View Full Version : Trigger finger surgery

tomme boy
12-30-2013, 01:50 PM
Headed out to have surgery on two fingers on my right hand. Been putting this off for awhile now. But they are locking up and I have to pull on them to straighten them out. They also don't straighten all the way out. I have not been able to cast or load for awhile now. Hopefully soon.

tomme boy
12-30-2013, 01:53 PM
Oh ya. I have to get this done now before the end of the year as my Dr. thinks it will not be covered after the first of the year. Obamacare for ya.

12-30-2013, 02:05 PM
I've three of them. Cortisone shots didn't help. Later this winter, I'll have surgery on two of them. A thumb's been acting up, lately, too.

I hope your surgery goes well, and you are back to normal quickly.

12-30-2013, 03:58 PM
I have the same, only happening in the middle finger of the left hand right now but have had it in the right hand too. I've had the Cortisone shots for it in the past and it did help but oh lordy, the cure is bad enough that I wait until it's bad enough that cure doesn't seen quite so bad.

Docs never have said just what this is except it's not arthritis so I don't know. What I do know is that fun it's not.

What does the surgery on this involve? Docs never mentioned surgery to, maybe because the shots worked, dunno.


tomme boy
12-30-2013, 05:12 PM
Shots never worked. Waiting right now. I guess they cut open right where your finger meets your palm. Then they cut open the sheath the tendon rides in. They keep cutting till you can bend your finger without it popping. I have them in both hands. We will see how this goes before I have the other done.

12-30-2013, 05:30 PM
I hope your in a big city getting it done. Iowa City perhaps or Cedar Rapids?

Good luck at any rate.

12-30-2013, 05:44 PM
I've never had a 'trigger finger' problem. I did have a trigger TOE. The 2nd toe on my left foot got broken in karate, twice, and the second time, was left in the cocked position. Then, I kicked someones shin (illegal knee block) which left the toe in an even more cocked position. It didn't hurt, but, the 'knuckle' rubbed against the bottom of the toe of the shoe. So, after a year & a half, I asked the podiatrist if he could do anything for it. He explained that what was done was that they open the toe, and use a dremel-like device to cut away the cartilage on both sides of the joint, and then use a stainless steel wire splint to reinforce it. That thing is called a 'smart toe'. It lets them not drill out the center of the toe, and put in a steel pin. With the cartilage gone, the body thinks it has a broken bone, and repairs it in the same way. That's how they fix that type of trigger toe. If I had it to do over, I think I'd ask them if they could just hammer it flat. :-D

12-30-2013, 07:19 PM

if you want flat toes just buy a horse.


12-30-2013, 07:29 PM
Trigger finger surgery is like carpaltunnel sur. on your wrist. They free up the nerve and tendens of scar tissue so they work again.

dagger dog
12-30-2013, 08:07 PM
if you want flat toes just buy a horse.


I used to shoe horses (farrier), it was a family trade, started working as soon as was large enough, served a 5 year apprenticeship and started on my own at 18 worked at the trade for 15 years until giving it up.

I've had all 10 toes broken, some single, some two and three at a time, some twice.

Have so much extra bone growth from arthritis I hobble around until my meloxicam kicks in.

Had ulnar nerve relocation in the left hand (cubital tunnel), and suffer through carpal syndrome in both.

Getting old is a real pain !

Good luck on your surgery tomme boy.

12-30-2013, 08:45 PM
I realize I am on the wrong side of Iowa but I would be willing to keep your guns company while you are out of action. Send me plenty of ammo and I will make sure they keep in shape.

I figure this is the least I can do while a fellow member is down and out.

tomme boy
12-30-2013, 10:56 PM
Well they cancelled it. The weather was too bad for the surgeon to make it in. I drove 90 miles to get there and they can't drive 5 miles to the same hospital. What a wasted trip. Not too happy. It was barely even snowing. Now they can't get me in till the first week in February.

12-30-2013, 11:10 PM
What? Cancelled due to weather? Health care should never take a snow day.

12-31-2013, 06:49 AM
I realize I am on the wrong side of Iowa but I would be willing to keep your guns company while you are out of action. Send me plenty of ammo and I will make sure they keep in shape.

I figure this is the least I can do while a fellow member is down and out.

The mark of a true friend one that will watch your guns provided you have enough ammunition for them. LOL

tomme boy
01-29-2014, 09:22 PM
Well, leaving at 4 in the morning to try and get this done again. Have to go take a shower with some antiseptic stuff they sent me. Then another one before I leave. Man this stuff smells.

01-29-2014, 10:52 PM
May all go well.

Had one of mine done last week, sutures will be removed Monday, can't wait to get back to casting, reloading, and shooting.

tomme boy
01-29-2014, 11:02 PM
I have been trying to get all of my casting done this past week. It has really hurt. I can barely close that hand right now. And now a new Mihec 45 hp mold should be here next week. Man I was hoping it would have come this week.

Tn Jim
02-08-2014, 02:12 AM
I had it done on the little finger of my right hand in Jan '12. I now have a knot in the palm and I can't straighten it completely. Looks like I am going to have to have it done again. To make matters worse, the little finger and middle finger of my left hand have started doing it too. The little finger hurts like the devil when it locks and holding small objects has become a major PITA. It doesn't get any better once it starts Tomme. Getting old ain't for sissies!