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View Full Version : Trouble chambering rounds

01-29-2014, 11:17 PM
Ok, so I'm casting my own bullets out of wheel weight and using the Lee 6 cavity 175 grain TC. I coat my bullets with the Hi Tek lube from Bayou Bullets. Uncoated bullets with the traditional lube in the lube groove ran fine. The coated bullets ran fine for a couple thousand rounds, but now they won't chamber. Everything is sized after lubing/coating to .401. I'm trying to use these in both my KKM barrel in my Glock and my Kart barrel in my Caspian. The loaded rounds (1.135 oal) won't chamber in either gun. I inspected both barrels for leading in the throat area, causing the round to not chamber. No visible leading was found, but I read on here that some copper chore boy scrub pad on an old bore brush would work wonders. I made the brush up to be tight and proceded to scrub the snot out of both barrels. No luck. I slugged both barrels and the groove diameter comes out at .400 on both. If I pushed one of the loaded rounds into the chamber, the only visible point of contact is on the remaining .401 diameter area sticking out of the case. Jacketed bullets run great but I can't afford to practice in volume with jacketed bullets. 50 bucks for 110 lbs of wheel weight makes alot of good bullets, so I need to figure out how to get them to run. Any ideas?

01-29-2014, 11:31 PM
Try loading a sized casing first. Does it fit? How many times has the brass been loaded?

So these cast and sized boolits worked previously and now not chambering all the way?

What brand of dies and load sequence? Progressive or single stage?

How big of a bell do you put on the case?

01-29-2014, 11:42 PM
Yeah, the sized casings will drop right in. The brass I'm using has been fired a couple times, 3 at the most. And yeah, I could even run the bullets as cast (.402) coated with hi tek for a while.

I'm loading on a Dillon 550 using all Dillon dies. I only put enough bell on the case mouth to seat the bullet without shaving it and only crimp enough to remove the bell and verify that by measuring finished rounds.

country gent
01-29-2014, 11:48 PM
You might try taking a tight round and coating it with a magic marker black is fine red will work also. Coat bullet and case then chamber carefully and the ink should be rubbed of at the tight spots. Does a bullet enter into the mouth of a Fired case? A coup,e things to check quick

01-29-2014, 11:56 PM
I've been going by the coating that I back on for this part. I take a loaded round that wont chamber and push it on in to the chamber and pull it back out. The only point of contact that I've seen is around the remaining bullet diameter thats sticking out of the case. Its an even line scraped off all the way around. I tried seating the bullets deeper, to 1.115, and that fixed the chambering issue but then they are too short to feed reliably.

I havent checked to see if they will fit in a fired case, I'll try that here shortly.

01-29-2014, 11:57 PM
So seat deeper

01-30-2014, 12:12 AM
I tried the seating deeper thing, once the round would chamber correctly, it wouldn't feed reliably.

01-30-2014, 12:52 AM
Try to eliminate some variables. Put one weapon aside till you get good results with the other, switching back and forth is confusing. Then get a case gage. That will give you an indication whether the problem is in your ammo or weapon. It makes good sense to get Dillon case gages if you run a Dillon press, but there are others that make quality case gages too. A case gage will catch little differences like a nick on the case rim from the extractor, or the notorious "Glock Bulge". Something has changed, as you stated a few thousand worked OK. You need to find the change and make corrections.

01-30-2014, 01:32 AM
Yeah, I guess I gotta get more in depth in this. I use a Dillon case gauge to check all my finished rounds and all the lead rounds pass the gauge. I had problems with RCBS dies not removing the glock bulge on brass, but all brass sized with the dillon die comes out straight, no bulge.

01-30-2014, 03:32 AM
Do you sort your brass? Will NONE of your loads work, or just some, or most? When you say they won't chamber, do you mean the gun will not go into battery; meaning the slide go all the way forward? If they pass the case gage, they SHOULD be ok. Did you check EVERY single round or spot check? Do they go into the gage till the back of the rim is flat even with the top of the gage? None should be sticking out. With that 175 grain boolit you can seat to 1.1". You're going to find that cast boolits present a wider variety of problems than jacketed, but when you finally figure it out, most of what you learned you can apply to other calibers as well. It will be a huge help if you can find someone local that may see something you are missing.

01-30-2014, 07:45 AM
I am not a Hi Tek user and don't know a lot about it. But doesn't it get baked on to a hard type finish? Is it possible that a thin coating of this has transferred to the chamber and caused a narrowing of the diameter of the chamber. As I stated, I have never used it and just thought I would offer this as a possibility.

01-30-2014, 10:15 AM
^^My thought as well. Perhaps some build up in the chamber "corner"? Try some paint remover.

<edit>I think this stuff (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H7JTQXO/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A33C639CLQOTMR) is what you're supposed to use. Believe I read it on this forum somewhere.</edit>

01-30-2014, 10:35 AM
I use H-T in 40 & 9, no problems. Also have both the Lee moulds, SWC & TC. Load some dummy rnds, do the plunk test in both barrels using the shorter OAL if any. You should be able to tell if the problem is brass bulge or nose profile & seating depth. What kind of feeding problem do you have? I've had chambering problems but not feed problems. Your ramp may be the problem. Is your factory stuff RN or TC? WW may be too hard and bulging your cases. I use 50/50 and it's OK.

01-30-2014, 01:27 PM
Has your brass grown in length? Just a thought.

gray wolf
01-30-2014, 01:37 PM
What about easing up the rifling leads for a softer entry into the chamber, Are the rifling leads sharp ?
Do they pass the plunk test ? and sit flush with the barrel hoods on the both guns.
Just a thought.