View Full Version : "The Winter War 1939" movie now on Youtube

Hang Fire
02-06-2014, 02:45 PM
One can also use different venues to view Youtube movies and other videos on their big screen smart TV, I use Flingo to store them in queue of Max Videos app on Vizio.

The “Winter War 1939” is the movie “Talvisota” under another name. It is a 1989 Finnish production, 3 hours 8 minutes long with English subtitles. Lots of Russian and Finnish weaponry in action scenes, very graphic and bloody. IMO this is one of the finest war movies ever made, it starts out slow, then builds to when war is declared, after that it is non-stop action.

The Finns were often outnumbered 50:1, yet they fought the Soviets to a standstill several times in the 3 month war, December 1939—March 1940 before being forced to sign an armistice. Finns lost 25,000 dead, no official report as to Soviet dead but ranges from 90,000 and up. In Nikita Khrushchev's memoirs, he wrote the Russians lost over 1,000,000 men. This is the war where Finnish sniper Simo Häyhä (White Death) had over 500 confirmed kills. (with another 220 unconfirmed)


02-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Thanks for this

02-06-2014, 03:55 PM

02-06-2014, 04:04 PM
Thanks! I've been wanting to watch this for years.

02-06-2014, 05:01 PM
Is there any way to save those videos to disk?

02-06-2014, 06:06 PM
I have it on dvd. Another good Finnish production is Ambush (1999) based on Antti Tuuri's novel, the Finnish title is Rukajarven Tie.

Also the Fyodor Bondarchuk, Sergey Melkumov (Russia) production of Stalingrad (2013), imported by Lizard Trade, you can find both on Amazon.

02-06-2014, 09:05 PM
Cold rainy night here and now i have a movie to watch! Have it on now. Many thanks!

02-07-2014, 12:10 AM
Thank You, Hang Fire!! A great movie for sure of an event that happened in my childhood. Now, if there were some way to save a copy.............??

02-07-2014, 12:41 AM
You could use this free software to save a copy:


02-07-2014, 03:57 AM
Thanks for the tip! This may be old news but we use a WII to stream Netflix and just discovered that the WII store has a free app? for You Tube so you can watch right on your TV. Sure beats watching on a computer screen. Picture quality is pretty good too.

02-07-2014, 09:51 AM
Gotta admire those Finns. They were a very effective fighting force, especially considering the weaponry they used.

Dale in Louisiana
02-07-2014, 05:51 PM
Bought the movie on DVD a few years ago on the advice of a friend.

dale in Louisiana

02-08-2014, 09:43 AM
Bought the movie on DVD a few years ago on the advice of a friend.

dale in Louisiana

Where did you find it on DVD?

Dale in Louisiana
02-08-2014, 03:58 PM

I don't remember. I bought it a few years back. There are listings on Amazon.com.

dale in Louisiana

02-08-2014, 11:08 PM
Lady and I went to see Monument Men last night.
I liked it but then I'm a history buff. It's not a big Rambo type shoot-em-up.
Noticed the liberal movie reviewers go to great lengths to find fault with it. So they must of done something right.

02-10-2014, 01:22 AM
Lady and I went to see Monument Men last night.
I liked it but then I'm a history buff. It's not a big Rambo type shoot-em-up.
Noticed the liberal movie reviewers go to great lengths to find fault with it. So they must of done something right.

I want to see that one. Thanks for the review, I always worry about whether a movie will be worth the time and money to go see on a big screen. Been disappointed before.