View Full Version : 358091 Woes !

02-09-2014, 12:12 AM
Well , not a problem with the mold ,it`s when I get the Star warmed up & me !!

1/2 the time I feed the wad cutter upside down ,& ya know when you`re in the rythum I dare not stik my fingers in the way to turn it rite.

I only lube 2 grooves normally(it has 3 & a crimp groove)& with em all full I get flyers usually 2/cyl.

What I`m lookin for is a wadcutter with just 1 loobe groove centered & the ends identical.

I`ve searched & the closest I`ve found is for Accurate Molds except they`re showing 130 & a 160gr design .

Does anyone shoot either 1 of these WCs ???

Leaning to the 130gr. ???

02-09-2014, 11:57 AM
I think SAECO has one, the 348. I only lube the bottom groove in wadcutters, the base seems to be where the stress is.

02-09-2014, 12:08 PM
Several years ago we ran Group Buys for both .38 & .44 DEWC designed by 45 2.1. You could have Tom at Accurate Molds design one to fit your specific needs.



02-09-2014, 05:07 PM

That`s the 1 I`m lookin at .
How does it shoot ???