View Full Version : anyone making 70 grn .224 for sale

02-03-2014, 01:01 AM
i am wanting some of these for hog hunting and was wondering if anyone would be willing to make some i could try. if they shoot and are reasonable i would like to aquire a good quantity.

bullet maker 57
02-03-2014, 12:52 PM
Flat base okay?

02-03-2014, 01:18 PM
Yes, we have the 72gn NOE RNGC

02-03-2014, 02:37 PM
if you are talking about swaged i am not sure you can make a 70gr bullet from a 22LR case, but i am sure someone may have done it

02-03-2014, 06:48 PM
Seems like I saw BT or someone made some out of 22magnum, but I might be thinking of .243

02-03-2014, 08:20 PM
I don't think rimfire jacketed rounds would work well for hog hunting. They are a very frangible bullet that is more for plinking, paper punching and varmint vaporizing...I could be wrong though.

02-03-2014, 09:30 PM
I have been swaging A 60 grain open tip with rebated boat tail using 22 rf cases. The core comes right to the tip of the jacket. To get a 70gn bullet it would have to be a lead tip and probably not run quite so far into the point form die so the jacket wont close quite as much at the tip.
The 60gn RBT I have been making do not shoot well from a 1/14" twist. A 1/12" did much better and a 1/9" does really good.
I also have a good supply of Sierra J4 jackets so could make some up on those as well.

02-03-2014, 09:56 PM
if you are talking about swaged i am not sure you can make a 70gr bullet from a 22LR case, but i am sure someone may have done it

Some of my 70 Grains I loaded yesterday, and a sample target I shot (7 rounds) with a Savage Axis @100 Yards with the 70 Grain .224 exposed lead (from 22LR jacket)



02-04-2014, 03:48 PM
I make a 68 gr lead tip using J4 jackets. 70 gr will be a lead tip. Moly or HBN coated if desired. 7 or 8 ogive FB. PM for more information.

02-04-2014, 03:56 PM
70 grains is tough to get from a 22lr jacket and would have to be a lead tip. You can use a CCI Stinger case to get a 70gr open tip, the lead comes right to the end though. Yes you can use 17HMR or 22mag and shorten them. I have made 22 bullets all the way up to 100gr using a 22mag.


Bullshop Junior
02-04-2014, 05:21 PM
What about 22 WRF cases? I have quite a few of those.

Prospector Howard
02-04-2014, 08:40 PM
I wonder if the stinger cases with the nickel coating might be a little rough on your bore? Also wouldn't it be trickier to get a good anneal on them?
70 grains is tough to get from a 22lr jacket and would have to be a lead tip. You can use a CCI Stinger case to get a 70gr open tip, the lead comes right to the end though. Yes you can use 17HMR or 22mag and shorten them. I have made 22 bullets all the way up to 100gr using a 22mag.


02-05-2014, 03:25 PM
Nickle cases are not good for swaging. The nickel costing gets brittle when anneal the brass. Not something you want sticking to your dies.

02-05-2014, 09:11 PM
i am wanting some of these for hog hunting and was wondering if anyone would be willing to make some i could try. if they shoot and are reasonable i would like to aquire a good quantity.


I think the members are saying 'yes', but you'll definitely need to provide some more information about your requirements if you want them to 'shoot' and be 'reasonable' (price?).

For comparison purposes, how do you compare some of the basic commercial projectiles like the 64gr Winchester Power-Point and 70gr Speer with what you want? Some designs are better suited to faster twist barrels, +3200fps velocities or single-shot(not mag feed). What are you using at the moment?

02-05-2014, 10:21 PM
aaronraad your right i should have given a bit more info.
first off i have two 223 semi autos i bought for hog and vermin on the ranch. a bushmaster m4 ar15 and a stainless mini 14.
both i believe have 1 in 9 barrels and shoot 55 grain soft point and fmj extremely well. i have not been able to purchase bullets in the 60 to 70 grain range yet so i do notknow how they will perform.
that is why i came here, i want to try some so i can come up with a good general purpose load that has a bit more weight to it.
i am sure that a 70 grain will stabilize in a 1/9 and since i already know these rifles are very accurate it should give me a good base to test from.

edit.. i should not say i cant buy heavier bullets, but i do not want to shoot hpbt target bullets..

02-07-2014, 06:34 AM
aaronraad your right i should have given a bit more info.
first off i have two 223 semi autos i bought for hog and vermin on the ranch. a bushmaster m4 ar15 and a stainless mini 14.
both i believe have 1 in 9 barrels and shoot 55 grain soft point and fmj extremely well. i have not been able to purchase bullets in the 60 to 70 grain range yet so i do notknow how they will perform.
that is why i came here, i want to try some so i can come up with a good general purpose load that has a bit more weight to it.
i am sure that a 70 grain will stabilize in a 1/9 and since i already know these rifles are very accurate it should give me a good base to test from.

edit.. i should not say i cant buy heavier bullets, but i do not want to shoot hpbt target bullets..

Most likely a flat base will suffice, with a 6S to 8S tangent ogive. Penetration may be required with hogs, as opposed to over-expansion when using a .223R, so I'd go for something with a protected pointed like a Woodleigh Bullets (http://www.woodleighbullets.com.au/products/protected-point) over a fully exposed lead tip. Core bonding with a tubing type jacket; or a heavy jacket; or a double standard jacket might improve the chances of penetration if you come across a boar that's plated up. It's never the small ones you have trouble putting down. What sort of accuracy and range are expecting to engage? Minute of Pig isn't too challenging from what I've seen most swagers on here produce.

02-07-2014, 12:17 PM
well the problem is in my description of a general purpose load.
first thing is i have no trouble paying whatever i must for the best bullet available to take on an elk or desert mule deer hunt.
however i refuse to shoot useless pigs with expensive bullets.
but ever so often i want to check the cutters on a big boar, or take a little one home to eat.
out of my short and handy rifles velocity is reduced somewhat, which aids in keeping bullets together , and actually helps penetration on common cup and core bullets as less is fragmented off.
as far as accuracy, that is the kicker these rifles can really shoot and so can i.
i dont shoot and hope to hit something, i shoot and expect
to hit where i was aiming.
if my equipment aint up to that task it isnt around too long.

Gunnut 45/454
02-07-2014, 12:42 PM
300 Savage
If FMJ's are legal to use I'd just use them. As been stated our Swags are from 22LR's an are not going to hold together for enough penertration in pigs. They might work for head shots but they'd still be iffy!:roll: A 70 + gr might have enough wt to get deeper penertrations - the jackets on the 22mags and 17HMR's is thicker - definately a PITA to swag with. I get more push throughs then actual jackets made!!:roll:

02-07-2014, 12:56 PM
FMJs can be swaged from 22 rf cases. Just seat the core then run part way into the point form die to start the taper and bring the core to near flush with the jacket mouth. Next swap ends to make the closed end of the jacket the nose and finish the bullet. End result is a semi round nose fmj.

02-07-2014, 02:02 PM
Not to mention its illegal to sell projectiles without a mfg FFL...

(a) It shall be unlawful—
(1) for any person—
(B) except a licensed importer or licensed manufacturer, to engage in the business of importing or manufacturing ammunition, or in the course of such business, to ship, transport, or receive any ammunition in interstate or foreign commerce;

(A) The term “ammunition” means ammunition or cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellent powder designed for use in any firearm.

But then again...

(21) The term “engaged in the business” means—
(B) as applied to a manufacturer of ammunition, a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to manufacturing ammunition as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the sale or distribution of the ammunition manufactured;

So... watch your backs.

02-07-2014, 09:05 PM
well the problem is in my description of a general purpose load.
first thing is i have no trouble paying whatever i must for the best bullet available to take on an elk or desert mule deer hunt.
however i refuse to shoot useless pigs with expensive bullets.
but ever so often i want to check the cutters on a big boar, or take a little one home to eat.
out of my short and handy rifles velocity is reduced somewhat, which aids in keeping bullets together , and actually helps penetration on common cup and core bullets as less is fragmented off.
as far as accuracy, that is the kicker these rifles can really shoot and so can i.
i dont shoot and hope to hit something, i shoot and expect
to hit where i was aiming.
if my equipment aint up to that task it isnt around too long.

Then you really need to reevaluate your hunting ethics. Just because they are useless pigs doesn't mean we should be negligent and not attempt to make the most humane kills possible. In that respect, they should be hunted with the same effort to kill quick and cleanly as the aforementioned elk or deer.

02-08-2014, 01:30 AM
you aint from around these parts are ya?

R.Ph. 380
02-08-2014, 01:59 AM
you aint from around these parts are ya, podnah?

That thar is funnnnnny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fixed it fer ya


Prospector Howard
02-08-2014, 10:58 AM
Amen brother. No need to torture the animals. I understand that wild hogs are a problem in Texas and other areas, but what are you trying to do; get revenge? Whenever I see this type of conversation I think of this movie and especially this scene.
Then you really need to reevaluate your hunting ethics. Just because they are useless pigs doesn't mean we should be negligent and not attempt to make the most humane kills possible. In that respect, they should be hunted with the same effort to kill quick and cleanly as the aforementioned elk or deer.

02-08-2014, 11:34 AM
Its not unnatural for one species to try and eliminate the other when both are in competition for the same food source.
Spend enough time with animals in their natural habitat and it will be readily observed. Seems savage maybe but that's the way it is in nature. I too am guilty of the natural protective instinct.
We are going to observe it on a grand scale when the world powers compete for the last oil.
A good read on the subject is the book, "The Long Emergency"

02-08-2014, 12:39 PM
sawzall and prospector i am not going to tell you how silly you sound to someone who deals with feral hogs destroying pastures on a year round basis.
i applaud your desire to respect all of Gods gifts and to give them humane deaths when we need to kill one of them.
but you need to walk in my shoes to understand how much of a problem these things are.
anyone who thinks that i willingly induce needless pain and suffering on anything is an idiot.
if you think that, then yes i am talking directly to you.

i kill them as humanely as i can but as effectively as i must.

Prospector Howard
02-08-2014, 01:13 PM
One would only think that you like to induce needless pain and suffering on them by WHAT YOU SAID in other posts. Somebody has a pretty short memory. Now all of a sudden your Mr. ethical hunter. Whatever dude.

02-08-2014, 02:03 PM
Put a $ figure on the annual loss due to the feral hogs. Now anyone tell me if the same loss wont have an effect on your attitude toward them.
Ethics are fine to posses for hunters and in general but this is not about hunting or about dealing with the general populous. This is about protecting ones livelihood by what means are available to you.
When dealing with an enemy ethics are a restricting factor to efficient implementation of the available means.
This is readily apparent in our involvement with battling terrorism. Our terrorists enemies without ethics use our ethics against us to prevail.
Those hogs are doing what their programed to do. They have no more concern of ethics than does a rock. To effectively deal with that you must become the rock.
Through out the history of man verses animal on this planet it seems to me that only recently has ethics become an issue. Also it seem to me to be a part of the progressive bamby syndrome that plauges our society where our children are taught by animal figures that speak, wear cloths, live in houses just like ours and so on. That leads to a fantasy comprehension of what animals are and what they were put on this earth for.
Go tell the native bushmen that he is not ethically supplying his family with meat and see how far that goes. The survival instinct leaves little room for ethics. Survive is what Mr. 300savage is trying to do.
Perhaps my attitude seems a bit course and perhaps it is but it has come about by spending many hours and days in nature and not nurtured by some illusion brought on by fantasy of our society.
I am not advocating the torture of anything either man or animal. All I am saying is that I agree with Mr. 300 savage in that by whatever means available I too would protect my livelihood short of sinning against God.
Anyone that cant comprehend this has been tainted by the societal progressive bambyism that has pervaded public as well as private teachings of our children for several generations.
Call me what you will but these are my beliefs of which for the time being I am entitled to but side me with Mr. 300savage as I would be doing exactly what he is doing under the same circumstances.

02-08-2014, 02:04 PM
"what a fool believes, no wise man has the power to reason away"
sound familiar?

sorry that you feel that way, but it is what it is and there is no use debating with the ignorant.
i once felt as you do but yes i was ignorant, just as you are now.
i do not hunt pigs anymore, i shoot them period.
it is a war , but i dont expect you to understand which is perfectly fine with me.
someone needs to have an adult grasp of a situation to deserve an opinion, otherwise all they have to operate on are their emotions.

02-08-2014, 02:14 PM
Put a $ figure on the annual loss due to the feral hogs. Now anyone tell me if the same loss wont have an effect on your attitude toward them.
Ethics are fine to posses for hunters and in general but this is not about hunting or about dealing with the general populous. This is about protecting ones livelihood by what means are available to you.
When dealing with an enemy ethics are a restricting factor to efficient implementation of the available means.
This is readily apparent in our involvement with battling terrorism. Our terrorists enemies without ethics use our ethics against us to prevail.
Those hogs are doing what their programed to do. They have no more concern of ethics than does a rock. To effectively deal with that you must become the rock.
Through out the history of man verses animal on this planet it seems to me that only recently has ethics become an issue. Also it seem to me to be a part of the progressive bamby syndrome that plauges our society where our children are taught by animal figures that speak, wear cloths, live in houses just like ours and so on. That leads to a fantasy comprehension of what animals are and what they were put on this earth for.
Go tell the native bushmen that he is not ethically supplying his family with meat and see how far that goes. The survival instinct leaves little room for ethics. Survive is what Mr. 300savage is trying to do.
Perhaps my attitude seems a bit course and perhaps it is but it has come about by spending many hours and days in nature and not nurtured by some illusion brought on by fantasy of our society.
I am not advocating the torture of anything either man or animal. All I am saying is that I agree with Mr. 300 savage in that by whatever means available I too would protect my livelihood short of sinning against God.
Anyone that cant comprehend this has been tainted by the societal progressive bambyism that has pervaded public as well as private teachings of our children for several generations.
Call me what you will but these are my beliefs of which for the time being I am entitled to but side me with Mr. 300savage as I would be doing exactly what he is doing under the same circumstances.

hot dog,, if i had known you were going to cover the subject that intelligently i would have just kept my trap shut.
extremely good explanation, and i can see why i like your son.

Prospector Howard
02-08-2014, 02:45 PM
You know, I was just pointing out that YOU WERE CONTRADICTING YOURSELF. I read all your posts including the ones where you hijacked the thread i started about hunting with the .223 bullets made from .22 jackets. All I was trying to say in that thread is they may not be the best for hunting larger game being as thin as the jackets are. I NEVER ONCE SAID YOU DON"T HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY! All I said was it's a good idea to do the job as efficiently as possible. So, to start calling me ignorant and an idiot and not adult and such is the sign of someone losing an argument. I grew up on a ranch here in AZ so you have no idea who you're calling ignorant. I am done with this freakin stupidy.
"what a fool believes, no wise man has the power to reason away"
sound familiar?

sorry that you feel that way, but it is what it is and there is no use debating with the ignorant.
i once felt as you do but yes i was ignorant, just as you are now.
i do not hunt pigs anymore, i shoot them period.
it is a war , but i dont expect you to understand which is perfectly fine with me.
someone needs to have an adult grasp of a situation to deserve an opinion, otherwise all they have to operate on are their emotions.

02-08-2014, 03:20 PM
On the subject of ITAR, I just bought some .45 jackets from Richard Corbin. His site has "Jackets are ITAR regulated, not for export" in red letters. Of course, he could be paying the fee or is possibly just taking his chances by putting up a disclaimer.

02-08-2014, 04:17 PM
My .02..
" Registration requirements. (a) Any person who engages in the United States in the business of either manufacturing or exporting defense articles or furnishing defense services is required to register with the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls."

I believe Richard is NOT manufacturing the Jackets so "he" would not be paying the fee.. is just saying he will not "export".

02-08-2014, 05:55 PM
prospector i also was raised and lived most of my life on a ranch in az so i know for a fact you have never experianced having a feral hog problem as there are no issues with them there.
i just returned from off the ranch a few minutes ago and while out i shot one big sow and found three more sows in one of my traps.
i am going to kill them as well but i am going to wait for daniel as he is wanting some pork to stock his freezer.
so we will probably take care of them in the mornIng before church.
what i did not realize when i moved here was just how big a problem these things are, there is no fair fight, you fight to win.
we shoot them from helicopters, with night vision, in traps, basically however we can.
if i come upon a group i of course shoot as humanely as possible, but when they are running flat out into the bush the only good pig is one with a bullet in him.
if that offends someones sensitive sensibilities well too bad.
its a fact of life and you wont catch me apologizing for it.
if you ever get down this way look me up, i will show you a little of what we are up against.

Bullshop Junior
02-08-2014, 06:06 PM
There is no reason to get all bent out of shape about it. Everyone can think what ever the heck they want. I for one am with Craig, kill them with what ever is handy. Being from Alaska i can remember the damage the hogs did up there, and being in Texas now, they cause way more damage then I could ever imagined. I read back on Craigs post and I see no where where he is contradicting himself. No reason to go all caplocks here and get mad about a guy shooting some pest. Its no differant here withthe pigs then most places with common pest like mice, rats, roaches ect. Kill em. If you have a 223 handy, use it.

02-08-2014, 08:16 PM
Sounds like good advice from a young man.

02-08-2014, 10:42 PM
Don't confusing culling with hunting. Nothing romantic about culling.
Average adult pig costs about $500/year in crop losses/damage here in Australia.
Professional shooters don't talk about rounds fired per year any more, it's about the number of times you have your 12GA or 308W re-barrelled. That's about 5,000 - 20,000 rounds per barrel depending how hot you let them get.

I'm not saying anything about Texas here, but I've seen chopper shooting videos using a 223R and those hogs go down pretty easy. The majority of the pig populations in Australia are several generations old and look much more like wild boar and nothing like their domestic descendants. Extended snouts and with all chest and shoulders and makes the 223R borderline at best without perfect placement and unawares. I'm sure it won't be long over the next decade and the Texas pigs will start to look very much like a traditional European boar, even the females.

Back to the question...cored bonded 70gr's on rimfire jackets would be where I would start in terms of economics. Sounds like it might be harder finding a local swager though that can come to terms with the final use of his/hers product.

Toughest concept about being a bullet maker is after putting in all the blood, sweat and tears you have to let them go...preferably at a few thousand fps.

02-15-2014, 07:35 PM
Back to the issue of KILLING HOGS.

Following are four different loads I developed and tested in .223/5.56; with actual velocities captured for 10 round strings and averaged. All were driven with intent to keep bullet seating depth at a length that would still fit in an AR-15 platform magazine. Foot pounds of energy are all close, with the heavier 80 grain bullet trailing last, this was driven by keeping the Over All Length where it would fit in an AR-15 Magazine. The 80 grain could be increased in velocity if seated further out, and with a different & larger charge of powder; but that does not meet the requirements to fit in a magazine.

62 Grain M855 military Ball @ avg velocity of 3084 fps -- 1309 foot Lbs Energy
62 Grain .224 made from 22LR @ avg velocity of 3116 fps -- 1337 foot lbs Energy
70 Grain .224 made from 22LR @ avg velocity of 2917 fps -- 1322 foot lbs Energy
80 Grain .224 made from 22LR @ avg velocity of 2690 fps -- 1285 foot lbs Energy

The solution will rest in terminal ballistics of the Bullet. Some have argued that the thin 22LR jacket will give less desirable performance in animal tissue, but we have had some comments from South of the Equator indicating better 22LR jacket performance than some have hypothesized.

300Savage; I would load some 70 grain 223/5.56 and do some live field testing; or as my grandmother on my mothers side used to say in Tejas; "Time to get on with your Rat Killing".

02-15-2014, 08:47 PM
Also consider that rate of twist has much to do with terminal performance.
A 60gn bullet fired at 3000 fps from a 1/14" twist will not act the same as when fired from a 7" twist at the same velocity.

02-15-2014, 08:51 PM
If you want to kill pigs in an AR platform get a 6.5 Grendel. It will kill them just as far as a .308, just as accurate or more, half the recoil, and less weight than the AR-10 platform. Unfortunately it's about $1 a round, but cheaper than $500 worth of damage the pig is doing.

02-16-2014, 09:16 AM
For those of you that think the 223 is not suitable for hogs, they are are plenty. Like everything, proper shot placement is everything. I use a 22LR shot to the head every year on my hogs when it's time to slaughter and I have never had an issue. You could be using a 338 Lapua and if you don't do your part, you won't get them to drop. A properly placed 223 in the vitals will drop a hog right in its tracks. Using home made 224's, they don't tend to hold together, but you can always spit that out when you find it.

02-16-2014, 06:22 PM
if you don't expose lead at the tip.
use a harder core.
and don't do an annealing on the case a heavier weighted 22 bullet is pretty tough.

when I first started making 223 rounds from 22 jaxkets I was having problems getting them to not act like a fmj on small animals.
I shot lengthwise through a female coyote and watched it run a couple of hundred yards trailing blood the whole time with one of my first attempts.
to use them as varmint bullets I ended up adding just enough lead to expose some, going to a softer alloy, and annealing the nose of the finished round before final polishing.

BT Sniper
02-21-2014, 05:26 AM
Took me a while to find the pics but here are some 69 grain bullets I made from 22lr jackets. Recovered the bullet in the second milk jug full of water IIRC. I think I recovered less then 20 grains but it certainly took care of the milk jug :)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/P1060881.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/P1060881.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/P1060882.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/P1060882.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/P1060885.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/P1060885.jpg.html)

Here is the video of the milk jugs hit with this recovered bullet. Looks like it made it to the second milk jug? The fun starts at 40 seconds into the video!
http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/th_P1060856.jpg (http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/P1060856.mp4)

Prospector Howard
02-22-2014, 09:57 AM
Yea, try shooting a 55 to 57 grain hollow point into water jugs at over 3000 fps and see what happens. I did, and all you end up with is small pieces. It's like a little grenade.

Chuck Walla
02-22-2014, 07:32 PM
I'm probably making a huge mistake commenting on this thread, but this has to be the strangest thing I've seen on this forum. There appears to be a few really confused individuals here. From the OP that can't decide whether he wants to "blast them hogs" with any crummy cheap bullet he can get his hands on and then calls people names for urging him to use the right tools for the job. Nobody said he shouldn't kill the hogs that were causing him problems. Then the amateur psychologist weighs in with a lot of boloney. And last, a guy tries to compare shooting a tame animal at point blank range between the eyes to hunting hogzillas in the bush. It's like he thinks every animal you hunt is going to stand there with a big sign around his neck that says shoot me like a Gary Larson cartoon. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've had to shoot a lot of times at running animals. You can't always put the shot exactly where you want it. Using an undersized cartridge with a highly frangible bullet isn't going to help get the job done. There is always someone trying to a job with the wrong tool. I've supervised plenty of them on the job. When you point it out to them, what usually happens is they cuss at you under their breath and proceed to screw up the job and or hurt themselves. By the way, isn't calling people names against the rules around here?

02-28-2014, 01:28 AM
your right about one thing at least, your mistaken

6mm win lee
02-28-2014, 11:11 PM
Not to mention its illegal to sell projectiles without a mfg FFL...

But then again...

So... watch your backs.

I am curious about the source of law that you quote.

R.Ph. 380
03-01-2014, 12:42 AM
I think he means under I.T.A.R. to manufacture for sale.


03-25-2014, 02:55 PM

Amen brother. No need to torture the animals. I understand that wild hogs are a problem in Texas and other areas, but what are you trying to do; get revenge?

03-27-2014, 05:36 PM
well tiger all i can really say is you are obviously ignorant of the situation.
but as for revenge , well thats for fools.
i am just doing my best to eradicate as many as possible by any means possible.
i know you more sensitive type folks have a problem with that, wait let me check.. nope i didnt think i gave a craap and i was right.

Love Life
03-27-2014, 05:51 PM
I've killed many an animal with the .223. Alot of deer and several hogs. I shot them in the head and it usually blew their eyeballs out. People seriously overthink killing.

03-27-2014, 06:31 PM
okay,,,, I don't know whether to laugh or give someone an infraction.

in this case I think I'd just buy some store boughts noted for their toughness and use those..

R.Ph. 380
03-27-2014, 08:33 PM
This thread has been fun. I need a laugh now and then.


03-31-2014, 02:56 PM
This has been a fun read.

300savage, if you use an unsuitable bullet on a running animal that causes $500 worth of damage, all it takes is one wounded animal that could have been a dead animal with the correct bullet to negate any cost savings from using home-swaged bullets. We get it, you hate pigs and what matters is they end up dead. So buy some good bullets to make more of them dead. Good bullets are a lot less than $500 a box.

Home-swaged bullet+good hits=dead hogs.
Fancy bullet+good hits=dead hogs.

Fancy bullet+marginal hits=some kills.
Home-swaged bullet+marginal hits=fewer kills. More crop damage.

Flame away, savage ;-)

03-31-2014, 04:58 PM
hate em ? you guys are too much.
i dont have to be mad at em to want em dead..

03-31-2014, 05:47 PM
hate em ? you guys are too much.
i dont have to be mad at em to want em dead..

It doesn’t matter what you say someone on the forum will think/say you are wrong.
I had a 45-70 Marlin that I bought to shoot hogs with on a chance that I would be able to hunt with a friend on private property.
The hog hunt went up in smoke since it was no more than a lie a guy told my friend.

With enough boolit you should have no problem taking out any offending hog.

Good Luck and happy hunting.