View Full Version : Lyman 30-173 too fat for crimp grove crimping

01-16-2014, 09:40 AM
Hi everyone, my name is Tony, been a member since 2009 but this is the first time i have needed to post a question that someone else hasn't asked and had answered. May i also say this board has more collective knowledge on cast boolits than a person can learn in his/her own lifetime, and just a big thank you to all the members.
Now the question. I have two win 94's in 30-30. the first one i can crimp in the crimp grove with no problem but the second engraves a little too much. is there another flat nose mold that the nose is not so fat. thanks Tony

01-16-2014, 11:07 AM
Had that problem with one of mine--I ended up ordering a 30 cal throating reamer. You might find that the RCBS 30-150 FN works better for you, but before you buy, you might try to get a few boolits from one of the members here and load up a sample dummy. There are some pretty good folks who don't mind helping a new guy here.
ps. The 311-440 works well for me. It is shorter, and lighter, but might function better for you. But I don't know how you can get one short of having Tom at Accurate Molds make you one. They are long out of print.

01-16-2014, 12:59 PM
You could trim/shorten the cases a little for the second rifle. This would hold your boolit back from the throat the amount you trimmed.


01-16-2014, 02:15 PM
Thanks guys. i just made up a new dummy round with a new fl sized case and seated the 173 as deep as possible and still crimp in grove. it engraves just forward of forward driving band. it is the prettiest engraving I've have on any rifle, wish my bolt guns boolits looked like this one. it will chamber but i think it a little tight for a lever.