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View Full Version : What are you gentlemen doing to stave off cabin fever?

01-05-2014, 10:18 AM
Well, I'm not saying I'm old, but I am noticing that winters are becoming more difficult in the cabin fever area. I took up reloading as a hobby, and that has helped quite a bit, but I'm still waiting for my bullets to arrive in the mail so I can load up some 38/357. It's cold here, about -5* to 10* depending on the day, and lots of snow.

What do you guys do to stave off cabin fever in the winter?

Any tips for warming up the digits so you can go plinking outside?

01-05-2014, 10:23 AM
I live in central Texas. What is "cabin fever"?

01-05-2014, 10:34 AM
It's when your body doesn't want to leave your house for 6 months. :???:

It's probably pretty similar to summer during a heat wave.

01-05-2014, 10:42 AM
What do you guys do to stave off cabin fever in the winter?

Any tips for warming up the digits so you can go plinking outside?

Sidelock muzzleloader winter league.

Moosehide choppers.


country gent
01-05-2014, 10:54 AM
Right now Im prepping brass for the next season. 40-65 and 45-90. Couldnt find any 45-70 for sale. Ive got thwe brass ready to go last is in the polisher getting cleaned up after annealing it. If it gets above 30* today I may fire up the pot and cast for a few hours. This will give me bullets to size and lube also. I try to get everything ready for the next season I can in the winter. In 90*-100* heat sitting over that 100 lb pot is no fun. So I may cast sonme 40s and 45s today. When the snowstorm hits I can lube and size or Paper patch them . Being a new loader read and study up on everything research what you want to do. Get brass ready to load.

01-05-2014, 10:54 AM
I've never had the luxury of knowing cabin fever..........

01-05-2014, 11:10 AM
I live in south central NC. What is "cabin fever"? .......

01-05-2014, 11:42 AM
it's when you convince yourself that 10-f is cold and stay inside...

01-05-2014, 11:47 AM
What do I do to stave off cabin fever? I leave my house and drive to my cabin in the Poconos. Funny how I never want to leave that cabin :)

01-05-2014, 11:55 AM
it's when you convince yourself that 10-f is cold and stay inside...

Right now it is 25 below with windchill, I don't need convincing to know it is cold outside.

What do I do to stave off cabin fever? Don't ask me, I'm not a gentement.......

01-05-2014, 11:56 AM
Cast some boolits or get out a good book and read

01-05-2014, 12:03 PM
If it warms up I go ice fishing, maybe a little rabbit hunting, cold days I reload, get my next project started, or visit cast boolits to see what I'm missing out on!

01-05-2014, 12:07 PM
Sunday 1/5/14, 10 degrees now and getting to a balmy 37 as the high today. The sun is out, and the wind is not blowing, so I am going to go shooting.

01-05-2014, 12:43 PM
Do what I am about to do and that is order a Beeman R9 air rifle and then in a couple of months I plan on adding a quality air pistol to the mix as well. Looks like I can find a space down stairs to put in a 12 yard range or so.
Then I can shoot inexpensive pellets to my hearts content any time of the day or night.

01-05-2014, 12:51 PM
I've been fishing a lot.
One of my friends who lives way back in the sticks was asked by a tourist, what he did up in the back country. He said, " In the summer, we fish, and make love". He was then asked what he did in the winter. He said,"We don't fish".

01-05-2014, 12:51 PM
Looks like I can find a space down stairs to put in a 12 yard range or so.


William Yanda
01-05-2014, 12:57 PM
Volunteered Sat AM at Restore-an outfit that recycles donations to support housing for the underprivileged. That did not meet with approval from the Spousal unit-too much opportunity to scrounge. She suggested volunteering at the local VA-I'll have to check that out this coming week. After this cold wave coming I may be able to get in some hard water fishing.

01-05-2014, 01:00 PM
I've been fishing a lot.
One of my friends who lives way back in the sticks was asked by a tourist, what he did up in the back country. He said, " In the summer, we fish, and make love". He was then asked what he did in the winter. He said,"We don't fish".

My wife told me to go fishing....

01-05-2014, 01:10 PM
Casting .358 hollowpoints. one at a time, just like in the olden days.

Love Life
01-05-2014, 01:15 PM
I go shoot and hunt. All the fair weather hunters and shooters are hiding inside under pink blankets, so I take advantage of it and enjoy not having to wear blaze orange so some wound up "sportsman" doesn't mistake me for a bison.

I swear, pre-awakening Ramadi was safer than opening week for any hunting.

01-05-2014, 01:18 PM
It's mid 70's today and sunny. I am shooting this afternoon.

01-05-2014, 01:26 PM
I swear, pre-awakening Ramadi was safer than opening week for any hunting.

I see you've hunted on the east coast then. I hunt on private property and still don't like the first few days of rifle season. To many idiots in the woods.

01-05-2014, 01:29 PM
Its a sweltering six degrees here right now, but at least the wind is blowing about 30 from the north to make it about -10. After three hours worth of chores this morning I am pretty happy with the cabin right now. Will probably size the bullets I powder coated yesterday this afternoon before I have to go back out and cut ice again. Man I love all this global warming.

01-05-2014, 01:51 PM
Well it's 30-30 weather here on my spot on the prairie, 30 degrees and 30mph wind. 30-30 is in the cradle mid-cleaning, got my shooting done yesterday when temps were in the 60's. Have some empty cases and data from yesterday's shoot so should have plenty to do when I get tired of housework and a crappy internet connection.

01-05-2014, 02:14 PM
Well after 2-3 doctors and my pre-med son harping on me to get some exercise, I joined planet fitness. I just could not see myself looking like those I've been laughing at for all these years, those """health nuts"""!! Actually I enjoy it! I can feel my body digging itself out of the terrible condition I've let it get into. I have type 2 diabetes, I'm overweight, so my insulin demand keeps going up.

My 2 bad knees have so far not given me any grief. The treadmill is low impact, I'm simply walking on it, to get the heart rate up. After my Monday apt. with my chiropractor, he told me to do some strength training as well. I said I don't want to look like those muscle heads on TV. His answer was; your muscles will demand energy, IOW burn more glucose. That will drop the need for more insulin. Loosing weight will do the same. About 20-25 reps @ 25 pounds on 2 diferent weight machines, brought about a burning in my upper chest/arms. Felt good. AND the scenery isn't hard to take either!:holysheep dems nice looking ladies!

What pushed me over the top was my son saying he wants me around for as long as possible. Then he said "if you keep up like you are, you'll die prematurely from diabetic neurosis.

I'm also in a battle with prostate cancer. Right now there's a truce or stalemate, the PSA is unreadable. That means it has stopped growing wherever that tumor(s) is/are. Getting fit might help with that as well.

Too damn cold to go shooting anyway. Even though the club has an indoor 50' range, but it's limited to under 1300 fps and no rifles other than 22 rimfire. I have a brand new M-92 Rossi in .357 mag I have yet to shoot. It's partner in my safe is another M-92 in 45 colt. Both need some range time, but today may not get above zero with a wind chill of -20-something.

Today's main event is the Packers game against Frisco. Somebody offered me tickets, I said I'm NOT a fan of cold weather, no way in Hades!

Gonna be 68 in a couple of weeks! Maybe I can make it to 75?

Love Life
01-05-2014, 02:15 PM
i see you've hunted on the east coast then. I hunt on private property and still don't like the first few days of rifle season. To many idiots in the woods.


Wayne Smith
01-05-2014, 02:18 PM
Snuffy, if you don't want big muscles do a lot of reps with light weight. This builds long stringy muscle and builds stamina rather than big bulgy muscle. You are still getting your self in shape, and you will gradually want to increase the weight, but starting with 10lbs and 50 reps rather than 50lbs and 10 reps will make a big difference.

01-05-2014, 02:20 PM
I live in central Texas. What is "cabin fever"?

Phhhttttzzzzzzzzzz :-)

01-05-2014, 02:29 PM
Yesterday,I soldered the Under Ribb and Ramrod thimbles on a octagonal to round shotgun muzzleloading Barrel.This is to replace one that Blew up at the Proof house.
Today I went Muzzleloading Clay shooting using my Navy Arms Double.This morning we had a window in the weather but by 3pm it was as horrendous as it has been for a week or two.

01-05-2014, 02:36 PM
On the weekends we usually shoot sporting clays on which ever day is the best. During the week I usually go a couple times to the indoor range with a buddy and shoot pistol and my Rossi 92. Our indoor range limit is 250 grs@1400 fps so the rifle is no problem with the .38 level loads I normally shoot. The dog and I walk a couple miles every morning before breakfast and I swim twice a week at the Y. I'm not really sure how I ever found time to work:kidding:

01-05-2014, 02:40 PM
Mostly on these cold weekends, I stay in. Cast or reload...maybe watch a movie or two, but mostly clean the house and get things ready for next weeks work.

Tomorrow morning, it'll probably -25º, I'll get up at 5am, re-start the woodstove, have breakfast, make Lunch, and go to work.

Luckily, there is no woman here to give me Cabin Fever.

01-05-2014, 02:47 PM
70% here, Buckshot and I are going to the range tomorrow.

01-05-2014, 03:39 PM
Before my cabin was tree crushed. I would winter for admittedly, short periods of time in the high sierras. Lots of snow and bitter cold. But also the opportunity for fun. I would break off huge ice sickles from the roof, and invert them in the snow. And also leave pans of water to freeze, into disks for more targets, The shattering of ice from gunfire worked wonders for my cabin fever. Jay

01-05-2014, 03:47 PM
Enjoying it!

Another log please. :mrgreen:


01-05-2014, 03:52 PM
I live in central Texas. What is "cabin fever"?
It's when your body doesn't want to leave your house for 6 months.

I live in south central NC. What is "cabin fever"?
it's when you convince yourself that 10-f is cold and stay inside.
A horse that won't leave the barn is called 'barn sour'.
A person who refuses to go outside (for whatever reason) could be called 'cabin sour', but ...

Cabin Fever is a malady that exists when a person becomes dissatisfied with his surroundings, and excessively irritable in dealing with those around him.
It stems from 'staying in' - either inside a given building, or within a limited locale - long enough for boredom to override a normal mental outlook on life. A routine which includes long periods of inactivity causes the condition to come on more quickly, and to reach more debilitating levels of depression.

Cabin fever isn't 'being in' the cabin, it's what happens to your mind if you don't get out.


John Allen
01-05-2014, 03:56 PM
I am cleaning and organizing the garage so I do not spend hours trying to find something that I put away in the wrong place.

smoked turkey
01-05-2014, 04:11 PM
I went to the man cave to prime and load some 375 H&H I have preped for the occasion. What I ended up doing was a little clean up, getting reloading logs up to date, and generally getting things a little more organized than they are now. Hopefully will get to those 375s before day's end.

762 shooter
01-05-2014, 04:53 PM
Just got through loading 2500 9mm on a single stage press.

Just starting to load 2500 45ACP on a single stage press.

I think I just described cabin fever.


01-05-2014, 05:08 PM
Well.......here in AZ our "cabin fever" season is in the summer when you can fry eggs on the patio.

We just turn the AC temp down to 74 and go to the mall and spend money! Or hit the backyard swimming pool.

Our brothers down under in OZ can relate this time of year!


01-05-2014, 05:08 PM
Makin' sawdust is what I do. Spent most of December trying my hand at making a real piece of furniture, or at least close to it. In this case, it was a 3 tier barrister bookcase, w/modified dimensions, to store most of the stereo equipment. It came out OK, I might grade it at a B- because I know where the flaws are. Now I'm working on a second one, also different dimensions, to use as a tv stand/liquor cabinet. After that I think it'll be some sort of coffee table, glass topped, to display all of the beer coasters I've collected. Figure 30" x 40" should accomodate 'em with a bit of extra room.

I've got all this power equipment out in the mancave, might as well try to put it to use. I've found that it's actually fun, most times, and the time goes by so much faster.

01-05-2014, 05:15 PM
Well, I just got back from shooting my first 38spl reloads. Man, that was fun! Looks like 26* and no wind is about right for winter target practice. Very comfortable.

No more bullets left, anyone want to trade me some 38 boolits for flat packed CNC cut stuff? :bigsmyl2:

01-05-2014, 05:25 PM
I'm spending this afternoon looking through seed catalogs, getting ready for garden again. In six months.

01-05-2014, 05:38 PM
I just got back into ice fishing. I let it go for 10 or 12 years and am using a 6" hand auger. Just ate the last of the pan fish. Cross country ski, I have three loops on the farm and the longest one is about a 1.5 miles. Yesterday, the snow was real fast. The trick is to dress for the weather. The coldest temp. skiing was -18* so far. Might get to -25 tonight.

Like other years I use the tractor to push snow into piles and shoot targets on the snow banks. Easy to pick up boolits in the spring.

01-05-2014, 05:53 PM
Today ! Sorting, deprimming and wet tumbling brass. Cleaned the reloading room. Annealed some brass. Took inventory of primers. Holy **** its supper time already. Good one more day closer till spring.

01-05-2014, 07:38 PM
http://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p733/Btroj/image_zps6319070a.jpg (http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/Btroj/media/image_zps6319070a.jpg.html)

Homemade lasagna sure helps fight off cabin fever. Fights hunger too.

Anyone who is interested best be here in an hour.

01-05-2014, 07:42 PM
http://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p733/Btroj/image_zps6319070a.jpg (http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/Btroj/media/image_zps6319070a.jpg.html)

Homemade lasagna sure helps fight off cabin fever. Fights hunger too.

Anyone who is interested best be here in an hour.

Looking good! My venison stew should be ready by then. I'm ready for some home made lasagna, tho. Need to make a batch of Italian sausage pretty soon!

Love Life
01-05-2014, 09:03 PM
I took the Mrs. Shooting today. There we are doing the 600yd stare. She went 8 for 8 at 400 yds into a 7 inch group. This was her 1st time behind the gun, shooting the caliber, and shooting 400 yds!!

Then we moved out to 600 yds (pictures shown). She went 18 for 20 all over the target, but they were hits!!

She also made me look bad with the snub nose and Glock 17. However, my performance with the model 28 and 1911 redeemed me...a little.

Man this woman can go through some primers!!

Love Life
01-05-2014, 09:12 PM
The target with a head and body group is 400 yds. She was shooting the rd bull. The shot at 12 is me (CCB), and the other 8 shots are hers.

The target with the horizontal group going across is her 600 yd target.

01-05-2014, 09:16 PM
Ladies always seem to be terrific shots. My girlfriend will smoke clays with my 10/22 without any practice, and I do only marginally better.

Love Life
01-05-2014, 09:23 PM
Maybe it's because they don't grow up playing Cowboys and Indians, Guns, Cops and Robbers, and haven't developed any bad habits that have to be overcome. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

01-05-2014, 09:40 PM
They also tend to listen and do what they are told. Guys tend to think they know better and refuse to listen.

01-05-2014, 09:41 PM


Love Life
01-05-2014, 09:43 PM

01-05-2014, 09:44 PM

Love Life
01-05-2014, 09:45 PM
I told you my way was better...

01-05-2014, 09:46 PM
http://cdn1.bigcommerce.com/server3000/86d67/products/5648/images/4306/s9441_LadiesIfAManSays_COTT_ROYAL__73261.134972623 8.600.600.jpg

Love Life
01-05-2014, 09:47 PM
^^^The gospel!!

01-05-2014, 09:54 PM
Don't get cold enough here! Woke up to 65 this morning, but supposed to get all the way down to 20 tonight! You need to keep that arctic weather up there!

Marvin S
01-05-2014, 09:57 PM
Ice is on this year, so ice fishing and small game hunting now that big game season is over and the wanna be buckmasters are done. We have our frozen butt rondy coming up in Feb also.

01-05-2014, 10:01 PM
I made a plumbing access panel in the laundry room to stop the mouse invasion, updated the kitchen faucet with a nice Kohler magnetic pullout/single-control thingy and soap pump, refinished the counter to hide the three-hole escutcheon fade-mark from the previous faucet, put all that back together, processed some venison, prepped and cooked some nice steaks for supper (am currently miserable because they were so freakin' GOOD and I couldn't stop eating!), cut up some Alder scraps for another member here for use in his new smoker, cleaned the back hallway and cleared away the last of the x-mas trash, started bleaching a European-style deer skull, and after I take out the trash will be casting some boolits from a new mould I got Friday. I think I earned enough brownie points with the wife that I may not be ice fishing later tonight.

Days like today especially make me glad to be alive, safe, healthy, and relatively pain-free, even if it's too cold and windy to go shooting or do much else productive outside.


01-05-2014, 10:08 PM
I have a right nice wood working shop with a 15 " planner ,a
8" joiner 5hp table saw 20 " band saw , router tables ,24 " drum sander etc. I have real good access to a African Hardwood called Sapele (similar to Mahogany) .Enclosed are a few pics of a entertainment center im doing for my nephew . Ill post some pics when its done. I usually make 3to 4 thousand crab mallets for my stores in the winter . Most of my work is for family pretty much making a good bit of the furniture in my 2 sons houses . Sort of keeps me busy. The one pic is a Bed Headboard I made for a fishing friend .
In the summer im out of that shop and on the water or the shooting range. So I have no problem with cabin fever tks KEN

01-05-2014, 10:48 PM
Snuffy, if you don't want big muscles do a lot of reps with light weight. This builds long stringy muscle and builds stamina rather than big bulgy muscle. You are still getting your self in shape, and you will gradually want to increase the weight, but starting with 10lbs and 50 reps rather than 50lbs and 10 reps will make a big difference.

Thanks Wayne, my son stopped so we could watch the Packers loose, he said the same thing. He even offered to go along with me tomorrow. PF (planet fitness) has 1 day passes, so it'll be good to have company.

I want very badly to get back in shape. Matt will be getting married next spring, (2015), so I should loose this belly by then!

That makes sense to use less weight more often to build endurance. Matt said I may even be able to stop taking insulin completely.

I'd dearly love to go shooting, just too darn cold. I may just give up on the outdoor, just shoot the GP-100 indoors. AFTER a session at PF of course!!!

01-06-2014, 01:53 AM
Maybe it's because they don't grow up playing Cowboys and Indians, Guns, Cops and Robbers, and haven't developed any bad habits that have to be overcome. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

They also tend to listen and do what they are told. Guys tend to think they know better and refuse to listen. -btroj

You're both right. And if she talks with her hands she'll likely be an excellent pistol shot with a little good instruction.

01-06-2014, 05:07 AM
Find new recipes, do some bullet casting and reloading, cook, get annoyed by 2 25+ pound cats, ham radio so I talk all over the world...

01-06-2014, 06:16 AM
What's cabin fever?

I walked the wolf tonight at about 10:00 PM. It was about 66* F out, a light breeze, starry sky, even a windbreaker was too warm.

The weather is the only thing I'll miss after I've departed this politically polluted State.


01-06-2014, 09:54 AM
Who has enough spare time to even get cabin fever? Any of you bored folks are more than welcome to come on over to the farm and help out here. Dress warm.....

Don Purcell
01-06-2014, 10:17 AM
snuffy, keep up with the weights and walking we all want you around for a while and it helps with shooting also.

01-06-2014, 12:26 PM
snuffy, keep up with the weights and walking we all want you around for a while and it helps with shooting also.

Thanks Don, I didn't realize how badly I had deteriorated.

27 judge, that's some fine furniture! I mean wow, just WOW! I really wish I had woodworking skills. My life made a different path once I reached that "fork in the road". I went to metal working, mainly welding and some lathe work. I worked for other people, made a good living, no complaints.

-13 degrees right now, clear skies, 20+ mph wind. Furnace runs almost constantly, hate to see next months utility bill!:eek:

01-06-2014, 02:04 PM
cast and reload. I have a 20' range in the barn with a bullet trap for .22. if I can find .22. when I was still living at home we had a pool table. we have one now but no room to set it up. have to put a summer kitchen on.

01-07-2014, 02:25 AM
My cure for the furnace running to much and a cold living room(no basement under it and badly insulated, built in the 50's)


Also my power outage backup heat, pellet stove that runs on 12 volts DC

Thanks Don, I didn't realize how badly I had deteriorated.

27 judge, that's some fine furniture! I mean wow, just WOW! I really wish I had woodworking skills. My life made a different path once I reached that "fork in the road". I went to metal working, mainly welding and some lathe work. I worked for other people, made a good living, no complaints.

-13 degrees right now, clear skies, 20+ mph wind. Furnace runs almost constantly, hate to see next months utility bill!:eek:

01-07-2014, 03:12 AM
My son and his fiance want to put a pellet stove in their cabin they're renting. Her dad sells them, he would come up to install it. Found out the landlords insurance company would NOT insure the place with a pellet stove installed. They have electric radiant heat!

My stepson has one installed in his house. It really works great, he cut his heat bill in half the first winter with it.

Wayne Smith
01-07-2014, 11:05 PM
Thanks Wayne, my son stopped so we could watch the Packers loose, he said the same thing. He even offered to go along with me tomorrow. PF (planet fitness) has 1 day passes, so it'll be good to have company.

I want very badly to get back in shape. Matt will be getting married next spring, (2015), so I should loose this belly by then!

That makes sense to use less weight more often to build endurance. Matt said I may even be able to stop taking insulin completely.

I'd dearly love to go shooting, just too darn cold. I may just give up on the outdoor, just shoot the GP-100 indoors. AFTER a session at PF of course!!!

Definitely get back into shape. If you push the exercise, and I mean to a good sweat at least a couple times a week, and seriously control your carbs, you might, and might not, get off the insulin. That is as much a function of if and how much your beta cells in your pancreas recover as a result of your rehabilitation. If they recover well you might get off all your meds. If you are on meds for hypertension, cholesterol, or triglycerides you are likely to not need those even if you may still have to supplement your insulin. Realize your body is a marvelous instrument that responds to maltreatment and recovers. Pushing the exercise is a major part of that rehabilitation.

01-08-2014, 01:31 AM
Went hunting Jan. 2-6. Feels good to be warm again.

A troubador I once liked wrote:

"This mornin', I shot six holes in my freezer
I think I got cabin fever
Somebody sound the alarm"


01-08-2014, 03:01 AM
wow usually pellet stoves are easy to insure because they are so safe. Way safer than a wood stove. Wonder if the ladlord told insurance wood stove and not pellet stove.

01-12-2014, 04:16 PM

Casting/reloading/shooting/ Fishing in the upper Chesapeake Bay when the weather permits. But when cabin fever time comes around (Bad weather) I turn to my wood shop. Here is the finished product ( have to put the back on it yet) . A entertainment center for my nephew in VA, its 60" long 37" high and 18" deep. has 8 coats of hand rubbed oil for a finish. This pretty much took care of the bad weather period tks KEN

01-12-2014, 06:14 PM

Casting/reloading/shooting/ Fishing in the upper Chesapeake Bay when the weather permits. But when cabin fever time comes around (Bad weather) I turn to my wood shop. Here is the finished product ( have to put the back on it yet) . A entertainment center for my nephew in VA, its 60" long 37" high and 18" deep. has 8 coats of hand rubbed oil for a finish. This pretty much took care of the bad weather period tks KEN

Do you make this for sale? I'm looking for a desk/vanity to put a sink on when I remodel my bathroom this year. Putting in maple heated floors and a clawfoot bathtub.

01-12-2014, 08:05 PM
tks for the reply but I do this only as a hobby. I have filled my 2 sons houses with furniture but that's as far as I want to go . This way when the rockfish season starts im free and ready to go fishing or was it duck/goose hunting or maybe it was deer hunting and I think squirrel hunting gets in there also. tks KEN

01-12-2014, 08:07 PM
Take up casting, then ya don't need to wait for them bullets to arrive. ;)

01-12-2014, 09:33 PM
While it does not get bitter cold, here in the south, the high humidity can make it tough to be outside. I also live in farm country, so its pretty open here and the wind chill can be tough. I also work outside, sometimes 24/7, so I kinda enjoy my time off during the winter, after hunting season is over.I clean up my loading room, catch up on case prep and load ammo for my spring PD hunt. I also play on the puter, and enjoy a drink in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace. I'm not retired yet, but close, so my off time is limited. Kinda looking forward to it, though! Am seeing some good ideas here! Lightman

01-12-2014, 09:58 PM
I can't get to far from the house, had a horse fall on me and now I have nerve damage in my right hip. Doing therapy and reading forum threads for hours. I'll be good to go in a few weeks.
Going to try adding copper to alloy when it warms up

01-12-2014, 10:09 PM
Reminds me of a 3 gated pony; walk, stumble and fall.


01-12-2014, 10:33 PM
Well to combat cabin fever this weekend I continued prepping brass that I fired last summer. Today, I loaded up 100 rounds of 45. One benefit of the winter if you would call it that, is having plenty of time to get prepped for the next shooting season. Over the next few months I have to finishing prepping my brass, cast about 1,000 more 9mm, and load some more 9mm and 45acp.

01-12-2014, 10:35 PM
One of my other interests is watch collecting, currently looking for a Rolex.

Also learning more about automatic movements.

01-12-2014, 10:50 PM
Back in the late 50s/early 60s, dad had an Omega Automatic and one of the earlier Bulova Accutron "Conversation Piece". He used to say, "My watch lose face".

01-12-2014, 11:02 PM
Current project to stave off cabin fever, Chinese Type 53 7.62x54r, Archangel stock kit, need a scope mount and long eye relief scope yet


Powder Burn
01-12-2014, 11:14 PM
Smelted my 1st pot o lead outside today. Had to wash both my jacket and hoody since they stunk to high heaven. Now I know where they came up with the term Smelted....must mean "to smell-bad".

01-12-2014, 11:30 PM
The job keeps me pretty busy, but our antlerless season is still going on and the days I've been able to hunt, I've been in the woods.

That's about the end, but I'm in the process of moving my reloading set up to the new house and that'll take a while. I have enough gun and reloading projects to keep me occupied. Can't wait til late April when the bow fishing will start up again.

01-12-2014, 11:54 PM
Found a DVD @ Wally World, 20 spaghetti westerns. Also foreclosed on a house this past week and it needs a fair bit of cosmetic repairs so I'll be busy getting it ready to sell. Oh, yeah. Still gotta build that workshop in that 20-minute interval between winter and spring when the wind isn't blowing.

Pepe Ray
01-13-2014, 12:15 AM
Well I just got back from a "BlueGrass " break.
Fri. and Sat nights with 3 great bands. And LOTs of field picking. The Presque Isle Inn up in "The County". Let it rain, freeze, blow or snow.
The restaurant manager is an idiot but all other accomodations were great.
The Spinny Bros (Canada) headlined the bill. They have the #1 spot with "I Want my Dog Back".
With BlueGrass you don't care if the power goes out, the music continues.
Saw many old friends and met many new ones.
That should keep me going till the summer season begins.
Sorry you missed it.
Pepe Ray

01-13-2014, 01:28 AM
I am tapping my maple trees to make syrup. We have dozens on the property and these West Coast maples make wonderful tangy syrup. Unlike the eastern variety, the maples here pump sap for up to threes months (Xmas thru March) so it keeps you in the woods daily for a long time. Fortunately the sap doesn't flow on rainy days so there is no need to go out in the rain.