View Full Version : Your favorite spam recipes - victory buns

01-31-2014, 07:35 PM
I noticed at least one other ( theperfessor ) besides myself who likes Spam, so I thought I would post one my favorite Spam recipes.
My mother made these for us when we were growing up ( we was dirt poor) and I still like them. I think this recipe came about during WWII as a way to "make do" and in some way help our military win the war. well, she called them victory buns so that's what we called them.


1 (7oz. ) can of Spam, cubed small
1/2 cup Velveeta, cubed
2 eggs, hard-boiled, shelled and cubed
1/4 cup Blue Plate Mayonnaise ( or whatever kind you got)
4 to 6 hot dog or hamburger buns

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a mixing bowl combine Spam, Velveeta, eggs and mayo. Open and butter buns , place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Top buns with Spam, Velveeta and egg mixture , place in oven until cheese melts and the edges of the buns start to brown. Serve at once with a glass of cold milk.


01-31-2014, 10:41 PM
Fried spam
French fries
Milk gravy
All mixed in bowl
Ate alot of this growing up in the 60's

01-31-2014, 11:12 PM
Somewhere, a cardiologist is banging his head on a table.

01-31-2014, 11:20 PM
Why, because he wants it so bad and knows it is so bad for him. :)


01-31-2014, 11:24 PM
Wife's favorite recipe -
1. Open can
2. Dump in garbage disposal
3. turn on water
4. flip switch
5. Sit back and listen to that satisfying grinding sound

Been married for 40 years and cannot get her to like it.

It goes with almost everything in my book!


02-01-2014, 12:42 AM
At least her taste in men is superb, right?

02-01-2014, 02:08 AM
When I was a kid Mom made SPAM hash, which was quite good. Take one can of SPAM, one peeled onion,one beet or turnip, one clove of garlic, one potato, 1 tsp. of salt, dash each of cayenne and black pepper, run all through meat grinder, knead and mix thoroughly, form into patties, coat in beaten egg, and corn meal or cracker crumbs, deep fry in lard and serve with long necked Lone Star and refried beans with tortillas. Yummm!

02-01-2014, 02:32 AM
sliced super thin and pan fried for a crispy outer layer. Name your other breakfast accoutrement, it really makes no difference.

02-01-2014, 02:41 AM
Fried spam slices with pancakes or oatcakes with Aunt Jemimah syrup. Cubes spam crisply fried and scrambled with eggs and squirrel brains.

Deer camp favorite, cube and crisply fry spam and add to pinto beans in last 30 minutes, serve over rice with jalepenos and cornbread muffins. Followed by a couple of cold ones. Made one sleep well on a cot before getting up at 0300.

Or crisply fry thin slices of spam, serve on toast with hard fried egg and melted velvetta. Spread with plenty of Hellmans mayo and slathered with tabascol. It demands a couple of cold ones.

Lloyd Smale
02-01-2014, 08:13 AM
dad taught me when you have nothing good to say shut the hell up. ;)

02-01-2014, 08:24 AM

02-01-2014, 08:27 AM

02-01-2014, 03:17 PM
dad taught me when you have nothing good to say shut the hell up. ;)

I'm with Lloyd, LOL.

02-03-2014, 05:08 AM
I like spam. grew up on it.
Eat it at least three times a week or more.
Spam mac and cheese is great.
Of course being in Hawaii, spam musubi is always good for a quick bite.
I don't know anyone in Hawaii who dosen't eat spam. But I'm sure there must be at least one.

02-03-2014, 11:54 AM
I like it fried to a bacon like crisp with mustard jalepeno spread or with plain mustard spread with chopped jalepeno on the meat.
Cardiologist would love my diet of fried meats.salt pork and other things like gumbo,oyesters,crabs all the stuff that is suppose to be bad for you.I had rather be killed by bad eating habits than a jealouse husband at the age of 99.

02-03-2014, 03:25 PM
We add cubed Spam to our scalloped potatoes. Makes a mighty tasty additive.

02-03-2014, 05:01 PM
My daughter reminded me of the camp out breakfast sandwiches I would make on our sleeping in a tent camping trips. I thought she only liked them because she got to make the toast in a skillet over a wood fire...but she said she enjoyed them.

Spam Breakfast Sandwich.
Toast two slices bread for however many you are fixing.
Slice spam thin and fry in Lard , put fried spam on toast.
Fry one egg, in lard ( I like soft fried)
Place a slice of velveeta on fried egg and flick a little hot lard over the egg/velveeta to add flavor and get the cheese all melty.
Remove egg and place it on top of the Spam , top with other slice of bread. ( putting mayo on the top slice is optional but required for the total artery clogging experience .
Eat. I'm good for two and I love mayo on top slice of toast. Lard is the secrete ingredient in a lot of recipes. Make biscuits with Lard...you will never go back!


02-03-2014, 05:24 PM
You know, if you put enough stuff on it, you could probably eat a bowling ball, but hopefully I'll never have to eat Spam again.


02-08-2014, 11:38 AM
Somewhere, a cardiologist is banging his head on a table.

This is funny.:bigsmyl2:


02-08-2014, 02:52 PM
I got hooked on Spam Musubi when I lived in Hawaii. Before that, it was SpamnEggs, Mac n Cheese with Spam, even a variation of Shepherd's Pie using Spam run through a Ricer in place of the ground beef.

02-08-2014, 05:00 PM
At a BBQ at a friends house he put slices of SPAM that were about 1/2" thick on the grill while the steaks were cooking. He didn`t leave the side cooking on the heat for more than a minute or so before flipping to the other side. I would not have believed that this was the stuff that came out of a can? You really need to try this simple way of eating SPAM to understand why I like it.Robert

02-08-2014, 05:30 PM
Favorite and spam is an oxymoron .

mold maker
02-08-2014, 06:01 PM
I have less than fond memories of both Spam and Treet from childhood. Both were poor mans substitutes for real meat.

The Dove
02-09-2014, 12:08 PM
I eat spam and have since I was a small boy. However, there is no way I can stomach a bite of "potted meat".....

02-09-2014, 12:59 PM
You guys had it easy. One of our staples as a kid was "ham salad". Mom would buy a few pounds of bologna, grind it up, and mix it with "Spin Blend" salad dressing. That would be all we had to eat for a week at times. On the bright side, it was always on home made bread because bread at that time was up to a quarter a loaf, that we could bake three loaves for that. This was in the '60s, not the '30s. Mom used to tell us about life during the great depression, and it made the '60s tame in comparison. I shake my head in amazement when todays people whine about how tough life is. Our idea of a treat was a case of Coke. Sometimes we'd get one a week, usually it was two weeks. Sometimes it was one a month. We never took welfare though, I don't know if it even existed back then.

02-11-2014, 10:13 AM
I used to eat potted meat for a lunch sandwich until I read the label while chewing a bite one day. Made it hard to swallow it. Beef lips, pork snouts, stomachs, etc. GAG! (Circa 1971)

02-11-2014, 10:53 AM
At least they were honest! Nowdays it would simply say 100% Beef & Pork, no fillers!

02-11-2014, 01:58 PM
You guys had it easy. One of our staples as a kid was "ham salad". Mom would buy a few pounds of bologna, grind it up, and mix it with "Spin Blend" salad dressing. That would be all we had to eat for a week at times. On the bright side, it was always on home made bread because bread at that time was up to a quarter a loaf, that we could bake three loaves for that. This was in the '60s, not the '30s. Mom used to tell us about life during the great depression, and it made the '60s tame in comparison. I shake my head in amazement when todays people whine about how tough life is. Our idea of a treat was a case of Coke. Sometimes we'd get one a week, usually it was two weeks. Sometimes it was one a month. We never took welfare though, I don't know if it even existed back then.

How true. The number and level of whining and whiner's is amazing. We was dirt poor, but mamma made sure we were clean and fed . Our rules were simple you don't lie, cheat or steal. You worked for what you wanted and ate what she put on your plate. I now realize how much my parents sacrificed for us, but they loved us and raised us right. I guess thats why I enjoy Spam and other meat like products in cans....brings back fond memories.

Just tried BACON Spam....tasty. How to improve Spam? add bacon...it are good!

02-11-2014, 08:03 PM
put on bread
slather in mustard


02-11-2014, 08:10 PM
put on bread
slather in mustard

That's exactly what I had for lunch! Gary

02-11-2014, 08:31 PM
I like spam. grew up on it.
Eat it at least three times a week or more.
Spam mac and cheese is great.
Of course being in Hawaii, spam musubi is always good for a quick bite.
I don't know anyone in Hawaii who dosen't eat spam. But I'm sure there must be at least one.

likewise, i grew up in hawaii. spam musubi is one of those favorites i still make many years after leaving.

we used to stop by safeway on the way to the bus stop after school and pick them up as an after school snack. i miss food from back home :( lau lau and manapua.. sigh, gotta try to stay on topic here heh

02-11-2014, 08:44 PM
I did pick up the taste for Korean Kimbap made with Spam and American Cheese.

Interesting that their taste for that came from American GI rations in the Korean War.

Rice, (Sesame Roasted) Seaweed, Spam and Cheese is a lot better than it sounds and is probably my "favorite" Spam recipe...

02-12-2014, 02:24 AM
Yup poor, but we ate okay, had clean clothes even if they were hand me downs. Only thing tht was disgusting was my grandmother on my mom's side hamburger gravy, boil a gallon of water, wave a 1/4 pound of hamburger over it, thicken with something, serve on lumpy mashed potatoes... to this day I cannot eat hamburger gravy.

How true. The number and level of whining and whiner's is amazing. We was dirt poor, but mamma made sure we were clean and fed . Our rules were simple you don't lie, cheat or steal. You worked for what you wanted and ate what she put on your plate. I now realize how much my parents sacrificed for us, but they loved us and raised us right. I guess thats why I enjoy Spam and other meat like products in cans....brings back fond memories.

Just tried BACON Spam....tasty. How to improve Spam? add bacon...it are good!

02-12-2014, 01:39 PM
likewise, i grew up in hawaii. spam musubi is one of those favorites i still make many years after leaving.

we used to stop by safeway on the way to the bus stop after school and pick them up as an after school snack. i miss food from back home :( lau lau and manapua.. sigh, gotta try to stay on topic here heh
Okay...I'm game. Lets see that recipe for Spam Musubi. Authentic home cooked Hawaiian sounds like a winner...I want to try it but have no idea what musubi is about.


02-12-2014, 06:13 PM
It occurred to me that Hawaiian word Musubi is very similar to the Korean word for Spam Kimbap that I mentioned.

And in fact it certainly appears that the two are VERY similar. Hawaiian Musubi is made in a different style than the Korean rolled Kimbap.. but taste wise has to be almost exactly the same. So I'll second that even though Spam, Spam and Cheese, and Spam and Egg Sushi (which is kinda really what both are) doesn't sound good, it really is quite nice! It's probably the result of a happy accident of having a big population of Japanese in Hawaii that tried the "GI ration meat" Sushi.

Whether this is because the Japanese came up with it separately, or they was picked up from the Koreans would be an interesting dissertation, but we probably would never know. The Koreans claim inventing it during the Korean war from US GI rations. But then again anything that they picked up a taste for in the Japanese occupation they claimed they invented as well...

I did not know this was popular in Hawaii, but I am not at all surprised that it is! It's seriously good chow...


02-14-2014, 01:58 AM
My recipe for Spam Musubi as taught to me:
Sheet of Nori (seaweed softened)
Sushi Rice (sushi grade rice mixed with sweetened rice wine vinegar in a wooden bowl)
Slice of Spam
Teriyaki or Katsu sauce

Lay out the sheet of nori, dip hand in warm water and run wet hand over the nori to just get it wet.
Three finger scoop of sushi rice formed into a rectangular block
Dip the back of the spoon in either teriyaki or Katsu sauce and drag across the sushi rice still in your hand
Place the slice of Spam on the nori, then lay the sushi rice, sauce side down, onto the Spam.

Now roll the nori over the Spam and rice until you form a tight block. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze until needed. Cook in the microwave 1-1.5 minutes thawed or 3 minutes on defrost then 1 minute at full or so depending on your microwave and mileage.

Of course. I have to eat at least one or two while making the stock pile.

02-14-2014, 04:21 AM
My favorite recipie using Spam is to shred it and mix with eggs, shredded cheddar, chopped green chilies, salt, and pepper. I like to wrap it in a flour tortillia. We sometimes mix in hash browns with it in the tortillas to round out the breakfast. For variety you can add stir fry chopped tomatoes and onions to the mix.

02-19-2014, 01:46 PM
This has been very interesting, Thanks for all the neat ideas , looking forward to giving Spam Musubi a try . my Daughter likes Sushi and will help me make it ( actually she will make it, I will watch) . She will taste it but I will get to have the lion's share. Yeah!
I had no idea so many enjoyed it besides myself.

Charlie Two Tracks
02-26-2014, 11:02 AM
You know, if you put enough stuff on it, you could probably eat a bowling ball, but hopefully I'll never have to eat Spam again.

You hit the nail on the head Slim. Well done.

Old School Big Bore
03-06-2014, 02:40 AM
Bacon Spam, thick or thin, sliced and fried crisp & brown, either in a grilled egg & cheese sandwich, or in place of the bacon in a BLT with swiss or other good cheese on toasted rye or pump, or dressed like a hamburger, or with my sweet potato applesauce banana blueberry pancakes, or diced with onion, mushrooms & chilis in an omelet.
Bacon Spam, sliced fairly thick & CHICKEN FRIED with cream gravy & mashed potatoes.
My folks were Depression survivors and my Mom used to say that Dad would not throw away a burnt match. SWMBO sez it must be genetic. All I know is, for all the hate, if you approach Spam (and a lot of other turn-your-nose-up foods) with an open mind and are willing to experiment, you can make some pretty good stuff with it.
Reckon that cardiologist is having his own heart attack from reading this thread yet? How's this? CHICKEN FRIED BACON WITH CREAM GRAVY !!!! It's what God probably has for breakfast instead of that sissy ambrosia and nectar.

03-14-2014, 03:36 PM
Wow. You guys think you had it rough! When I was a kid we had mush every morning unless I was lucky enough to kill a rabbit/squirrel/whatever!
However on Christmas Mom would always make a special dinner, unfortunately it was only a big BLACK & WHITE picture of someone's great meal that she would place in the middle of the table, we were told to eat our mush and stare at the picture ONLY!

Then one Christmas (1962) Mom said she had a special SURPRISE for Christmas dinner! Us kids all talked about what it could possibly be, and speculations ran HIGH !
Then at dinner time we were told to keep our eyes SHUT and sit at the table quitely till we were told to open our eyes! Well we did exactly as we were told (our else). Then mom and dad said in a loud voice together, OPEN YOUR EYES!

We did and there in the center of the table was the most glourious sight you will ever see.
It was a centerfold COLOR picture of a giant turkey all roasted brown, man that was the best Christmas ever, and it had spam and sage dressing!!!;-)

03-14-2014, 04:14 PM
You are making me hungry

Wow. You guys think you had it rough! When I was a kid we had mush every morning unless I was lucky enough to kill a rabbit/squirrel/whatever!
However on Christmas Mom would always make a special dinner, unfortunately it was only a big BLACK & WHITE picture of someone's great meal that she would place in the middle of the table, we were told to eat our mush and stare at the picture ONLY!

Then one Christmas (1962) Mom said she had a special SURPRISE for Christmas dinner! Us kids all talked about what it could possibly be, and speculations ran HIGH !
Then at dinner time we were told to keep our eyes SHUT and sit at the table quitely till we were told to open our eyes! Well we did exactly as we were told (our else). Then mom and dad said in a loud voice together, OPEN YOUR EYES!

We did and there in the center of the table was the most glourious sight you will ever see.
It was a centerfold COLOR picture of a giant turkey all roasted brown, man that was the best Christmas ever, and it had spam and sage dressing!!!;-)

03-16-2014, 02:20 PM
Ode to SPAM(tm)

author unknown
Oh SPAM(tm)! Oh SPAM(tm)! Gourmet delight!
My food by day, my dreams by night.
To carve, to slice, to dice you up -
pureed in a blender and sipped from a cup.

What shining deity from Olympus knelt
down to the earth and hog butt smelt?
Creating then man's eternal desire
for swine entrails congealed by fire.

On some corporate farm, a pig has died.
Eyes, tongue, and snout end up inside
that cube of SPAM(tm) hidden in the can
I now hold in my trembling hand.

More than mere food, SPAM(tm) is for me
a hedonistic expression of gluttonous glee.
Mottled with pork fat, the pink cube engrosses.
My mouth takes it in, my intestine disposes.

Long have my arteries clogged to the sound
of sizzling SPAM(tm) when there's no one around -
furtively chewing or swallowing whole.
Triple bypass by forty, my medical goal.

Other processed meat products I've tried or declined
Vienna Sausages, Treet, even pig's feet in brine.
Though each may be tasty in different ways,
none matches SPAM(tm) for gelatinous glaze.

That glistening pinkness beckons me

with gristle, fat, and BHT.
Oh SPAM(tm), my SPAM(tm) - the taste, the smell!
The sacred meat product, from Hormel.


03-16-2014, 06:49 PM
Thanks for posting that tribute to spam...I think I hear a can of Bacon Spam calling my name....


03-16-2014, 07:47 PM
You are welcome!

Lance Boyle
03-24-2014, 06:59 PM
this is a funny and good thread!

Growing up we ate spam fried for breakfast meat especially while camping. We also ate fried (crispy of course) fried sammiches.

In my later years I'll still by it. Actually I buy Aldi's store brand knockoff. It has less salt.

Anyways a few years ago I started making spanish paellas, basically a large frying/saute pan of tomatoes and rice with any kind of meats usually chicken, rabbit, or seafoods. You generally always put in a chorizo sausage and or ham. One time I lacked ham but had some left over spam. I cubed it up and fried it up with the chorizo. It was downright excellent in the paella I made; chicken thighs, spam, chorizo, garlic, onion, shrimp, red peppers, tomatoes and rice and assorted spices. Squeeze some lemon over it, crack a beer or pour a glass of white wine. Mmmm good eats.

or you could carve a spam lamb for your greek guests.

03-24-2014, 07:19 PM
We add cubed Spam to our scalloped potatoes. Makes a mighty tasty additive.
Never had scalloped potatoes any other way until I got married and she made it with ham. I cured her of that.
One of my favorites is still to grind it with a couple of sweet pickles, mix it with miracle whip, and eat it on caraway rye. As a side note, the guy who owns the cabin next to my house is an executive at Hormel. I go out of my way to be nice to him!

03-24-2014, 07:33 PM
I love me some spam. I haven't made it in awhile but here's my recipe for when I don't just wanna fry it.

Take thick cut pork chops butterflied
Chop spam up very fine
Mix spam with mushroom of choice chopped the same(I like ****aka)
Dry rub out side of chop and stuff with spam and mushrooms and use toothpicks to close up tightly

Cook on low heat un til bottoms half is white then flip and coat cook side with honey then finish cooking flipping every so often

Enjoy with nice glass of wine or beer

03-25-2014, 04:42 PM
At first I thought this post was just funny, I attained my dislike for spam from kids I went to school with, heck we couldn't afford spam, just the things I shot, hogs we butchered, and what my mom canned, and we ate well! However after looking at so many people who like it in one form or another, I intend to try it again, first as a replacement for "Sausage" because of it's price going out of site. I'm not paying 4 to $6.00 per lb for leftover hog trimmings ground up!!.

There is no way in the world the hog growers are getting these kinds of increases into there pockets! The middlemen/grocery stores should be run out of the country on a rail as was once done. I just can't believe they are so stupid relative to what they are doing !!

03-26-2014, 01:24 AM
It is the feed prices driving prices, and a hog shortage because of that new disease from China that is killing piglets.

Tenebris vi
03-27-2014, 12:07 AM
As the kids around here say, "haters gonna hate." Me, I love the stuff. My pantry never has less than 12 cans or so of the meat. And so many flavors! Original, Pepper-Jack, Bacon, Jalapeno, Turkey. You just gotta be a little creative. Here's one of my favorites.

Sriracha And Spam Fried Rice

With a handful of scallions thrown on top, this is the kind of dish that lives somewhere between late night drunk food and wake-me-up hangover breakfast. Belly filling, spicy but not too hot, carby, meaty, and most importantly, entirely satisfying!

1/4 cup Sriracha
3 Tbs Soy Sauce,Plus More For Garnish
3 Tbs Toasted Sesame Seed Oil
1 can (12 oz) Spam,Diced
1/2 cup Frozen Corn
4 cups White Rice,Cooked & Cooled (Preferably Day-Old)
2 Eggs
1 clove Garlic,Minced
Green Onions,Sliced, Green Part Only

1. In a small bowl whisk together the Sriracha and soy sauce. Reserve.

2. Heat a large, nonstick or cast-iron skillet or wok, over very high heat until it is rocket hot. Add 1 tablespoon of the oil to the skillet and let it heat up until it begins to shimmer and wrinkle, 10 to 15 seconds. Toss in the SPAM and corn and cook until the meat begins to brown, 3 to 5 minutes. Add an additional tablespoon of oil to the pan, and heat for 10 seconds. Add the rice, stirring to coat each grain with oil. Stir-fry for 3 minutes.

3. Move the rice mixture toward the outer edges of the pan, creating a well in the center. Add the remaining tablespoon of oil to the center of the pan, and heat until it shimmers, 10 to 15 seconds. Add the eggs and garlic, stirring feverishly. Cook until the eggs are cooked through, then drizzle the Sriracha/Soy mixture over the rice. Toss everything together to combine, cooking for an additional 30 seconds or so.

4. Mound the rice into bowls, garnish with Sriracha and green onions, and serve immediately.

Servings: 6

03-31-2014, 05:32 PM
Spam fried rice sounds good! I just discovered that Hormel makes a Teriyaki Flovored Spam!
Oh I gotta try it....love spam, teriyaki and fried rice....this should be a winner.

04-02-2014, 01:06 AM
Wow. You guys think you had it rough! When I was a kid we had mush every morning unless I was lucky enough to kill a rabbit/squirrel/whatever!
However on Christmas Mom would always make a special dinner, unfortunately it was only a big BLACK & WHITE picture of someone's great meal that she would place in the middle of the table, we were told to eat our mush and stare at the picture ONLY!

Then one Christmas (1962) Mom said she had a special SURPRISE for Christmas dinner! Us kids all talked about what it could possibly be, and speculations ran HIGH !
Then at dinner time we were told to keep our eyes SHUT and sit at the table quitely till we were told to open our eyes! Well we did exactly as we were told (our else). Then mom and dad said in a loud voice together, OPEN YOUR EYES!

We did and there in the center of the table was the most glourious sight you will ever see.
It was a centerfold COLOR picture of a giant turkey all roasted brown, man that was the best Christmas ever, and it had spam and sage dressing!!!;-)

You where lucky ,we lived in a hole in the middle of the road,when we where thirsty we where told to suck a pebble.On cold days our dad would suck an extra strong mint and we would all sit around his tongue to keep warm.

04-02-2014, 03:55 PM
Never had scalloped potatoes any other way until I got married and she made it with ham. I cured her of that.
One of my favorites is still to grind it with a couple of sweet pickles, mix it with miracle whip, and eat it on caraway rye. As a side note, the guy who owns the cabin next to my house is an executive at Hormel. I go out of my way to be nice to him!
Add a couple chopped boiled eggs and you got Spam Salad...sounds great!

04-02-2014, 03:59 PM
[QUOTE=Col4570;2715765]You where lucky ,we lived in a hole in the middle of the road,when we where thirsty we where told to suck a pebble.On cold days our dad would suck an extra strong mint and we would all sit around his tongue to keep warm.[/QUOTE
That's what I would call DIRT POOR! Hope your lot has improved

04-03-2014, 01:29 PM
You where lucky ,we lived in a hole in the middle of the road,when we where thirsty we where told to suck a pebble.On cold days our dad would suck an extra strong mint and we would all sit around his tongue to keep warm.

Good thing you were born with good looks. Otherwise you would still be in that hole. :)

Good shooting.


04-03-2014, 01:36 PM
Open can and slice serve with white bread I still eat it at least three or four times a month,it goes great with soup beans and cornbread too

04-03-2014, 02:19 PM
I likes me some fried Spam, but I've never tried any recipes with it. My wife hates the stuff and howls loudly when I get some, so I do without. Don't miss it, don't need it, but I do like it!

04-07-2014, 03:57 AM
I like spam. grew up on it.
Eat it at least three times a week or more.
Spam mac and cheese is great.
Of course being in Hawaii, spam musubi is always good for a quick bite.
I don't know anyone in Hawaii who dosen't eat spam. But I'm sure there must be at least one.

Especially considering even McDonald's serves spam and eggs in Hawaii.

04-10-2014, 01:01 PM
[QUOTE=rondog;2718137]I likes me some fried Spam, but I've never tried any recipes with it. My wife hates the stuff and howls loudly when I get some, so I do without. Don't miss it, don't need it, but I do like it![/QUOTE
Why should she howl....you're the one eating it! Life's too short not to enjoy the things you like, Go get some Spam and enjoy it...you could always eat your Spam sandwich outside if it bother's her that danged much.

05-29-2014, 08:49 PM
My favorite is fresh thick slices of Spam on white bread with a slathering of mayo and tomato slices.

05-29-2014, 09:24 PM
My favorite is fresh thick slices of Spam on white bread with a slathering of mayo and tomato slices.
But it has to be cold. I keep mine in the refrigerator. In fact, a local store had a 99 cent promotion recently. I have 6 cans in there.

05-29-2014, 11:07 PM
Especially considering even McDonald's serves spam and eggs in Hawaii.

Kona Wal-Mart carries like ten flavors of Spam. I even packed some home on the plane,,,,,,,,,mmmmm,,,,,

05-31-2014, 04:03 PM
My favorite is fresh thick slices of Spam on white bread with a slathering of mayo and tomato slices.
Oh yeah! I just came in from tying up my tomato bushes...wont be long before some vine ripened home grown tomatoes will be ripe and Spam sandwich ready , I like them as you do...white bread, Blue plate or Hellmans mayo, Spam and sliced home grown tomatoes ( lettuce is an option I usually do without).
Now...the question is regular or bacon Spam? Decisions, decisions, decisions....I will make one of each..yeah , that's the ticket.

05-31-2014, 04:25 PM
Kona Wal-Mart carries like ten flavors of Spam. I even packed some home on the plane,,,,,,,,,mmmmm,,,,,

I0 flavor's... wow! which ones are your favorite. At our stores they usually carry classic, bacon, hickory smoke, hot & spicy, jalapeno and a new one is teriyaki. Not counting any lite, less sodium or spurkey (turkey spam). My favorite is classic and bacon. I like the Spam with cheese when available. Just got teriyaki but haven't tried it yet. The jalapeno flavor tastes good but is a somewhat unappetizing shade of green. Once covered by bread you don't see it.
The Turkey Spam is good, might be just the thing for them that don't care for regular pork spam.

40-82 hiker
06-08-2014, 01:22 AM
Somewhere, a cardiologist is banging his head on a table.

Just found this thread...

Love SPAM!! When a kid: Crisp fried with eggs and grits for breakfast. Crisp fried for sandwiches with American cheese and mayo. Scrambled eggs with crisp fried, chopped Spam. Put it in scolloped potatoes with lots of Velveeta cheese. Haven't had it for a long time. Now going to get a can tomorrow, though!

Cardiologist? Try this story on for size!

Wife witnessed this visit with Cardio Doc: Two years ago I had to have stomach operation to fix it after crushed under a car 55 years before. Didn't go well. Lost 40+ pounds, could not eat anything, heart was not working right, passing out, etc. Had to see cardiologist to make sure heart was okay and not damaged by all of this mess. Heart was okay, but the last thing the doc told me as I was leaving his office in BAD shape: NOW DON'T FORGET THAT I DON'T WANT YOU TO EAT ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT GROW ON A PLANT. Looked a him and started laughing...

06-08-2014, 02:26 AM
Stop running.
Glance furtively in all directions.
Open can of Spam.
Eat with knife.
Bury can.
Continue running.

The Dove
06-09-2014, 10:15 AM

Animals grow by eating plants, therefore, you are covered!

The Dove

07-13-2014, 01:59 AM

07-13-2014, 12:00 PM
I love spam. Just good old CLASSIC spam. I eventually grew out of the vienna sausage thing, but not spam. My favorite recipe (my wife makes these for me)

1 slice skillet fried spam (cut big side not small end)
1 toasted sourdough english muffin.
1 egg fried overwell yolks broken
1 slice chesse
cayenne to taste...

Man I can hurt myself eating them. Fried spam is the best stuff in the wold.


07-13-2014, 12:14 PM
Will have to try English Muffins, sounds better than the hamburger buns I usually use.
If I could make a Hollandaise sauce to top that egg with I bet it would be something to write home about.

40-82 hiker
07-13-2014, 12:20 PM
I love spam. Just good old CLASSIC spam. I eventually grew out of the vienna sausage thing, but not spam. My favorite recipe (my wife makes these for me)

1 slice skillet fried spam (cut big side not small end)
1 toasted sourdough english muffin.
1 egg fried overwell yolks broken
1 slice chesse
cayenne to taste...

Man I can hurt myself eating them. Fried spam is the best stuff in the wold.


That does it! Trying to keep the spam thing in check, but this is just the last straw! Going to the store later today anyway... Man, this just ain't fair.

07-13-2014, 12:39 PM
I did use a homemade green tomatillo sauce on them that was to die for. But once the powers that be found out the little old lady making the sauce didn't have the proper "license" etc they shut her down..... ain't been able to find a good green tomatillo sauce since....

PS Guess what I am eatin since this post made me hungry :D


07-13-2014, 09:15 PM
I actually prefer the low fat/low sodium varieties, sliced and fried with an egg or two with a bit of salsa and shredded cheese is an awesome weekend breakfast. The only doc I haven't fired is a vegetarian but I could pick him up and carry him around all day so he doesn't tell me what to eat. :-)