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02-09-2014, 03:38 AM
...of a single man:
When a new mould arrives do you want to send out birth anouncements? When a mould finally drops awesome boolits do you feel like your child is finally potty trained? When your CB load finally groups do you feel like your child has graduated high school, when it harvests big game do you feel like the proud parent of a college graduate?
Of course not, but us single folks need our minor victories. :wink::wink: Nothing compares to raising a good kid, raising a houseful should warrant nomination for sainthood.
Tell us what made your day today. And of course, minor victories count!
And yes, the Big Brown Truck brought me a new mould this week, and some shiny bits of brass as well!

02-09-2014, 10:20 AM
I completed building my new reloading bench in my garage today. It's twice the size of my previous bench so that I now have space to accomplish multiple tasks without having to constantly rearrange the deck chairs. Both Granddaddy and Daddy were carpenters and I am a software engineer (go figure), but I guess you just can't deny genes. All 2x4s and 1/2 inch plywood and will support my 200lbs and not move an inch. I'm so proud.....

02-09-2014, 10:41 AM
My day was made the other day when I sent a couple packages to other members. These were items I no longer need and were sent at no cost to the recipient. Totally made my day. Still have one to go out.

02-09-2014, 10:52 AM
Yesterday, I received some "gifted" beautiful homemade 243/6mm J-words (swaged from WRF brass) to participate in the 2nd annual swaged bullet shoot.
:) :guntootsmiley::guntootsmiley: It made my day.

Mal Paso
02-09-2014, 11:32 AM
I bought one of those cheap ($170) rolling tool chests. Tools were always in a pile, it took forever to find anything and the bench barely had a clear spot to work. Every tool has a place now and the bench is clean except for current projects. They are not ball bearing drawers but I only want a single layer of fairly light tools. Should have taken before pictures, the after is awesome.

02-09-2014, 02:08 PM
Ok, have to expose myself a bit here. Got a really good buy on a Taurus 605, brought it home, took it apart for a good cleaning (new gun) and to polish the hammer, trigger and sear surfaces. In that process I managed to lose the sear spring. That meant I couldn't shoot it when I'd hoped to. Taurus would not sell the spring so while trying to find one (Taurus wanted the gun back) I met a good gunsmith (hadn't found one yet), who ordered the spring for me. I picked up the spring only to find it needed to be fit. The smith fit it for $20. So in one week I broke a new gun, got it fixed and met a good smith in the process.

02-09-2014, 03:17 PM
Stayed up until 4 in the morning babysitting Acraglas. Dad brought me his Bisley and some aged fake ivory stocks he'd been waiting on for a long time, but they were quite undersized in some critical locations. After filling in well over 1/8" gaps between frame and stocks and attempting to make the epoxy match, plus fitting and re-distressing the parts that had to be filed off, I felt more like an abortionist than a proud parent. Anyway, they fit well now and don't look too bad.

But yeah, I know the feeling, it's the little things sometimes. When a single person accomplishes something the first thing they do is call all their friends and talk about it for hours because hey, we all have the time. Married guys store up all those little victories until they can sneak a few hours in the garage with one of their other married buddies who's escaping to vent his own pent-up accomplishments. The gals just don't understand. That reminds me, I gotta get back out in the shop and make something cool for my wife, V-day is coming up....


02-09-2014, 10:16 PM
Well, I have the best of both worlds. A great lovley wife that hunts and shoots. Buys reloading supplies, even has better luck scrounging lead, for obvious reasons. Moyher married buddies come out to our place to escape and as stated, hide or vent or de-stress. Gotta watch what i say to. Was talking to a buddie bout a 22 bator mold. Reckon she heard me, showed up at the house in 4 days. Yip, shes a keeper.

02-10-2014, 07:48 PM
When I cast the first slugs that were smelted from WW then loaded in hulls that had been scrounged from the range..... I fully understand

02-11-2014, 01:03 AM
You single guys need to read the description on this gun auction and thank your lucky stars.

02-11-2014, 11:46 AM
My landlord has told me he wants me out so he can sell the house I'm renting, so in your lingo I'm about to get pregnant, and after all the pain and worry, will give birth to a wonderful casting and gunsmithing workshop come Summer/Fall, which is to say I'm going to buy a new house. (a workshop for casting and wrenching on stuff is part of the search requirements I gave my realtor)