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View Full Version : Carrollton, Texas police department and a child molester.

01-15-2014, 01:34 PM
Get a call from the oldest adopted daughter yesterday mid-afternoon. It seems a pervert was cruising up and down their street trying to get a child or two in his car to go help him look for his "lost kitty cat."

He tried getting our 8-year-old in the car. The boy is too smart for that, didn't say a word, grabbed his 4-year-old brother (who WOULD'VE gotten right in the car) and headed for the house.

Daughter calls police. The Carrollton, Texas do-nothing sorry as a rusted sack of thumbtacks police department. They promise to send an officer out. Four hours later, zilch.

Seems that this pervert was in the neighborhood doing the same thing the day before, and TWO neighbors called the Carrollton PD. No officer shows up. One of the neighbors' husband is a sworn officer from a surrounding police department and HE calls the Carrollton PD asking for them to send a car out.


I'm taking the daughter to lunch today, then heading over with her to the house and waiting to see if this pervert makes the bad decision to come back a third day, as the neighbors all seem to think he will. (Why the hell not? The local PD is more useless than tits on a turtle.) If he shows up and pulls his "lost cat" routine, it will be for the last time. You cannot fix child molesters. They are like rabid animals. There is no cure. You can only destroy them before they infect other animals. Defective merchandise, warranty void, return to manufacturer.

Meanwhile, I have no doubt I'll pass at least three Carrollton donut munchers sitting in their usual speed traps with radar guns active between where I live and the daughter's house.

But what is equally as bad, or even worse, is the sheep-like fear mentality of her neighborhood. Nobody is willing to step up and accost this alpha-hotel. Even the so-called men/husband/boyfriends. Everyone rushes inside, locks the doors and cowers in fear waiting on the police to arrive, which, of course, they never do.

I'm disgusted by the country I'm living in.


01-15-2014, 01:53 PM
You might try calling the Mayor's office and see if he's interested in continuing to hold that office. 972-466-3001

That number is from the City's webpage.


gray wolf
01-15-2014, 02:22 PM
Have someone call and ask if they will come and pick up the body of a child molester that someone left in a dumpster. Tell them it's starting to small a little.
Just saying here.

01-15-2014, 02:27 PM
You are correct in say that child molester can not be cured,I knew this one that for years had a lot of people fooled,went to prison for getting involved with a boyscout for two years.When he got out claimed he was cured but got involved with another young person of legal, age this time and got away from that incident and got involved with another man that lasted for years but was over a friends house had his 14 year old son stripped to his undewear when his mother came home and caught him pretty close to the act.His reaction was to start telling everyone how sorry his exfriend was.He was believed by some people but his wife told me it was true and I knew her to be a true ful person and would not say it if it wasn't true.

01-15-2014, 02:27 PM
I agree with your assessment of child molesters. Once one, always one. They waste oxygen that would be better suited to decomposing a pile of dog ****.

01-15-2014, 02:35 PM
They always warn the kids about the adult asking for help finding a lost dog. One of my dogs got loose a few years ago. For whatever reason, if he hears that sound of my ATV, he will come to it, so I'm driving around the neighborhood on it and asking anyone that I see (kids or adults) if they have seen a large dog of his description. I know how much of a stereotype child molester this appears to be, but I don't really have a choice -- the dog is too stupid to find his way home even from the front yard. I'm just sure that *someone* is going to call the cops on me, but apparently no one does. Maybe because being on an ATV just made it entirely plausible that I was really looking for my dog?

01-15-2014, 02:35 PM
Get a call from the oldest adopted daughter yesterday mid-afternoon. It seems a pervert was cruising up and down their street trying to get a child or two in his car to go help him look for his "lost kitty cat."

He tried getting our 8-year-old in the car. The boy is too smart for that, didn't say a word, grabbed his 4-year-old brother (who WOULD'VE gotten right in the car) and headed for the house.

Daughter calls police. The Carrollton, Texas do-nothing sorry as a rusted sack of thumbtacks police department. They promise to send an officer out. Four hours later, zilch.

Seems that this pervert was in the neighborhood doing the same thing the day before, and TWO neighbors called the Carrollton PD. No officer shows up. One of the neighbors' husband is a sworn officer from a surrounding police department and HE calls the Carrollton PD asking for them to send a car out.


I'm taking the daughter to lunch today, then heading over with her to the house and waiting to see if this pervert makes the bad decision to come back a third day, as the neighbors all seem to think he will. (Why the hell not? The local PD is more useless than tits on a turtle.) If he shows up and pulls his "lost cat" routine, it will be for the last time. You cannot fix child molesters. They are like rabid animals. There is no cure. You can only destroy them before they infect other animals. Defective merchandise, warranty void, return to manufacturer.

Meanwhile, I have no doubt I'll pass at least three Carrollton donut munchers sitting in their usual speed traps with radar guns active between where I live and the daughter's house.

But what is equally as bad, or even worse, is the sheep-like fear mentality of her neighborhood. Nobody is willing to step up and accost this alpha-hotel. Even the so-called men/husband/boyfriends. Everyone rushes inside, locks the doors and cowers in fear waiting on the police to arrive, which, of course, they never do.

I'm disgusted by the country I'm living in.


Good Luck hunting. You would most likely have everyone's support after the fact, so try and locate someone you trust that owns a Backhoe.:Fire:

01-15-2014, 02:36 PM
JD, one slug or two from the long-slide? GW

01-15-2014, 02:46 PM
aint many troubles that a man cain't fix
with seven hundred dollars and his thirty ought six."

Jeff Cooper

01-15-2014, 06:06 PM
More power to you recluse, you do have the solution to the problem.

Now if the courts would see this also.

01-15-2014, 06:11 PM
Keep after it. I'm just north of you and my kids have friends in that area. The PD needs to do their job, but if they don't...

01-15-2014, 06:40 PM
I just want to hear that he got the B-tard!

01-15-2014, 06:51 PM
The cops are just as bad as the child molester. Molesting children is unconscionable, adults (protectors!!) standing idly by are far worse.
This country has degraded to the point that I don't recognize it anymore.
When you find the neighbor with the backhoe, make sure he digs a big enough hole for all of them.

01-15-2014, 07:25 PM
Recluse, do you have a description of the pervert and/or the car?

01-15-2014, 07:25 PM
Found him.

He won't be a problem anymore.


01-15-2014, 07:25 PM

01-15-2014, 07:26 PM
Did local PD finally respond?

01-15-2014, 07:38 PM
Recluse, you need to look up A J Cody he did the same thing you could of done so just look it up .as sad as it is he got 20 years for it

01-15-2014, 07:51 PM
Amnesia about what? ; )

01-15-2014, 08:59 PM
Might want to delete your posts as we all seem to have developed amnesia on what was being discussed. I know I must have been out of it cause I dun know nuttin!

01-15-2014, 09:23 PM
Amnesia my butt, I would develop temporary blindness!

01-15-2014, 09:57 PM
When doing body hunting they will look around the property and look inside the septic tank, BUT they never look under it!!!! Way to go Recluese for solving the problem.

01-15-2014, 11:15 PM
Hitting the "like" button repeatedly.

01-16-2014, 02:23 AM
Feed the body to the hogs, no evidence left

01-16-2014, 02:46 AM
23 yrs ago I lived in Carrollton on Ridgedale Drive, which was/is a busy residential street. My daughter was less than 5 yrs old at the time playing out front. My wife at the time said this *** drove by a few times very slow, then finally parked across from our house with his eyes locked on my daughter and both of his hands below his waist.
Needless to say, my wife took my daughter in the house while she glared at this scum whom was just smiling away.

It was a good thing that I was not at home that day or I would still be in prison right now.

Oh, and the Carrollton Police just shined us on.

01-16-2014, 09:14 AM
Good job! GW

C. Latch
01-16-2014, 09:22 AM
I have no idea what you did, but if the guy was trying to abduct a kid, he deserves no quarter.

01-16-2014, 09:25 AM
Feed the body to the hogs, no evidence left

It just gets converted into a more recognizable version of what it already is.

Jim Flinchbaugh
01-16-2014, 10:36 AM
Found him.

He won't be a problem anymore.


AK Caster
01-16-2014, 11:20 AM
Meanwhile, I have no doubt I'll pass at least three Carrollton donut munchers sitting in their usual speed traps with radar guns active between where I live and the daughter's house.

But what is equally as bad, or even worse, is the sheep-like fear mentality of her neighborhood. Nobody is willing to step up and accost this alpha-hotel. Even the so-called men/husband/boyfriends. Everyone rushes inside, locks the doors and cowers in fear waiting on the police to arrive, which, of course, they never do.

I'm disgusted by the country I'm living in.


Don't blame your country blame the town you live in. You and your neighbors have the power to change things through the local assembly, town meetings, and voting.
Either way glad the problem is fixed.

01-16-2014, 10:52 PM
i used to think i could make a difference by voting and getting involved. now i know better, law enforcement around here is also a joke. it does not matter how much you try to get people involved, how much you try to get other people elected, or how much you expose the people in power as being worthless, it only gets worse. the liberals and lazies have outnumbered us!

01-17-2014, 01:54 AM
Had a pervert come in my yard when my sun was 3,I never realized how bad a redbbone hound was till then. That dog ate the guy up. Everyone in the neighbor hood new who he was after that. He moved a few days later. Dog got to him before I got to my gun. I never worried about the kids in the fenced yard after that.

01-17-2014, 02:39 AM
A guy I knew (he's passed away now) ran a local rural cemetary.

He always said if somebody wanted to ...........

He'd put "it" under a legimate deceased.

We never knew if he was joking. No way to know now ........... he's gone himself!

One of life's many mysteries.

Three 44s

01-17-2014, 07:42 AM
Beat him half to death, twice.

01-17-2014, 07:58 AM
Amen, sir

01-17-2014, 08:22 AM
Everybody here feels the same about pedophiles but people should really think about where they post statements like have been made in these posts. It is easy to find comments that could help in prosecution so making statements about committing crimes on a public forum is not a wise move - bragging about is is not any more wise. Yes, I am fairly new on this forum so I may get bashed for these statements but maybe someone will listen and it will save them going to jail someday although I would assume everyone here realizes how public these forums are.

01-17-2014, 09:08 AM
Every bit as public as your emails and personal phone calls.

01-17-2014, 09:17 AM
Contrary to popular leftist views, not everyone can be "rehabilitated" and just like a farmer of sheeple would do, cull them from the heard. This pedophile needs to be culled and fed to the hogs. No sense in waste.

01-17-2014, 09:41 AM
Kitty Genovese

01-17-2014, 01:07 PM
I don't disagree with the idea of harm coming to someone that would hurt a child but this thread reminds me of the joke "I don't plan my day, because of the way the word "premeditated" gets thrown around in court"

01-17-2014, 02:30 PM
Get a call from the oldest adopted daughter yesterday mid-afternoon. It seems a pervert was cruising up and down their street trying to get a child or two in his car to go help him look for his "lost kitty cat."

He tried getting our 8-year-old in the car. The boy is too smart for that, didn't say a word, grabbed his 4-year-old brother (who WOULD'VE gotten right in the car) and headed for the house.

Daughter calls police. The Carrollton, Texas do-nothing sorry as a rusted sack of thumbtacks police department. They promise to send an officer out. Four hours later, zilch.

Seems that this pervert was in the neighborhood doing the same thing the day before, and TWO neighbors called the Carrollton PD. No officer shows up. One of the neighbors' husband is a sworn officer from a surrounding police department and HE calls the Carrollton PD asking for them to send a car out.


I'm taking the daughter to lunch today, then heading over with her to the house and waiting to see if this pervert makes the bad decision to come back a third day, as the neighbors all seem to think he will. (Why the hell not? The local PD is more useless than tits on a turtle.) If he shows up and pulls his "lost cat" routine, it will be for the last time. You cannot fix child molesters. They are like rabid animals. There is no cure. You can only destroy them before they infect other animals. Defective merchandise, warranty void, return to manufacturer.

Meanwhile, I have no doubt I'll pass at least three Carrollton donut munchers sitting in their usual speed traps with radar guns active between where I live and the daughter's house.

But what is equally as bad, or even worse, is the sheep-like fear mentality of her neighborhood. Nobody is willing to step up and accost this alpha-hotel. Even the so-called men/husband/boyfriends. Everyone rushes inside, locks the doors and cowers in fear waiting on the police to arrive, which, of course, they never do.

I'm disgusted by the country I'm living in.


Call the PD and tell them that the child molester is back but not to worry. Since they refused to respond to numerous calls, you just shot the oxygen-thief. They'll respond in record time! Oh, I'd call the local TV station first, and make certain that their film crew is on hand when the po-leece arrive. :wink: