View Full Version : herters shell holders

12-10-2007, 11:42 PM
i'm getting my reloading room set up, and over the past year have acquired two presses. one of them is a herter's press, which requires either an adapter shell holder or herters' proprietary shell holders.

specifically i'm looking for herters shell holders, #2 (.30/30) and #21 (.7x57, .308, .280).

a herter's shell holder adapter, if available, would also be something i would be interested in.

if anyone has any of these laying around, send me a PM or respond to this post.

p.s. - i am also a collector of ANYTHING herter's, so if you simply have anything you want to get rid of, let me know!

the other press is a C-H press, and asa far as i know, my lee shell holders should have no trouble there!

12-11-2007, 04:15 PM
We have 2 conversion shell holders to make your standard Lee holders fit in a Herters Press and a few old Herters shell holders. We use them in our old Herters C Press. They are still available. I don't recall what brand ours is, but it uses a small hex head retaining screw to hold the standard holder in place.

Here are a couple links to adapters:




These guys have some Herters stuff as well.


12-11-2007, 10:15 PM
james -

thanks for the links! i will check them out!:drinks:

p.s. - pretty cold up here this time of year, isn't it? i don't think the rest of the word understands.....:-?

12-12-2007, 01:25 AM
guys -

thanks to WingMaster at www.baitshopboyz.com, i am now only in need of a herter's #2 (.30/30) shell holder.

12-12-2007, 06:24 AM
I got the Herters adapter from either Midway or Midsouth. Made by RCBS. It was just under $10 before shipping.

12-21-2007, 02:20 PM
C-H will make about any adapter or shell holder that you need. Its amazing at the amount of custom work they can turn out. I had them to make me a ram for an old press that used a caliber specific ram system. Now I can use any standard shell holder.