View Full Version : Made 50/50 Alloy Today

Down South
01-11-2014, 02:58 PM
I made 70 lbs of 50/50 COWW/Pure for my 45's today. I hate trying to mix alloy in my casting pot. I like to have my alloy the way I want it in ingots with tin "Sn" added.
I weighed my Pure and my COWW Ingots. I calculated how much tin that I would need to get 2% in the alloy.
I melted the Pure and COWW Ingots and fluxed it twice. I got all the trash and ashes out of the pot then blended in the Tin.
I'm taking a lunch break now while my RCBS pot is heating up. It is full of COWW with 2% Tin. I will dump it into my ingot molds and clean it. I have a lot of casting to start catching up on.

The first pic is the mixed ingots. The second pic is the finished 50/50 W/2% Tin.

01-11-2014, 07:45 PM
Sounds like a good, fun days work. I unfortunately spent the day cleaning up construction debris in the basement. Wanna trade?

Down South
01-11-2014, 09:41 PM
Sounds like a good, fun days work. I unfortunately spent the day cleaning up construction debris in the basement. Wanna trade?
LOL, not really. After I finished cleaning the casting pot, I ran over half of the alloy through my MP 45-225 mould.
My back is hurting.

01-12-2014, 09:35 AM
Very nice!

01-12-2014, 10:00 AM
Would that alloy be similar to half clip-on and half stick-on wheel weights? I've been curious about trying that for my 45acp.

01-12-2014, 10:51 AM
Nice looking ingots and really nice looking boolits sir. Its a nice to pre mix all your lead and making it ready to go.
I cast 50/50, CO/SO ww's also for most of my shooting But I keep the coww's and soww's separate. Some times I want soft lead for round balls or other possible lead casting and maybe for trading off for lino or ... who knows !

Animal yes your correct. I think for most general purpose the SOWW are considered pure lead or Pb. If you read the Cast boolit notes from lasc.us at the bottom of the page there is a tremendous amount of info on lead and lead mixing as well as the make up of different lead. Its really worth the read even if like me you cant remember everything !

Be Safe, Mike

01-12-2014, 11:25 AM
I used to smelt and cast from the pot. What a bother. I always cleaned out the pot with a little wire wheel between uses, plus it took so much time. Last fall, I was in Lowes, and they had a 'fish fryer' on sale, ~$55.00. Got it, took it home. Took an old freon can into work, got it cut 1/3 - 2/3, and transplanted the handles. I now use that for smelting. I've had as much as 30lbs in the pot, after I made a skirt for it, to keep the flames around the base of the pot. Because of its smooth, round bottom, I could clean it out, and melt and cast from the pot, but, I prefer my electric pots for that. Like you, I take my clean cow, and mix the lead, tin, and an occasional bit of foundry type, and make a batch, ready for casting. Nice looking ingots, BTW, nicer looking than mine. Cheers!! :-D

Down South
01-12-2014, 12:32 PM
I have a road trip this afternoon. I wish that I had time to finish casting the rest of the alloy. I weighed out what I cast yesterday afternoon/last night and it was 45.8 lbs. That would calculate just over 1,400 45 Boolits. I had calculated my alloy to make just over 2,000 of the 45's. Then, I'll start on the next project. I have to run these through my lube sizer first though.

01-12-2014, 12:35 PM
Isn't it crazy what we call fun?

Down South
01-12-2014, 07:40 PM
Isn't it crazy what we call fun?
LOL, some might think it crazy but I doubt you will find any here that do. BTW, it is fun....