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View Full Version : How things can go wrong

Charlie Two Tracks
01-23-2014, 11:41 AM
I was reading about Jr's accident and got to thinking about things I have done wrong and how it all started. Many years ago I was out deer hunting with a buddy. The temperature was -50 with the wind chill but this was just a three day season and I had already missed the first day because of work. We went out to our different deer stands an hour before sunrise. A little after sun rise I decided to move out of the tree I was in and into one by a small ravine. My buddy had also moved and neither one of us knew what the other had done. Later I hear a shotgun go off to my left and in the ravine. I see the deer come running by and shot him and got down out of the tree. Dang it was cold. My buddy got to the deer first and flipped it over and started to gut it. It wasn't dead yet and kicked him pretty good. I told him to get away and I put the shotgun just behind the deers head and pulled the trigger. The bucks rack shattered in a bunch of little pieces. We got it gutted and went home. Later I got to thinking of what I had done because of being so cold. I had gotten down out of the tree, slid down the ravine in the snow and the safety was not on! My buddy could have gotten hurt real bad from the deer kicking him and if the deer had run up the ravine, he could have shot at it not knowing I was at the top.......................... Hurry and hunting does not work for me.

01-23-2014, 01:04 PM
I was a young teen when I was squirrel hunting with my father. I was on the ridge over from him and shot a squirrel. It was a fairly big fat one for the area and was squirming around. I struck the butt of the shotgun on his head to knock him out so I could get to him with my knife. The danged shotgun went off and scared me so bad, i gave up hunting for the day. Thank goodness i didnt have my hand over the muzzle or had it canted towards me. I cant remember whether it was here or another board, but someones hunting partner did the same and tore his leg all up and was in the ICU.

My FIL is new to guns and he has a bad habit of taking the magazine out of his gun and calling it unloaded. There have been two instances I asked did he check the chamber, bloop....out pops a round. I figured hed of learned the first time. I hope there isnt a third or there will have to be a very uncomfortable talk to be had since the last time wasnt pleasant when I scolded him.

01-24-2014, 12:15 AM
An ex brother-in-law was famous for dusting fellow hunters with shot when quail hunting. The time he got me was with shot ricocheting off a tree that was just out of alignment with me. I never hunted with him again. Another b-i-l repeatedly carelessly pointed his gun at me with the safety off and his finger on the trigger while wading through brush and vines. I asked him to be careful and keep the safety on but he said he couldn't get it off fast enough. Never hunted with him again.

01-24-2014, 01:44 AM
Guy begged to go pheasant hunting with my family when I was in high school, friend of my little brothers. Idiot walked the entire day with the safety off, he thought that red showing meant safe. To to it off he swept all of us a few times and fired a shot 2 feet behind my right ear without warning me, I have permanent hearing loss on that side from that. Last time he hunted with any of us.