View Full Version : GoPro & Camera mounts

BT Sniper
01-17-2014, 03:11 AM
Found a new way to add some fun to my shooting. Played with the GoPro a little today while shooting my 20-223, up close footage will be awesome but for targets father then about 75 yrds it is lacking so I'll attempt to get video footage threw the scope as well.

The GoPro was an easy mount set up but the camera mount for the "threw the scope" view will need a bit of work. At the moment the camera/video mount will interfere with working the bolt of a typical bolt action rifle but on an ar-15 platform it is good to go.

Once I get all the bugs figured out I'll be able to video tape the "on-target" performance of my swaged bullets. Ever seen what a 22 cal bullet will do to a ketchup packet that is stapled behind the picture of a common ground squirrel? Pretty cool!

Also got a "PIG Saddle Mount" attached to a simple tripod for extra fun in the ground squirrel fields this spring. Should be good bit of fun. Footage of a good day of shooting is always fun to look at when you are not out there in the field.

Here is a quick you tube video of a few rounds I put down range with the 20-223. Not really much excitement but I wanted to test the concept, the potential is certainly there. Imagine a field of sage rats on the charge and guns a blazing :Fire: I figure when I get some "hunting" footage I'll edit it together with a spit screen so you will have the GoPro image from above the scope and a video footage threw the scope. Should be pretty cool if I can get it all to work and a great way to show the capabilities of our swaged bullets from 22lr jackets.


and here are some pics of my AR-15 set up...

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/031_zpsd57dabb7.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/031_zpsd57dabb7.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/032_zpsa241f95c.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/032_zpsa241f95c.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/030_zpsb9cd8db8.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/030_zpsb9cd8db8.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/034_zps76e0875f.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/034_zps76e0875f.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/035_zps35cc33b4.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/035_zps35cc33b4.jpg.html)

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/054_zpse4934db0.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/054_zpse4934db0.jpg.html)

A picture threw the GoPro while I was moving the gun, notice the end of scope and barrel in focus, now imagine a field full of evil sage rats :Fire:

http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu87/BTSniper/GOPR0113_zpsfb214666.jpg (http://s636.photobucket.com/user/BTSniper/media/GOPR0113_zpsfb214666.jpg.html)

Good shooting and swage on!


01-17-2014, 04:33 AM
Great idea BT. There are tons of videos on Youtube. Look up some of the ones with air rifles. Some have links to the mounting manufs. They are a bit pricey but with your skill I bet you could figure out how to fab your own.

01-17-2014, 09:31 AM
Brian - there's also a through-the-scope adapted iPhone rig available (looked at it at SHOT yesterday). It mounts up with tubes, and there is an app that you're looking at - actually aiming through the phone. I didn't ask the obvious - whether their app also records, but even if it doesn't, the standard video app would take care of that.

01-17-2014, 11:21 AM
I love my GoPro. I'm not much of an electronics geek or techno-whiz, but it has been a good purchase for me.
For anyone interested in buying one or those that already own them, do not buy your accessories, mounts, etc from the big box stores. They are a complete ripoff. You can find the same or similar items for 1/3 the cost online or on FleaBay. I have a suction cup mount (great for the car) that I got for six bucks on line and the same or similar mounts sell elsewhere for 15-30 bucks. A must have accessory is the LCD back that works like a viewfinder or playback screen. The GoPro's are not a replacement for a traditional camera, but are great for action filming or close up shots. I used mine to film myself while shooting the rapid-fire stage of the Natinnal Match course. It helped me identify areas for improvement and validated that changes I made were working and I was consistent.

01-17-2014, 02:31 PM
Awww I was so looking forward to watching ketchup packets burst when shot in that video only to be disappointed. :???:

R.Ph. 380
01-17-2014, 10:27 PM
Brian, you're having entirely too much fun. Now, back to work.............................................

01-17-2014, 10:42 PM
Brian's going Hollywood. Move over Quentin Tarantino.

BT Sniper
01-18-2014, 12:05 AM
Simply a little product advertising which qualifies as work! :) A first hand look down the barrel and threw the scope of what our bullets can do. Soon I'll have some ketchup packets exploding on camera at 100 yrds!


R.Ph. 380
01-18-2014, 12:09 AM
Really interested in the view through the scope. Give us an idea what the better scopes capable of. Not that I can afford any of them over 150.00


BT Sniper
01-18-2014, 04:15 AM
getting the camera set just right to view threw the scope is a bit of a challenge. I'll see what I can come up with. I doubt it will give much idea of the quality of a scope though.

I'll see if I can set it up behind one of my Sightron SIII scopes. Those are an impressive scope IMOP!