View Full Version : Looking for a top of the line iron 4-6 cavity mold maker for a 45 SWC 68 style bullet

12-28-2013, 02:28 AM
Looking to have produced a top of the line 6-cavity iron mold for a .45 200gr "68 style" SWC. If you make these, or know of a mold maker that does, please let me know. I'm not stupid with my money, but I believe you usually get what you pay for, so I will pay the best price for the best mold.

Thanks for the help!

12-28-2013, 04:34 AM
You can get 4 cavity iron molds from Tom at Accurate molds, I've got an aluminium 5 core of his version of the HG 68, took about 2-1/2 weeks from order to my house.


12-28-2013, 07:49 AM
Does it have to be iron? I have several custom made molds, and my best one is a 4 cavity from Mihec, MP Molds, but it is brass........this guy is a true professional.

Forrest r
12-28-2013, 08:08 AM
+1 on mihec's mold


Dan Cash
12-28-2013, 09:03 AM
There are several outfits that make superlative moulds of Iron, brass and aluminum. Accurate mold is my preferred maker due to his precise work and incredible delivery time. Accurate will produce a 5 cavity aluminum mold that would surely please you. I have iron/steel, brass and aluminum moulds; I was once of the opinion that aluminum was second quality but have changed my mind and prefer aluminum for a number of reasons. All aluminum is not the same and is not the junk produced by Lee.

12-28-2013, 09:03 AM
I have an NOE version of the 68 that is great. I have a number of both iron and aluminum molds and find no differences between a quality aluminum and iron mold or the boolits they throw.

12-28-2013, 11:57 AM
You just described the SAECO 068. SAECO is busily pricing themselves out of the market these days, but their quality is unquestioned.

12-28-2013, 12:02 PM
You could do worse than Accurate. Tom will make you exactly what you want.

12-28-2013, 01:24 PM
Ballisticast is one of our sponsors and they own the rights to the H&G empire. They can fix you up. But not cheaply. I have the MP versions, one HP and one plain, in 4 cavity brass.

12-28-2013, 06:36 PM
I have a new 5-cavity NOE aluminum H&G 68 clone that I have used to cast maybe 300 boolits -- so far, I am very happy with it. I wasn't sure I would be as I am used to steel Lyman and RCBS moulds -- I have been only using them for round balls for about 40 years. But, early impressions are strong for the NOE. In fact, I may be ordering another one for my 45 Colt, soon.

12-30-2013, 10:31 AM
You can get 4 cavity iron molds from Tom at Accurate molds, I've got an aluminium 5 core of his version of the HG 68, took about 2-1/2 weeks from order to my house.

FredI opted for the 4-cavity iron mold of the 45-200H (Tom's H&G clone). Ordered it Sun, Dec 29th. Now we wait, and when it arrives, the fun begins. Casting a new version of an old favorite. Checking weights, sizing, lubing, loading some test loads, and then off with the Ransom Rest to see just how good we can make it shoot on the 25 yard line. Then, an attempt to see how it compares to the Zero 185gr JHP on the 50 yard line. I don't know what I enjoy more... developing the best load I can, or shooting them. Unfortunately for my competition scores, I'm far better at one than the other.

12-30-2013, 05:25 PM
I have the 5 cav aluminum version of Tom's mold. Easily my favorite mold to work with. Bullets drop like silk pantyhose from a Saigon *****.

12-30-2013, 06:43 PM
I have the 5 cav aluminum version of Tom's mold. Easily my favorite mold to work with. Bullets drop like silk pantyhose from a Saigon *****.

Somehow, I just can't close my eyes and not see that now! I'm really looking forward to casting with a top-shelf mold. Started with a Lee 6-cav, then went to an RCBS 2-cav to try iron/steel for heat properties. Loved the production of the Lee, but had way too many rejects for competition ammo. I need a little more forgiveness in the holding mold temp category. Loved the iron/steel RCBS... just a bit of warm-up, and mostly the rest were keepers. But, it killed me to only get two per fill. While I would have paid whatever it cost for a 6-banger in iron, I'm sure the 4-cav will be a compromise to keep me happy on throughput. Plus, the fine touches of above and beyond quality put into the mold that these custom hand-made mold makers like Tom add, and it should be a pleasure vs a chore to get my dad and I's next season of 45 ready to go. I'm really hoping to have a real sweet load worked up to take to a Brian Zins clinic we're taking in mid-February. I want all my ducks in a row to shoot in front of that man.

12-30-2013, 08:20 PM
Be happy that you couldn't buy a six cavity iron mould. I have a couple of original H&G's and they weigh nearly five lbs. with handles (no joke). When doing 20 lbs of bullets (one RCBS pot full) you will pick up that six cavity mould 107 times (if they are all perfect and none returned to the pot). THAT is a recipe for TIRED!

I have no problem with a four cavity iron, brass, or a six cavity aluminum but these days I try to steer clear of iron moulds over four cavities.

My six cavity iron moulds are NOT for sale (I just can't bring myself to do it).

You'll love your new mould. Pre-heat it, run it, and SMILE!

I have Mihec's aluminum AND brass moulds for this bullet and it IS the best for both 1911's and 625's.


12-30-2013, 09:09 PM
Be happy that you couldn't buy a six cavity iron mould. I have a couple of original H&G's and they weigh nearly five lbs. with handles (no joke). When doing 20 lbs of bullets (one RCBS pot full) you will pick up that six cavity mould 107 times (if they are all perfect and none returned to the pot). THAT is a recipe for TIRED!

I have no problem with a four cavity iron, brass, or a six cavity aluminum but these days I try to steer clear of iron moulds over four cavities.

My six cavity iron moulds are NOT for sale (I just can't bring myself to do it).

You'll love your new mould. Pre-heat it, run it, and SMILE!

I have Mihec's aluminum AND brass moulds for this bullet and it IS the best for both 1911's and 625's.


Yeah, I'm sure you're right. Since you put your "NOT for sale" disclaimer in there, I'm only going to refer you to my current WTB post, and ask you to keep me in mind if you EVER decide to part with one. I want one to cast with, but I can see the perplexity... they're almost an icon that should be preserved for the historical record of bullet casting, yet it's almost a sin not to use them to make those immaculately designed bullets their creators intended.

Do you have an original H&G 68 mold? Any chance I could maybe send you some ingots (straight COWW alloy) sometime when you'll be casting, and get a quantity of original 68's from you? I'd lube and size them. I would LOVE to do a side-by-side Ransom Rest comparison of the different clones and the original.

12-30-2013, 09:56 PM
I have SAECO #68 in 6 cavity. I have no idea if they still make 6 cav's, this one though in mint condition is several years old. Dale is correct it's heavy but I would say on a par with the MP 4 cav brass, anyone that can handle those should do well with the iron 6 cav.



Dave C.
12-31-2013, 12:12 PM
The more cavities the better! I have two H&G 8 cavity H&G#68 molds. Hot plates to bring them up to temp and two pots to feed them. I cast a lot of boolits but not often.

They are for sale, but not until I assume room temp.

Dave C.

12-31-2013, 10:11 PM
I got a Ballisti-cast when they ran a group buy about a year ago. Cleaned it up, fired up the RCBS pot and went to work. After two and half our, empty pot and a bunch of very nice boolits.
Whatever works for you!
Happy New Year

01-01-2014, 12:12 PM
I must be old fashon but I only use the real thing when it comes to H&G designs. The molds are a work of art work, so much better than anything else I have used and I find them quite comfortable to use especially the flat bottom model.

Old Caster
01-01-2014, 11:21 PM
The Saeco 069 bevel base or the 069 flat base are both excellent quality and will never wear out if used properly. As far as I know they are only available in 2 or 4 cavity. Extensive ransom rest testing in a Les Baer wad gun say that either of these bullet are as good as you can come up with in shape and or ability to continually mold bullets without reject or problems. Once you use a Saeco mold, you won't buy another brand unless they don't make what you want.

01-01-2014, 11:41 PM
Old Caster, I think you might be the only person I have heard of that thinks a
saeco mold is superior to an H&G.

01-02-2014, 12:17 AM
Once you use a Saeco mold, you won't buy another brand unless they don't make what you want.


I have some fine SAECO molds, not all of them are but some really good ones but that statement is quite the stretch.


01-02-2014, 12:33 AM
cbrick, I have good saeco molds also and some that are really bad but I have yet to use an H&G that didn't throw perfect bullet. Maybe the design didn't work for what I was trying but that's not the molds fault.

Old Caster
01-02-2014, 12:16 PM
I molded bullets for the AMU in the early 60's so I have a pretty good idea how the H&G molds work and maybe that is why I prefer the Saecoes. I and another guy molded all the 45 and 38 bullets for the entire team for a year. We were in front of the lead pots continually for that time plus we were shooters also. Others smelted lead and kept us supplied and sized bullets. I didn't do much of that. The smelters would build large fires and when they were just red coals, lead would be pulled from the backstop in hunks that stuck together and pulled across the coals. The lead would melt and make its way down a groove in the dirt and when solidified, picked up and brought to the casting area. The H&G molds while the best in those days just have a cult following now pretty much like the Star reloading press which was used then and cost around $1100 in those days and in my opinion is no where near as good as a Dillon 550. There is no way I would say either the Star press nor the H&G molds are the best just because they are considered an icon and are considered cool. They are collectors items. If you buy a Saeco 068 or 069 mold today or next year, they will be the same. You couldn't say that about H&G. It depends on what era it came from as to what shape they were.

I feel the 069 is a better mold if you want every bit of accuracy possible but the 068 is very very close to as good and the 068 will load easier because of the bevel base. If you lube with anything except a Star, you will have to modify your sizer to keep lube off the base of the bullet. Search on this site and you will find all kinds of methods to do this.

01-02-2014, 12:55 PM
But Old Caster, but, but . . .

You just made a nice post about collectors items but our responses to you weren't about collectors items. We responded to your comment quoted below.

Once you use a Saeco mold, you won't buy another brand unless they don't make what you want.

Pure nonsense hardly describes that statement besides your statement not mentioning H&G or collectors items you did say . . .

Once you use a Saeco mold, you won't buy another brand unless they don't make what you want.



01-02-2014, 02:03 PM
Ever use a plain base 68, none of the lube problems.

Old Caster
01-02-2014, 02:33 PM
oger, a plain or flat base Saeco would be an 069. No in the AMU we didn't have a flat base H&G mold or at least not that I ever saw.

cbrick, I am not interested in being cool, schmoozing, or being popular. I will only write what my personal experiences are. If you have more experience with the H&G and Saeco molds, then people can use your advice instead of mine. I would trade a Saeco for an H&G because the H&G has more value but to mold bullets I would pick the Saeco. With more than one H&G being used at a time, it is important to not mix the two of them because they can shoot to a different POA plus bullet to bullet consistency in an individual mold is not as good as a modern mold. Then the problem gets to where each gun has to shoot the right molds reload or change the sight setting, so it can cause all kinds of problems. The people on an AMU team are among the best pistol shots in the world so it certainly mattered and everything was tried to get things to be the most accurate. A modern Saeco mold will be the same every time so that they could be mixed all they want. This has to do with different eras of manufacture. They just weren't very consistent back then. Now CNC machinery is super accurate and I like that better. If accuracy really isn't that important because either your gun or you aren't good enough to matter, buy a Lee 6 cavity. Not cool, not the best bullets, but the cheapest.

01-02-2014, 06:34 PM
cbrick, I am not interested in being cool, schmoozing, or being popular.



01-02-2014, 08:53 PM
I attended Brian and Andy's seminar and was pleased with the training and personal coaching I received. They made every effort to make sure everyone understood they're system.

01-04-2014, 09:12 AM
I really like my 4 cavity brass M-P H&G 68 copy, but I don't think Miha has any in-stock at the moment. The bullets drop nicely out of the mold, and it is a real pleasure to use.
http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m11/novalty1970/Reloading/Casting/IMG_6752_zps644a9dfc.jpg (http://s100.photobucket.com/user/novalty1970/media/Reloading/Casting/IMG_6752_zps644a9dfc.jpg.html)
http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m11/novalty1970/Reloading/Casting/IMG_6857_zps47647245.jpg (http://s100.photobucket.com/user/novalty1970/media/Reloading/Casting/IMG_6857_zps47647245.jpg.html)

01-04-2014, 09:42 AM
I have contacted MiHec for the above pictured mould, that I am also seeking to buy. I am new here and was wondering when/how you can find out when they come back in stock?
If it will be too long I might have to settle for a Lyman 452460 or 452630.

Semper Fi

01-04-2014, 09:51 AM
MP molds are made for group buys, he doesn't have a regular stock of molds. If there are 95 people in on the buy when the buy closes that's how many molds he makes, probably a few extras but no in stock items. Check out the active group buy forum & see what is in the works currently.


01-04-2014, 10:51 AM
I have some 8-10 H&G molds that are marvels to look at, cast wonderful boolits, but oh what a workout...

4-cav is much more workable.... I think 6-cav is about the most I care to man-handle these days for an iron mold... the aluminum 5's and 6's are easy on the wrist....

01-08-2014, 01:47 PM
Feel compelled to comment that the best molds I've ever used are original H&Gs, modern Ballisti-Cast, and Miha's brass molds.

Ballisti-Cast and Miha can do you a fine H&G 68 design mold.

I'll second the comment abt H&G 6 cavity molds being HEAVY! Were I buying new molds I would not buy steel 6 bangers in my old age.

01-09-2014, 03:46 PM
Feel compelled to comment that the best molds I've ever used are original H&Gs, modern Ballisti-Cast, and Miha's brass molds.

Ballisti-Cast and Miha can do you a fine H&G 68 design mold.

I'll second the comment abt H&G 6 cavity molds being HEAVY! Were I buying new molds I would not buy steel 6 bangers in my old age.

I just got ahold of a pristine original H&G 68 6-cav (pics at this thread: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?224764-An-original-H-amp-G-68-200gr-SWC-6-or-more-cavity-mold). Planning to prove to myself just how right you are. Also waiting on a 4-cav iron from Accurate Molds. That's another fine one if they are anything like I read around here.

Gettin' pretty itchy to make me some boolits!

01-13-2014, 01:58 PM
Did some casting with the new H&G 68 6-cavity over the weekend. Planning to do some detailed comparisons off the Ransom Rest as this unfolds, but here is a little bit of a comparison of just the physical bullets. Looking at a side-by-side view of the H&G 68 beside three popular clones. The PENN is a commercial cast bullet, the RCBS & LEE were home cast. All the same alloy except the PENN, of course.

Going to test at least two more... the SAECO #069 (some arriving soon from another forum member kind enough to cast them up and send them for some testing) and the Accurate Mold #45-200H (mold has shipped... arriving this week). This isn't going to be extremely fast, but I hope to be thorough, and I'll post the results. Will probably start a new thread elsewhere, as this will probably morph into a different category, but for now, it's still about the molds and the bullets they produce.


I was amazed that the most similar clone appears to me to be the LEE, although its meplat is considerably smaller. I would think that would only affect feed function, and I had no problems feeding this bullet. The LEE and PENN are close in both design and results, as over the summer I was able to get just under a 2.5" group at 50 yards with the LEE, and just over 2.5" with the PENN.

Old Caster
01-18-2014, 11:59 PM
I am a little surprised how much your Lee #90310 weigh. I thought the group buy mold I had was a copy of it only with a flat base and I think they weighed at 190 or so. Initially a fellow named Ernie Rodriguez sent me some from his mold and another guy from this area gave me some to try and I was happy with them for the short line especially considering how fast they can be molded with the 6 cavity aluminum mold. When the friend close by knew someone who had one of the original group buys wasn't going to use it he picked it up for me. I thought each mold threw them at 190 and would have expected it to be another 2 or 3 grains more considering the flat base. I don't think the bevel base from LEE was available before I bought this as I remember someone saying that it probably was a copy of the group buy.

01-19-2014, 01:26 PM
I am a little surprised how much your Lee #90310 weigh. I thought the group buy mold I had was a copy of it only with a flat base and I think they weighed at 190 or so. Initially a fellow named Ernie Rodriguez sent me some from his mold and another guy from this area gave me some to try and I was happy with them for the short line especially considering how fast they can be molded with the 6 cavity aluminum mold. When the friend close by knew someone who had one of the original group buys wasn't going to use it he picked it up for me. I thought each mold threw them at 190 and would have expected it to be another 2 or 3 grains more considering the flat base. I don't think the bevel base from LEE was available before I bought this as I remember someone saying that it probably was a copy of the group buy.

I think that pot of WW alloy must have been a bit heavier, as those LEE and RCBS bullets were both cast a few months ago, but from ingots from the same batch of WW processing. I will say that batch of alloy seemed consistent, as all of the LEEs I've cast have run right around the 206 gr weight point. I agree it is odd... even to look at the bullets. You would think the H&G 68 has more lead mass. That LEE mold was just an off-the-shelf E-Bay buy I believe, just to buy cheap to be sure we were going to continue casting once we experienced what is truly involved. It's a pain, but the quality that can be produced when you take your time and pay attention to details far surpasses anything you can get commercially. The cost savings is nice, too, IF you write your time off as enjoying your hobby. I'm paying about $0.30/lb for COWWs. That comes out to about $0.01 per .45 200 gr LSWC. I just bought about 6 lbs. of pure tin to improve the allow to "COWW + 2% Tin", and at $18.99/lb for the tin, the bullet cost doubled, but is still just $0.02 / bullet. That sounds great, but believe me, unless you are willing to make some hobby investment, as well as a lot of time initially getting configured/outfitted, $0.09 / bullet commercially still isn't bad.

I'm in it for the quality control for ultimate accuracy out of our target pistols, that's why I'm making the comparisons. I want to know what OUR pistols like best.

Old Caster
01-19-2014, 04:13 PM
That is exactly why I started to mold bullets again. When the Star 185 grain 45 ACP swaged hollow points were no longer available all of we bullseye shooters had to start casting again because the accuracy just wasn't there in commercial bullets. When I cast I listen to talk radio and just automatically do what is necessary without even thinking about it so to me it really isn't a chore and the more you do it the easier it gets, especially finding what each mold's idiosyncrasies are. Also shipping soft bullets with soft lube is a challenge to have them not get messed up and I like them better than hard with hard so, we cast our own.