View Full Version : brass that is stained

01-28-2014, 08:45 PM
I got some brass that is stained is it ok to use or how is a good way to clean it. I have been tumbling it in ufinish and corn cob /crushed walnut mix it is clean but still stained

01-28-2014, 08:52 PM
I got some brass that is stained is it ok to use or how is a good way to clean it. I have been tumbling it in ufinish and corn cob /crushed walnut mix it is clean but still stained

Are you sure it's just a stain or can it be a deep tarnish, or worse, some corrosion? Some tarnishes won't come out even after SS rotary wet tumbling. If it's just surface tarnish, the brass can still be used.

If it's corrosion, however, the case integrity is compromised, and it should be culled and disposed.


01-28-2014, 08:57 PM

01-29-2014, 12:16 AM
Citric acid bath then dry then nufinish it again.

01-29-2014, 01:58 AM
Citric acid bath then dry then nufinish it again.

+1, quick way to find citric acid - lemi shine at walmart.

01-29-2014, 02:15 AM
Read the first 20-30 or less posts in the citric acid cleaning method

Previous two posts give you the ultra short version of the correct answer.


01-29-2014, 11:54 AM
citric acid usually gets the tarnish stains rinse a couple three times then dry and put the brass back in the tumbler until they have the shine desired.

01-29-2014, 04:20 PM
+1, quick way to find citric acid - lemi shine at walmart.

Costco Jelly bean jar, 3/4 full HOT water, two or three tablespoons of Lemi-Shine; shake rattle and roll, let sit, repeat, at least 13 Times, empty, refill with hot water and a few drops of dish washing liquid, shake rattle roll again, then run cold water through the jar for a long time (rinse thoroughly) then pour into colander, then onto cookie sheet into oven at 150°-175° for a couple hours, then onto a towel overnight and then into the tumbler for a few hours. They will look like new.

01-29-2014, 05:59 PM
If it is just stained, load shoot enjoy.

01-30-2014, 08:38 AM
If it is just stained, load shoot enjoy.

this is my method also :)

01-31-2014, 12:17 AM
Pride of workmanworkmanship makes me clean cases to the best of my ability. I love lemishine.

01-31-2014, 08:45 AM
On stained mil surplus I've been known to set the tumbler out on the porch and let them run in corn cob media all night.
Next day. Sort out the hand full or as often one or two cases with remaining stains. Poor in some polish and get a wax coat on the good ones.

02-03-2014, 12:25 PM
Long version of what w5pv wrote for those who haven't used citric acid before:

Citric acid is available in the housewares departmentat WalMart in the canning goods area. It can be ordered online but you usually have to order several pounds to save a significant amount. A little goes a long way and you probably won't have to treat the same brass again since you are unlikely to leave it out in the weather.

When 3000 pieces of surplus 5.56 arrived on my doorstep it was all dark to black. Like DLCTEX, I take pride in the appearance of my reloads. The real rick for me using citric acid was to put it in a 5 Qt. porcelain lined pot and keep it warm on the stove while using it. The target temp was 160-170 degrees. As in all chemical reactions, the heat sped up the reaction time considerably. I scooped the brightened cases out and give them a quick rinse in clean water. On warm to hot days I dry them in the sun and on cool days they go into the oven on a cookie sheet at 180 degrees for a few hours. Some time in the polisher with fine corn cob and Nu-Finish leave the brass looking almost new and it's much nicer to handle than before cleaning.

The solution will take on a blue cast as it does its job but it can be saved for months in a plastic container. Warm it up and it keeps on working. Don't keep it in a ceramic or metal container even if porcelain lined.


02-03-2014, 12:40 PM
Try cleaning one of the stained cases with steel wool. If the stain comes off easily, just continue with cleaning, whichever method you choose. If the stain is deeply ingrained in the metal, just shoot it as it prolly won't come off no matter the method of cleaning. Either way, unless the stain looks like pink corrosion, it's safe to shoot...

02-03-2014, 12:40 PM
Stained brass shoot just as well and last just as long as bright shiny brass.

02-18-2014, 12:10 AM
Stained is OK

Corrosion is NOT good.