View Full Version : Home made sky screens

01-05-2014, 12:52 PM
Trying to do some chronographing on a new round a week ago , the old Chrony just didn't want to get with the program. Fought it until the wind started to pick up then put it back into the shop. Got to looking and the sky screens were really getting ratty.
Rather than ordering a new set it's always a whole lot more satisfying ( cheaper) to make something like that up homemade . We always keep a few cleaned out one gallon milk and OJ jugs on hand so since they looked a bit similar in appearance I grabbed two and using what was left of the old sky screens made up two new ones from the plastic jugs.
Rather than just making slits to run the wire uprights through, I used a paper puncher to cut holes for "run outs"at the end of each slit. This prevents the slits from becoming slots. To offer more shading in the top center of each screen, I used 3 computer address labels stuck in place.
Putting everything back together, I grabbed a rifle and did the testing I couldn't do last week. The new sky screens worked perfectly.
I am sure this isn't any kind of new idea but sometimes it doesn't hurt to be reminded of a old one.


01-05-2014, 02:45 PM
Good job . every dollar saved making what we need buys more powder & lead. I made new diffusers for my old Crony F1 out of a 2 1/2 gal. oil jug .they are thicker & block the light.

Any Cal.
01-05-2014, 05:36 PM
I have a problem with it being too dark to use the chrony.. usually shine lights at the bottom side of the screens to get it to work.

01-05-2014, 05:44 PM
+ 1 on this good idea. Two additional points:

I use straws for the uprights and this offers a light weight alternative to the original sky screens

Please support the manufacturers who support us--Vendor Sponsors here and firearm related manufacturers out in the world. It keeps them in business. The OP may have generated some interest in Chrony products among those who do not yet own one so that is valuable to the mfg even though he is not buying replacement parts directly and, as Boogieman pointed out, can thereby support other mfgs.

01-06-2014, 01:08 AM
My Chrony is so old that parts are no longer made for it. The mfg. does offer a very good trade in on a new one if it can't be repaired. I chronograph M/L & gaschecked bullits so I add a clear plastic cover infront of the display to protect it from the patches off of round balls & lose gaschecks.

01-13-2014, 04:04 AM
Shishkabob skewers make great replacements for the wires, and they just fracture if you hit them.

I bought a sheet of mylar to make new skyscreens from, but I'll have to try the milk jug material.