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View Full Version : I feel sorry

Idaho Mule
02-09-2014, 05:56 PM
For people that never have to plow snow.

02-09-2014, 06:04 PM
Don't feel sorry for me! I'm here cause I want to be. I can deal with the heat in the summer but hate the cold. It's pretty to look at though.

02-09-2014, 06:06 PM
Sometimes I envy people that never have to plow or shovel snow. But, I think I would somehow miss it if I didn't have it.

s mac
02-09-2014, 06:26 PM
I don't think I would enjoy spring as much without a real winter.

02-09-2014, 06:38 PM
For people that never have to plow snow.

Do you also feel sorry for those who have to deal with 100°+ ambient and 110°+ heat index temperatures?

02-09-2014, 06:40 PM
I enjoy all four seasons, by the time one has been around for a couple months, I'm ready for a change. I don't mind shoveling snow, in fact just came in from shoveling about 4" that fell this afternoon. I'm 61, so I might change my mind about shoveling in another 10 years or so.

Alvarez Kelly
02-09-2014, 06:53 PM
I've lived a lot of places. I really like the 4 seasons here in southern Illinois. It's snowing right now.

02-09-2014, 06:55 PM
You need to live in Iowa and then you will learn all about snow and blistering humid summers

02-09-2014, 07:04 PM
The snow we have had was welcome moisture, which we need a lot more of, but I'm ready for spring showers.

02-09-2014, 07:45 PM
I remember our last snow. It was 2009. . . Wait no 2010. U mm I guess I don't remember. It was a good inch at least.

02-09-2014, 07:52 PM
I love the snow and winter of Minnesota.
It keeps the riff raff out.

02-09-2014, 08:00 PM
I love the snow and winter of Minnesota.
It keeps the riff raff out.

Hey! I resemble that remark! :grin: My Mom has neighbors from Minnesota who come down every winter. If I remember correctly one of their son's live in Embarrass (?) If we all liked the same thing it would get darn crowded real fast.

D Crockett
02-09-2014, 08:00 PM
I am afraid that I will have to agree with Finster101 in post 2 I like the heat and have no use for that cold wet white stuff D Crockett

02-09-2014, 08:05 PM
There is a cost/benefit to most everything. Colder places tend to be greener. California has great weather, but the state blows real hard. Right now I'm enjoying weather in the 60's and wanting a 30 round magazine. What would be really hard to tolerate would be a liberal state with bad weather.

02-09-2014, 08:15 PM
You need to live in Iowa and then you will learn all about snow and blistering humid summers Plus one...AND I run a city snow plow...I hate snow

02-09-2014, 08:17 PM
Plus one...AND I run a city snow plow...I hate snow

Ya and guys like you fill the bottom of my driveway on purpose. Just kidding Been thru the fair Mason City doing work at Con Agra (Hormel)

One more post and you get a bullet. Congrats

02-09-2014, 08:29 PM
I've been a professional plowing snow since 1984 (or at least getting paid) and for those of you who haven't followed a nor'easter through the night and sometimes for 24plus hours you just haven't lived yet! Best way to buy those extra goodies one longs for. The way I see it it is a good way pay the bills and maybe a little left over for a new toy. The cold has good and bad I would guess. But for me ...Plus one for the four seasons.

02-09-2014, 08:39 PM
I enjoy the four seasons too.

02-09-2014, 08:45 PM
Four seasons is for rookies...Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Mud!!!!

02-09-2014, 09:25 PM
Don't feel sorry for me, if I NEVER have to plow snow or mow grass again it will be too soon. We have seasons here too, winter is over, that is when sometimes you have to wear a coat during the day, we're going into spring now, that's when you may have to wear a jacket at night. Fall is like spring, and well summer is summer in the desert...

02-09-2014, 09:29 PM
Two seasons are fine with me, "summer" and "not summer". Funny, two seasons seem to be enough for the snowbird winter Texans as well. Reckon they might be your neighbors who are tired of shoveling snow?

Alvarez Kelly
02-09-2014, 09:32 PM
Don't feel sorry for me, if I NEVER have to plow snow or mow grass again it will be too soon. We have seasons here too, winter is over, that is when sometimes you have to wear a coat during the day, we're going into spring now, that's when you may have to wear a jacket at night. Fall is like spring, and well summer is summer in the desert...
I lived in the Mojave desert for 10 years. There are seasons, and there may be four of them, but they are not the four seasons people talk about. Without the fall colors, the winter snow, and the beautiful blooms of spring, the hot summers just suck.

02-09-2014, 10:00 PM
Fall, winter, spring, summer in that order for me. Couldnt imagine not puttin the wood up in preperation for winter. Got a buddy in fla. fish with him every year. love the gulf and the fishin. love gettin back home as well.

02-09-2014, 10:11 PM
You need to live in Iowa and then you will learn all about snow and blistering humid summers

Or Nebraska. Winter is a relief, compared to summer. Two of my nieces live in Oregon now. They talk about the seasons there. The say it gets hot in the summer, but not Nebraska hot. And it gets cold in the winter, but not Nebraska cold. Every time I think about leaving, I remember how special it feels to hunt deer in the snow.

02-09-2014, 10:16 PM
i live at 8400 feet in western colorado near aspen. since the first of the year i have received about 80 inches of snow. last night it only snowed a couple of inches but the wind howled all night long. one neighbor that i plow for has a narrow driveway. i was pushing a pile of snow about 15 feet in front of the blade and almost got stuck going down hill. my plow truck is a cab over mitsubishi fuso 4x4 with a 9' blade, chains on the front. it weights 8800 without the blade or the 3 feet of packed snow in the 11' bed. i got it open but not by much, had to go get my skidsteer with the snowblower. it is 115hp and 7 feet wide. it will throw the snow about 60'. her hay barn roof had collapsed over night, the wind loading was too much. there was over 5' of heavy packed wind loaded snow on it. i shoveled off the now level roof and went home to get tools. i took my extending boom forklift down there with some ratchet straps and screws. in about 2 hours i had the roof put back where it was supposed to be and stronger than before. when she got home, she had no idea that the roof had collapsed at all!

that is all i did today, other than fix the roof, pushed, shoveled, or blew snow. tomorrow i will be back at it, after plowing for 2 other neighbors, by the time i am done with theirs, i dont feel like doing my own. it is dumping snow right now and the wind is still blowing.

02-09-2014, 10:20 PM
It was mid 60's today. I got to shoot a Glock GSSF match with a couple hundred other shooters. All with Glocks and most with high cap mags.

02-09-2014, 10:59 PM
I enjoy the change of seasons. Always liked cold weather for some reason. Love it when we have a cold summer (doesn't happen often) Always look forward to fall, watching the trees change colors, early deer season, bow season, firearm season, ML season, late doe season. Did I mention I love to hunt deer? Don't mind shoveling snow as long as I have gas for my 9hp 2 stage snowblower, which seems to be getting a work out this year. Heard in the news just yesterday that we have had 90 in of snow this year. One more thing, after living down south for a few years, Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas if there is no snow.

Team CK
02-09-2014, 11:01 PM
i moved from wisc. to WV... I dont miss the snow at all... I wouldnt miss snow if I never seen it again.

02-09-2014, 11:32 PM
I say keep the cold, until summer hits! Then I want it to cool off. Just guess I'm never satisfied.

Last year, my oldest boyo asked me where was winter. I asked him if he didn't remember having to have the heat on? Oh yeah, those four days!

02-10-2014, 12:24 AM
Snow is a 4 letter word... I am at the point where it can lay there and melt when it gets warm. I won't blow snow unless it gets knee deep or worse this time of year

02-10-2014, 12:27 AM
We get four seasons here. Sometimes we even get all four in a week!

Snow isn't bad, cold is what I don't like. Then again 100 degrees and humid isn't much fun either.

What I do like about Nebraska is a low population. I'll take heat and cold over more idiots anyway.

02-10-2014, 12:37 AM
No need to feel sorry for me, I enjoy visiting the snow but would rather not live with it.

02-10-2014, 01:29 AM
I wouldn't mind a brief vacation to play in some snow. I haven't snowboarded in about 8 years now. People sure looked at me funny when I was about 24 and saw snow for the first time on my first snowboarding trip.

It was great when I was riding the lift with a couple of skiers that asked about the snowboard I rented, and how long I'd been snowboarding. I peeled the sleeve back on my jacket so I could see my watch, and my answer was "about 2 hours now." They had a hard time comprehending that I only saw snow for the first time in my life earlier that day.

02-10-2014, 02:28 AM
High here was 77 today. GF & I drove down to Amado for lunch, then watched Az BB, then Oly's. Tough duty...

02-10-2014, 11:20 AM
Well I have lived most of my life where it snows.
Lived for a year in Florida and here is my take on it, no snow, very hot and humid in summers, cockroaches, mice, ants, gators, snakes and other benefits. Everything is air conditioned most of the year, no real seasons, unless your talking vegetables and fruit.

I am in idaho now we have snow, hot summers (last year we even hit 110 for around a month), four seasons and little humidity except in the winters or monsoon season. I spent saturday shoveling heavy rain soaked snow. I have a bad back and yes it has slowed me down some. When it snows here usually in a few days it is gone, farther north and east that is not the case.
I can't wait to get a place of my own where I can have a wood cook stove and wood heat to enjoy. Yes I like cutting, splitting and stacking and burning wood. Seems to take me back to a simpler time and a better time in America.

Idaho Mule
02-11-2014, 12:25 AM
Some pretty interesting comments there folks. BTW I do not hate winter, as a matter of fact I am one of the "four season lovers". I have been being Lazy this year and trying not to have to put chains on my tractor to plow the driveway. My driveway is 3/8 mile and fairly steep in a couple of spots. So far I have been able to keep up because I was out with the shoulder surgery and my youngest son likes to do anything motorized. He has kept up very well with the 4-wheeler and blade. The last week though we got enough that I had to fire the tractor up, still refused to put chains on though. We teamed up and worked it over pretty good when I sent the OP yesterday. Justin did the upper reaches of the driveway and I did the lower parts, got to do some tractor break dancing type stuff there a few times as I slid back down but that's kinda fun sometimes. JW

02-11-2014, 01:05 AM
I love the 4 seasons that eastern washington has but the 12" of snow I just had to shovel makes me think twice about one of the seasons.....

02-11-2014, 01:26 AM
I feel gyped,, I seem to only get three seasons.
mud cold [sometimes white mud], and mud-hot, then fall rolls around and things feel better,,,,,, much better.

02-11-2014, 03:16 AM
Supposed to be in the upper 80's here Friday and Saturday. I'd rather have snow. February may not be cold here, but it should at least be cool. I get enough heat here in the Spring-Summer-Fall.


02-11-2014, 01:44 PM
Born and raised in E. central Wisconsin, I feel cheated to NOT have the four seasons.. When I entered the service,( USAF), I was trained at Lackland. Got there in early October, so I missed the summer heat. By the time I left is was getting pretty cold. Locals were saying it was frigid, I thought it was nice fall temps. Next move was to Wichita Falls, Sheppard AFB. Colder there in the winter, but no where near a Wisconsin winter. Coldest temp while I was there was +20, and we got one snowfall of maybe 2".

Permanent duty base was Hamilton AFB in marin county California. I asked the locals about seasons. They said it was early summer, mid summer, late summer, then the rainy season. I felt cheated, no snow, just nasty rain.

Our winter this year has been colder than anytime in the last 10 years. We've been on the fringe of a couple of big snowstorms, so I may have 6 inches on the ground right now. I used to snowmobile a lot, drive the car on lake Winnebago to ice fish, and do a lot of bunny hunting. Now I just live on memories of when I did those winter activities.

Sturgeon season is on since Saturday, there's been some giants speared so far. Snow cover is totally blocking sunlight through the ice, underwater visibility is excellent. That means a lot of fish will be speared quickly, then the season is halted when the pre season limit is reached.

Take a look at this link about sturgeon;



02-11-2014, 06:51 PM
Ya and guys like you fill the bottom of my driveway on purpose. Just kidding Been thru the fair Mason City doing work at Con Agra (Hormel)

One more post and you get a bullet. Congrats
I Know right where you are working at. Are you going to be around there for long?

Idaho Mule
02-12-2014, 01:29 AM
snuffy, thanks for the link about the sturgeon, that is pretty cool. I never knew that people speared them. We have sturgeon in Idaho as well but we use rod and reel and it is catch and release only now days. When I was a kid it was legal to keep but that was many years ago. I have fished for them on the Snake River and Salmon River. Biggest I have personally caught was 9 foot but I have seen others over 11 feet. They are really neat fish and lots of fun. I bet spearing one thru the ice would be quite a challenge. I may have to check that out someday and see how it's done. JW