View Full Version : Just Bought a Small Cannon Need Help

John Allen
01-08-2014, 12:46 PM
Ok, my addiction has now drawn me to a small cannon. It is bronze and about 14 inches long. The carriage needs some work but the cannon itself looks good.

The cannon looks like it is setup for a fuse. I ran a 12 gauge bore brush down it and it was a good fit. It is a smoothbore. I am guessing it is a signal cannon or some old kit version.

The questions I have and I am sure this is just the begining.

Is there anywhere to learn about cannons on the web?
What grain charge should I try with this?
Anything to look for before shooting it to make sure it is safe?

Here is a pic from the auction. I will take better pics tonight with closeups.

01-08-2014, 12:51 PM

Ok, my addiction has now drawn me to a small cannon. It is bronze and about 14 inches long. The carriage needs some work but the cannon itself looks good.

The cannon looks like it is setup for a fuse. I ran a 12 gauge bore brush down it and it was a good fit. It is a smoothbore. I am guessing it is a signal cannon or some old kit version.

The questions I have and I am sure this is just the begining.

Is there anywhere to learn about cannons on the web?
What grain charge should I try with this?
Anything to look for before shooting it to make sure it is safe?

Here is a pic from the auction. I will take better pics tonight with closeups.

John Allen
01-08-2014, 02:24 PM
Skipper, thanks I saw that one and have been reading it most of the day in between work getting in the way.

01-08-2014, 02:27 PM
I like it! It has great style. If it were modern steel with modern breeching no question about how to load it with BP and a fuse. But, brass/bronze of unknown history or quality?- I'll let someone with experience chime in with any max charge guess.

If it were mine, I'd clean it really well and have a look down the inside around the breech, load a very light BP charge with a loose fit patched ball, light the fuse and let 'er fly. If it blew up, it'd be on me and my dime though. Or you could just load a light charge of BP, stuff a couple of shotshell fiber wads on top and make a boom.

John Allen
01-08-2014, 02:35 PM
That is kind of what I was thinking. I have to fix the carriage first but I figured a really light charge with ball first, run like h*ll and hope for the best, if that goes as planned ad ball and repeat. Hopefully someone else chimes in. I did request a join to the group above.

Jeff Michel
01-08-2014, 03:09 PM
Check with Dixie Gunworks, they sell cannons and equipage. They use to provide guidance via their website.

John Allen
01-08-2014, 03:36 PM
Jeff, I will have to check out the catalog tonight to see if there is anything in it regarding cannons. thanks

01-09-2014, 02:12 PM
looks like a model of a 6 pounder. if you could look down the bore with a scope that shows things on a t.v screen. look real close around the touch hole. for a charge I would say 1/2 oz. of 1f black powder and only black powder would be a max charge. start with a 1/4 oz. and work up. when firing stand to the side. do not be or look directly down at the touch hole. some times they spit out of it. swab the bore between shots. a swab can be made out of old carpet.

remember no matter how small it is a cannon. it will hurt you. if given a chance.

John Allen
01-09-2014, 02:24 PM
Bob, thanks for the advice. Once I get the carriage rebuilt I am shooting it.