View Full Version : Cover me I'm goin in.

legend 550
01-07-2014, 10:22 PM
Just a few questions first.
I've slugged my 9mm barrels at .3555 Sized at .356, had a leading problem. Opened up the sizing die to .3575 beagled my mold and they now shoot great. So if PC adds .002 should I size smaller then coat? or coat then size ? or just load em and shoot um because the .002 PC won't matter?
4 or 5 years ago I picked up a HF gun built a booth and an oven similar to this one http://www.powdercoatoven.4t.com/ but only one element and 1/2 the size to PC snowmobile parts. I sold the oven but have everything else.
Also I have about 1500 130gr TL slugs lubed with 45-45-10 what will clean the 45-45-10 off.

01-07-2014, 10:38 PM
If it shoots great at .3575, I'd say to keep the end result at .3575 and size down after coating. The extra .002 might make it harder to seat anyway.

I don't think it matters if you size, coat, then size again..... or just coat em as-dropped. You're still going to add .002 and the end size is still going to be the same as the hole through the sizer.

My boolits for my 357 drop at .360, then I coat em to .362, then size down to .3585 before loading. 8-)

01-07-2014, 11:31 PM
Coat then size. Gas will clean off the alox use outdoors.