View Full Version : Looks like the 45/70 is coming home.

Four Fingers of Death
12-01-2007, 07:55 PM
I'd fancied trying a 444 and a year or so ago sold my 1975 vintage 1895 to a good friend. He bought a heap of rifles off me when I was cash strapped with my sick, late wife. He was good, offered a very fair price on all of them and managed to pay for all of them and had a balance in his 'account' near enough equal to the cost of the 45/70. He is now cash strapped with sick a sick child and I offered to take back the 45/70 if he wants to clear the decks (I wasn't worried, I know he'd square the books as soon as he could, kids first, mates second as far as Im concerned. He doesn't want to part with the big punkin roller, but has indicated that unless he trips over a heap of dollars in the next week, he will give it back. I have sort of regretted selling it, so I will be happy to get it back. I just did a search and can't find a picture of it, I must have wiped them. I like this rifle, it has had three previous owners, all friends and I know about every sambar hunt that it has been on. I like to know a history of a rifle.

I'll get a picture as soon as I get it.


12-01-2007, 08:37 PM
I've had a couple rifles "come home" after being sold, and I was very glad to get both back.

12-01-2007, 08:45 PM
It's nice to get reacquainted with an old friend...Ray

12-02-2007, 12:50 PM
Sorry to hear of reasons of departure AND arrival. Nothing worse that have a loved one sick.

But, congrats on the return. Wished some of mine would come back, by other means tho.

Four Fingers of Death
12-03-2007, 05:11 AM
Thanks, Mick.

Four Fingers of Death
01-14-2008, 05:23 PM
Well, I was speaking to him yesterday, he is getting on his feet and his girl is better, but he is still in the poor house. He really loves the 45/70 so I arranged for him to rust blue and restore a few old 92s that I have. He is really pleased that he is going to keep the punkin roller.

I'm glad this story had a happy ending, he's a good young dad with a terrific wife and daughter.

01-14-2008, 08:45 PM
Well, I was speaking to him yesterday, he is getting on his feet and his girl is better, but he is still in the poor house. He really loves the 45/70 so I arranged for him to rust blue and restore a few old 92s that I have. He is really pleased that he is going to keep the punkin roller.

I'm glad this story had a happy ending, he's a good young dad with a terrific wife and daughter.

Good on you for working out a deal that allows your mate to keep the .45/70. Bet you'll come out OK when he gets done fixing up those '92s.

01-14-2008, 10:48 PM
Bravo, 4fingermick. Nothing worse than someone trying to capitalize on another's misfortune, especially when it involves medical issues and a spouse or kids.

Your comment that "he's a good young dad with a terrific wife and daughter" shows that you recognize the real priorities in life.

Over the years I've had a few business dealings where the other party was honest but just not having much luck at life, and I conveniently "forgot to bill" or didn't follow up on the debt. Funny thing, my wonderful wife never got after me about my lapses in those cases, even when things were tight for us. And, usually, when things turned around for the other guy he paid up without being asked.

This is really a bunch of class acts...

Four Fingers of Death
01-15-2008, 05:47 AM
Thanks Typecaster, I'm lookingh forward to starting a thread with lots of pics of restored 92s to make everbody drool, don't hold your breath though, you can't hurry rust blueing :)