View Full Version : Tried to buy a 4 bore at the gun show last weekend

02-04-2014, 12:02 AM
I was at the gun show and a guy walking around had a 4 bore shotgun. It was in pretty good shape. I really wanted it but we could not make a deal. I offered 600 but he only came down to 700. I would have been real cool to own but im not sure what I would have done with it. He said that he was loading with 280gr of 1f. That would have to make huge smoke cloud.

I really wish I could have bought it. If I had it to do over I would have gave the 700. Not sure what it would have been worth.

C. Latch
02-04-2014, 12:04 AM
How was the show otherwise? I've lived near Tupelo for 3 years and have never darkened the door of any of the gunshows. Am I missing anything?

02-04-2014, 12:50 AM
The gun shows have been put on by the fleamarket people at the furniture market and they kind of suck. Some new people are putting on shows now. They are better with more guns and gun stuff.

DIRT Farmer
02-04-2014, 06:09 AM
The big bores are neat just because. I passed on a 7 bore a few years ago because I wanted a nicer gun, havent found one for sale yet that is in my price range yet.
I did get to shoot a 2 bore flinter a few times, the great thing is they can be loaded down. The 2 bore ran well with 1 1/2 oz of shot, a far piece from the standard load of 8 oz.

C. Latch
02-04-2014, 09:52 AM
The gun shows have been put on by the fleamarket people at the furniture market and they kind of suck. Some new people are putting on shows now. They are better with more guns and gun stuff.

Which ones are the new people? We're planning to move away in a couple months but I would love to hit one show before we leave.

02-04-2014, 10:57 AM
Tri Lake and Rex are putting them on. Tri Lake is doing it in Verona at the AIG center and Rex was at the Clarion Hotel Banquet room.

The gun was in good shape with no finish left anywhere but it did not have pitting. If it had been a different time of the year I would have bought it for the 700. Right now money is tight and 700 is worth a lot more to me than in the summer.

It had about a 40 inch barrel and looked like a cannon. It was pretty utilitarian but in good shape. I had never seen one quite like it. Im thinking it was real late 1800's maybe after the ML had been replaced. I think the still used them on boats even after 1900 for killing a bunch of ducks. I wonder what the game warden would think it I shot 10 ducks at a time?

02-04-2014, 11:07 AM
The game warden would probably think that you didn't use non toxic shot! ......and you probably were over your duck limit.

DIRT Farmer
02-04-2014, 10:51 PM
Four ounces of bismuth would make a pricy load.