View Full Version : Ballistol.......

12-23-2013, 10:44 PM
What is the best way to use Ballistol in cleaning Percussion handguns? "Areosol cans, Sprayer, how much, I even had someone say to mix 50 - 50 in water?????? I did get my pistols I was asking questions about. Dragon 3rd mod. and the Remington 1858 Army .44....Maybe with tax money, I can get the Walker. Thanks beng

12-23-2013, 11:19 PM
I like to use it 50 / 50 with water put into a spray bottle. I coat everything and scrub with a nylon brush, wipe it down and then spray it again, let it soak and then wipe it down with a clean cotton rag. Also works well as a wet patch when shooting. :) I like using it and has worked well for me over the years, your mileage may very.

12-24-2013, 01:26 AM
Dunno for sure, but I use mine straight out of the aerosol can.

12-24-2013, 01:27 AM
I do the same thing Fred does. I have a Uberti Walker and a c&b Peacemaker in addition to a Peter Baire flinter that I made. I like the manual spray...and I have pre cut patches soaking in a short Mason jar in the 50/50 mix. You may also want to go to your local NAPA store. You can get a gallon of their water soluble cutting oil pretty cheap. The generic name for what we are doing is called "moose milk." A Google search will yield a gazillion recipes. Good luck and get the Walker!

12-24-2013, 11:18 AM
their are many ways to use it and they are all right. here is mine. liquid ballistol in a large spray bottle with anti freeze, ammonia, dishsoap and some water. cleans black powder really good and protects the metal, it gets the metal squeeky clean. use light oil afterwards. keep your gun clean, it wil last and last.

12-24-2013, 03:19 PM
Mr. 1942, which anti-freeze and what does it do to BP fouling? Gracias

12-24-2013, 07:10 PM
anti freeze has all the properties to protect the bore beside clean it. the mixture i have cleans very well. i cant say specificly what antifreeze does but ive been useing it for years after some one told me to try it. keeps your cars cooling system from rusting out and does the same for a gun. i bought a 2 to 3 gallon type in a yellow plastic jug several years ago and still have most of it in my gun shop. i bought the top of the line one at the auto store as i figured it would have the best rust prevention properties.

12-24-2013, 10:08 PM
It's really, really hard to beat plain old water, followed up by Ballistol or Ed's Red when you are done cleaning. Lots cheaper, too.

12-24-2013, 11:58 PM
I don't see how anyone can get a 50/50 mix of Ballistol and water. Mine seperates out at about 10% or less (oil layer on top if more than a 1:10 mix). You guys that can get a 50/50 mix must have an opaque spray bottle to not see the two layers of oil and milky water. Adding dish soap doesn't seem to matter on the solubility of the oil but makes it a better cleaner.

12-25-2013, 01:15 PM
It's really, really hard to beat plain old water, followed up by Ballistol or Ed's Red when you are done cleaning. Lots cheaper, too.

Exactly! Btw, 1 part Ballistol + 1part rubbing alcohol (~70% or ~90%) + 6 parts H20 makes a great patch lube for cold weather. 1 : 6 (no alcohol) is great when the temps. are above freezing.

Mike 56
01-02-2014, 01:32 AM
It's really, really hard to beat plain old water, followed up by Ballistol or Ed's Red when you are done cleaning. Lots cheaper, too.

+1 Plain old hot water is hard to beat. Eds red does a great job of displacing the water. I flush the barrel with hot running water. Remove the nipples soak the nipples and cylinder. Clean everything with patches and a GI tooth brush renice with hot tap water dry and oil with eds red done. Takes about 10 minutes.

01-02-2014, 01:49 AM
+1 on the Ed's Red. Mix 1 fluid oz. of Dawn dishwashing detergent to 8 ozs. of Ed's Red and a pint of distilled water. Shake up to form an emulsion. Great for corrosive primers, Pyrodex or blackpowder.