View Full Version : Chamber reamer to match wildcat dies - best way to get ....

01-01-2014, 02:40 AM
I have always wanted to have a gun chambered in one of the 22 ackley jet / 22 super jet / 22 sabre cat / 22 jet improved variants.

I finally obtained a set of reloading dies for an improved version of the jet without breaking the bank, so I now need a reamer to cut the chamber(s).

What is the best way to have a chamber reamer made to fit an existing set of wildcat dies? By the best way I am interested in fastest / most economical / lowest effort etc.

I have wondered if someone already has a reamer that would match cataloged, does anyone know?

Will I need to send the sizer to the reamer maker, send a cast of the sizer or something else.

Any recommendations on who to have make the reamer (PTG, mason and clymer come to mind)

Any other tips / advice about this project?

I am not really interested in hiring the chambering done, as I like to do the work on my guns. It is more about the learning / experience / knowledge for me than the end product.

B R Shooter
01-01-2014, 05:47 AM
I would call David Kiff, talk with him, and I bet he can do what you want. It,s been done before. Matching the chamber to the sizing die is a real part in benchrest shooting. You want to only size the brass enough to easily chamber, but not over size it anywhere. With a PPC and BR case, it's already been done.

Plus, Pacific doesn't charge extra for a wildcat......

01-01-2014, 08:49 AM
the way I was always told to do it was. use the same reamer to cut the chamber and the die.

elk hunter
01-01-2014, 10:59 AM
About five years ago I had PTG, i.e. Dave Kiff make me a reamer to match a set of RCBS custom dies for my 500-450. I supplied the drawing for the reamer. The cost then was $154.00 and I waited three months for it as apposed to the three weeks he quoted me, but it was worth the wait, great reamer, cut very smooth. The new reamer was about half the cost of a new set of dies.

As for using the chambering reamer to make the dies it will be too big for the sizing die but can work well for the bullet seating die.

B R Shooter
01-01-2014, 11:58 AM
That's right, you can use a chamber reamer for a seater die, but not a sizing die.

Call Kiff.

01-01-2014, 02:06 PM
Wondering if you could cut a die with a chambering reamer and make it work, possibly by having the reamer cold, out of the freezer and the die warm, like out of the boiling water. The reamer will be a bit smaller and the die will be large, but shrink when cooled?

country gent
01-01-2014, 02:34 PM
Certain tools steels will shrink slightly .002-.004 when heat treated and can be reamed with chamber reamed hardened and polished.

01-01-2014, 03:19 PM
Wondering if you could cut a die with a chambering reamer and make it work, possibly by having the reamer cold, out of the freezer and the die warm, like out of the boiling water. The reamer will be a bit smaller and the die will be large, but shrink when cooled?

No. Even if you had a pressurized coolant system cutting the die, both would normalize in the first minute or so, if not before.

My recommendation would be to form the brass you intend to use with the die you have procured, send it with your intended projectile seated to the OAL you desire to Dave and let him make the chamber reamer.

01-02-2014, 10:13 PM
Ream the chamber, then make a straight line seating die with the reamer,then make only the neck portion smaller so you can make a neck sizing die. Then have the rest of the reamer ground a thou or two smaller all over, and make your sizer die. Brass comes out of the die the size the die is. It doesn't spring back measureably.