could just sit in camp and get a lock on a buck and shoot!
Hint: my secret method just for you. Go to target hold GPS on bullseye. Get a reading and set to "home". Go back to bench and strap it on to your pistola. Punch in the "route to home'. Move pistola in direction of target until the arrow is exactly pointing home and you will never miss the target!!

charger 1
12-18-2007, 07:03 AM

. I own an old 12XL


Where GPS units shoulda stayed. kinda like the 283 chev engine married to a three on the tree. dependable as a hammer. When/if I have to replace my 12 it'll be with another

12-18-2007, 10:55 AM
I have two Garmin GPSs. The 12 and eTrex. The 12 works wonderfully. My only complaint is that it’s not water proof and it’s a little bigger than the eTrex. The eTrex on the other hand must have a weak receiver because it frequently looses the satellite signals. Heavy tree cover will do this in a heart beat. Overall I'm very happy with Garmin quality (their customer service is outstanding as well), but I would not buy their bottom dollar model (eTrex) again.

Morgan Astorbilt
12-18-2007, 11:37 AM
Today's my birthday, and I just opened the present my wife handed me. A Garmin nuvi 200 series. It's the same one my son has, and he swears by it. No false "left turns" on winding roads like the Magellin he used to have gave. Charging it up, will go out and play with it in a few hours.

12-18-2007, 12:01 PM
I run and etrex legend, I'm pretty happy with it. I use it mostly for positioning and do nav work with topo and compass; though I do make routes for the GPS and double check between the map route and GPS route. The only thing I'm really looking for it software that has decent maps. Garmin's Mapsource uses 1:100,000 series maps...not worth even loading on the GPS.

12-18-2007, 12:39 PM
The only thing I'm really looking for it software that has decent maps....

The state of Michigan gives away great generic map data (statewide coverage; 7.5 min topo, 1998 photos, 2005 photos, etc) here: http://www.mcgi.state.mi.us/mgdl/

You will also need some sort of GIS/mapping software in order to use it. I use ESRI's ArcView/ArcGIS for work (several thousand dollars, supplied by employer). One of my co-workers has been trying to convince me to move over to a software package called Manifold GIS, which for ~$250 is a very powerful and affordable, industrial strength mapping software package. (http://www.manifold.net/index.shtml).

I'm sure it would have a much higher learning curve than the Delorme product, but if it were me, the combination of a standard Garmin unit, the free map data from the State of Michigan (and many other states) and a GIS package like Manifold would be a more powerful and flexible mapping solution, provided you took the time to learn how to use it.


12-18-2007, 01:52 PM
we have arcGIS here on the lab computers, I'll have to try playing with that and the free maps.

12-18-2007, 02:06 PM
we have arcGIS here on the lab computers, I'll have to try playing with that and the free maps.

You will also want this if it isn't installed on the lab computers already:

This is the free extension to Arcview/Arcgis that allows you to move data back and forth between the software package and the Garmin handheld via the data cable supplied by Garmin.


12-18-2007, 08:45 PM
Here a good link on whats coming from Garmin. I think I need a 60 CSX. Now may be the time to buy or very soon. New models coming out and price of the old ones going on sale. 60 CSX i think would work well for Jeep,car, dirt bike or ( store or carry ) in your pocket (while )hunting?
New models are sweet but cost alot more money.


12-18-2007, 08:58 PM

Garmin all the way. They are about two generations ahead of the rest of the pack. From what I have seen of DeLorme they may not quite be up with the rest. There are lots of stupid little things you expect your GPS to do. With each generation Garmin gets more of them right ..


12-19-2007, 10:05 AM
Hint: my secret method just for you. Go to target hold GPS on bullseye. Get a reading and set to "home". Go back to bench and strap it on to your pistola. Punch in the "route to home'. Move pistola in direction of target until the arrow is exactly pointing home and you will never miss the target!!

I find it works mo' betta if you tie the GPS to the boolit with a string. Cut the 1/2 MOA down to 1/16 moa groups. :kidding: :kidding::kidding::kidding::kidding::kidding:kiddi ng::kidding: damn it! I need more chain!