View Full Version : New Avatar!

11-29-2007, 10:50 PM
Well, I finally started using an Avatar. Figured since it shows a Colt Agent I might as well announce it here in this forum! Anyone else out there shooting the Colt D Frame snubbies?

11-30-2007, 03:27 AM
Well, I finally started using an Avatar. Figured since it shows a Colt Agent I might as well announce it here in this forum! Anyone else out there shooting the Colt D Frame snubbies?

..................One of the guys who shoots with us bought one that was at a shop on consignment. Looked to me as if it's never been shot. The guy who bought it hasn't shot it yet either. He said he's afraid it will detract from it's value. I Said only if he blew it up :-)


11-30-2007, 06:45 AM
Colt makes revolvers?!:mrgreen:

11-30-2007, 09:56 AM

Pepe Ray
11-30-2007, 01:41 PM
Mine's an Al. alloy frame. Shoots /groops high-left. It obiously needs to be torqued in but I'm chicken.
Have ya got anything encouraging to say?
Pepe Ray

11-30-2007, 01:44 PM
Sure would like to have a Cobra or Agent. My wife's Detective Special is a gorgeous little cannon.

11-30-2007, 02:29 PM
Still exercising the 2 and 3" Detective Sp.(Old model 38 spec.'s) FTT,and the 4" Cobra served as a blue grouse harvester for elk camp main courses last mid october. Too many people in the mtns nowadays to expect to headshoot many "chickens" with the Woodsman sport model 22 any more,and body shots give up too many "fliers" that go to ground 500-600 yds away near the canyon bottoms.:roll: Onceabull

12-01-2007, 12:31 AM
Not a snub nose but I did pick up a 4" Diamondback in 38 Special a few years back at a shop in Houston. Must have been a duty gun as it came with a black leather holster and belt slide cartrige carrier. Didn't have any wear at all, not even at the muzzle. I replaced the factory grips with a set of nice Hogue wood grips as the factory grips were too short to be comfortable. Makes for a sweet package.

About 20 years ago, I gave me wife one of those...only with Herret grips..for her birthday. Have tried a number of times to talk her into swapping (with me!) for a nice SP101 but she just won't bite.


12-01-2007, 02:09 AM
Al- Have you been playing Halo 2?

12-01-2007, 02:17 AM
Didn't think anyone would bother to reply on this thread but glad to see some folks have. Pepe Ray, DO NOT torque that barrel on the aluminum frame gun! The threads on the frame are likely to turn with the barrel and that would be a problem for sure. Colt sold these guns with a written warning to gunsmiths not to remove barrels on them but to send them back to the factory for this very reason.

The gun in my avatar came along to me with a story I found interesting. I just got the piece a week ago. The shop keep who I know well, said an older black gentleman from Georgia owned it and carried it for years. The wear patterns on the gun bear out that fact is has been carried extensively. However, upon examining it, I could not find any evidence it had EVER been fired! The finish is probably about 80 percent and yes, that is tape you see on the grip -- exactly how it came to me. The factory box was with the gun and it shows that the piece shipped with the hammer shroud installed from Colt. I will add a Tyler T Grip, shoot it a little to work out a standard pressure load, then do as that fine southern gent did and carry the gun A LOT. Will shoot it very little but I find it is a fine companion for my late nights on the computer.

12-01-2007, 02:45 AM
I have a nice nickled Cobra that I have added the hammer shroud on.
This is a really excellent CCW pistol, and I carry if frequently. Mine shoots
like pointing my index finger and bullet holes appear where I point out
to 15 yds. I have the Pachmyr Compac grip and it fits my hand perfectly.
Very smooth action, too.

The Compac grips are worth trying. The tiny notch for the little finger indexes
mine absolutely the same every time I grip it and it is perfectly set up for
point shooting.


12-01-2007, 11:15 AM
I love my Cobra! I carry it by far more that any other defensive pistol. It rides in an inside the waistband El Paso Saddlery holster. I replaced the ugle factory wood grips of 70's vintage with Uncle Mikes rubber grips. Sights are better than any other snub I have seen and it an outstanding shooter at defensive distances. If something happened to it, I would be immediately in search of another.


12-01-2007, 07:47 PM
Well, I just bought this sweet little set of grips for the Agent http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=280166552408&ssPageName=STRK:MEWN:IT&ih=018

Called Tyler Manufacturing and my T Grip will ship Monday. Got an email from Mika that my IWB holster will ship Monday also, and I just shot the CCW qualification with the gun and faxed it to Da Sheriff to have the gun added onto my permit. I figure this time next weekend I will be sporting the newly-setup piece about town in style! hehe!

12-02-2007, 09:31 AM
Years ago, when I first started handloading, I had a Cobra. Some of the loads I put through that would make a Redhawk wince. The Good Lord looks after fools and drunkards and I wasn't drunk. There's a Dick Special in a display case at a local shop that calls to me every time I go there. Darned expensive for a gun that would have brought $150.00 20 years ago. Maybe someday. The S+W Bodyguard will work for now.