View Full Version : Merry Christmas from 9000 +

12-24-2013, 02:01 PM
Greetings from Southern Peru.
Every year we have the privaledge to spend a few christmas hours with some individuals some of you will get to know and spent eternity with.
Getting there ... well the is no snow or trees to be admired.
Takes a while to get there but finally you come around that last bend and the last climb and there is Yalaca Valley.
The following post has the people involved. See post #4.. two members were fast with repies !

12-24-2013, 02:11 PM
Merry Christmas back at ya.
So at 9000 feet, do boolits go faster and longer?:grin:

square butte
12-24-2013, 02:24 PM
Merry and a Blessed Christmas - and thank you for what you do in this world.

12-24-2013, 02:26 PM
We first meet at Brother Domingo's house in the village of Moro Molle. His sister Beti was not home yesterday.91481

We are with them from about 12 noon till around 1 pm. On the table are the two fruit with sweetbread bags and a blue bag with the fixings to make traditional Peruvian hot chacolate.

Later we meet with the beleivers in Brother Pablo's house located in Carrizal village about 25 minutes north in the same valley of Yalaca.


Brother Pablo is on the left with his wife Santos (standing picture center). Brother Pablo is the one who first invited us to come to Yalaca Valley near 14 years ago and start teaching the Bible. Brother Pablo has been threatened and badly treated for many years for nothing more than saying read the Bible and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. He has been a joy to know. The others are family and neighbors we have had the privaledge to be with, begin teaching the Bible to and baptise as beleivers in Christ.
Last are the children who came to our later childrens service.
Everyone received their personal fruit-sweet bread bags and each family the hot chocolate ingredients.
You cannot imagine how blessed we are to be able to meet with them weekly. I normally ride a 250 Kawasaki (my preference) but the Sammy "jeep" comes in handy when hauling more than just me and 30 pounds.
Mike in Peru

12-24-2013, 02:30 PM
Greetings back Square Butte !
RED333 Yep.. less atmosphere so less wind resistance. But realy I would not notice any difference as I have no way to compare to sea level without a very long and rough road trip.
Mike in Peru

12-24-2013, 02:37 PM
God Bless you Mike for the work you are doing for our Lord. Have a Merry Christmas.


12-24-2013, 02:51 PM
Man those pics just made my day.. They remind me I have so much to be thankful for and sometimes take for granted..

12-24-2013, 02:51 PM
My the Lord Jesus Christ Bless and keep you and all those you minister to. May your ways be short and your blessings long. God bless you for the work you do for Jesus.
Bro. Albert Spangler.

12-24-2013, 03:00 PM
Mike, You said Pablo has been threatened and badly treated for his beliefs. This makes me wonder what are the religious beliefs of the natives there who disagree with him? I think of the Americas as being Christian, if anything.

12-24-2013, 03:23 PM
Nice pics.Happy Holidays.

12-24-2013, 05:41 PM
Howdy Piedmont
The acceptable and prominent religion here is Catholicism. Depending on where you live it takes on different forms. In some towns especially mountain areas, it depends on the priest or nuns in control how much tolerance will be used when a person "steps out of the approved way to believe and live".
In Pablo's case there is no RCC leader living in the Yalaca valley. So the neighbors were not too agressive. In the neighboring village of Capilla there was a priest who in 1995 "suggested" to the "faithful" that a certain neighbor should no longer be permitted to distribute Gospel tracts or encourage individuals to read the Bible. That "witness" was found dead in the river bed buried under a pile of rocks. No one was ever prosecuted and no investigation carried out.
In Pablo's village I was told by a "visiting leader" that my presence was not appreciated nor desired. I mentioned to him the Lord Jesus ordered us " to go into all the World preaching the Gospel". "Leader" had some choice things to say about what happens to unwanted people. I stated "The Bible says.." Leader cut me off and said he did not care what the Bible says as he follows the RCC tradition and doctrin.
So I write all that mainly to say.. things are very different outside the U.S.of A. I am not anti-Catholic per say. But I do choose the Bible over any other doctrin. That is my standard and happily there are thousands of others who believe the same no matter what the cost.
Mike in Peru

John Allen
12-24-2013, 05:44 PM
God Bless you Mike. Have a great christmas.

12-24-2013, 05:46 PM
Merry Christmas back to you from the Olympic Peninsula, Sir.

12-24-2013, 07:44 PM
But I do choose the Bible over any other doctrin. That is my standard and happily there are thousands of others who believe the same no matter what the cost.
Mike in Peru

That is an excellent standard to have! I know that religious dogma is more important to some than the scriptures themselves. It makes me very thankful that the Bible has been translated into a language that I can go to and read myself.

Merry Christmas, my friend and brother in Christ.


12-25-2013, 12:30 AM

It sounds like you need to keep that 92 Win handy when in the back country. Some people
use religion as a power base and some have zero actual Christian spirit, it would seem.


12-25-2013, 02:00 AM
Howdy Piedmont
The acceptable and prominent religion here is Catholicism. Depending on where you live it takes on different forms. In some towns especially mountain areas, it depends on the priest or nuns in control how much tolerance will be used when a person "steps out of the approved way to believe and live".
In Pablo's case there is no RCC leader living in the Yalaca valley. So the neighbors were not too agressive. In the neighboring village of Capilla there was a priest who in 1995 "suggested" to the "faithful" that a certain neighbor should no longer be permitted to distribute Gospel tracts or encourage individuals to read the Bible. That "witness" was found dead in the river bed buried under a pile of rocks. No one was ever prosecuted and no investigation carried out.
In Pablo's village I was told by a "visiting leader" that my presence was not appreciated nor desired. I mentioned to him the Lord Jesus ordered us " to go into all the World preaching the Gospel". "Leader" had some choice things to say about what happens to unwanted people. I stated "The Bible says.." Leader cut me off and said he did not care what the Bible says as he follows the RCC tradition and doctrin.
So I write all that mainly to say.. things are very different outside the U.S.of A. I am not anti-Catholic per say. But I do choose the Bible over any other doctrin. That is my standard and happily there are thousands of others who believe the same no matter what the cost.
Mike in Peru

Thank you. A good friend of mine who was raised Catholic and with whom I bat around scriptural questions told me every Catholic he knows that really got into the bible is no longer Catholic. So maybe it makes some twisted sense. You sure wouldn't want Christians reading the bible. They aren't bright enough to understand and need it filtered (/sarcasm off).