View Full Version : Bench rest quality tips & techniques!

BT Sniper
12-28-2013, 06:49 AM
A great read for tips on making better, more accurate bullets! Follow some of these tips and you will be surprised what you can do and the better quality bullets you will make no matter what brand of dies you use.


notice the reoccurring tips

- cleanliness
- exact amounts of lube
- clean cores

and more!

It seem I rarley have the time any more to sit down and attempt to make a full batch of what I consider quality bullets, well today I applied many of the tips mentioned in the above link as well as what I have learned myself over the years and managed to surprise myself with some very good bullets. All it really amounted to was taking the time to do things right, mostly cleaning.

For instance I started with clean jackets of course, that had been threw the SS media but then I went the extra step with the swaged lead cores and completely cleaned them with mineral spirits, then acetone and ensured they stayed clean till put in the jacket.

After core seating I cleaned all lube from jackets ensuring everything was clean again.

Next I put a specific amount of lube in a Ziploc bag and tumbled the jackets with seated cores in that bag by hand till all was coated with an equal and light coat of lube. After they were lubed I ensured to keep the jackets perfectly clean from any other foreign material till formed in the warm point form die.

After bullets where formed I cleaned the lube off and tumbled in my secrete receipt for shining the bullet in a wet ceramic media and voilą! bullets that look ready to complete in the up coming postal shoot :)

The results where very good. Some of the better 22 cal bullets I have made yet from 22lr brass. Now I just got to find a good load. I'll have some pics soon.

Good shooting and swage on!


B R Shooter
12-28-2013, 09:32 AM
These techniques are pretty much a standard to follow. Cleanliness is paramount. I don't do the 22 case bullets, but for quantity and availability, I can see the point. However, don't expect BR performance out of a 22 case jacket. It's just not going to happen.

Utah Shooter
12-28-2013, 05:12 PM
Funny I actually read over that every time I make bullets. A very good article indeed.

12-28-2013, 11:52 PM
Being meticulous, exact and careful might not turn 22 lr jacket bullets into match bullets (it won't), but it will make them much more accurate by taking a few variables out.

For making bullets for serious use, I use J4 jackets. For everyday use, 22 lr jackets are fine. My bench guns can tell the difference, but I doubt my AR's can.

12-29-2013, 02:17 AM
Very interesting reading.

Gunnut 45/454
12-29-2013, 04:26 AM
I guess all mine are match grade then since I keep the wts within .1 of a grain! When I loaded up my postal match loads I also segragated the bullets by length since I didn't segragate by brand.