View Full Version : A member of our community has passed

01-17-2014, 10:30 AM
I just learned that Buzz Huntington had a major stroke and passed away on January 30th. He was 71 years old.
Buzz was a great man to talk to. He appreciated history. If I needed background one something or someone in the reloading business he was the first source.
Now his brother is tasked with disposing of the historical artifacts. I can't say that dealing with Fred Jr will be fun.


01-17-2014, 12:32 PM
May the blessings be...

01-17-2014, 12:54 PM
I enjoyed talking with him too. He too did have a sense of history. I had an early RCBS press and a set of dies made around 47 that he wanted to buy..mainly because his father had handled the sale of it. I got it from the original buyer and had the receipt. He will be missed.

01-18-2014, 09:38 PM
Never got the chance to talk to him or read his posts, BUT wishing the best for his family and friends during this time. Sounds like I missed out on knowing a good man.

01-18-2014, 09:57 PM
We are diminished a bit from his passing !

Condolences to his family & friends.

01-18-2014, 11:17 PM
Uh, I have to say this............He died January 30???? I guess you meant December 30.............

01-19-2014, 03:22 PM
Micky you are correct. The news kind of rattles me. We were just in the beginning stages to make an offer on all the RCBS memorabilia. Now it is gone.

Owner of Oroville sporting good store dies
By BARBARA ARRIGONI-Staff Writer, Chico Times
POSTED: 12/31/2013 12:00:00 AM PST

Charles "Buzz" Huntington, owner of Huntington's Sportsman's Store (pictured), died Monday.(Frank...
OROVILLE — A man who traveled the world and whose sporting goods store has been a landmark for more than 30 years in Oroville has died.

Charles "Buzz" Huntington, 72, owner of Huntington's Sportsman's Store, died early Monday at Oroville Hospital. His death was confirmed Monday afternoon.

Huntington was remembered as an avid traveler and hunter, a community participant, a generous donor and a friend.

"He was a wonderful man — an institution and a renaissance man," said Jessee Allread, who was on the Gateway Museum board with Huntington's wife, Bonnie.

Huntington was born on Dec. 15, 1941, in Oroville.

Lifelong friend Dick Chamberlain said Huntington graduated from high school in Oroville in 1959 and attended Chico State University and Sacramento State University.

Both he and Huntington associated for a while when both were in the retail clothing business, but they mostly had a long social relationship, said Chamberlain in a phone interview.

Huntington opened Huntington's Sportsman's Store on Oro Dam Boulevard in July 1976 with his father, the late Fred T. Huntington.

His brother, Fred Huntington Jr., was also a partner.

Theresa Swartout, a secretary with the store for more than 30 years, spoke about his penchant for hunting.

She said he loved hunting, especially in Namibia, Africa, and recently took a trip to Kuwait. He also went on a fishing trip to Alaska.

"He's been in this community for so long, there were droves of people visiting him in the hospital," she said. "He was a good boss and a good man."

Chamberlain remembered Huntington's interest in traveling went beyond hunting.

The two traveled together to Europe twice, and Chamberlain met up with Huntington one year in Germany, where they left for a weeklong jaunt. Huntington went to Europe every year for trade shows in Germany.

"He was a very interesting guy," Chamberlain said. "He was very interested in military history and museums."

Chamberlain said Huntington probably made a dozen trips to Africa, but most of the trips there over the last 20 years were with his wife to visit people they knew there.

Besides the store and his travels, Huntington was active in civic functions. He was a past president of the Oroville Chamber of Commerce, sat on the city of Oroville Planning Commission and was a member of the Oroville Odd Fellows Club. He and his wife were also active socially in Oroville and Chico, Chamberlain said.

Chamberlain recalled that Huntington was also very charitable, donating funds to many causes and to individuals he felt were in need.

"He also had a "marvelous" memory and could recall every conversation he ever had," Chamberlain said. "He's certainly going to be missed. He had hundreds and hundreds of friends. All sorts of people would come up to him and say hello ... He knew people of all walks of life."

Allread said Huntington was a strong museum supporter, a conservationist, an environmentalist and "a heck of a man."

He also concurred Huntington was a keen traveler who had been around the world.

"He was always such an enjoyable man," Allread said. "He had a great wit, was very knowledgeable and shared his adventures with everyone ... We'll all miss him greatly."

01-23-2014, 08:09 PM
My condolences to his family, friends and his family here on Cast Boolits.
