View Full Version : Pacific lead wire core cutter

01-09-2014, 09:53 PM
I haven't had the time or energy to look through everything from my last estate purchase, but started looking through some more stuff today. I thought I would share a few pictures of the Pacific lead wire cutter that I found. Its simple enough, but I'm not sure exactly how it works as I don't have the press that it goes with although I have a good idea. Hope you guys enjoy the pics, if you want closer of better pictures just let me know. If anyone happens to have an old Pacific press that this would work in that is gathering dust please let me know.

01-09-2014, 11:31 PM
Alvin, I was given one a few years ago, was able to modify to work on a rock chucker.

01-09-2014, 11:56 PM
Thanks, I will look into that. A member said they picked up a Pacific press for $25 the other day, so with enough looking I'm sure I can find one. How does it work for you, did you sharpen it at all or does the pressure alone do a good job?

01-10-2014, 11:25 AM
the way these usually work is that the lead wire goes through the hole to the screw, the screw is adjustable so that the length of the core can be sized to whatever core weight is needed, then some type of blade swivels and trims it off...

so looking at the second picture, that 'block' looks like the cutter, the lead wire goes through the hole in the middle, and bolt on the right swivels down and the length is adjusted to get the correct core size... seems like there must be some type of handle that attaches to the cutting block, and you could possibly mount the frame to the side of a work bench with a clamp?

there are some good pics in this thread:
