View Full Version : Another A+ for Lee

01-23-2014, 05:54 PM
I purchased a new Lee classic turret 4-hole press about five years ago and have primed somewhere around 20 to 25 thousand casings on this press with the auto prime 2 tool. During a small pistol reloading session the other day the little U spring broke in the priming tool. I called Lee and ask for their part number and price. They asked for my address and said they would send me a free replacement part. I told them how long I had the press and how much it had been used, but that didn't sway their decision to send the part. That's great customer service.

01-23-2014, 06:16 PM
I like the safety prime.... I have a couple of other priming tools, but this is the one I use, period....

And I like Lee customer service, period.... Lots of lee bashers around here, and lots of taurus bashers, but I own both and love them..

Good for you sirgknight..

01-23-2014, 06:30 PM
I have been using Lee reloading equipment for almost 50 years and I've never had a complaint. There's Lee dies in both my Dillon 650 AND my LNL and they work just fine. I Just ordered custom oversized mandrels for collet neck sizers (for cast in .223, .308 and .338) and will get them in just a few weeks. Lee Precision makes good stuff. When ya think about it, folks that enjoy casting, shooting and handloading enjoy the support of many fine companies and with a very few exceptions the hardware we have access to is top shelf!! It amazes me how much variety we enjoy in choosing our hardware vendors these days. We are a blessed group!!

01-23-2014, 06:54 PM
Recently broke a decapping pin on a set of .223 dies that are probably 7-8 years old. I sent in a picture and they sent a new rod free of charge that arrived within 3 days of my email.

I haven't had a negative experience with any reloading company's CS. They're all pretty easy to get along with.

01-23-2014, 07:15 PM
Why/How do you use the Auto-Prime II on a 4 hole turret?94374

You must be referring to the safety prime?

01-23-2014, 07:47 PM
I use my ap on a 3 hole

01-23-2014, 07:54 PM
You are so right vaquero, mine is a safety prime... Dont know how i got all screwed up on that one. I stand corrected...


Ozark Howler
01-24-2014, 02:56 AM
There are a lot of people who like to bash Lee products, I know, because I was one of them. After getting familiar with Lee and using their equipment side by side with the more expensive stuff, I do admit I rarely see a significant difference that would tell me that Lee is substandard, in fact, many times Lee offers products that others just do not provide. Lee's biggest complaints seem to come from reloaders who feel a fat wallet is the answer to quality reloading, or more expensive tools are always better. All reloading tool manufactures have their problems (RCBS, Dillon, and Redding included), it's not what the problem is, but how the problem is handled. My reloading room is full of various products from different manufacturers, new, old, and some now even obsolete, some good, some not so good, but they all play a part. I remember years ago people used to bash Herter's, well, George Herter probably launched more new reloader's then all of the other manufacturers combined.

I only had one issue with a Lee product and it was handled very well by them, I give Lee an A for their products and support.

01-24-2014, 06:23 PM
Why/How do you use the Auto-Prime II on a 4 hole turret?94374

You must be referring to the safety prime?

You are correct...my bad....I use the safety prime on the classic. It was the little return spring in the small priming tool that broke.