View Full Version : 40S&W to .452 250gnRNFP with Corbin dies

02-04-2014, 08:55 PM
Lately I have been thinking about something easier on the wallet than Powerbelts to practice with the muzzleloader, and possibly the 45LC. So this last week I began by annealing a few cases, 900*f for 20 minutes followed with a quench in water with lemishine. Then I proceded to get out the case trimmer and cut them down to .750", if this works I will be getting some kind of cut off saw and build a jig. Trimmed cases weighed in the neighborhood of 63gn., so I swaged some pure lead cores at 187gn.

Seating the cores expanded the cases where the lead filled them, leaving a slight "ring" around the mouth of the case, not a problem as the point forming die turned that in in the next step. I only brought the lead up to the mouth of the jacket as I wanted a rather large meplat for this application.956529565495655

Because of the amount of snow covering my range at the moment, I will be sending them to Bullshop Jr for a bit of testing, he needs something to do while the hole in his foot heals.

02-04-2014, 10:53 PM
Were these done with standard Corbin dies? For jackets?

02-04-2014, 11:55 PM
Dave Corbin's type H dies, I bought the set back in the early 1980's. J4 jackets are getting scarce in the pistol calibers and I wanted something for the muzzleloaders, as well as my Blackhawk and 94.