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12-29-2013, 01:16 AM

There was a pair of Eagles sitting in a tree out on the shore of Lake Allegan today when I went by. I wanted to get closer to get better pictures but they didn't like the idea.

12-29-2013, 02:06 AM
If you like eagle pics, i have a few......


I have taken a lot of cool eagle pics over the years... And have lots of animal pics i have taken... If you are interested, i can post pics of sea otters, swans, and all kinds of critters.... One of my other hobbys...


12-29-2013, 02:17 AM
AlaskanGuy those are nice pics. We have a few good ones, but most times with us its a case of awesome pic, but no camera.... What conclusion did the pup/eagle confrontation come to??

Most eagles at one time was 25 sitting in two side by side cottonwoods. Awesome!

12-29-2013, 02:41 AM
For us down here in the Lower 48, it's always a thrill to see bald eagles! Not as common as in AK.

12-29-2013, 02:49 AM
Wlc, the outcome was that the eagle flew off, and the dumm pup survived...lol.

12-29-2013, 05:47 AM
This is the third time I have ever seen eagles here in southwestern Michigan. I have been here since 1963 off and on. It is the fifth time I have seen them anywhere in Michigan. usually I wish I had a camera with me, this time I wished I had a better one with me.

12-29-2013, 05:56 AM
Living along a river and having a boat helps here in virginia.Most folks would look at ya like a fool if ya said i saw an eagle.We have super cool hawks here too.Great pics by tyhe way.Glad pup made it.lol I,m out doors more than most of my peers so.

12-29-2013, 07:25 AM
I can remember when there were no eagles here but we have a few that raise here now.Looks like they are making a slow come back.

12-29-2013, 11:39 AM
There was a bald eagle hanging around out back behind my place a couple years ago. Saw him a few times. You never realize how big those things are until you see them up close.

He must have moved on though I haven't seen him in a while.

Doc Highwall
12-29-2013, 11:52 AM
AlaskanGuy, what do you use for a camera and what focal length lens?

12-29-2013, 01:11 PM
Eagles are coming back around the Chesapeake Bay.

12-29-2013, 02:26 PM
Have you ever seen an eagle doing the breast stroke?

12-29-2013, 02:44 PM
Have you ever seen an eagle doing the breast stroke?
Had to rescue one once trying to do that when he got tangled in water weeds. Rowed my 10 foot jon-boat to him and climbed in. Boy was he one embarrassed bird but very impressive when four feet away. I gave him a small bass and off he went.

12-29-2013, 04:15 PM
Good thing you had something to pay him off with!

12-29-2013, 05:15 PM
For us down here in the Lower 48, it's always a thrill to see bald eagles! Not as common as in AK.

Trust me, I DO NOT take it for granted. I love seeing them and know I'm blessed by being in a place that they are plentiful.

This is the third time I have ever seen eagles here in southwestern Michigan. I have been here since 1963 off and on. It is the fifth time I have seen them anywhere in Michigan. usually I wish I had a camera with me, this time I wished I had a better one with me.

First wild bald eagle I ever saw was in the UP. I used to go up there grouse hunting every fall before we moved to AK. We were scouting out some new territory one day when it was pouring down rain and came around a curve in one of the logging roads and there it was sitting on top of a road kill deer. Took off flying down the road in front of us. WOW was all I could say. it was huge. That did burst my bubble about our "majestic" national symbol though. I realized they aren't much more than a glorified buzzard. Beautiful birds though and I do love seeing them.

12-29-2013, 05:18 PM
There's at least two dozen of them in a woods a few miles from where I live. There ate chicken barns all around, they love picking up the chicken scraps that are spread in the fields.
When I was a kid it was very uncommon to see one. It's an every day thing now.
They are definitely making a comeback.

12-29-2013, 06:33 PM
He must have moved on though I haven't seen him in a while.

Well I take that back. I was just talking to the warden and she said she saw 2 of them perched in a tree on her way home from work a week ago just a couple miles from here.

John Allen
12-29-2013, 07:07 PM
We have a couple of nesting pairs on the Perkiomen Creek. Here is a pic of one taking off. My house sits 100 feet straight up from the creek so we see them all the time flying at eye level.

Love Life
12-29-2013, 07:30 PM
We have a pair up near Kirmen lake, and quite a few around Lake Topaz. Actually we have a bunch of different raptors around here. It's always awe inspiring to see these birds of prey in person. They are huge. Pictures never do them justice.

12-29-2013, 08:42 PM
We have one of the largest groups of Eagles on the East Coast right here on the Aberdeen Proving ground which is a Military Testing Center on the Upper Chesapeake Bay. Living on the Seneca River which is only a few miles from Aberdeen we see them all the time. They hunt the local farm fields and Saltwater Marshes in the area . A truly Beautiful Bird and a real treat to see in action. tks KEN

12-29-2013, 09:02 PM
Doc, i have several good nikons... My favorite are the D90, but i also have several others... When i carry my nikon, i carry 2 lenses generally these days, the Nikon-VR-80-400mm is on the camera most of the time and is a very nice piece of glass, and in my bag also is the Nikkor af-s dx 10-24mm F/3.5-4.5 g ED lens.... Although I take a lot of pics and could not tell you now what combo or exactly which camera i used at that moment..... I have a poop-load of pics that i have taken and saved... The numbers run into several thousand that i have kept.... My first digital was a d-40, and still have that one also... Kinda like getting a new mold... Just one wont do it....lol


John Allen
12-29-2013, 09:07 PM
I have both lenses and actually run the same combo. The only gripe I have with the 80-400 is that I wish it had one lower f stop.

Silver Eagle
12-29-2013, 10:03 PM
Been stopping by most mornings along the Fox river in West Dundee and Carpentersville. Have seen up to 7 at one time. Seeing them in the wild is an experience all should witness.
Bald Eagle Photography is a group on Facebook that has lots of pictures from all over the US.

Doc Highwall
12-29-2013, 11:47 PM
I did wedding photography for over 23 years with film cameras but I also did nature photography.
I used several Cannon F1n’s with the speed finder and motor drive, for lenses I had a 14mm f2.8, 20-35mm f3.5, 35-105mm f3.5, 85-300mm f4.5, 50mm and 85mm f1.2 along with a 200mm macro with 1:1 ratio on the film plane. I bought mostly the L series lenses talk about big bucks.

12-29-2013, 11:57 PM
Yea I hear ya on the cost of good glass.. Hard to afford, but once you do, can change cameras, but the glass stays forever.. LOL... I wouldnt trade that glass for the BEST boolit mold..LOL....

And YES I wish that dang lens had just ONE MORE F stop on the low end..... But I just love that glass....


12-30-2013, 08:17 PM
When I was a kid in NW Montana, every year when the salmon were spawning the bald eagles would gather in Glacier Park. I remember going there on a field trip in the 4th grade and counting over 400 visible in the trees from one location. Now that the salmon population got screwed up they have become a rarity around there, at least by comparison.

I've used Nikons since I was 15. My current is also a D90 and I love it! You can ALWAYS use one more f-stop! Fortunately, I've found with my D90 that it doesn't lose a tremendous amount of quality when I push it up into the higher effective ASA range. Certainly not like using high ASA film lost quality. And there's always noise reducing software!

12-30-2013, 09:40 PM
Yea, i gotta say, i love my d90.... I really blew it when i got one for alaskangurl.... At that time, i had traded my d40 for a d60 and got a d90 for alaskangurl.... I started playing around with it, and then discovered that a bunch of the functions on my extensive glass collection would not function on the d60, but worked awesome on the d90, i needed one for myself..... But instead i got a great deal on a d5100, but it had the same problem as the d60.... Lens issues... So i broke down and bought ANOTHER d90 and haven't looked back.... Seamless compatibility.... Just a great camera for my lens collection......

Hey Doc, no reason you cant jump into the digital camera world and retain all that great glass you have collected.... Some may not work in auto mode, but that wont hurt a guy with your experience.... I encourage you to make the plunge...

If anybody wants to buy my d5100, i would love to swap or sell it..... PM me.. I figure its worth about 300 for body only....

12-30-2013, 09:49 PM
Was a time when I began to see them coming back in the northern lower peninsula . I kept my mouth shut for the most part about where I saw them. I was afraid the DNR might limit access to the areas.

12-30-2013, 10:35 PM
We have lots of Bald Eagles in the eastern half of Texas now and we see them regularly on the big man made lakes. They even have eagle tours on pontoon boats. I never saw a Baldy in Texas until 20 years ago after growing up on these lakes where they now abound. I farmed in West Texas for years and we had a real problem with Goldens during lambing and kidding seasons. Federal trapper once caught and tagged a Golden and shipped it to Mexico for release. It was trapped again on the same ranch in 3 weeks. I raised 12,000 or so hogs and once had to move some sows and litters into outside pens when the farrowing houses and nurseries were full. I saw a female golden go down and pick up a 4 week old pig and take off. She had to drop it several times, but she got it out of sight and ate the whole thing. We could not trap them, and had to call the federal wildlife trapper when they got to killing too many lambs or kids

12-30-2013, 10:37 PM
Should have put this in previous post. The eagle is slated to be replaced as our national symbol in honor of Obama. The new one is half black, half white and STINKS--the Skunk.

12-31-2013, 03:43 AM
If anyone ever gets the chance to travel thru SE Alaska in the winter and go to Haines... The Chilkat River has hundreds of eagles there on the way to the Canadian border station. They come form all over the pacific NW,Canada and Alaska for the late runs of salmon.

It's pretty impressive!

12-31-2013, 04:54 AM
Mike I have only seen pictures of that Chilkat river congregation of eagles, can you drive to where they congregate, or is a boat ride involved?

12-31-2013, 12:52 PM
It's right along side the main drag headed into town from Canada. ( or out of town if you're going into Canada ) :D :D :D Just wanted to clarify that for you. hehehehehe

Just hang a right at Haines Junction instead of going down to Whitehorse.

12-31-2013, 03:39 PM
We have lots of Bald Eagles in the eastern half of Texas now and we see them regularly on the big man made lakes. They even have eagle tours on pontoon boats. I never saw a Baldy in Texas until 20 years ago after growing up on these lakes where they now abound. I farmed in West Texas for years and we had a real problem with Goldens during lambing and kidding seasons. Federal trapper once caught and tagged a Golden and shipped it to Mexico for release. It was trapped again on the same ranch in 3 weeks. I raised 12,000 or so hogs and once had to move some sows and litters into outside pens when the farrowing houses and nurseries were full. I saw a female golden go down and pick up a 4 week old pig and take off. She had to drop it several times, but she got it out of sight and ate the whole thing. We could not trap them, and had to call the federal wildlife trapper when they got to killing too many lambs or kids
Was that about the time Sheriff John Elliot shot one from an airplane a got into trouble for it?

12-31-2013, 05:41 PM
It's right along side the main drag headed into town from Canada. ( or out of town if you're going into Canada ) :D :D :D Just wanted to clarify that for you. hehehehehe

Just hang a right at Haines Junction instead of going down to Whitehorse.
I have been through Haines junction plenty of times, but never went to Haines. I have seen those pictures several times, and if all it takes to see it in person is a road trip, I will just have to make a special trip.

12-31-2013, 05:53 PM
I Know very little about cameras, but bought my wife a nikon 3200 this year. It was supposedly the best that I could find locally, after hearing about these d90's, I'm thinking I should have waited until I went to los anchorage. lol

12-31-2013, 08:28 PM
The birds come in during Nov. and stay most of the winter. It's easy to get some great viewing.