View Full Version : To those who have questioned my Integrity

01-31-2014, 10:31 AM
I have been a member on this site for over a year. My husband and I have were vendor sponsors for most of that year providing lead to the shiny stuff addicts on here. And honestly, We loved it. We loved knowing we were helping others out in procuring something that isn't able to be purchased at Walmart. Many times over the past year we would have customers who just didn't have it in their budget for a 60# box and wanted 10-20# box instead. That was not acceptable to us, Those people normally received a few 60# boxes on their doorstep at no cost. Why? Because we have been in their shoes. I have looked at this site, and most of you as family for the over a year. The people here have seen me on my worst days and my best days. They have been there beside me through birth and death of a close friends child, 2 car accidents my husband was in, a 4 month hospitalization for my youngest son, my excitement over my new pretty gun I received for Christmas last year (many got great joy picking on me over it being PINK), a move from Tx to Nc, my husbands attempted suicide, one of my children making honor roll in 7th grade when I was told he would never make it past 2nd grade. You see, This forum isn't just about shooting, casting and shiny stuff. This forum is about FAMILY, a family in people you may never meet but gosh darn it, You see their handle on here and that's your "brother, sister, cousin, etc in Missouri". There are about 9 people on here that I am incredibly close to, 3 of them I refer to as Gramps. 1 of them took it at his liberty to mail my youngest stuffed animals when he was admitted in the hospital. It was 1 person doing good for the sake of another. What happened to humanity? Those of us in here are supposed to be "a different breed", or so I thought anyway. I thought everyone in here actually cared about one another. I considered everyone here family.
Imagine my surprise when I go to log on and see that I was banned. And called some nasty names. I was then called by a member in here and informed that I was being threatened. And then I received another call, and then another call, and then another call! I can see someone questioning the integrity if I had JUST joined and then 5 minutes later posted this donation site, However that was clearly NOT the case. And those who did question me, Why couldn't you email or call me? My phone number is on the page with my vendor sponsor link. Or had you asked, I would have kindly given it to you. Instead you jumped the gun, let your imagination run wild, and acted like a child before you got all the facts. You made ME feel alone and like no one gave a ****. This forum is my reprieve, the only place I can go for some normalcy. I am in a state where I know no one, And I choose to live that way. Because honestly, Most army wives are straight up drama queens and my life doesn't have room in it for such non sense. To know that people you know and have grown to love can turn their back on you the way some of youns did, Its a horrible feeling, And one that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I am very thankful for those of you that I know truly care, those of you who emailed and called me during all this. It showed me who really cares and who is really just a front.
Now on to what is happening to Cory. I will PUBLICLY post the ENTIRE timeline for everyone to read our dirty business, Just so there is no more of this questioning my Integrity or calling me these nasty names I've been told have been flinging around. Please don't take too much joy in the pain of others. After you are done reading, Go on over and google The Gazette, Read the articles titled "Patterns of Misconduct". And then read this, It is to a T what the army is trying to do to us.

http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/1/29/army-tries-to-silencepeoplewhointerveneindischargessaysoldiers.h tml


(Ken, I'm sorry if this post makes some people angry. After speaking with you last night, I realized how angry I really was about this and I had no plan on saying anything. But Cory told me "you never keep your opinion to yourself any other time, why would you do it now". I still have my virtual hug though :) )

01-31-2014, 10:50 AM
January 7, 2007- Cory joined the United States Army as an 12N

April 12, 2008- Hit with shrapnel in the face in Mosul Iraq (Deployed with 523rd engineer battalion-Schofield Barracks Hawaii)

April 30, 2008- Awarded the Purple Heart for injuries sustained on the battlefield

October 2010-Re-classed MOS from 12N to 11B

January 2011- Arrived at Ft Drum NY

February 2011- Diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, Insomnia. Placed on medications and given 2x weekly therapy, this greatly helped his mental condition

August 2011- Stationed in Ft Jackson SC on a Compassionate Reassignment to Facilitate court requirements that he be in the same state as his children to gain custody of them after they were removed from their mothers home by Child Protective Services due to sexual, mental and physical abuse of his youngest son as well as gross neglect of both boys.

August 2012- Stationed in Ft Hood Texas

April 1, 2013- Involved in a MVA- His truck was t-boned and totaled-Truck thrown 50 feet past the impact point coming home from work for lunch- Cory Sustained Back, Neck and shoulder injuries, Brief LOC and a mTBI.

August 2013- Stationed in Ft Bragg NC

Aug 15, 2013 - Went to Coastal Carolina Med Center (due to he ran out of Medications) Sanford, NC. They issued a 2 week supply. Was then referred Behavioral Health Robinson Clinic, Ft Bragg, NC. Went to Behavioral Health numerous times between now and October 17, 2013 and would sit for hours without being seen, get frustrated and leave.

August 23, 2013- Cory tried to be seen at Robinson Health Clinic in the Beh Health Dept, Waited all day this time and was again not seen.

August 23, 2013- October 12, 2013- Cory was off his medications and attempting to be seen and was not able to, Still on leave during this time (He was informed at Ft Hood upon out processing that he could take up to his ETS balance by S1 personal, had no plans on taking any other leave before ETS. In all moves he has had to assist wife in locating services for their children, 3 of their 4 children are on EFMP and the services they require vary greatly and are quite extensive).

October 17, 2013- Wife took Cory to Cape Fear Psychiatric Center after he was found under his boat shaking and crying and saying something about “they wont stop shooting”. (There was artillery fire going on at this point at a range nearby and it was very loud and shaking our home)

Cory was admitted to Cape fear

October 18, 2013- Cory transferred to Womack Psych Unit on Ft Bragg

October 20, 2013- Cory was released to his unit and reported to ******. Started in processing. The NCOIC of reception pulled Cory and his wife into his office and spoke with him about his mental condition, He asked if a move from one area of base to the other was needed and if so he would authorize the move and contact housing to get this completed because of the artillery fire making Cory’s anxiety and fearfulness become a constant battle while at home. (This move did not happen because he and his wife were having a hard time finding a school that could provide the educational needs required for their youngest child as he has severe mental handicap‘s). He was told back at his unit that because of his mental condition at the time he would be with them in a low key environment for 30 days and they would slowly re integrate him back into a line unit. This did not happen

3 days after release from Womack, Cory was sent from 2nd brigade HHC to 1-325 HHC.

November 18, 2013- Cory received a text message at 415am from ****** telling him to get up and get moving so he wasn’t late for work. He went to the car at 0520 and saw that the passenger side tire was completely flat with a drywall screw jutting out of it.

November 20, 2013- We went to GA on emergency pass due to Wife‘s uncle being ran over and killed on the jobsite by a inattentive driver, Unit did not release him that day until after 9pm, ****** told him at 845pm that when we came back he would have to have his Dress Greens ready to escort someone to the board. ***** knew that we would not be back until late Sunday night because of the way the Funeral Arrangements where set up. (We had a 6 hour drive to our destination in GA, and the viewing was scheduled for November 21, 2013 at 8am. Cory’s COC was fully aware of this, We had to drive all night to arrive on time)

November 25, 2013- Cory reported to work, His uniform was already at the dry cleaners getting pressed (He had dropped them off Monday of the week prior to they would be ready as a “Just in case” basis). **** told him to go get his uniform and get ready for the board, he told Cory if his uniform was not ready at the dry cleaner it would be no issue and he would take this soldier to the board himself. Cory went to the dry cleaners and found out they had misplaced his Class A’s. Cory notified **** of this and immediately started getting yelled at and told to forget the uniform and come back to the unit for “corrective action”. Cory went back to work and ***** put Cory at “Parade Rest” in front of some E-1’s and yelled at him swearing and calling him many bad words and being disrespectful and making motions that Cory perceived as threatening (Pacing back and forth, making motions like he is choking someone and screaming at him).

November 25, 2013 (Afternoon)- After the incident with *****, Cory “snapped”. He started thinking about accosting ***** while in the PLT Office and how easy it would be to walk up behind him and “slit his throat”. He realized this is not what he needed to do so he chose to self refer himself to Robinson Behavioral Health Dept. He arrived at Robinson and waited all day, told to come back the next day at 0800. (We have medical documentation to this, It specifically states that Captain ***** was contacted by Dr **** about Cory‘s mental state)

November 26, 2013- Wife was very ill and Cory was with her in the ER and Womack at 3am with their 4 children. Cory left the ER when a friend showed up to sit with wife and children and went to Robinson at 0800 as instructed to do so the previous day. (We have medical documentation on this as well) Wife had Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Febrile Seizures. Cory attempted contact with SSG Gates x5 but the call kept being ignored.

November 27, 2013- Cory went to Robinson Behavioral Health Dept again at 6am, He waited in the parking lot until they opened. He was seen around 345pm and was given a follow up for Dec 2, 2013 @ 0800.

November 28, 29, 30 and Dec 1, 2013- He was informed by text message that the unit was off on a 4 day for thanksgiving.

December 2, 2013- Cory had a appt at Behavioral Health 1st thing in the morning. Cory then reported to work and LT **** told Cory “you did the right thing coming back”. Was given 3 negative counseling statements. 2 are for FTR where the dates clearly do not match up and backtrack one another and 1 for forgetting his wallet at home when heading for work. All 3 are by SSG ****

December 3, 2013- Cory was sent for a command sponsored mental health evaluation by his commander. Notes in his medical records state the commander called behavioral health and wanted “a Mental Health Evaluation for the purpose of initiating a chapter”. When he arrived to the Eval, The tech in the back asked him “Do you know why you are here?” Cory told her “Yeah, For a command sponsored mental health eval”, to which the tech replied “No, You are here because of a Chapter”. Cory then went out into the waiting room and asked SSG Gates if he was “in fact being chaptered and if that is the real reason I was brought here” and SSG **** replied “No, you are only here for a command sponsored mental health evaluation because you told me you had suicidal thoughts a week ago”. In reading Cory’s medical records, We have found this to be untrue.

After the evaluation, Cory brought his gear to the company area as requested by SSG **** SSG ***** demanded that his gear remain in the company area and not be taken home because policy and procedures are that you keep your gear at work if you live off base, however, they did NOT provide Cory with a locker and his gear was left out in the PLT office. SSG **** told Cory “it will be fine” in the office. (As noted on December 19, 2013.) Late this afternoon, When going to the car after work, Cory noticed the entire passenger side of his wife’s car had been keyed from the rear bumper to the front bumper.

December 3, 2013- Wife went to pick Cory up from work. When she arrived she was with him in the company area while he was inventorying his gear. Cory’s company commander came in the area and saw wife and introduced himself. Wife asked to speak with the Company Commander privately to which the company commander granted her request and they met in his office with him and **** present. Wife explained the issues she has been dealing with in regards to Cory and his inability to procure the proper medical treatment (Cory‘s forgetfulness, Inability to take medications, shower or eat unless reminded, finding Cory often staring at a blank wall for hours on end, moodiness and irritability, his bouts of depression or rage, being assaulted in sleep because of his nightmares that are a nightly occurrence, insomnia, the inability to allow Cory to be home alone with his children because he cant handle it when they get noisy and will go hide in the bathroom or garage, among other issues). Wife fully informed Captain **** of Cory’s past and present mental and physical problems according to what is well documented in his medical records that he is facing currently. Captain Trullson told wife that he had sent a request for Cory to be placed in WTU over to the WTU brigade with his mental condition wrote on it and that it was denied. (This was later found out to be a lie, see December 19, 2013) Wife asked what was to be expected in regards to Cory, and CO told her that he was thinking about a medical discharge on a 5-17 or possibly a 14-12c. Wife informed Captain **** that chaptering him on a 14-12c would not be correct because based off the facts, counseling statement and sworn statements surrounding what he said was the basis for the 14-12c, the details do not match up. Wife was then told that the COC really does care about husband and feels this is only a bump in the road and that they really only have his best interest at heart. Wife does not believe this for one second and feels the CO was antagonistic towards wife and wanted to tell her whatever he could so she wouldn’t cause him further problems. CO asked if wife wanted to be part of the FRG, While wife would have accepted under normal conditions and would have been a great asset to the FRG because of her background and education, Wife politely declined at this time. Wife contacted WTU the following day and found out that they had neither received anything on her husband, nor had they declined anything for her husband. She was informed that Cory does meet the requirements for WTU because of the combination of his previously diagnosed mental and medical conditions.

December 4, 2013- SSG *** asks Cory for his Class A’s. Cory went to get them from the Dry Cleaners and found out they were still missing. SSG **** calls Cory screaming at him about getting in “full battle rattle” for corrective actions, Cory informed him his gear was at home and he would need to get it. SSG ***** started screaming louder and cussing at him and told him that it was unit policy to not keep gear at home if you resided off base it needed to be placed in a wall locker at the unit. Cory had never before been told this and this is not standard operating procedure at any unit he has been at in the past.

December 5, 2013- Cory was up since midnight with stomach issues to include vomiting and diarrhea. He reported to work and filled out a sick slip. As soon as SSG **** found out he filled out a sick slip he started yelling and screaming at Cory and threatening him with negative counseling statements on things that Cory had no control over. While being screamed at, Cory had severe stomach pain and felt as if he needed to use the bathroom urgently, SSG ***** refused to allow Cory to go to the bathroom and chose instead to continue to scream at him. Cory ended up defecating himself because he could not hold the diarrhea in any longer. (Cory has a long history of gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and bloody stools, the cause has not yet been figured out by doctors. This particular day he was diagnosed with the stomach flu)

December 5, 2013- Afternoon. Wife had the vehicle that she had just picked up from Cory at work, As she left the parking lot she was hearing a noise coming from the rear end that was not familiar. She pulled over and inspected the vehicle and saw another screw much bigger then the drywall screw in the previous tire jutting out of the driver’s side tire. Wife does not believe these incidents are mere accidents, rather she fully believes someone was vandalizing her car purposely.

December 6, 2013- Wife escorted Cory to Robinson with Chaplain *****. Spent 90+ minutes in the parking lot with Chaplain *** talking about his struggles, allowing the Chaplain to give him ideas on outlets for his anger over his deployment and praying with him. Cory was having suicidal and homicidal thoughts after being informed by a fellow soldier “Apple” that SSG **** told him “I don’t know about this Thomas guy, I just don’t like him and I foresee doing a lot of paperwork soon to get rid of him” (This was said around 3rd week of November during calmative’s training when Cory‘s shoulder was injured) as well as the previous 3 days events. Wife showed Captain ** text messages from her husband where Cory was talking about hanging himself and how he felt everyone was out to get him and he felt he would be better off dead then a burden on them, family and unit and how he felt like he was not able to function. Captain ** ignored wife’s pleas to have her husband placed in Psych for observation. 1st reading of Article 15 for “AWOL November 25, 2013-December 1, 2013” was this afternoon. Cory did not appeal this Article 15, he was unsure of his rights and was not understanding of what all was transpiring.

December 9, 2013- Wife went to Behavioral Health with Cory again for the same reason as on the 6th. Once again the pleas were ignored. Wife asked if they would place him in the Psych unit and she was told that there were no beds available. Wife called that afternoon and was told they had many beds available.

December 10, 2013- Final reading of Article 15. Field Grade, Dropped in rank from E-5 to E-4, 30 days extra duty, Suspension of loss of pay and post restriction.

December 12, 2013- Seen at Robinson Behavioral Health- Cory told Captain *** he was having thoughts of suicide and how he felt he was a huge burden on everyone. Captain ** gave him a prescription for Paroxetine (Paxil) and told him he would be ok. This medication did not get started due to following days events. Appointment with Major ** directly following this appointment.

December 13, 2013- Went to work at 545am, came home at 7am and Attempted Suicide. Wife found him in a bathtub full of water and blood, semi conscious with a bottomed out blood pressure and barely detectable pulse. Wife called 911. Wife pulled the catheter he had jammed in his artery out and got him out of the tub and onto the floor of the bathroom where he remained until EMS arrived. Suicide note was found on the bathroom floor.

Admitted to Womack Psych Unit until December 19, 2013. Womack Psych informed Cory’s unit that he is not permitted to work more then 12 hours due to his medications and the need to get 8 hours of sleep when taking prescription medication for Insomnia. He worked from 545am-8pm.

December 17, 2013- Wife and Father In Law filed congressional complaints through New York State and South Carolina.

December 18, 2013- Wife went to Womack to see Cory, While there Captain Z**** and Major W**** were there. Wife asked to speak with them to find out the results of the command directed mental health evaluation. Captain Z***** first told wife that it really was not her business, when she informed him that she holds a medical power of attorney for him he then told wife that there was nothing wrong with her husband and that he had a “Adjustment disorder” and was “fine”. Major W***** continued that Cory did not have PTSD and that all previous 6 doctors that had diagnosed him with PTSD where incorrect. Wife told Cory after this meeting that something was wrong and she felt they were changing his diagnosis to facilitate a chapter.

December 19, 2013- Cory was picked up from Womack Psych and brought back to the company. When he arrived the company commander was speaking with him and informed him that he did not send a request over to WTU, that rather he has a friend who works there and he called them 2 weeks prior and was told that Cory does not meet criteria.

December 19, 2013- Wife set up a appointment for December 21, 2013 with a off post civilian Psychiatrist who has been practicing for over 26 years in this specialty. This specific Dr graduated from New Jersey Medical School, Completed her internship at St Vincent’s Medical Center and completed her residency at Yale. Wife reviewed this Dr’s credentials before the appointment was scheduled and checked for malpractice claims or sanctions against this doctor- of which there was none of either.

December 19, 2013- Cory went over the inventory of his gear and noticed he had many items missing that had not been previously missing. These items where in 1st plt’s office when it came up missing. (As noted on December 3, 2013). He was told he needed to start clearing CIF on this day, He questioned why he needed to start clearing CIF and was not given a straight answer (He was repeatedly told, “we don’t know what is going on“).

December 20, 2013- Cory was informed by 1sg **** and SSG S**** that the command was starting a chapter on him for a 14-12c Patterns of Misconduct- Commission of a Serious Offense. He was not given anything to sign nor was he given a letter of intent.

December 21, 2013- Cory met with Dr Valla at his own expense for a full mental evaluation. Her results are completely contradictory to what was stated in his mental evaluation that was command directed and done by Captain Z*** at Robinson Behavioral Health Clinic on December 3, 2013. Oddly, Her results are the same exact results as a Dr that Cory saw while in Texas, As well as Dr’s he saw in South Carolina and New York. “PTSD, Moderate to Severe, Chronic and Acute”. Dr Valla also stated that his previous “adjustment disorder diagnosis” is a erroneous diagnosis and she feels it was made to facilitate a chapter in a punitive and hostile manner. She also stated that he has a questionable ability to work and minimal functioning in all relationships. (Dr Valla’s report is attached)

01-31-2014, 10:50 AM
December 23, 2013- Cory reported to work and was told he needed to start clearing post.

December 26, 2013- Cory went to Womack ER for breathing difficulty, He was diagnosed with Bronchitis and Asthma exacerbation. Placed on Quarters for 48 hours and given Benadryl, Tylenol with Codeine, a Ventolin Inhaler and Mucinex. While there, Dr Adams called Cory because he missed a safety check that he was not informed of. He spoke with her and appt was rescheduled.

December 31, 2013- Cory spent all morning at CIF

January 5, 2014- Cory went to Womack ER again for breathing difficulty. He was diagnosed with another lung infection of Bronchitis, Pleurisy and Asthma Exacerbation. He was placed on Antibiotics, Oral Corticosteroids, Tylenol with Codeine and another Ventolin Inhaler. He was also placed on quarters for 72 hours this time since 48 hours was not enough rest to kick the infection from the previous ER visit.

January 9, 2014- Wife wrote a letter to Lt Gen A****. This letter was furnished the next day to a reporter for the newspaper for a story they are doing on this situation.

January 10, 2014- Wife decided to speak with a reporter from the newspaper with the Folks at the Quaker House in regards to all the wrongs that have been done to her husband. She supplied him with all medical documentation, all counseling statements and article 15 as well as many other forms of pertinent information. A story is expected to be released in late January to Early February.

January 14, 2014- Medical Physical with Captain M****. Cory was given a form to fill out for physical, He filled it out as best he could. When brought in for physical, Captain Meadows sat down and read the form. He then told Cory “this isn’t for disability you know”. He then signed something and left. Cory called wife after the physical and informed her that Captain Meadows didn’t even touch him or look at him. Wife immediately called the Senator and Congressman’s office and informed them as they had previously told her they wouldn’t be surprised if his medical issues were ignored because “they are doing this to a lot of soldiers”. Congressman's office advised wife that obtaining legal counsel may be the only way to fight back at this point since the army is not following its own tried and true reglations.

January 15, 2014- Cory started a new medication on this day prescribed to him by Captain Jones. This medication made him fall asleep on duty three times and once while driving. Cory ended up at the Butner Gate Shopette with no recollection on how he arrived there while driving. He then woke up and went back to work where he fell back asleep in the car in the parking lot at the company. He was given counseling statements for this and escorted to Robinson Health Clinic Team 2 by 1LT Z**** to be checked by medical professionals. Cory was seen by a PA who informed Cory and 1LT Z**** that extreme fatigue and drowsiness was a side effect of the medication he had been placed on and that Cory was not intentionally falling asleep while on duty, His medication was causing him to fall asleep on duty and that Cory in fact had no control over this. Negative counseling statement is still in the chapter packet and being presented against him at the seperations board.

January 16, 2014- Cory has his ACAP Appointment. He is scheduled to do ACAP the week of January 27-31, 2014.

January 24, 2014 Cory and his wife had a meeting with an ombudsman, Daniel B**** at the Soldier Support Center at approximately 0930. Cory was escorted that afternoon to TDS for first reading of Chapter. Chapter was changed from a 14-12c to a 14-12b. Chapter packet was being carried by a Specialist and there was a SSG that was also present for escort.

January 27-30, 2014 Cory attends ACAP with no issues. Was followed to ACAP each morning by SSG H*** (Ordered by 1LT J***) ACAP was subsequently rescheduled to the week of February 24-28 due to the weather days and all ACAP personal missing 2 days of the class.

January 28, 2014- Wife spoke with Legal Counsel for seperation proceedings due to the fact that she has been told numerous times that the timeline of events in regards to the chapter do not follow military regualtions and are in fact not legal in the way it is being processed. Counselor urged her to retain legal counsel other then TDS.

January 29, 2014- Wife contacted FOX news and is awaiting a return call for interview

NOTE: I had to *** out names so that this doesn't show up in Google search, This time line is being submitted with other documents for his separation proceedings and I really don't want his command to see that we do in fact have all of our "ducks in a row". I want them to continue to think we are gonna fold.

01-31-2014, 10:58 AM
Thank you Bill. I appreciate the love, kindness and friendship you have continued to show us since we became members. It warms my heart

All I can say is I hope you, Cory and your family are doing better. I don't know anything about the other matters , except to add I agree it is a dirty system.

01-31-2014, 11:53 AM
I surely hope and Pray that the folks at the Quaker House and Fox News get this all out in the open.

01-31-2014, 12:51 PM
The Quaker house already has. I'm still waiting on the call from FOX. Cory's commander just pulled him in his office about a hour ago and told him to stop fighting because it is only making things worse. Which I call bullsh*t on. They just don't like the massive amounts of paperwork they have to do because they aren't following their own regulations!

02-02-2014, 12:04 AM
How about a faith based ptsd recovery plan. I hate to imagine the load he is tying to bare. Might have to move on from the idea of help from his unit. The things he can't or don't want to talk about are what he is enslaved to.

Wayne Smith
02-02-2014, 09:24 AM
There are multiple clinical approaches to PTSD, some of which are useful but none of which are useful while the person is still undergoing the stress. As long as Cory is in the USArmy's dysfunctional system you can expect that PTSD treatment will be ameliorative only.

Learning to truly trust in God, putting feet to one's faith, is a lifelong practice and difficult to start in these circumstances but is the most effective approach. Finding a quiet space within one's self where one can be in touch with God is the best way to deal with ongoing stress as long as one can stay in that space, holding on to God, through the stress. It is when I try to do it myself that I fall apart.

Andrea, I think you know how hard this is. I don't know if you know that it is harder for men than women - in part because of brain organization and in part because of our culture. You can point the way for Cory, you can teach the idea and practice, but he has to do it himself and, to do it, he has to give up the idea that he can do it himself. That is hard for a guy with his training and personality.

My prayers go with you.

02-02-2014, 12:01 PM
The army isn't helping him at all. I've taken it into my own hands and begun exposure therapy with him, I learned about during one of my psychology classes when I was in college for my Bachelors. He did pretty good yesterday. We managed about 7 minutes in the mall (that was super crowded because its military payday). I was very proud of him. He had a hold of my hand so tight I was afraid he'd break something. His hands are twice the size of mine.
See we know he needs out of the army, and he wants out. But the way they are trying to put him out will eliminate the possibility of getting his service connected benefits. That's why we are trying to hire a lawyer. The army is so as* backwards its redicolous.

02-02-2014, 03:35 PM
I do Pray for guidance and assistance but I wonder why would you called FOX News ? IMHO far too many people turn to news outlets to air their grievances...continue to work thru the proper channels and be positive. The Military can be frustrating and darn right tough to deal with sometimes but for the most part they work well...good luck...


Wayne Smith
02-03-2014, 08:29 AM
News organizations do an awful lot of good work behind the scenes. Often simply the threat of publicity changes things. God tells to turn the light on the darkness, when done right this is exactly what these organizations do. I don't know the actual numbers but I'd guess more than half of their investigations never see air time.

Andrea, teach him meditation techniques and have him practice enough that he can go into that space in his head at any point. This is the long term goal, it will not happen quickly but it can if he works at it. In his mind the analogy is that it requires daily practice just as his PT does.

02-03-2014, 03:39 PM
I with jumbeaux for staying with proper military channels too. I wouldn't want to burn any bridges with Cory's unit either. I wonder if it is still possible to focus on some of the good they did on his behalf and have forgiveness in mind with the rest. If his unit can see he is trying put things behind him and get better they might not give up either.

IMHO I wouldn't constantly trash the army for his sake. I'm sure he joined for good and valid reasons, maybe Cory can use some of that to see he did right in order to build some usefull perspective.

God still has him with us for a reason but he needs to be okay so he can share his spiritual gifts. Prayers have been going out for him and his kids and you too. Don't under estimate the power of forgiveness when properly applied. It works even years after the wrong was committed. I tell my kids its the quickest way to feel better because it releases you from the hate you generate as a result of being hurt.

Here is a blurb about the Pope when he was shot and then forgave his shooter.

The first attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II took place on Wednesday, 13 May 1981, in St. Peter's Square at Vatican City. The Pope was shot and critically wounded by Mehmet Ali Ağca while he was entering the square. The Pope was struck four times, and suffered severe blood loss. Ağca was apprehended immediately, and later sentenced to life in prison by an Italian court. The Pope later forgave Ağca for the assassination attempt.[1] He was pardoned by Italian president Carlo Azeglio Ciampi at the Pope's request and was deported to Turkey in June 2000.

crazy mark
02-04-2014, 05:35 PM
Wow, that is a lot to go through. Isn't your represenatives in Congress doing anything. As it is an all volunteer Army you would think they would getter better help. I guess the ads on TV about the Army taking care of their own is just a fairy tale. I sure hope you get some good answers and actions soon.

02-04-2014, 06:10 PM
What is the response from your Congressperson? Does he give any response AT ALL? Have you sent a letter to Cory's Post Commander requesting information regarding the situation with their constituent? How about the Congressperson from your home town, regarding the Army's treatment of their constituent's son? And have you involved the Congressperson from the area where the Army Post is? A letter from a Congressperson often has an amazing effect on the recipient.
And send a message to Bill O'Reilly - I know you have contacted Fox News, but maybe a post to Bill might help. You're at the point of calling in the big guns to hammer the Army into doing what's right.
This whole thing Pisses me off extremely...

02-04-2014, 11:41 PM
Praying for you and your family.


02-05-2014, 12:28 AM
It pisses me off as a brother in arms and a human being the he has such terrible leadership. I feel for your family thru the struggles, I've had some myself, but nothing in comparison to what you've gone thru. I'll be praying for you that someone will see the right and stop treating a hero like this.

02-05-2014, 06:18 AM
It amazes me that they would try to do this to a purple heart awardee. His congressman should be keel hauled due to inaction. Cory has won the Purple Heart and that is not given lightly. I have heard of commands having animosity to those awardees. I would try to get a sit down meeting with your local congressman's veteran assistant and bring all documentation. I will be praying for yall and i hope god gives Cory his grace and love and allows him some peace.


02-05-2014, 12:14 PM
I gave a quick read to your material but didn't read it in fine detail as I find the whole matter painful and disturbing. I am so very sorry that you folks have had to go through all of this pain and angst. I have no idea how to make things better and won't try and make suggestions about things with which I have had no experience. I will just let you know, you will have my sincere and heartfelt ongoing prayers support.

02-06-2014, 10:32 PM
Sad thing is most will never see this. Now if it was over in swap and sell everyone would see it.

bruce drake
02-07-2014, 01:20 AM

The Link above is to the North Carolina Department of Veteran's Affairs to ensure your husband's separation packet doesn't prevent him from gaining the appropriate disability ratings. Also contact the North Carolina HQ for The American Legion at 919-832-7506 for assistance with your husband's issues.

Since I see where you tried to contact your home state Congress people to start a CONGRINT on your husband's case (The Command is required within 48 hours to provide a response back to the Congressman or face an IG inspection of the case), Have you contacted those Congressmen yet for the Command's response? Have you updated them with the events of the last 60 days and asked for a follow-up report?

At this point, I've provided you several posts with valid information on how to get a 3rd party to review your husband's case.

I will tell you that storing your field gear in a wall-locker in the company area for rapid reaction is a SOP for the 82nd and its been spelled out in their BCT SOPs as well as the Division's Tactical SOPs for over 60 years. Its been the same way in the 101st as well as the 10th Mtn Div as well back when each of those Divisions where tasked with a Rapid Deployment Force mission to reinforce the 82nd Division's movement into a combatant theatre. Now how they secure the gear may require an IG review if there is theft being noticed.

The Dry Cleaners should be responsible for the lost uniform items if you have a proper claim ticket. Considering the cost of purchasing a replacement Class A uniform and the tailoring required for a proper fit can run the overall cost into several hundred dollars, take the cleaners to Small Claims Court. I always found it amazing how fast clothes appeared when you served a writ on the cleaners by the local magistrate.

I've not bought anything from you and I can't see any posts where you've lead others astray but I'll close out my interactions with you with those last few pieces of advice garnered from 24 years of military service as a Senior NCO and as a Field Grade Officer. Take them as you wish. I would be interested why Cory isn't active on this forum is he's a caster and a shooter like you.


02-08-2014, 09:46 AM
I have been MIA for a few days. Sorry guys. (One kid hurt his toe, we thought it was broke. Then another had to get bloodwork, were told there are "leukemia markers" but it "is most likely from his medications"; the youngest one, Then another one had a "girlfriend" problem; one of the 11 year old's, Apparently ZZ (His girlfriend) likes him but also likes another kid so my poor child doesn't understand why he doesn't have her undivided attention, SMH.
Yesterday was a really bad day for Cory. He was having overwhelming SI thoughts, so I told him we were going into see his DR. I told his DR everything Cory has been talking about and he decided to FINALLY put him back on a medication that was helpful in the past. Seroquel. For the 1st time in about 6 months, I am actually hopeful that my husband will be able to function. I told his DR point blank, If he wishes to keep him alive long enough to get him out of the army so he doesn't become the army's statistic, He needs to start treating him effectively. Amazing how things become so much more clear when you tell them you KNOW what they are doing!

This kind of **** is going on all over the military. My best friends husband fell down this same path last year, He was booted with a misconduct discharge....His offense.... Sneezing during a formation and then vomiting on his PLT Sgt, Add to that he was failing their overweight program because he was taking Mirtazapine for sleep (A medication linked to extreme weight gain). Happened in KY. Sadly he ended his life March 26 2013, 3 days after he was discharged on such a bogus discharge. Buy hey, He didn't become the army statistic. He became a statistic for Veterans, Because he was already out of the army and no longer the army's problem.
I know some of you may think by my posts that I am bashing the army or that I hate the military, That is NOT the case. I hate what the army has become. They have allowed people in charge who don't have the slightest clue what the army is about, They allow these people to not uphold the army's core values and its commitment to brotherhood. If this was 20 years ago, Cory wouldn't be going through this. He would have a huge team of brothers in arms rallying around him to help him get better. He doesn't have that now. He has a bunch of jerk wads who see a broken soldier and instead of helping him, They are throwing him away like garbage. THAT is what I hate. I have knowing that my husband, and THOUSANDS of other soldiers, other warriors, other heroes, are going through this at this same exact time because of the draw down of troops. Is this any way to treat people who put their lives on the line for our country?

02-08-2014, 09:56 AM
Cory does not cast yet. He does have the equipment to cast now, But has not started because it all seems to overwhelm him right now. He does not post in here because he does not like computers....At all. He thinks technology is the pits and even hates that he has to carry a cell phone. He was raised in a family that had nothing, I do mean nothing. Not even a radio or tv.
As for his gear, That was not procedure when he was at Ft Drum in 2011. If you are E-5 or above you where permitted to keep it at your residence. At Ft Jackson and Ft Hood it was the same. When he got here, He was told by his 1st unit to keep it at home, and then moved to a new unit. And literally within days of being at that unit is when everything started to get bad.
I am going to contact the VA. Not sure what all they can do.
IG report came back saying that Cory signed all this stuff agreeing to this that and the other, we are waiting on copies of whatever he supposedly signed. I do know, That they told the congressman that cory signed his written notification of a chapter 1st week of January, which was not true. They had cory go to JAG for something on Jan 23rd, gave him papers to sign and told him they where just to awcknowledge that he was at jag and they were talking about the chapter. The papers had barely anything on them and where only 2 pages long. When a lawyer who is helping us requested those documents, There was 6 pages, all written notification of his chapter and this stuff was NOT on there when he originally signed it. So there is alot of questions going on and what seems like shady stuff. However, I will NOT give up advocating for him and if that means I anger alot of people here, Oh well.


The Link above is to the North Carolina Department of Veteran's Affairs to ensure your husband's separation packet doesn't prevent him from gaining the appropriate disability ratings. Also contact the North Carolina HQ for The American Legion at 919-832-7506 for assistance with your husband's issues.

Since I see where you tried to contact your home state Congress people to start a CONGRINT on your husband's case (The Command is required within 48 hours to provide a response back to the Congressman or face an IG inspection of the case), Have you contacted those Congressmen yet for the Command's response? Have you updated them with the events of the last 60 days and asked for a follow-up report?

At this point, I've provided you several posts with valid information on how to get a 3rd party to review your husband's case.

I will tell you that storing your field gear in a wall-locker in the company area for rapid reaction is a SOP for the 82nd and its been spelled out in their BCT SOPs as well as the Division's Tactical SOPs for over 60 years. Its been the same way in the 101st as well as the 10th Mtn Div as well back when each of those Divisions where tasked with a Rapid Deployment Force mission to reinforce the 82nd Division's movement into a combatant theatre. Now how they secure the gear may require an IG review if there is theft being noticed.

The Dry Cleaners should be responsible for the lost uniform items if you have a proper claim ticket. Considering the cost of purchasing a replacement Class A uniform and the tailoring required for a proper fit can run the overall cost into several hundred dollars, take the cleaners to Small Claims Court. I always found it amazing how fast clothes appeared when you served a writ on the cleaners by the local magistrate.

I've not bought anything from you and I can't see any posts where you've lead others astray but I'll close out my interactions with you with those last few pieces of advice garnered from 24 years of military service as a Senior NCO and as a Field Grade Officer. Take them as you wish. I would be interested why Cory isn't active on this forum is he's a caster and a shooter like you.


02-08-2014, 09:57 AM
That should have said congressional, NOT Ig. Sorry

Wayne Smith
02-08-2014, 10:05 AM
I'm not a lawyer but I believe, on a multipage document, that the signature only covers the page it is on unless the other pages are initialed. At least that is how the contracts I have signed have always been presented. Including buying a house 20 years ago.

02-08-2014, 10:06 AM
Bruce, I can not get into your previous messages, Can you re post those resources?

02-08-2014, 10:14 AM
6 pages. There is a signature on page 1 and what they made page 3. Nothing on pages 2, 4, 5 or 6. It is titled "Election of rights". It has me really confused because On page 2 it says they are "recommending General Under Honorable Conditions" and then it says that the "Intermediate commander and the separation authority are not bound by my recommendation of characterization of service. The separation authority may direct that you service be characterized as Honorable or General, Under Honorable Conditions". But yet he has someone with authority at his unit telling him he can get a General under other than honorable conditions.

02-17-2014, 01:45 AM
I don't understand all that but yes, each page should be signed or initialed for a civil contract. No knowledge of military matters so can only say my prayers are with you and yours.

Lloyd Smale
02-17-2014, 07:16 AM
I wont pretend to know either of you or all the facts but your a brother or sister here and ill pray to God to help you through this. Hes helped me through lots of tights spots and will be there for you too if you ask him.

gray wolf
02-17-2014, 02:26 PM
I gave a quick read to your material but didn't read it in fine detail as I find the whole matter painful and disturbing. I am so very sorry that you folks have had to go through all of this pain and angst. I have no idea how to make things better and won't try and make suggestions about things with which I have had no experience. I will just let you know, you will have my sincere and heartfelt ongoing prayers support.

Sad thing is most will never see this. Now if it was over in swap and sell everyone would see it.
I saw it, and is pissses me off.

02-18-2014, 02:32 AM
I doubt it.

02-19-2014, 05:13 PM
My "little" Brother is U.S. Army Ret E7 with 22 yrs Service and three tours to Iraq. Stop-Loss caught him just after submitting retirement papers but only spent 10 months on last deployment to Iraq and permitted to retire 5 months after returning. His last 5 months were the most difficult with issues similar (but not nearly as acute) as Cory's and his Company was supportive/empathic. I would like to think that Cory's situation is unique, but I am certainly not naive. I witnessed treatment from upper echelon towards some of my peers throughout my L.E. career that bordered on targeted harassment.
Upon leaving the Army, my Brother had difficulty assimilating into civilian life. Mind you, we are Army Brats and 3rd Generation Army Family; my Brother enlisted soon after H.S. so the lifestyle is something he had been immersed in for over 41 yrs. Our Grandfather was a WWII Vet, our Father and his Brother are both Vietnam Vets (Dad is USArmy Ret E7 23+ yrs Service).
My Brother started to exibit the same issues as our Father did upon retirement before PTSD was coined. After drifting in and out of my life (totally alien to his nature), I was astonished to find out that he had divorced, sold his house, moved four times through five jobs in the year and a half since I saw him last.
Our Parents took him back into their home and essentially nursed him back to physical health, and Dad took him to the local VFW post. My Father became a sponsor after his own recovery and immediately recognized the "look" in my Brother's eyes. As War Fighters, they had the bond that I can only imagine and perhaps the only reason my Brother agreed to talk with one of the fellows there. If you are still with me at this point, I am grateful, and I will condense the remainder.
The V.A. became active in my Brother's recovery, getting him back into school, keeping him employed during summer breaks and keeping him actively involved in his own progress. While it is still a conscious effort on my Brother's behalf to maintain, he has graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree and was the Co-Founder/President of the Veteran's Support Chapter at that school. Currently there are well over 100 Veterans who belong to this chapter. Likewise the college reserved a huge room on campus dedicated exclusively to their use. There is now a Flag pole, bench, and memorial area in the courtyard near this room paid for in part by the college.
My point is, that there is always hope and by all means continue your pursuit of justice in your case.
Stay Strong and take the fight to them.

02-19-2014, 05:14 PM
Like many others here it sure seems like you and your husband have been handed the short straw in all this mess. I hope you are able to get the help you and Cory need in the need. Yes I included you as you are under a lot of mental stress and very little satisfaction has come you way as of yet.

You will be in my prayers
some of the sounds, smells and even days are going to be Cory's enemy for a long time to come. I still can smell some smells and it has me looking for where it is coming from. It has been decades but the sense of those smells is still there. Also the sounds of explosions still get me looking as does helicopters flying overhead I have to know where they are. Nothing serious just old habits seem to die very hard for some of us

02-19-2014, 10:58 PM
2highspeed: Maam, I know that you don't know me and I you-- that said as a 4 tour V-N Vet, I understand a lot of what Corry is going through. I won't pretend to understand all of it, times and wars are different as is the Army now. But, I would second what Wayne Smith said and what Bruce Drake said. when it comes to saving your sanity, listen to Wayne. I had many of the symtoms that Corry(sp?) had and drank to stop the pain. I was also dead for approx. 10-12 minutes in Nam from a RPG blast on my track. Anyone can challenge me on that considering for that long a time with no O2 I should be a drooling Veggie, BUT I think I'm typing pretty good for a veggie. Frankly I don't give a dam what anyone thinks about that amount of time. I just know (now) that is was Gods Grace that I'm where I am now. I drank to kill the pain but always made it to work. Lost 2 wifes due to drinking. finally I broke down and asked for help (one of the hardest things I ever had to do) and got it. but the real help was when I learned Meditation and then went searching for God. When I let go and let God---well that was when I really started to heal and came back to society. I still have a lot of pain both physical and emotional, but God gets me through it all, as does the meditation. Some times I feel that the meditation is actually a form of prayer on a subliminal level :grin: All I can say is that it helps alot. I can live with the pain ( I'm afraid to take many med due to an Addictive personality) and let God take as much as he wants until I butt back in. :roll::???: Sometimes I wonder why I'm so dam stubborn? Honey, my prayers for Corry AND YOU will be sent with fervor. May God Bless you all and DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! GOOFY

ETA : Bruce Drake gave you some good leads so try using them, OK. P.S. Bruce you are only about 20 miles from me. I'm in Indy. LOL:-D

Wayne Smith
02-20-2014, 09:23 AM
Of Course meditation is "a form of prayer on a subliminal level"! Anything that connects me with God (gets me out of the way!) is a form of prayer.

02-23-2014, 01:00 PM
UPDATE.... UPDATE.... UPDATE............. Yes that deserved all CAPS, This is HUGE!!!! :-)

So the board was scheduled for Feb 24, then they canceled it and rescheduled for Feb 26. Well this past Wednesday Cory was called into the office and informed he was put on a P3 profile for Asthma, Anxiety and PTSD. He had no knowledge of this new profile. Then Thursday he was told the board was canceled and the new date was TBD. Thursday afternoon he got a call from Trial Defense Services who told him they needed to meet with him ASAP, His appt was Friday. I went with him. The lawyer said they are offering him a Honorable providing he waive his right to the board. He will accept that IF they accept his provisions. 1. He not be separated until mid may so that our children can finish the school year and he can get his VA started. 2. He be moved ASAP to a new unit, His profile says sedentary work so that shouldn't be hard finding a desk job for him. And 3. His chapter be changed from "Patterns of Misconduct" to "Convenience of the government", Because after all, That is what this has turned into. If they wont accept that, Then we will not waive his right to the board. We have overwhelming proof this is just a personal attack from a commander trying to make a name for himself. And being that I have in his records it stating the commander asked for a diagnosis to facilitate a chapter, I don't think they will get very far. I do plan on pressing the issue with what the CO requested as soon as he is out, Because he violated so may rules and regulations. We have a lawyer in California working semi pro bono who is trying to have the medical license revoked of the DR who made the erroneous diagnosis. And tomorrow MED-COM should be calling me to give me the results of their investigation. The TDS Lawyer thinks that I have made so many waves that they are now realizing they made a HUGE mistake. And I hope that is the case, Because NO soldier deserves to go through what my husband has gone through, I do fully plan on fighting this not just now, but even after he gets out. Not just for my husband, But for ALL soldiers who were not afforded to opportunity to have a voice. Someone needs to take a stand and FORCE the army to start upholding their own core values again. Values that our forefathers put in place for everyone that serves.

02-23-2014, 01:05 PM

I saw it, and is pissses me off.

I didn't think i could post it over there. Cuz it has nothing to do with swapping and selling? I want as many people to be aware of what is going on with our soldiers, Even if it means everyone knows our very raw and very personal business. I think the better part of 80% of the members here are service/prior service.

02-23-2014, 06:21 PM
Yes many of us are former/current military
Wish you the best in your fight and hope you find a place that is more safe/friendly to you and yours when you are free to move if needed.
thanks for the update and as usual you are in my prayers

02-23-2014, 08:21 PM
Right now we are looking at the north western part of Kentucky, Specifically Cadiz Kentucky. We plan on going there once he is out and putting our belongings in storage for a bit and then going North to New York for a few months to help my parents prepare their home for sale. Because they are moving to Kentucky as well. Once we are back in KY, Cory plans on opening his own woodworking shop and I am hoping to start the Paramedic program at the local college there.
We went on a nice ride on his bike today for a few hours, Perfect weather for it. It was nice to get away and have a little alone time with my love and have some peacefulness for a little bit. When hes on his motorcycle, Hes in a while other world it seems. Now hes out in the garage deep frying me some chicken wings. I am very inpatient for tomorrow to get here so I can find out what med-com and the surgeon generals office has to say. I am probably the most inpatient person in the world right now.

03-04-2014, 02:21 AM
Any news?

03-04-2014, 08:51 AM
I am guilty of not reading stuff thats not gun related. I do sometimes look at other activity and this is one of those. My prayers are with you and Cory. I was intriqued with his responses at mall and around others. It sounded like me 6 years ago. After a 40 year bout with severe back pain they found my neurotrasmitters in my brain were out of wack because of depletion of chemicals in my brain from pain. Neurgistics.com did the testing and prescribed the supplements thru my doctor. I share this as if it would help Cory that would be great. This is not chemical based hence insurance companies don't want to pay. They prefer the folk to stay sick I guess.

03-06-2014, 01:38 PM
I can't make any judgment, since I only know one side of the story, but I will pray for justice for you and Cory, whatever that may be.

03-06-2014, 05:07 PM
Any good news yet???????????

03-06-2014, 07:08 PM
Andrea, as has been said so often already, my prayers are with you and yours. I can't imagine what you're dealing with. Please relay to Cory that I appreciate with all my heart the sacrifice he's made for this country and me personally. I watched a close friend deal with PTSD after Vietnam and get squat from the military and/or the government. My hope is that the responses here have encouraged you.

03-06-2014, 08:08 PM
I would like to thank you and your family for the service and continued sacrifice. It pains me to see the games being played with people's lives by our government. I hope you beat them at their game. Always know- people do place great value on your sacrifices. Your in our thoughts and prayers.