View Full Version : help with removing lathe spindle

12-22-2013, 08:19 PM
trying to remove the spindle so I can replace the bearings, to do that I need to remove those funking looking nuts on the end… what type of tool can I use to remove them, I don’t seem to have the tool that I need? spanner wrench????? and where do i get this tool? thanks


12-22-2013, 08:32 PM
Hello cane man the tool you need is called a C spanner but I used a pipe wrench and it worked fine,you need to get on youtube and look up replacing the headstock bearings on a minilathe there are some specific tools required , I will see if i can dig out the one I made and post some pictures.

Forrest r
12-22-2013, 08:34 PM
A straight slot screwdriver & a rubber mallet. A couple of lite hits & they will loosen up.

forrest r

12-22-2013, 10:13 PM
tried the hitting the screwdriver did not work, but thanks forrest...

where can i purchase a C spanner?

12-22-2013, 10:18 PM
ahhh forget it, got on an adjustable c spanner wrench for $15 on evilbay

12-22-2013, 10:28 PM
go to mini lathe .com click on tuning and there is directions on removing the head stock and removing the spindle. Bill

12-23-2013, 09:01 PM
A straight slot screwdriver & a rubber mallet. A couple of lite hits & they will loosen up.

forrest r

turns out it was a right hand thread, and once i tapped in the correct direction it came right off... thanks forrest!

go to mini lathe .com click on tuning and there is directions on removing the head stock and removing the spindle. Bill

very helpful pics, could not have gotten this far without them, thanks...

NEXT PROBLEM: how do i tap off that bearing since the key stock is in the way? is there a way to remove it? the new bearing is sitting there new and pretty ready to slide in but i can't get the old one off :veryconfu


12-23-2013, 09:25 PM
You will have to remove the key.

I've done work like this, used to rebuild all kinds of automotive parts including winches.

Deuce and a half or 5 ton winches use pins that look similar to that.

Some more pics of the area would help. I'll be glad to help you all I can. I'll warn you, some of the things we did sound worse than the really are.

12-23-2013, 10:27 PM
You will have to remove the key.

I've done work like this, used to rebuild all kinds of automotive parts including winches.

Deuce and a half or 5 ton winches use pins that look similar to that.

Some more pics of the area would help. I'll be glad to help you all I can. I'll warn you, some of the things we did sound worse than the really are.

Side cutters to remove key pry out auto parts press old bearing off press new bearing on tap key in brass hammer.

12-23-2013, 10:38 PM
I use a big arbor press or my hydraulic press to remove/replace bearings. They are almost impossible to remove without the correct tools. You might check around for a local machine shop that will do it for you. Only takes a couple minutes!

Trying to wiggle them back & forth only wedges them on tighter each time they wiggle.

Prying around will just mar up the shaft and make it even more difficult to get the old things off and new ones on.

Good luck!


12-23-2013, 10:48 PM
the bearing moves! i can tap it and move it down the shaft... it won't pass the key, so i need to remove that key to get it off

12-23-2013, 11:21 PM
The key is one of two types, generally.

One type is frequently found on alternator/generator shafts, and looks like a half moon. These are fairly easy to remove. Tap straight down (towards the shaft) on the bearing side, to spin it. Then, after it is spun, you should be able to get under it and pry it off. Very little to no damage to the key, what little there is is simply filed down.



The other common type was in those winches I mentioned. The shaft side was flat, necessitating some imagination. I'll bet it's big enough that side cutters won't work. Get on the back side of the bearing, and with a chisel, knock the key out, working slowly. This almost always chew the key up a little, but can usually be filed down. Just more filing will be needed.

Hard finding good images here, but, here's the right tool for the job. I'll wager it isn't cheap.


12-24-2013, 02:04 AM

vice grips, wood block, hammer... worked it out, just need to dress the key up with a file and it will look good to go

thanks again for the help :drinks:

12-24-2013, 04:05 AM
Sounds like you were lucky and it wasn't in too hard. Good news.

12-24-2013, 09:52 AM
that key will just pull out. it is fit in a slot on the shaft. One good way to get it out is to drill and tap a hole in it and pull it with a slide hammer. of you can get a bite on it with side cutters you probably can pry it up that way too. if the key-way is cut to the end of the shaft (I dont think it is) you can get a punch and drive it out along the key way. if the key way is closed on both ends tap a hole or pry it out it will go. then debur any dings before you try to slide the bearing off. if the bearing is still tight best to use a press and press it off straight same with installing the new bearing.