View Full Version : saa timing question

02-09-2014, 05:52 PM
I have a very well used uberti cattleman that has developed a minor timing issue

I guess the easiest way to put it is the bolt is now dropping to soon
It now drops right before it is fully in the notch .

Now the question... what does it take to correct it .
I am by no means a gun smith but i am pretty handy with tools

Or should i not worry about it .. after somewhere between 12,000 and 15,000 rounds i could care less about the drag line ... it shows plenty of wear already
I just like things to work properly

If a pic of where it drops would help .. i can email a pic for someone to post
I have no idea how to post from my tablet

02-09-2014, 07:18 PM
I paid good money to a gunsmith to make mine that way. Maybe I don't understand the problem?

It should drop right before the notch, in the leadin. No drag line that way.

02-09-2014, 07:43 PM
Ah see .. i did not explain it well enough
It is actual dropping right before the lead in cut
Way back when new it would drop about half way in the lead in cut
Obviously i now have a drag line
Your confusion is my bad... i do wish i could post a pic ... stupid tablet

02-10-2014, 12:28 AM
I gotcha now. The line.doesn't really.hurt anything, unless the revolver.doesn't lock up tight, butit's unsightly. Unfortunately, I vant tell you.how to fix.it, butit.wouldbe simple.for.a gunsmith. I hate my tablet, too.

02-10-2014, 06:19 PM
trying new springs is probably a good idea ... i have shot the heck out of this revolver and have yet to do anything to it except replace a broken base pin screw .

my pc decided to work today so here is a pic of where it has been hitting ... up until the last thousand rounds or so it used to drop right in the middle of the lead in cut


02-11-2014, 01:47 AM
^^^What Bill said right here^^^. But at the 12K-15K round count, it could as easily be normal wear even in presence of adequate lubrication.

02-11-2014, 03:16 AM
while i admit to not taking it apart nearly as often to clean as i should . it does get blown out after every use and lubed up before .

next payday i think i'll order a whole new batch of springs for the old girl even if just to have on hand just in case .
and tear it apart for a better look
this has been by far the most reliable single action army i have owned , quite suprising to me considering i gave a whopping $249 for it brand new back around 2000

i do tend to think with 9.3 as to it being natural wear ... the 12-15,000 round count is a pretty conservative estimate on my part . it could be a bit closer to 20k by now as i lost track of how many after the first 8 lb jug of red dot and a few 1 lb jugs of unique

02-12-2014, 01:36 PM
stephenj - I have a Uberti '51 Navy that is probably one of the best made '51s that I have ever owned/shot. I'm giving some thought to a Cattleman - I just wanted to say that I enjoyed this thread and hearing about your Cattleman. It obviously is a good hand gun and a favorite of your's! That's a lot of rounds and a lot of enjoyment I'm sure! A good advertisement for Uberti as well!

02-12-2014, 03:27 PM
i do enjoy shooting it .. and it is one of my favorites
the round count can be misleading if you dont stop and think about the fact i have owned the revolver for 14 years or so .. just 100 rounds a month adds up to 1200 rounds a year .

how many here would be a bit suprised if they stop and think on how much they shoot their favorite revolver .

i'd recomend an uberti to anyone wanting a lower cost saa

02-12-2014, 03:35 PM
" it could be a bit closer to 20k by now as i lost track of how many after the first 8 lb jug of red dot and a few 1 lb jugs of unique"

I am truly a noob. I have never heard of using smokeless in a BPR. Where do you get such data, and I just happen do have some Red dot.? Do ya think you could use Clays?

02-12-2014, 06:24 PM
dry ball
it is a uberti 1873 single action army revolver , .45 colt not a cap and ball.. or a conversion cylinder .
you should never use smokeless in a cap and ball pistol , ive never had a conversion cylinder for a cap and ball pistol so i do not know if it is safe in one or not .

however .. there is a lot of data for clays in .45 colt , i just havent ever used it