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View Full Version : Need some help from members who shoot in Delaware...

01-29-2014, 01:50 PM

I'll try to keep this short. Every Thanksgiving my siblings, their children & grandkids, and myself all get together in Rehobeth Beach for the holiday. Last T-giving my nephew's wife expressed to me a desire to learn how to shoot a rifle. So now I need to find a public range. I found a couple of possibles on wheretoshoot.com (or something like that), "Bridgeville Rifle & Pistol Club" & "JD Defense". Could you guys suggest any other alternatives? Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


01-29-2014, 02:03 PM
I am a member of the Nanticoke sportsman club but we have a waiting list that is as of last meeting 36 people deep the Bridgeville rifle club is a good club and is easier to get into I don't think they have a cap on membership like we do.
Does The Nephew shoot?
or does she have someone to show her about gun safety?
I live in Seaford De

01-29-2014, 02:43 PM

Thanks for the quick reply! It is amazing to me that I thought I had managed to explain everything so concisely and upon re-reading my post, it's as clear as mud. For starters, none of the family actually live in DE, we've rented the same beach house for the past 15 years or so, (definitely well before my Dad passed). It has become the big holiday in my family, (or @ least the one I am willing to fly back for). The nephew in question lives in Conn., so this would be a Saturday after T-giving affair w/yours truly as the primary instructor. I hope that clears things up.


Bad Water Bill
01-29-2014, 03:19 PM
Try contacting BLACKSMITH as he has lived there since Delaware was a royal colony.

Also for full disclosure he is the craftsman that hand makes and shoes my gal Girty so you know he is a straight shooter as well.

01-29-2014, 03:43 PM
Oh I tell you what you contact me before you come down ( I have an excellent memory unfortunately it is very short LOL) and I would be more than willing to take you over to the club as a guest.

01-30-2014, 06:32 AM
The places I know and can personally recommend would all be in the northern part of the state 100+ mile round trip from Rehobeth. If you want to travel that far PM me and I can suggest several places open to the public. However recommended on another forum was JD Defense in Georgetown DE which sounds like it might suit your purpose.
Here is a link to their range web page, they also have sales, gunsmithing, and training, the address and phone number are at the top of the page. Give them a call and see if they offer what you need, if not they would probably know of other places.
Further away but still possible is Delmarva Sporting Clays range, I shot some sporting clays there years ago.

An added caution. If you are traveling through Maryland with firearms be very careful it is a gun UNFRIENDLY state. Keep guns and ammo separate and inaccessible and don't stop if possible. Maryland only allows transport by residents for a few specific reasons, you would be covered by federal interstate transport laws but could be in for a hassle if stopped. Also Maryland recognizes no other states carry license and doesn't issue them except to the politically connected. Avoid Washington DC even possession of an empty shell can get you locked up there.

01-30-2014, 08:17 AM
klausg - Good for you. Teach those people how to shoot and all about gun safety. One observation, though. The Sat after T-givinig is not the best time to go to any range (at least around here) and need to take time to teach folks the basics. A very crowded time of year. I do realize however, it's about all you've got. Best of luck. Mike

01-30-2014, 01:11 PM
Now that is something I hadn't thought of; you guys are all coming up on deer season then. I guess I've lived up here too long, our seasons open up in August & September, by November you've pretty much got the range to yourself. I may have to re-think this... Thank you all for your assistance!


01-30-2014, 11:27 PM
Not a problem in Delaware, gun deer season is over by thanksgiving and even if the range is crowded I have a family farm that is about 10 mins from the range that we could shoot at. So I can get you to a place to shoot in sussex De there are no public ranges in a reasonable drive from Rehoboth

02-04-2014, 04:51 PM
Is Walbers on the Delaware Hotel and Restaurant still there.Spent some time there in 1974.Good seafood.a nice little touch was,if you had,nt brought a jacket with you they would lend you one from the rack that had all sizes.