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View Full Version : New to Forums.... Have a HUGE problem with it though!

01-27-2014, 10:31 PM
Hey guys, I'm new to the forums, but I've been browsing for a long time before I actually joined.

As a newbie to cast boolits I thought I would be able to join the forum and ask questions help me out as I go along. Only one problem though:


Just by doing simple searches and browsing I've been able to have pretty much all of my questions answered so far. This forum is probably by far the largest forum I've joined to date. The information here is incredible. The Sticky list.... well the stickies for each topic are about a mile long and inside are more information I could shake a stick at.

Seriously, bravo. :2_high5:

Randy C
01-27-2014, 10:35 PM
Yes this is a good place. Enjoy I do. welcome aboard.

01-27-2014, 10:37 PM
Welcome, this place is addictive

01-27-2014, 10:38 PM
When I joined, I read about a week worth before posting. I've got almost everything in my head to do a perfect first cast. I've watched videos and reread possible issues with the equipment I own and I'm fairly certain if anything goes wrong, it's user error. I'm so thankful for everyone who posts and has the problems before I even start. It has made my life so much easier already and haven't cast a single boolit yet.

01-27-2014, 10:40 PM
Yea, sometimes it seems that you are getting much more than you want to know, but then in the long run it pays off. Stick to it. And a belated welcome aboard!
Ole Jack

01-27-2014, 10:46 PM
Some advice

Read lots but start small and simple. Don't sweat minutiae. Lower velocity, lower pressure cartridges are easier to learn on, really avoid the desire to learn to cast and load cast for a 40 SW.

Clear, precise, well worded questions tend to lead to clear, concise answers. The more we know the more we can tell you.

This is fun. Keep it that way.

Never, ever forget that every one of us started, at some point, with no more knowledge than you have now.

Cast, load, shoot. That is how you really learn. Don't fear failures, they teach more than success.

Leading is merely a reminder of something that didn't work quite like planned, it isn't the end of the world. Knowing how to prevent leading is better than knowing how to remove it but don't forget that many of us are lead removal experts.

01-27-2014, 11:23 PM
It appears that you read the "Why some new members will do better than others here" sticky, and are off to a good start.

Experiment, have fun, and enjoy.

01-27-2014, 11:33 PM
I've been a member goings four years. I'm JUST NOW getting comfortable with the information overload here. Castboolits is awesome with some of the finest gentlemen on earth here. Not another forum on the web with more trustworthy people. ........learning to process all topics here is well...damn difficult sometimes.

Jim Flinchbaugh
01-27-2014, 11:46 PM
I too, read the stickies for months and months before signing on, I was intimidated by the knowledge here,
but found that thought to be,well, unfounded! Great group of folks here
Welcome aboard!

R.Ph. 380
01-27-2014, 11:53 PM
I too, read the stickies for months and months before signing on, I was intimidated by the knowledge here,
but found that thought to be,well, unfounded! Great group of folks here
Welcome aboard!

I think we've been dissed. But, Ya know, Jim Flinchbaugh is right!!! Welcome aboard David. I learn something new every time I log on. Working on something important and BIG right now in swaging. Stay tuned for News!!!!!!


01-27-2014, 11:58 PM
I think I lurked for a year or two. I found a lot of useful info in that time. Once I picked up my own revolver, I really got back into casting, and joined the forum. I would probably post more, but the answers are often right here already. I read Calguns all the time, as I live in California, but it doesn't even compare to this place for technical info or just plain good people. Calguns seems more social based and you have to ask yourself if the info over there is accurate. It is a great place, but the quality of what you read here is better.

Welcome to the forum!

Bad Water Bill
01-28-2014, 12:09 AM
Just when we thought we were FINALLY getting a handle on things here someone kicked over the apple cart.

Now we have to learn tons about "POWDER COATING" our boolits.

That is why we stay here.

The learning never stops.


01-28-2014, 12:11 AM
Welcome David, and kudos to you for bothering to "read" the stickies. Some people think that is beneath them, and that they can get everything that they need off of the net. Good luck to them. As for you, continue to read, slowly put what you learn into practice. Any questions can be posted, and answers given, especially if it looks like you have done some research and reached a point where you need a hint. I do it all the time. I have been amazed by some whom I looked upon as Seers, turn around and ask some basic questions about something. No one (of us) knows all, so the only "dumb" question is the one not asked.


01-28-2014, 12:15 AM
Welcome aboard and you are off to a fine start. Just be careful of all those guys wearing hats

01-28-2014, 12:21 AM
I've been here a long time but still consider myself a beginner because I have not been able to indulge(except buying molds) as much as I would like to. Reading late at night helps scratch the itch. There are some stickies that I have read 2 or 3 times. I recommend all of them but there are several that deserve special attention. Since my recommendations would differ from others, I recommend that newby's do as I did and investigate and determine which ones are most informative for you.

01-28-2014, 12:27 AM
Did you hear about Doe Run?[smilie=1:

Welcome aboard! My head is still swimming from all of the information.

01-28-2014, 12:39 AM
What's doe run????

Bad Water Bill
01-28-2014, 12:43 AM
What's doe run????

What she does when you appear with a rifle.:kidding:

01-28-2014, 01:44 AM
Considering the majority of members here are old farts, there is most definitely a lot of good info. It's kind of like walking into Possum Lodge, and asking 32,000 Red Green's how to do something.

01-28-2014, 03:22 AM

You made coffee come out of my nose with the Red Green reference! LOL:coffeecom

It is hands down the best forum on the net over all for reloading/casting and general overall information overload on a variety of subjects.

Teddy (punchie)
01-28-2014, 06:44 AM
Welcome. Enjoy. Ask away. Nice place to read and meet new people.

01-28-2014, 09:48 AM
When it's too cold to shoot and cast------ READ! hehe At least thats what I do.

01-28-2014, 03:47 PM
Welcome to our corner of the asylum! And big hat society! :drinks:

Remembeer............."The day you quit learning, is the day they nail the lid on your coffin!"

bangerjim :guntootsmiley:

01-28-2014, 07:47 PM
What she does when you appear with a rifle.:kidding:

Ooooohhhhhh :2_high5:

Some advice

Read lots but start small and simple. Don't sweat minutiae. Lower velocity, lower pressure cartridges are easier to learn on, really avoid the desire to learn to cast and load cast for a 40 SW.

Clear, precise, well worded questions tend to lead to clear, concise answers. The more we know the more we can tell you.

This is fun. Keep it that way.

Never, ever forget that every one of us started, at some point, with no more knowledge than you have now.

Cast, load, shoot. That is how you really learn. Don't fear failures, they teach more than success.

Leading is merely a reminder of something that didn't work quite like planned, it isn't the end of the world. Knowing how to prevent leading is better than knowing how to remove it but don't forget that many of us are lead removal experts.

Thank you for the good advice. Something a plenty here. :D

Considering the majority of members here are old farts, there is most definitely a lot of good info. It's kind of like walking into Possum Lodge, and asking 32,000 Red Green's how to do something.

I just died with the Red Green reference. I haven't seen or even thought of Red Green in a LONG time. Now I'm going need to bug my wife with YouTube videos!

Thank you for all the replies. I'm still digging around in the forums whenever I have a question and trying not to hijack any threads. The Pay it Forward section is a great concept and I'm actually going to pay it forward later this week. The stickies are sometimes overwhelming but super good because they are a quick reference for a lot of questions. They just turn into very informative articles for me.

Whenever I need to know something I can't find I'll sometimes head to Google and type in "How to cast a 22 Hornet BOOLIT" or "What grain 30-30 BOOLIT" and this forum is the first result which pops up.


01-28-2014, 07:51 PM
Considering the majority of members here are old farts, there is most definitely a lot of good info. It's kind of like walking into Possum Lodge, and asking 32,000 Red Green's how to do something.

Dang good thing you are handy.......

01-28-2014, 11:04 PM
First I want to Welcome davidheart! Enjoy the ride!

Second, I want to inform waksupi that I resemble that remark! I was an old fart when I join this forum and an older fart when I cast my first Boolit! But I love every bit of it and learn something here every day! Yeah! I am a newbie poster also! Thanks Men for a Great Place to visit!

smoked turkey
01-28-2014, 11:29 PM
davidheart I feel it is my duty to warn you that this forum is full of enablers. If you ever wonder if you should buy a particular type of rifle or if you should try dutch oven cooking, or whatever the issue, there will be at least 15 folks telling you that you should definitely do it. However when the smoke clears I don't know of a better bunch of folks. You are gonna like it.

01-29-2014, 03:24 PM
Welcome to the forum.

I agree with you about the wealth of information contained in the various stickies here. I think I've read most of them. My only problem with them is I'll have a question, and know I read it SOMEWHERE here, but have trouble finding it again since there is so MUCH info posted on this site. I can't remember if I read about it in a sticky, or if it was contained in a regular thread. The search usually turns up new info as well. How can one possibly NOT learn perusing this site?
By the way, thanks to all the great folks that contribute here. Keep it up. I'll just deal with my own confusion.

01-29-2014, 04:20 PM
I agree, this place is awesome.

I lurked for years before joining so I could partake in a group buy. I think the incredibly good content is why post counts are so low for everyone.

I have started a few topics after searching, only to later find something that completely addressed what I posted that was months if not years old.

Add to it the worlds best swap meet for gun stuff and it's clear why there are so many people here.

just a wealth of information freely given. you only find this where those with an absolute love of a subject congregate.

01-30-2014, 11:52 AM
This site should have been around in the 60's, oh that's right Al hadn't invented the internet yet :drinks: sure a lot easer than trial and error, It doesn't matter if you have been doing this 50 years or just starting you can learn a lot here.