View Full Version : Buying used vs new Star Lube Sizer

02-08-2014, 04:16 PM
Hello -
New to casting boolits and slowly gathering equipment. I have been watching the Star lube sizers that come up for sale on Ebay exceed the cost of one new.
What am I missing? Are the older models more desireable? I called earlier in the week and they had 11 on the shelf @ $325.00 + shipping and dies were I believe
$47.00 each. The last one I was watching on ebay went for $365.00 and $12.35 shipping with 358 die and top punch. Wouldn't a person be better off to start with
new and not have anyones "customizing" to deal with? Is this just the "Ebay effect" when someone gets caught up in the moment when bidding or is there a value
here that I am unaware of?
An inquiring mind would like to know.
Thank you,
Bob Gay

02-08-2014, 04:48 PM
Just ebay effect is my guess, I've been watching those same auctions, just trying to get an extra for the bench, so no rush for me, but I'll probably just order a new one if used keep going that high.


02-08-2014, 07:01 PM
Bob, If you would like to skip the eBay experience, I just finished rebuilding the fifth and final Star Lubesizer. It's available for $250 plus shipping for the bare Lubesizer. I do have some dies and a Midway heater available as well. If your interested, send me a PM.


02-08-2014, 07:15 PM
I stopped bidding on eBay for two different Stars at $100. The bidding got really stupid. Rbwillnj sells reconditioned units here. I am very happy with mine or... Buy new. You can't go wrong. The units are top shelf. Some complain if difficulty setting them up but I have not had any problems yet. I will be purchasing additional top punches with lock nuts for each of my three calibers.
.501- single lube grove
.460 - double lube grove
.430 - single lube grove

02-08-2014, 07:31 PM
Bob, If you would like to skip the eBay experience, I just finished rebuilding the fifth and final Star Lubesizer. It's available for $250 plus shipping for the bare Lubesizer. I do have some dies and a Midway heater available as well. If your interested, send me a PM.


If Bob doesn't take it, I will


02-09-2014, 09:40 AM
Ffries61, if I don't hear from Bob in 24 hours it's all yours.

02-09-2014, 10:47 AM
Just checked ebay, <removed the link>.


EDIT: Oops, my bad, it's only the air gauge for sale for $78, you can pick up the parts to do that yourself for $25-30.

02-09-2014, 11:32 AM
E Bay equals STOOPID, can't be any more polite than that!

Having said that let's be aware that E bay is a global shopping center and many of these "overpriced" items may be going some where that the product just doesn't exist. In that case price paid depend strictly on how badly one wants it!

As always I have my own idea of value on anything I see on E bay, when it exceeds what I am willing to pay I walk.

Deals can be had but real "popular" stuff like the Star can get pricey and quick.

Part of this is the E bay effect the other part, at least with the Star is lots of people don't realize Magma is making them. Ask your self when was the last time you saw a Magma ad in a gun mag or shotgun news?

If ya think it is out of production ya pays a little more to get it.

As for buying a new Star over an old one? If you have time wait for a deal that's great ( the one in post 3 is better than most and I'd go with it) but I'd buy straight from Magma before I'd pay more than list price for a used one.

02-10-2014, 12:01 AM
I bought one of Bruce's (rbwillnj) rebuilt Star Sizers a month ago... TOP NOTCH workmanship, looks as if it is new!!.. Once warmer weather gets here and Bruce get his hot bluing/coating tank fired up I am going to send one of my old Stars over and have him re-condition it...

02-10-2014, 12:27 AM
I bought one of Bruce's (rbwillnj) rebuilt Star Sizers, TOP NOTCH workmanship, looks as if it is new.

Plus One on this post. Outstanding product!

02-11-2014, 05:14 AM
Let me know if a star is available. I been hunting one for a year or two. Timings never been right I guess.

02-11-2014, 05:21 PM
I use cuttings from my Rose bushes as handy measuring sticks. I cut them to about 3 inches long and finger diameter. Then when I have adjusted the top punch on my Star luber die to my satisfaction I measure the distance and mark off with a Sharpie on a rose cutting. I then add the boolit id and such and put it away with the dies for future use. So far I have done 11 different dies that way and if you are careful when measuring and cutting and only use dried out rose cuttings then repeating a fool proof setting for your dies on the Star is easy. Just do no use fresh cuttings as they will shrink in a few days and the measurements will be off a ton.

02-11-2014, 07:31 PM
Oh great, now I have to take up gardening too. :roll:
