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01-11-2014, 11:34 AM
I agree with wilco. I tend to
Like to think if everyone else can survive down here so can I. So far I actually really like it.

I think you'll do fine down there, Daniel. Seems you're not afraid of hard work or much of anything else so you'll go far in Texas or most anywhere else. Glad to hear you made it safely. And yes, we have some bad actors around here but there's not much hope of escaping them anywhere. Seems we send more than a few to DC.
Maybe your wife and her sister will arrive at a truce and take advantage of some time together, may be awhile before they get another chance.

01-11-2014, 01:50 PM
I agree with wilco. I tend to
Like to think if everyone else can survive down here so can I. So far I actually really like it.

When I moved from Montana to South Texas in '06 it was the beginning of May; not much time to acclimate before summer. The extra time you have will help...probably still take a couple years to get used to it though. The joke everyone told me when I moved South: Folks in South Texas go to He** on vacation....because it's cooler there! Best of luck with the changes!

01-11-2014, 02:08 PM
When I moved from Montana to South Texas in '06 it was the beginning of May; not much time to acclimate before summer. The extra time you have will help...probably still take a couple years to get used to it though. The joke everyone told me when I moved South: Folks in South Texas go to He** on vacation....because it's cooler there! Best of luck with the changes!
That'd be Glencoe, Minnesota...althought NOT a vacation, My town nearly doubles in size from Texicans coming to work at our Pea and Corn Canning Plant from May through Sept. They always leave quickly once the ground freezes :)

01-11-2014, 02:14 PM
Sisters fighting, who woulda thunk it. Hell he is used to Texans, half of Alaska used to be Texans. lol He will have to get used to the mexicans though.

01-11-2014, 02:18 PM

Getting married should be at the top of that list!

01-11-2014, 02:32 PM
Mexicans where he is are mostly hardworking souls trying to make an honest living, just like most other folks down there. This time of year I'd worry more about the rattlesnakes and scorpions. Rattlers like to come out and sun themselves on the occasional warm day in the dead of a Texas winter. It's easy to remember to watch for them in summer, I usually forget to do so in the winter. Scorpions seem to like shoes this time of year.
We don't have big cranky critters like moose and bear in Texas but our smaller ones can deal their fair share of misery.

Bad Water Bill
01-11-2014, 02:46 PM
How about those little black spiders with the red hour glass on their body?

01-11-2014, 02:57 PM
For some reason snakes never bothered me, there awere times building fence and such that I would kill them by the dozen it seemed like. Never minded being stunk by bees, yellow jackets or red wasped, but left that country without ever seeing the killer bees. They did have a BIG furry ant about an inch long that had one heck of a sting to it though, and about every ten years we would have asps that had a lasting sting as well.

01-11-2014, 03:54 PM
The Cow Killer Ant is all I ever knew them by. May not kill a cow, just make it wish it was dead. We also have a centipede that grows to 8-9 in. ,black with yellow legs, and myriad other entertaining critters. All in all a great place to live.
Haven't gotten acquainted with my tablet enough to navigate it well. Had to come to the PC to make corrections.

Bad Water Bill
01-11-2014, 04:01 PM
You texans keep this up and Dan will head back to Alaska tomorrow mourning.

01-11-2014, 04:06 PM
Glad to see you made it ok.Have you told them in the frozen north that is 70 degrees and the temps may stay that way for while before the next front moves through.God bless and I hope things keep turning to the right for you.

01-11-2014, 04:10 PM
Cow killers is what we always called them, but I'm sure they have a proper name. All you have to do is touch them to get stung, even on the back, they don't have to bite you. lol Unless they are on some hard packed ground, you can't stomp them to death either, they have to be the toughest critter going pound for pound. lol

01-11-2014, 04:18 PM
They are wingless wasps. We have them here. They mind their own business. A real eye-opener are the Tarantula Hawks. Don't know if you have them there in Texas. A bite from one of those monsters will put you out of commission for a couple few days. Fortunately, they mind their own business as well.

01-11-2014, 05:04 PM
there are asps this year, so daniel if you read this before i see you later this afternoon as your cleaning up around there if you see any fuzzy caterpillers dont touch em .. they aint friendly.
and for what its worth i have killed more rattlers in a day in az than i do in a year down here.
i do have daniel a good job with decent pay and benefits as soon as i can get him over there monday to fill out an app. i think he is going to make a decent texan.
ps, he told me this morning that some hogs in his front yard woke him up last night and was it legal to shoot them. i told him they might write you a ticket if you dont.. i think he liked that information.

01-11-2014, 05:14 PM
I'd like to thank you for going out of your way to help out a stranger like this. It's a rare thing outside of Alaska IMO. You're inline to become an Honorary Alaskan if you keep this up.
Once again, THANK YOU!!!

01-11-2014, 09:59 PM
How about those little black spiders with the red hour glass on their body?

Pretty hard to find but easy to spot, more worried about the recluse spider. They are hard to spot and cause serious health issues.

01-11-2014, 10:04 PM
Those two may be dangerous, but a tarantuala is easy to spot and has the ability to make a person hurt themselves. I do not have a problem standing there while a rattlesnake slithers across my foot, but a tarantuala gets close and something HAS to die.

01-11-2014, 11:24 PM
My grandfather told me a tarantula could jump as high as a horses back. I never aggravated one enough to test that. Never knew anyone bitten by one though.

01-12-2014, 12:38 AM
i was bitten by a brown recluse in az years ago, my flesh did not rot like i have seen but hot dang is that a nightmare.
three days on my back, and i was needing to be on the job but it took me until the fourth day to make it to the front gate of the yard, and eight months before i felt completely over it.
and your welcome akmike but he is an easy fellow to help.

01-12-2014, 12:40 AM
Pretty hard to find but easy to spot, more worried about the recluse spider. They are hard to spot and cause serious health issues.

LOT of Black Widow spiders here in my area of north Texas--got 'em in our airplane hangar, got 'em in my reloading shop, got the SOBs everywhere. Got bit by one summer before last and while it wasn't fun by any means, it sure as hell didn't kill me. Made me feel pretty bad for about three or four days. Worst thing about it was I stayed kind of nauseous and the thought of BBQ or chili or Mexican food made me queasy as hell.

That's about as close to dying without being embalmed and buried as this seventh-generation native Texan can get.

The Brown Recluse is a big problem that comes in a very small package. It will mess you up something beyond fierce as its bite causes necrosis--which is not what kills you. The gangrene from the dead skin is what can/will eventually kill you. They typically don't like high-traffic indoor areas, BUT. . . if you have a dog (or cat) that has fleas, chances are better than excellent that you will have a recluse or two in your house.

I found one in my daughter's house, under the sink, last summer. Genuine fiddleback. I put it in a glass jar and took it to the University of North Texas biology department where they gave it to some spider arachnid geek who almost had an academic orgasm over the thing.

We then told the daughter to get the dogs dipped and de-flea'd and to powder the hell out of the yard. A recluse biting an adult in good health is bad enough. A recluse biting a seven-year-old or three-year-old (grandsons' age at the time) can be fatal.

300Sav is right about the rattlesnakes. Growing up in ranch country and spending more than my share of time in the saddle riding fencelines and replacing posts and broken sections of fence when I was in junior high school, I killed my share of rattlesnakes. But down south where Junior is, not too bad but make no mistake--they're out there. About the only good thing about feral hogs is that they keep the rattlesnake population down--hogs think those rattlers are a genuine delicacy.

My grandfather told me a tarantula could jump as high as a horses back. I never aggravated one enough to test that. Never knew anyone bitten by one though.

Riding fence lines one day, I was plinking at a tarantula from the back of my horse and the blankety-blank blanking blank jumped all the way up to my knee. I'd NEVER seen a tarantula do that before. My gloved hand swatted that thing off so fast that my horse spooked and then reared and I landed on the ground with that damn spider no more than a few feet away from me and I swear it was glaring at me!

A tarantula's bite is about like that of a bumblebee in all reality, but the psychological effect of this big giant hairy ugly aggressive spider biting/stinging you will have you whimpering like a jilted prom queen while soiling your BVDs!

Daniel, you're gonna do all right in Texas. If you can handle having grizzlies and polar bears pop up outta nowhere and the occasional rogue moose and drunk eskimo challenge you, then our rattlesnakes, spiders, rabid coyotes and drunk Mexicans aren't gonna bother you in the least.

The Republic of Texas welcomes you!


01-12-2014, 01:22 AM
Hadn't nobody told him about the ticks and chiggers. he he

Bad Water Bill
01-12-2014, 01:51 AM
Chiggers will drive you crazy.

Tics pop nice in the camp fire.:bigsmyl2:

01-12-2014, 02:00 AM
No Jr today, that ranch work must have done tuckered him out. lol

Bullshop Junior
01-12-2014, 02:05 AM
No Jr today, that ranch work must have done tuckered him out. lol

I actually only did a little work around the house today, then I went fishin.

Havnt seen anything deadly yet. Did see a bunch of then big fuzzy catipiller lookin things but I aint touching nothin here till I know what it is...

Bullshop Junior
01-12-2014, 02:05 AM
Chiggers will drive you crazy.

Tics pop nice in the camp fire.:bigsmyl2:

What is a Chigger?

Bullshop Junior
01-12-2014, 02:06 AM
My grandfather told me a tarantula could jump as high as a horses back. I never aggravated one enough to test that. Never knew anyone bitten by one though.

I think if I see a spider that big he is gonna die anyway.

Bullshop Junior
01-12-2014, 02:09 AM
You texans keep this up and Dan will head back to Alaska tomorrow mourning.

Its gonna take a little more then that to scare me off. Amanda on the other hand....

01-12-2014, 02:17 AM
LOT of Black Widow spiders here in my area of north Texas--got 'em in our airplane hangar, got 'em in my reloading shop, got the SOBs everywhere. Got bit by one summer before last and while it wasn't fun by any means, it sure as hell didn't kill me. Made me feel pretty bad for about three or four days. Worst thing about it was I stayed kind of nauseous and the thought of BBQ or chili or Mexican food made me queasy as hell.

That's about as close to dying without being embalmed and buried as this seventh-generation native Texan can get.

The Brown Recluse is a big problem that comes in a very small package. It will mess you up something beyond fierce as its bite causes necrosis--which is not what kills you. The gangrene from the dead skin is what can/will eventually kill you. They typically don't like high-traffic indoor areas, BUT. . . if you have a dog (or cat) that has fleas, chances are better than excellent that you will have a recluse or two in your house.

I found one in my daughter's house, under the sink, last summer. Genuine fiddleback. I put it in a glass jar and took it to the University of North Texas biology department where they gave it to some spider arachnid geek who almost had an academic orgasm over the thing.

We then told the daughter to get the dogs dipped and de-flea'd and to powder the hell out of the yard. A recluse biting an adult in good health is bad enough. A recluse biting a seven-year-old or three-year-old (grandsons' age at the time) can be fatal.

300Sav is right about the rattlesnakes. Growing up in ranch country and spending more than my share of time in the saddle riding fencelines and replacing posts and broken sections of fence when I was in junior high school, I killed my share of rattlesnakes. But down south where Junior is, not too bad but make no mistake--they're out there. About the only good thing about feral hogs is that they keep the rattlesnake population down--hogs think those rattlers are a genuine delicacy.

Riding fence lines one day, I was plinking at a tarantula from the back of my horse and the blankety-blank blanking blank jumped all the way up to my knee. I'd NEVER seen a tarantula do that before. My gloved hand swatted that thing off so fast that my horse spooked and then reared and I landed on the ground with that damn spider no more than a few feet away from me and I swear it was glaring at me!

A tarantula's bite is about like that of a bumblebee in all reality, but the psychological effect of this big giant hairy ugly aggressive spider biting/stinging you will have you whimpering like a jilted prom queen while soiling your BVDs!

Daniel, you're gonna do all right in Texas. If you can handle having grizzlies and polar bears pop up outta nowhere and the occasional rogue moose and drunk eskimo challenge you, then our rattlesnakes, spiders, rabid coyotes and drunk Mexicans aren't gonna bother you in the least.

The Republic of Texas welcomes you!


Thanks J D! Because I laughed out loud reading your post, my wife wanted to know why I was laughing. Had a heck of a time reading it out loud.......had the wife and I coughing for several minutes after. Such a Wordsmith!

01-12-2014, 02:42 AM
Actually tarantulas can be quite docile. If I'm in the right frame of mind I can allow a tarantula to crawl onto my hand and carry it around. Just now starting to see them around here last year or so, been pretty hard to find for several years.

01-12-2014, 02:57 AM
I have had a tarantula crawl over my foot (shoe on) and they seem very calm, not
really interested in messing with people.


01-12-2014, 03:59 AM
My wife and all my kids would just hold there hand down and let them get in it, I would rather cuddle up to a rattlesnake.
I have seen tarantulas so thick it looked like several miles of the pavement moving. I always used to think they were migrating when they were on the move, but then I read up on them and they are just looking for a little.
You won't ever see a chigger, but will probably find some sometime next summer. lol

Well did you catch any fish????

Bullshop Junior
01-12-2014, 10:32 AM
I did catch a small catfish. Shoulda been busy working on the house but im not far from the lake and figured once I start working, who knows when Ill have time to go fishing again.

01-12-2014, 10:33 AM
A guy has to eat......

01-12-2014, 12:49 PM
I actually only did a little work around the house today, then I went fishin.

Havnt seen anything deadly yet. Did see a bunch of then big fuzzy catipiller lookin things but I aint touching nothin here till I know what it is...

Got a fishing license already? You don't need a fine to start out with.

01-12-2014, 01:56 PM
What is a Chigger?
hehe -- oh my he will find out soon enough!! - in Alaska there was not much to worry about - just the occasional mama moose ---- *I* do not like any of those critters in the south! does texas have the flying roaches too???

BS Mom
Chiggers are the larval (juvenile) form of a common mite from the family known as Trombiculidae. Chiggers are found worldwide in areas of vegetation like forests, fields, grassy areas, yards, parks, and areas near rivers or lakes. Chigger bites cause small, red sores and intense itching

01-12-2014, 02:09 PM
Chiggers Will drive you insane. Pour bleach on the open wounds when you can't stand the scratchin anymore it works great. Hurts like hell but it works.

Have fun with chiggers

01-12-2014, 02:37 PM
BS Mom - Chiggers are found worldwide in areas of vegetation like forests, fields, grassy areas, yards, parks, and areas near rivers or lakes. Chigger bites cause small, red sores

and intense itching


Intense itching = Understatement of the week. :roll:


01-12-2014, 03:16 PM
Luckily chiggers are not bad at all in the part of Texas he is at. Flying roaches lol Texas has roaches with carry permits, but they are not near as bad where he is at compared to a little east of there either. lol

Beau Cassidy
01-12-2014, 04:18 PM
Flying roaches- what memories... For some unknown reason my mother used to spray roaches with- of all things- HAIR SPRAY! All it did was make the roach take off flying. Mom would freak out and one of us kids would have to go whack it.

01-12-2014, 05:02 PM
Intense itching---ya want to scratch it with a backhoe.

Bad Water Bill
01-12-2014, 05:18 PM
Intense itching---ya want to scratch it with a backhoe.

#36 sand paper on a disk sander some times is still not enough.

01-12-2014, 05:25 PM
Rubbing alcohol also for chiggers.spray boots and lower pants leg with off and that works pretty good.You can do like the old timers did and tie a kerosene rag around your legs that will also keep the cut worms off.I may be wrong and don't want to get you in trouble,I don't think you need a license to fish in a private pond but river or dam reservoir yes don't get caught they will take anything you own plus a fine.

01-15-2014, 12:39 AM
update, daniel is headed to kentucky to rescue his lady love. will be back here in a few days to start his new job, looks like montana didnt pan out so texas is going to be inheriting a new couple.
i did have a chance to take him hog hunting earlier today, we finally got into their bedroom and we jumped out a big black boar.
actually daniel had to about kick him out of the palmettos and as luck would have it he could not get a clear shot.
but it did run by me and i had one tiny window to take a shot as he came by.
one unlucky hog.. daniel has some pics he is going to post when he gets back. first kill for my new to me little 788 carbine, a 150 hornady in 308 through the shoulders puts an impressive end to things.
a silver dollar sized exit doesnt do much for the armor plating myth on a 250 pound boar.

he is looking forward to putting a big cast bullet through one when he gets back.

01-15-2014, 12:53 AM
Boy is a driving fool isn't he? Hope that truck holds up until he lights!

Love Life
01-15-2014, 12:59 AM
Intense itching = Understatement of the week. :roll:


The gospel. I hate chiggers...

Bullshop Junior
01-15-2014, 01:37 AM

Got a pic here of 300sav pulling some backstraps from my hog he shot. Cant wait to put 260gns of ww through ones shoulder outa my little 454.


And one more pic of one pretending it was actually me who shot it. Im still a little upset that i had to head to Kentucky in thr middle of our hunt. Oh well


01-15-2014, 09:17 AM
Drive safe and good luck with your new job

01-15-2014, 09:33 AM
in those kind of deals it doesnt really matter who shoots him, it took both of our efforts to get him on the ground.
if you had not pushed him out of his bed i would have walked right by and never known he was there.
you are going to shoot enough of these things your going to get sick of it believe me.everything from crawling into a crazed pack of dogs and sticking one in the heart with a knife, to spearing one out of a tree, sticking arrows in em, to blowing them up with tannerite..
redneck stress relievers.
i am thinking a flintlock with homemade bp might be an enjoyable experiance.
drive safe and get back soon and i will take you in the moonlight stalking into the middle of a bunch.
now that gets exciting when a gun goes off believe me, i think your buddy txgunnut can verify to that.

and folks if that hog does not look so big in that pic with daniel just remember he is 6` 10“

01-15-2014, 11:47 AM
I never aquired a taste for boar meat but a sow or a sow piglet is always good table fare.When we use to hunt hogs in the woods when we would catch the boars we would castrate them and take off a half of ear to tell that they were casrated.An easy way to skin any hog is to hang him up by the snoot and take a box cutter(with the blade expose about a 3/8" and strip about two inches apart any where you can and then take fish skinners(my favorite)or pliers and pull the skin off.If you are working with live pigs the way you tell if they are fat enough to butcher is to pick them up by the ears if their rear hits before their snoot they are fat enough to butcher.

01-15-2014, 12:56 PM
LOT of Black Widow spiders here in my area of north Texas--got 'em in our airplane hangar, got 'em in my reloading shop, got the SOBs everywhere. Got bit by one summer before last and while it wasn't fun by any means, it sure as hell didn't kill me. Made me feel pretty bad for about three or four days. Worst thing about it was I stayed kind of nauseous and the thought of BBQ or chili or Mexican food made me queasy as hell.

That's about as close to dying without being embalmed and buried as this seventh-generation native Texan can get.

The Brown Recluse is a big problem that comes in a very small package. It will mess you up something beyond fierce as its bite causes necrosis--which is not what kills you. The gangrene from the dead skin is what can/will eventually kill you. They typically don't like high-traffic indoor areas, BUT. . . if you have a dog (or cat) that has fleas, chances are better than excellent that you will have a recluse or two in your house.

I found one in my daughter's house, under the sink, last summer. Genuine fiddleback. I put it in a glass jar and took it to the University of North Texas biology department where they gave it to some spider arachnid geek who almost had an academic orgasm over the thing.

We then told the daughter to get the dogs dipped and de-flea'd and to powder the hell out of the yard. A recluse biting an adult in good health is bad enough. A recluse biting a seven-year-old or three-year-old (grandsons' age at the time) can be fatal.

300Sav is right about the rattlesnakes. Growing up in ranch country and spending more than my share of time in the saddle riding fencelines and replacing posts and broken sections of fence when I was in junior high school, I killed my share of rattlesnakes. But down south where Junior is, not too bad but make no mistake--they're out there. About the only good thing about feral hogs is that they keep the rattlesnake population down--hogs think those rattlers are a genuine delicacy.

Riding fence lines one day, I was plinking at a tarantula from the back of my horse and the blankety-blank blanking blank jumped all the way up to my knee. I'd NEVER seen a tarantula do that before. My gloved hand swatted that thing off so fast that my horse spooked and then reared and I landed on the ground with that damn spider no more than a few feet away from me and I swear it was glaring at me!

A tarantula's bite is about like that of a bumblebee in all reality, but the psychological effect of this big giant hairy ugly aggressive spider biting/stinging you will have you whimpering like a jilted prom queen while soiling your BVDs!

Daniel, you're gonna do all right in Texas. If you can handle having grizzlies and polar bears pop up outta nowhere and the occasional rogue moose and drunk eskimo challenge you, then our rattlesnakes, spiders, rabid coyotes and drunk Mexicans aren't gonna bother you in the least.

The Republic of Texas welcomes you!


The recluse is called a 'recluse' for a reason. They hide in little places, like shoes, folded pants, shirts, coat sleeves, etc. Remember in the old westerns the cowboys would always shake out their boots before putting them on? Good thing to remember. If I haven't worn a coat or pair of shoes for a while, I always shake them out. A friend put on an old coat some time ago, and a recluse was hiding in the sleeve, and he nearly lost the arm. They aren't mean, they only bite in defense. Shaking out boots, and shirts, and pants is a good habit. :-D

01-15-2014, 01:15 PM
The recluse is called a 'recluse' for a reason. They hide in little places, like shoes, folded pants, shirts, coat sleeves, etc. Remember in the old westerns the cowboys would always shake out their boots before putting them on? Shaking out boots, and shirts, and pants is a good habit. :-D

I can not remember a time since I was old enough to put on my own shoes that I didn't shake out my shoes, my pants, shirts, socks, hat or any other clothing garment that got tossed on the floor or in the closet before putting it on.

My biggest fear back then was of scorpions and it still is today. But I've found more than just scorpions in my clothes or shoes--I've found a fair share of Black Widows as well and once found a small copperhead in one of my rubber knee-high boots I use for working in the mud and muck.

My rule is real simple: If it's poisonous, I kill it. Pronto. Black Widows, Brown Recluses, ANY scorpion, rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths (especially them), moccasins, hell I even kill poison ivy whenever I can.

None of those poisonous spiders or snakes do a dang thing that a non-poisonous spider or snake does. They all eat the same stuff. If it's poisonous, I kill it. I got seven generations of Texas ranchers and forefathers with the same modus operandi programmed into me.

I hope young Daniel will properly adapt to Texas ways and carry on this tradition.


01-15-2014, 01:29 PM
What is a Chigger?

Bwaaahaahaahaahaa! ROTFLMAO!!!!

01-15-2014, 01:30 PM
i normally do not eat boars over about 75 pounds unless like this guy they have no smell.
he didnt stink, and the meat had no more smell than a young sow. in fact i cooked part of a backstrap this mornin and it was wonderful, my wife even approved and she is picky as a woman can get about gamey meat.

on another note, the br that bit me was in one of my summer shirts i had not worn in months. i forgot to check it and felt him crawling up my neck, he had bitten me on the left bicep. if i can only leave one bit of advice to the world before i go,, check your stored clothes !!!!#=/+&@@#
i got off very light, had a spot about the size of a quarter i that was going to go bad and rot but it didnt. i did start taking massive doses of antibiotic however.
but probably what saved my bacon was it was just a little one about the size of a nickel, i have seen them silver dollar size.
but it was bad enough believe me!

shake out those clothes guys without fail, you do NOT want what they got.

Bullshop Junior
01-15-2014, 06:54 PM
I even shook out my clothes in ak.

01-15-2014, 09:15 PM
A good rule of thumb for south Texas is: If it don't stick, sting or bite it don't live there.

Iowa Fox
01-15-2014, 11:34 PM
And I thought my son was tall at 6' 7"

01-15-2014, 11:38 PM
I am blessed in that chiggers and ticks don't like me, I must taste bad. I also am immune to poison ivy. I have walked all over rattle snakes and copperheads and have escaped unbitten. I have done some fancy aerobatics to avoid it.

01-16-2014, 02:19 AM
had a brown recluse get shipped to me in a box from down south. Bit me on the ankle while I was watching TV. I killed it but had enough left to identify it. Spot on my ankle the size of a silver dollar turned black, 9 months to heal, 4 rounds of antibiotics, left a 1/2 inch deep divot that had to fill in and heal. In between the antibiotics and the poison from the bite I was sick for a week.

Charlie Two Tracks
01-16-2014, 10:19 AM
DLCTEX. Ah, but can you walk on rice paper, grasshopper?

01-16-2014, 10:36 AM

01-16-2014, 08:26 PM
DLCTEX. Ah, but can you walk on rice paper, grasshopper?
If there had been rice paper for twenty feet or so I can guarantee there would be no marks or tears on it on at least three occasions.

Wayne Smith
01-16-2014, 09:47 PM
I was once stung by a scorpion. I was in grad school in S. Cal. and we took our first spring break and drove to the Anza Borrego desert in our van. Being from the East we knew nothing, but being young we thought we knew all. We spread out a tarp on the ground and sleeping bags on that and went to sleep. In the half light of dawn I groggily awoke to a piercing hot poker on the inside of my right elbow. I saw movement and the shape of a scorpion scurrying off the ground sheet. This was about 6:00 AM. After about 30 minutes the pain mostly went away and I had a red/black spot on the inside of my elbow. It didn't bother me and we went on with our day. About 12 hours later, as we were driving up to Julian, I started having a low grade fever and back ache and muscle aches and feeling like I had the flu. LOML took over the driving and I was sick for two days. On Wed. I got back to campus and went to the campus medical clinic. Talked to the MD and he said, 'Yup, you were stung by a scorpion. They inject a nerve poison that has a systemic affect. You are fine now."

01-16-2014, 10:03 PM
I think some scorpians are worse than others, and affect different people differently. I have been stung by them several times over the years, and other than sting for a while, they didn't cause any sickness or anything.

Wayne Smith
01-17-2014, 11:11 PM
One of the things I found out then is that the larger the scorpion the less dangerous he is. It is the little Sonora ones that will kill you.

Bullshop Junior
01-18-2014, 12:58 PM
How small are we talkin? Ive found a few around here that are about 2"

Bad Water Bill
01-18-2014, 01:16 PM
Wow it looks like JR is back from Ky.

Will someone please take the keys away so the poor truck can get a few days of well deserved rest.:kidding:

Bullshop Junior
01-18-2014, 01:18 PM
Its getting its rest. After over 8000 miles it needs some maitnence. Along with a new exhaust systom since mine broke off at the left manifold yesterday and I dont know if its in a place I can weld it back together this time.

01-18-2014, 02:55 PM
Scorpions are over rated. Unless you have an allergy to insect venom, it is no worse than a bee sting.

Here in the desert SW, we have bark scorpions everywhere. When we 1st moved in 20 some years ago, I killed over 200 of them IN THE HOUSE the 1st year. (They glow under UV light, so very easy to find with a BRIGHT (500 lumens+ ) high quality UV flashlight).

I personally have been stung over 8 times and it feels like that numb pain you get when you get a shot in the arm. It runs up your leg or arm. If you move, it goes away for a moment and then starts in again. It gradually moves toward your body core. And dissipates in about 2-3 hours. No big thing. I even got stung in the night when one fell on my face off the ceiling! Got me 1" from my eye. Felt like Novocain for a few hours.

Again.............IMPORTANT............if you have know allergies to bee/wasp/insect bites.........be very careful. And have the appropriate "stuff" available to prevent anaphylactic shock or reactions.

Black widows are much more dangerous & deadly than scorpions. Those I watch out for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A neighbor was on crutches for 2 months from a widow bite. And another one's dog died within an hour when it was bit on the nose.

Dump your shoes out in the morning! Like the cowboys used to do!


01-18-2014, 04:53 PM
Bullshop Junior please watch out for the Arkansas Barking Spiders...they are some kinda tough and the odor is terrible...they exist on refried frijoles...


01-18-2014, 05:09 PM
These are not isolated in Arkansas nor frijoles...some folks flush when they get nervous but I far#. You can smell when I am nervous.

Wayne Smith
01-19-2014, 09:13 PM
I was told 1/2"-3/4" and found in the Mexican desert, rarely in the US. Scorpions, that is. I thought I hit 'reply with quote', I guess I didn't.

01-20-2014, 01:48 AM
guys here is an update.
i just got back from taking daniel to the ER, he managed to shoot himself in the foot this evening, and yes i mean literally.
bad news is he is on his way to brackenridge trauma center in austin for surgery, the good news is i looked over the xrays with the doctor and if a guy was going to put a bullet through hisself he could not have been luckier. or more blessed if you want figure getting shot could be.
the bullet entered the top left foot about one inch to the outside of center of the arch of his foot.
it went between the long bones in the arch of his foot that run to his little toe and the next one over, breaking both bones but shattering neither one.
there are some small lead fragments that he will always carry looks like but mainly the doctor said they wont affect him at all but since the bones are broken open getting ahead of any infection is the primary concern.
amanda is with him and i am going there tomorrow to visit and hopefully bring him back with me.
i am betting he will be up and around very soon, perhaps in just a few days. he was supposed to start his new job in the morning, but regardless if they hold it for him i am going to see they are both taken care of until he can get on his feet again.
what a dang deal.. he walked into the ER with a 45 caliber hole through his foot and then cringed like a girl when they put in his iv..go figure...
i am not going to let him live that one down.
his phone was about out of battery when i left so you probably cant reach him, but i will get contact info if anyone wants it tomorrow.
he is not in danger, and could have been so much worse.
i was dreading what i would see when i got his boot off, but thank God for hardcast boolits.

01-20-2014, 01:55 AM
wow! That is crazy

Alvarez Kelly
01-20-2014, 02:03 AM
Well, there has to be more to the story. Perhaps a little later...

Bad Water Bill
01-20-2014, 02:22 AM
Someone needs to tell Jr that even 6-10th generation Texans aren't tough enough to withstand blowing a black widow of of their boot with a 45 slug.:kidding:

01-20-2014, 02:26 AM
He's young, he should be dancing by next weekend. At least it didn't get the main bone. geesh. I bet he did a little hopping for a bit.

Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 02:31 AM
I didn't even know I shot myself at first. It never really hurt. I waswalking around for a few mins before my boot started feeling squishy.

Ive been in austin for a hour and havnt even seen a doc yetso Im guessing its not too serious. Ill be fine. It doesnt hurt at all like Craig said, I made more fuss over the IV.

I got careless. Thats all there is to it. Ill learn from this and move on andnot let it happen again.

01-20-2014, 02:35 AM
Don't fret over it, one leg of yours is longer than two on most folks, you shouldn't need them both. It is amazing what a 20 year old will do to get out of work though. lol

Bad Water Bill
01-20-2014, 02:42 AM
It is amazing what a 20 year old will do to get out of work though. lol

Or get sympathy from a sweet young thing.

01-20-2014, 02:48 AM
Dad gum Bill, I hadn't thought of that, but you're right.

Junior them Texas hospitals don't worry about lil old gunshot wounds too much. The only time I was ever shot, I sat in the emergency room at galveston for 8 hours, while they treated people that had splinters under their fingernail and such. I finally had enough and told them I was going home, seems they had changed shifts and lost my paperwork. lol After they finally got me in they tried to make me spend the night, like it was an emergency or something. lol

01-20-2014, 02:55 AM
Hey Starmac, have you ever had a splinter under your fingernail? Its called triage lol

01-20-2014, 03:16 AM
I don't know about triage, but I have had my share of splinters under my nails. lol I sure never went to the hospital with one though. I wasn't joking about that either though, while I was sitting there a guy came into the emergency room for a splinter under his fingernail. A nurse pulled it out and sent him on his way. lol

Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 03:40 AM
Where did you get shot at starmac? They are making me stay over night and tgen are gonna deside in the morning in I need surgery.

01-20-2014, 04:02 AM
In a bar. lol

01-20-2014, 04:25 AM
Getting shot is one of the least embarrassing scars I have....and I have several. In a few years it will just be another true story to tell. I still haven't told the truth about some of mine.

01-20-2014, 05:09 AM
Ya know it really wouldn't take much to make this into a book :grin:We got[smilie=2:and:Fire:and :drinks: Whats not to like?

01-20-2014, 03:16 PM
he has been released from the hospital, got him in the car headed home. full story soon

01-20-2014, 03:42 PM
Ya know it really wouldn't take much to make this into a book :grin:We got[smilie=2:and:Fire:and :drinks: Whats not to like?

And he got the girl, always a good wholesome plot line. Hatch has other ideas, but wholesome sells, too.

01-20-2014, 04:21 PM
I've read every word of this whole thread. It would make a good book. Maybe Daniel could get a royalty out of it.LOL

Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 05:01 PM
Im back at the cabin now. Foot doesnt hurt too bad. I should be back andand ready to work in a few days.

Bad Water Bill
01-20-2014, 05:41 PM
Well now that you have nothing to do how about posting some of the stuff you have seen over the last 10K miles or so?

I still want to see the new baby sister and how the rest of the family has grown since your mom posted shots about 5 years ago.

Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 05:43 PM
Ive got a few pics. Ill try to get them up tonight. I didnt get any pics of the family though.

01-20-2014, 05:54 PM

I think we should ask about getting his name changed on here to "Quick Draw McGraw"! :D

Funning aside, Get well soon.

ole 5 hole group
01-20-2014, 09:48 PM
Here in North Dakota, one is expected to show up for work the next day after shooting himself in the foot. It's so damn cold here you can't feel your feet anyway.

01-20-2014, 09:53 PM
Wow, the only time I've been shot (self inflicted) it was a ricochet, at least![smilie=1:

01-20-2014, 10:40 PM
if George Jones wasn't passed away we would be expecting a new album soon. You just can't make this stuff up. Not even in TEXAS!


01-20-2014, 10:49 PM
Get better soon, Daniel! And keep that foot elevated like the doc says, you'll be feeling it soon enough. Glad they didn't have to do surgery, that would mean another IV or two. ;-)

Bad Water Bill
01-20-2014, 10:49 PM
Girty jist remindd me iffn he er a RELE Texn he wud a rapt a red bandna rund ta fut an kept rite on a goin.:bigsmyl2:

01-20-2014, 10:52 PM
Sounds like it was a Barney Fife moment

01-20-2014, 10:56 PM
Going to be hard to not make jokes about this one. Lol. Get better soon Daniel.

Bad Water Bill
01-20-2014, 11:11 PM
He is a big boy and I am sure he can enjoy the teasing as it is intended.:):):)

Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 11:13 PM
Girty jist remindd me iffn he er a RELE Texn he wud a rapt a red bandna rund ta fut an kept rite on a goin.:bigsmyl2:

Thats what I tried to do, but 300savage made me go in lol. I think hos wife had something to do with that decision though.

01-20-2014, 11:21 PM
Well now that you have nothing to do how about posting some of the stuff you have seen over the last 10K miles or so?

I still want to see the new baby sister and how the rest of the family has grown since your mom posted shots about 5 years ago.

Hope the foot gets better soon!

I know I would love to see pictures of the cool places you passed on the trip from AK to TX.

I am hoping to take a long vacation and spend a month in AK the fall of 2015.

Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 11:22 PM
What part of Alaska, and what time of year?

Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 11:28 PM
This is the first pic I took on my way out of Alaska, driving into the sunrise just south of Tok


Canadian Bourder


About 20 miles into the Yukon



The rest are taken various places in Canada. I didn't take a whole lot of pics since I was driving.







01-20-2014, 11:32 PM
well it wasnt a red bandanna but i did raid the tackshed and pressure wrapped it with blue vetwrap to keep him from bleeding all over my truck on the way to the hospital.

i am going to let daniel tell you all the story but there was a big hog involved, and a trip into the bush with a headlamp.
a lot was going on with other ticked off boars crashing around in the dark.
all in all he handled himself pretty well on his first follow up on a big wounded boar, at least he didnt shoot me..
the last thing i told him before we went in was if we are rushed dont stand there and take the hit, and for Gods sake dont shoot one another.
guess i should have mentioned something about ourselves as well..
pretty tuff kid actually, had to walk out about a mile to the truck.
just dont come at him with a flu shot or he might have a melt down.

Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 11:36 PM
Few more from Canada










And a few buffalo.


Bullshop Junior
01-20-2014, 11:41 PM
Im sorry about the poor photos. They were all taken from my phone.

And as for what 300savage said, its true. If I get hurt pretty bad its usually not a big deal. But I cant handle somethinf if I know its happening. Shots and whatnot, i just cant do that.

01-20-2014, 11:43 PM
What part of Alaska, and what time of year?

Thinking of driving up with may wife and kayak camp allong the Kenai Peninsula (if she can't get the time off she might have to fly in).

I haven't thought of the time of the year enough, ideally when we won't get eaten alive by the bugs. I was thinking of early July if that's a safe time. Last July a group of us headed up to Newfoundland and the black flies ate us alive.

01-20-2014, 11:46 PM
Thanks for posting the pictures the mountains are stunning!

01-20-2014, 11:46 PM
Did you get a plaster cast of that wound channel, 300savage? Just curious about the boolit performance of course. X-rays would be nice too....;-)

01-20-2014, 11:51 PM
Remember the posts about casting ant tunnels with aluminum? :D

I wonder if he'd hold still for a quick cast of the wound channel? It'd cauterize itself too. Save all the costs and fuss of the hospitals too.

EDIT::: Did he get the hog anyway?

01-20-2014, 11:54 PM
Remember the posts about casting ant tunnels with aluminum? :D

I wonder if he'd hold still for a quick cast of the wound channel? It'd cauterize itself too. Save all the costs and fuss of the hospitals too.

EDIT::: Did he get the hog anyway?

Talk about a unique benefit auction!!!:drinks:

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 12:01 AM
As for the story on what happened here goes.

We took off hunting in the kinda swamp deal a little ways from were I am staying. It was just aboit dark, and craig and I split up to watch a couple of difforant feeders. I crawled up into a tree with my Puma 454 to watch the bait when Craig txted my phone saying he had hogs. So I climbed down and met him over by his stand. By now its getting pretty dark so my 92 was worthless for a hundred yard shot with the hogs under a flood lamp by the feeder. So I took his 788 in 308 and got into a rest. I was gonna go for a small sow that would taste pretty good, but then I though what the heck, first hog, gonna shoot the biggest one. I made the mistake of shooting behind the shoulders like you would on a caribou or a moose. Hog hit the ground like a ton of bricks but bu the time we got up there he had gotten back up and crawled into the brush. We could hear several other hogs on the brush. Craig handed me hos headlamp amd i started i to the brush to look for the hog, holding the lamp with my right hand that i had on the forarm of the gun. I had one in the chamber and the hammer in half cock. Craig was behind me, and we gor in a little ways, and stopped to see where we wanted to go. We could hear him in the giving it up. We turned to head towards the sound and my hat got stuck on a limb. I handed craig back the light dropped the forarm of the gun so it was pointing towards the ground. Now i dont remember if in the excitment I cocked the gun, or if it got drug across a limb and cocked itself. I dont remember ever cocking it, but like I said, I was a little excited. Next thing im talking to Craig, gun still pointed down, and BOOM. My foot stung for a second, and then nothing. No pain. No hole in my boots. No blood. Nothing. So I thought I shot the ground right next to my foot. After a min we headed towards the sound where we last heard the hog, and after a couple mins I felt the inside of my boot getting squishy. Took it off and yep, its full of blood.

After that we left the pig, walked out to the truck. Craig took me back to my house where we took the boot and got it cleaned up. I didnt wanna go to the hospital, but it was three against one, so Craig took me in. I honestly dont remember much after they gave me the little blue pill. I remember like four cops showing up, and the ambulance, and then asking if I could order a pizza in Austin since I was starving. they said no since they didnt know if I was gonna need surgery. Doc came in at 7am and looked at it, looked at the xrays and walked out. Finally at about 10:30 I asked the nurse what the deal was and she went and found the doc who said I was free to go. I was a little cranky since I was hungry and thirsty. Craig and his wife were super nice and came and picked us up from austin.

So, ive got a little lead in my foot, and a walking boot for awhile, but they gave me a note saying I could go to work in three days. They gave me a bottle of pain killers, but I havnt taken any. It really dont hurt all that much. Ive stubbed my toe and had it hurt worse.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 12:03 AM
Remember the posts about casting ant tunnels with aluminum? :D

I wonder if he'd hold still for a quick cast of the wound channel? It'd cauterize itself too. Save all the costs and fuss of the hospitals too.

EDIT::: Did he get the hog anyway?

Pretty sure he is dead just back in the brush a little ways. We are gonn go look for it tomorrow.

01-21-2014, 12:08 AM
Wait a second, I thought a 454 would kill anything, even with a shot in the foot. All those lies...

Get well Daniel, you got lucky. Goes to show we can never be too cautious.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 12:14 AM
Wait a second, I thought a 454 would kill anything, even with a shot in the foot. All those lies...

Get well Daniel, you got lucky. Goes to show we can never be too cautious.

I was extreamly blessed. If it had been my 454 loads it would have been bad. Instead it was a cast boolit copying the original 45 colt bullet loaded over 17gn of H110. Didnt hit any major bones or arterys.

01-21-2014, 12:14 AM
after they gave me the little blue pill.

Thought they give that to you for something else other than a hole in your foot.

01-21-2014, 12:16 AM
So,,, I guess it's too late to get a casting? ;)

Drag the hog up to the feeder then, It's no good for people food now. BUT the hogs will love it.

01-21-2014, 12:22 AM
I recognize some of those photos Daniel. Did you come down thru Pr. George and then south or out the Alaska Hwy to Edmonton and south?

Take Care

ps You aren't the first person to shoot himself in the foot but most don't use a gun.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 12:29 AM
Here are some pics from in Montana.








And those above 0 temps I was promised.


Couple of funny signs I saw.



01-21-2014, 12:52 AM
i have to say having daniel down here has been a pleasure, he and amanda are a really cute couple and this country is going to be better for having them both here.
he is also a good hunting partner, easy to work with and has great instincts , and for the most part very safe gun handling discipline at least where others are concerned.
a friend of mine did mention though today that you cant really hold this little mishap against him cuz if you shoot into the ground anywhere near him your most likely going to hit one of his feet..

as for the hog i am going back to find him tomorrow, i know he will be dead pretty close to where we turned back, we could hear him giving it up , it was the other ones chrashing around and roaring that we were concerned about.
there were a lot of BIG hogs in that bunch when they came in, and they did not appreciate us bothering them.
he did make a good killing shot, just not an anchoring shot which let him get into the bush on us.
not a big deal really, i have followed up more than i can remember
just like this and it took me awhile myself to learn to stop shooting them like a deer.
if daniel is up for it i will take a kabota mule in so he can come with me and i will try to at least get some pics and maybe his cutters at least.
daniel will make a great hog hunter, he respects them and he is a hunter from his head to his size fourteen feet.
or maybe i should say foot.. not sure what size the left one is now.
maybe he might post a pic or two he took of the bullet holes in his flipper.

01-21-2014, 12:56 AM
Having broken bones in my foot 3 times(actually the same dang bone 3 times, long story) it will start throbbing about now... last time I broke it I drove myself to the clinic and walked in. Doc was freaking thinking I needed immediate surgery to wire all the bits back together but the ortho said wait 7 days. Boot cast I could remove as needed and I drove myself back home.

01-21-2014, 01:17 AM
I think MaryB has injured about everything a body can injure.

01-21-2014, 01:23 AM
The only time my foot was ever xrayed, the doc ask who set it. I told him I did why. He said he was going to have to rebreak it. lol I mentioned I didn't break it on purpose the first time, and I didn't hardly think he was after it had been walking good for over 10 years. lol I was in there getting stiches in my head. lol

01-21-2014, 01:28 AM
The only time my foot was ever xrayed, the doc ask who set it. I told him I did why. He said he was going to have to rebreak it. lol I mentioned I didn't break it on purpose the first time, and I didn't hardly think he was after it had been walking good for over 10 years. lol I was in there getting stiches in my head. lol

Typical Doctor.. gotta fix what isn't broken.. And on the wrong end to boot!

01-21-2014, 01:59 AM
Just read this, JR you ain't posed to shoot yer danged foot! Hopalong Cassidy:) Yer young so you'll heal fast!

01-21-2014, 02:00 AM
Hi Daniel, Hope that they also put you on some antibiotic cover. I realise that it was a through and through wound, howver you can imagine the bacteria picked up off your boot that are then potentially seeded into the wound. I am only an animal doc so...................probably don't know what I am talking about!! At least watch closely for signs of infection eg redness,pain,swelling,discharge,red tram tracks moving up your leg. Hope you get better soon. CheersPeter

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 02:03 AM
Having broken bones in my foot 3 times(actually the same dang bone 3 times, long story) it will start throbbing about now... last time I broke it I drove myself to the clinic and walked in. Doc was freaking thinking I needed immediate surgery to wire all the bits back together but the ortho said wait 7 days. Boot cast I could remove as needed and I drove myself back home.

You could not have been more right. It just now started to hurt and I took one of the pain killers they gave me. Its hurting pretty bad right now.

01-21-2014, 02:11 AM
You could not have been more right. It just now started to hurt and I took one of the pain killers they gave me. Its hurting pretty bad right now.

Well if you would have stayed out of the dance hall this evening. lol Keep off of it for a day or two.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 02:11 AM
Hi Daniel, Hope that they also put you on some antibiotic cover. I realise that it was a through and through wound, howver you can imagine the bacteria picked up off your boot that are then potentially seeded into the wound. I am only an animal doc so...................probably don't know what I am talking about!! At least watch closely for signs of infection eg redness,pain,swelling,discharge,red tram tracks moving up your leg. Hope you get better soon. CheersPeter

They had a IV hooked up all of last night with antibiotics going through it, and they gave me some to take home.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 02:13 AM
Well if you would have stayed out of the dance hall this evening. lol Keep off of it for a day or two.

I think it was i had that walking boot strapped on too tight. I took it off and it feels fine now. It felt like someone was poking a redhot firepoker in my foot before, although not where I got shot at, further up the heel.

01-21-2014, 02:39 AM
You must have been thinking about that ant hill casting huh? [smilie=1:

01-21-2014, 02:47 AM
Lot of different jobs some involving heavy things, took its toll on me for sure. Fist time I broke it someone unloading a 55 gallon drum of acid dropped it on the edge of my foot, second time I broke it was when a friend drove over it with a bobcat as I was holding onto the scaffolding he was sliding shingles up on top of, third time friends dog tripped me and I slammed it into the edge of a door frame(2 years ago for that one). All that long bone between the little toe and my ankle on the right foot. Xray looks like a giant ball of scar tissue and calcium, nothing bends on that side of the foot anymore...

I think MaryB has injured about everything a body can injure.

01-21-2014, 02:49 AM
It is called referred pain, your body is moving it further up the broken bone because there is to much messed up right at the injury. I get it in my neck with pain from the torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder.

I think it was i had that walking boot strapped on too tight. I took it off and it feels fine now. It felt like someone was poking a redhot firepoker in my foot before, although not where I got shot at, further up the heel.

01-21-2014, 04:56 AM
peter dont sell yourself short, your not "just " an animal doc, your a vet with probably more sense than at least half the people docs out there.
infection is exactly what we all were concerned with. my wife is an ER nurse and she was pretty adamant about getting ahead of any infection.
i would have been satisfied if i could have just shot him in the bum with about ten cc's of combiotic..
i do have some excenel or a bit of draxxin if i could get someone to hold him.
but actually i could feel the broken bones when i examined his foot and was concerned that the bullet had shattered them and had sent shards through his foot.
thank God that it hadnt, i cant tell you how relieved i was when i saw the pictures, broke a couple bones for sure but a quarter inch either way and it would have simply destroyed a bone.
it is shocking how that big bullet just kind of pushed things aside.

01-21-2014, 06:29 AM
I got careless. Thats all there is to it. Ill learn from this and move on and not let it happen again.

Craig says you're going to be carrying a bit of lead around with you. Trust me, there will be those days in which you feel it. I still have some lead in my hip courtesy of some South American recreational pharmaceutical wholesalers.

I got careless, too.

I know what I learned from that incident, and I'm betting you'll learn from yours as well.

No harm in joking about the incident with your friends and family, but do not ever forget how fortunate you were. You took a bullet, discharged by accident, into a part of your body--and you escaped with minimal damage. Being as you were about a mile away from the truck, had the angle on the firearm been slightly different, it could've been a femoral shot--and the news from Savage wouldn't be good. You could've shattered a knee or an ankle--and that would have had you laid up for months recovering and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to the hospitals.

They say if you shoot and handle firearms long enough, it's only a matter of "when" and not "if" you'll have a negligent/accidental discharge. You had yours, and while it was and probably remains a bit painful, you're still around and will not have the recovery time some folks have experienced.

That's the end of my light ***-chewing. I suspect, given the way your mom and dad raised you kids, that when alone with your thoughts, you're giving yourself a far better butt-chewing than any of us could. :)

Those little pain pills and antibiotics are there for a reason. Take them. The first time I got shot, I quit taking the antibiotics early and got sicker than hell with an infection. That's the real danger, especially given that the feet are one of the most prone places on the body for infection.

Get settled in, rest a day or so, follow the doc's orders and all will be good. You need something, ask. Us Texans take care of our own.


01-21-2014, 06:56 AM
I hope your foot heals quickly,Don't worry about the left over lead my dad in law carried a large amount # 6 shot around him from a acciedental self inflicted wound .

Bad Water Bill
01-21-2014, 07:20 AM

I have told my tale here before but here it is again.:)

When my grandfather died the undertaker counted NINE bullets in his body,one as a child and 8 more before he was 40.

He passed away at age 92.


Please do not try to break his record.

01-21-2014, 10:49 AM
old habits..
i saw the look on daniels face when his rifle went off and i am fairly positive that he knew he had just shot himself, but he still stuck the empty in his pocket.

01-21-2014, 11:47 AM
He will heal fine the problem is where do you find a replacement boot that big! Well if everything is big in Texas that must include the boot store LOL. Hope you heal quick FB

01-21-2014, 05:08 PM
I shot myself with a Ruger 22 pistol - in the days before magazine cutoffs.
I still have the bullet in my leg just above my ankle. Have had it for some 40+ years.
Went in my left pocket, traveled just under the fabric, went out between my legs (yes, it missed everything thank goodness) and went in the upper left inside thigh, bounced off the femur, went out behind the right knee just by the left rear hamstring, went back in at the top of the calf and finally stopped just above the ankle.
Ouch is right..........

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 05:12 PM
My dad shot himself with a ruger 22 pistol. It went through his knife sheath, the seam of his carhearts, wool long johns, in his outer right thigh, bounced off the bone, and ended up right under the skin right where the buttcheek meets the toilet. He had for about 3 years before he had a friend cut it out.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 05:13 PM
old habits..
i saw the look on daniels face when his rifle went off and i am fairly positive that he knew he had just shot himself, but he still stuck the empty in his pocket.

I just went and checked the pocket on my pants, and sure enough...I did.

01-21-2014, 05:20 PM
My dad shot himself with a ruger 22 pistol. It went through his knife sheath, the seam of his carhearts, wool long johns, in his outer right thigh, bounced off the bone, and ended up right under the skin right where the buttcheek meets the toilet. He had for about 3 years before he had a friend cut it out.

Sometimes you just have to tell a friend NO. lol

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 05:26 PM
Sometimes you just have to tell a friend NO. lol

The friend was going to medical school at the time, so he used the surgery as a extra credit.

01-21-2014, 05:35 PM
I have no problems doing surgery on a friend, the placement is the key word here. lol Actually I guess it would depend on the friend, but my male friends would just be out of luck. lol

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 07:57 PM
I was pretty young when all this took place. If I remember correctly, Jim actually kept asking dad to let him do the surgery and dad finally agreed.

01-21-2014, 09:34 PM
My dad shot himself with a ruger 22 pistol. It went through his knife sheath, the seam of his carhearts, wool long johns, in his outer right thigh, bounced off the bone, and ended up right under the skin right where the buttcheek meets the toilet. He had for about 3 years before he had a friend cut it out.

A true friend, for sure...

It would HAVE to be awkward afterwards...

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 09:36 PM
A true friend, for sure...

It would HAVE to be awkward afterwards...

They were pretty good friends. They were hunting partners for a long time.

01-21-2014, 09:56 PM
Are you ever going back to look for the boolit? That would be the ultimate, the empty case and the boolit, both together.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 09:57 PM
I though about it, but it would be nearly impossible to find.

01-21-2014, 10:24 PM
Follow the blood trail lol

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 10:31 PM
Not much of a blood trail. The rubber boot closed back up pretty well.

01-21-2014, 10:44 PM
It'd still be worth a good long look ;)

01-21-2014, 10:51 PM
There are companies that will make a ring out of a case head. I would do that with that piece of brass.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 10:52 PM
I was planning on reloading it. I already threw it in the bin with my other emptys

01-21-2014, 11:10 PM
That gets you a medal for being a hardcore reloader.

Instead of a medal, you'd get a trophy and hall of fame status if you pulled the lead out of your foot and resmelted it. :p

01-21-2014, 11:12 PM
Save the tusks off that porker and make you a belt buckle with them and a 454 case one of these days.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 11:21 PM
That gets you a medal for being a hardcore reloader.

Instead of a medal, you'd get a trophy and hall of fame status if you pulled the lead out of your foot and resmelted it. :p

Not much left in my foot lol.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 11:23 PM
Save the tusks off that porker and make you a belt buckle with them and a 454 case one of these days.

We never actually found him. Figured he is just on the other side of the neighbors fence.

01-21-2014, 11:25 PM
Well that bites.

01-21-2014, 11:29 PM
Well that bites.

Yes, but there are plenty more where that one came from.

Bullshop Junior
01-21-2014, 11:36 PM
Yea. Once I finally kill one with the 454 i was thinking about making the tusk into a part of a handmade sling for that rifle.

01-22-2014, 12:14 AM
I was pretty young when all this took place. If I remember correctly, Jim actually kept asking dad to let him do the surgery and dad finally agreed.

LOL, This is too easy to toss in a comment.. So because I like BS Sr. so much I'll keep quiet.

01-22-2014, 12:23 AM
I was pretty young when all this took place. If I remember correctly, Jim actually kept asking dad to let him do the surgery and dad finally agreed.

Wonder what would happen if your dad was bite by a rattler you know where. Thinking Jim might bow out on helping your dad then:)

Bullshop Junior
01-22-2014, 12:25 AM
Wonder what would happen if your dad was bite by a rattler you know where. Thinking Jim might bow out on helping your dad then:)

I think any decent man would leave that one to the hospital lol

01-22-2014, 01:32 AM
You've got to give BS Jr. a break here: It was in the "fog of war"!

And the irony really struck me ......... many here were whooping it up about all the nasty bitty poisonous things that Daniel would have to watch out for ........ and before that the dangers of driving on icy extremely deserted stretches of roads ...... sans good rest .....

............ he survives all that!

Survives his inlaws .........

Brings his bride from the Deep south .............

............ and ............... gets caught up in the fog of pig wars!

You just can't make this stuff up! Life is truely stranger than fiction!

I really think a BOOK is in order!!


Now, as the Vet said: Watch out for infection! REALLY! We are so on the edge of resistances to antibiotics it's not "funny"!

Praying for a speedy recovery!!

Best regards Daniel!

Three 44s

01-22-2014, 01:39 AM
Put that way, it is sort of comical. lol

Bullshop Junior
01-22-2014, 01:51 AM
Amanda has said a couple times we should write a book.

01-22-2014, 01:56 AM
i actually believe we could find the bullet if we wanted to.
i went back in today looking for that hog and while we were gone more pigs trampled most all of the sign out.
i found enough to determine he drug himself about 75 yards to the neighbors property and it is so thick its mainly hands and knees so i called it a day.
but i did recognize exactly where we were standing when you ventilated yourself and i have a metal detector that i am sure would find it.
let me know if you want to go look, it shouldnt be more than four or five inches in the ground.
would make a good reminder to have to help insure you dont ever point a gun at any parts you dont want perforated..
i know it has already helped me, when i was crawling around in there today with that handy little 454 of yours i assure you the hammer was down, my thumb was over it, and i never got any of my parts anywhere even close to in front of that barrel.
we get too comfortable and familiar at times with these darn things and start treating them a bit too casually.

this mishap should keep us aware for a long tome to come i imagine.

Bullshop Junior
01-22-2014, 01:58 AM
We could go back in at some point after I get healed up. It would be a good reminder, and im curious to how the boolit performed and how far down it went in the dirt.

01-22-2014, 02:01 AM
Amanda has said a couple times we should write a book.

Start writing a daily journal for notes later on. My wife has written 3 books so far and loves it.

01-22-2014, 02:06 AM
My wife has said for years that she should write a book, but you would have to be crazy to think I would tell her what to put in it. What she don't know doesn't hurt her. lol

I won't be writing it in no journal either. lol

Bullshop Junior
01-22-2014, 02:48 AM
Yep, somethings are best remembered in silence.

I guess we call all say ive got a good foot hole on Texas though. Lol

01-22-2014, 02:51 AM
Or," You've already shed blood for Texas"!!!

01-22-2014, 02:53 AM
Well he isn't too far from the alamo. lol

01-22-2014, 03:23 AM
A big stake in your future success!

Three 44s

Bullshop Junior
01-22-2014, 11:45 AM
I have more photos if yall want them.

01-22-2014, 12:05 PM
So glad you are recovering well. I read through the thread and you will fit in well in Texas. Tough young man. I saw where it took a bit of time for the pain to set in. That is exactly what happened with me as well. Listen to the Doc's, they know. As it has been said, infection control is big at this point. And yes, more pics are good! You made a heck of a journey.

01-22-2014, 12:31 PM
I have more photos if yall want them.

^^^^ Need you ask?

01-22-2014, 12:38 PM
I have more photos if yall want them.

I would love more of the mountains, rivers etc.

01-22-2014, 12:44 PM

Sorry to hear this, but sounds like you will be OK and it will just be an embarrassing story in a few years.

My brother was quickdrawing with a Ruger Single Six, hammer slipped on the draw during cocking and
he put a .22 Long thru his foot. It went exactly where the penny would be in his penny loafers. Same
as you - no pain and he thought, " I must have missed" - then he saw the tiny hole in the leather, so
took off the shoe, and there was this little purple hole in the top of the foot and the bottom was
wet and sticky at the exit.

The heavy leather sole of the shoe bounced it up into the foot about 1/2". Took him to hospital, police
were called due to a gunshot, detective yukking it up about the idiot kid, etc. A woman came in
while they were looking at his X-rays that had walked thru a sliding glass door and was cut up
BAD all over - wrapped whole body in bloody sheet. The ER crew looked at her for about 5 min
and sent us home, said come back tomorrow to remove the boolit, we will be all night sewing
her back together.

He also managed to put it between the bones, hit no arteries or nerves, was fine in a couple
weeks. He was about 15 at the time.

Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery -


PS my brother had the boolit for a while, eventually lost it, perfectly expanded .22 Long,
I think it was expanded in the foot because the dent in the leather sole is of the expanded

Pb Burner
01-22-2014, 12:52 PM
I've followed this thread since before you left Alaska. I have always loved long drives/"road trips". I looked up locations you posted on google maps. Awesome country you went through. It was like an adventure through someone else's eyes. What a road trip!
As for more pictures....YES! Please... Book? Why not? I would read it.
Also, I would try to find that bullet for sure! And it wouldn't get melted either...
Thanks for the adventure!

01-22-2014, 07:51 PM
Mama Bear and I were in San Antonio for the weekend and spent Monday and Tuesday in the Nixon, Yorktown, Westoff area. Should have dropped by and helped you look for the bullet--I am used to digging in the dirt for lead.
Wishing you the best of luck in healing and your new job--new challenges are great when you are young and flowing with sap --just remember you have proved you are not bulletproof.

Bullshop Junior
01-22-2014, 09:25 PM
Go ahead and give y'all a update on the foot.

Ive been limping it around pretty good today using the walkif boot the hospital have me. Really ive only been putting my good foot down cuzz the left one hurt to even touch the ground.

A little while ago, i was looking at the boot, and noticed that the boot is what seemed to be causing the pain, sinc it was litterally twisting my foot so the outside was down wards. So I took it off, and got up and tried walking. I was able to walk around pretty ood as long as I pit my weight on the foot slowly. After cleaning all my guns and sorting/counting ammo and brass and such, I figured the swelling had gone down a lot since it first happened, and what the heck. So I went and got my boots, opened it up real wide, got my foot in and laced it up. Woth the boots on, ive been wondering around for about 2 hours now and its to were it doesnt hurt at all. After a bit of walking my whole leg did that thing like it does when you lay on it for a long time, then the pain went away, and now other then a little limp, I can walk normal.

I have never been so happy to have my work boots on in my life.

mold maker
01-22-2014, 09:32 PM
Well if he started that hunt, full of pizz and vineger, he now has a drain hole.

Bullshop Junior
01-22-2014, 10:57 PM
Walked around, got some stuff in town, and after about 3 hours up and on my foot, I took the boot off, and the swelling has gone down even more. It doesnt hurt at all right now. I changed the bandages and it hasnt bleed today, and its already starting ro get rhat nice pink look of new flesh. Keeping up on my antibiotics. Should be able to start work monday

01-23-2014, 12:07 AM
Your foot is not swelled up becuse you let out all the air LOL

01-23-2014, 01:39 AM
if the boot hurt it wasn't adjusted right. Last break I had to wear the dang thing 24/7 even in bed. Only out was to shower and doc told me no shower for 4 days... I was not happy.

01-23-2014, 02:11 AM
Some of the reduction in swelling is due to using the muscles. Lymph fluid pools in the legs,
as does blood if you don't use the muscles. Arteries and lymph ducts have one way valves
so whenever you squeeze a vein or lumph duct between two muscles that are working, like
when walking, the fluid gets pumped upstream to the body, getting the limbs much more
like normal. Kinda like squeezing that bulb in the fuel line for an outboard - or at least they
had them 30-40 yrs ago, haven't played with new outboards much.

Sitting around isn't real good for you. Walking is, if you can do it.

Glad to hear you are getting around, great news.


01-23-2014, 03:35 AM
Good thread. Welcome to Texas, and thanks for sharing your stories here.

Quick question... Did you have any issues driving through Canada and crossing back into the US with your guns?

Hope you heal up quick and get back to killin hogs soon.

01-23-2014, 10:47 AM
Just came across your thread Daniel. Sounds like quite an adventure for sure. I wish you and misses the best of luck in your relationship and a speedy recovery of your foot. Keep us updated with how things are going. It is hard gettgin started out in life sometimes. It'll make you a better person in the future. Just remember anything worth having doesnt come easy.

Bullshop Junior
01-24-2014, 06:05 AM
Good news and bad news. Good news is my foot is doing great. Bad news is, we are in the ER again, this time for Amanda...

01-24-2014, 08:13 AM
Hope it is nothing serious

01-24-2014, 09:56 AM

My wishes to you and your wife. Hope all is well. PM sent.

Bad Water Bill
01-24-2014, 01:11 PM
It has been 7 hours since JR reported that Amanda was in the ER.

Does anyone have any more information to report?

01-24-2014, 01:26 PM
yes, she is home and doing better, was hard to understand daniel this morning about exactly what the problem was but i caught that much.
they are still planning on coming over this afternoon sometime so apparently she is fine.

Bad Water Bill
01-24-2014, 01:34 PM
Thanks for the quick response.

Yes even tho they are not my own that pair still is part of the family and I am sure we all worry about them.

Bullshop Junior
01-24-2014, 01:43 PM
Sorry about not getting back sooner. By the time we got back from the ER my phone was dead, and I fell asleep before it charged enough to turn back on.

She is doing better. She had some kind of a gluten reaction since we have been eating a lot of bread and pasta. The doctors told her not to eat any gluten for awhile, and gave her some pills for the headache and upset stomach.

Bad Water Bill
01-24-2014, 02:01 PM
Time to get a REAL gun and get some hog meat on the table.

Something that goes BANG D. R. T. and you only have to put it on the grill.:bigsmyl2:

When Girty gits there please have Amanda give her a bait of oats and send her back home.

Bullshop Junior
01-24-2014, 02:18 PM
I think my 454 is a real gun...

01-24-2014, 02:22 PM
Plenty real to get the job done. It isn't the gun that matters as much as it is the man behind the gun.

01-24-2014, 04:50 PM
that little rifle likes meat, and aint real particular apparently.
hog or anything that smells like hog..
better start usin a bit of soap on them feet a yers.

Bad Water Bill
01-24-2014, 05:01 PM
Also have him dump LOTS of 20 mule team borax in them stinky boots.

Makes them smell outdoor fresh again.[smilie=w:

Even works on smelly gym shoes.

Bullshop Junior
01-24-2014, 05:06 PM
Ill have to pick some up when we go into town next.

Bad Water Bill
01-24-2014, 05:19 PM
Amanda will be glad when you do.

I have been doing that for about 50 years.

Get a spice bottle with sprinkler holes in the top

Pop the top and fill about 3/4 full then sprinkle into your boots etc.

I have a bottle in the bedroom. Once a week keeps shoes fresh.

Works great in your laundry also.

Yes my mother hated stinky shoes also.

Bullshop Junior
01-24-2014, 07:00 PM
I talked to Amanda, and she said if y'all wanna hear her side of the story, she would get online and white it up.

01-24-2014, 07:04 PM
Absolutely, we want to hear from her!

01-24-2014, 07:08 PM
We'll be listening for her.

01-24-2014, 10:48 PM
Holy Cow - and I thought my life could get complicated - Please have her tell us more - I'm curious about what happened from when you left up north and she flew south

01-24-2014, 11:29 PM
Stay away from modern wheat products they contain enzymes our digestive systems cannot deal with. Look for organic older wheat varieties non gmo ****. I grind my own flour to avoid just that.

01-25-2014, 10:10 AM
Look up "Spelt" this is the old wheat before GMO, there are Spelt froduct out there for Glutin disorders. an Organic farm not far from me feeds it to his livestock for supplement feed with non GMO corn.

01-25-2014, 10:55 AM
Gluton problems seem to be the new waive in diagnostic conclusions these days. 20 years ago nobody had Gluton problems now everyone seems to have come down with the disorder. Must be close to a pandemic or something in the air.

Jr. I hope your Gal gets relief and is looked after.

Take Care


01-25-2014, 12:14 PM
The old fashion grains didn't have the gm's,our bodies were ok withthem no problems,We have started to use corn flour instead of wheat flour.

01-25-2014, 12:41 PM
The old fashion grains didn't have the gm's,our bodies were ok withthem no problems,We have started to use corn flour instead of wheat flour.

Not up here we still use wheat flour and Gluton problems are the ``in`` diagnosis.


01-25-2014, 01:44 PM
Celiac disease is more common than one might think. It is an auto-immune disorder triggered by an "allergy" to gluten. Have a few family members diagnosed as such. For the majority of people, there is no reason to avoid gluten. Fortunately, there are many good substitutes like brown rice pasta. To a degree, gluten free is a "fad" but Celiac is not a myth.

01-25-2014, 02:06 PM
No I have a friend with the disease.

Take Care


01-25-2014, 04:19 PM
Daniel I hope Amanda gets on the mend soon.

Celiac disease is rare but real. The gluten free fad is foolish. Simply put wheat gluten is a protein. Gives doe the stickiness it needs to make a good loaf. For the vast majority of people wheat flower (especially whole wheat) is a wonderful source of food and fiber. 97 nutritionists can write a book On the healthy aspects of whole grain goodness. 3 will write a book making statements like modern wheat is un healthy or say things like suicide by food pyramid. Which one will sell the most books. Next thing you know just reading a false report gives some a PHD in nutritional biophysics. I'm not looking for a fight. Not the proper venue for a debate anyway. If you would like to PM me I'd be happy to point you to Wheat or Gluten information based on Sound Science.

01-25-2014, 04:53 PM
I wish there was a like button here.
I'm amazed at how many people with no gluten allergy think gluten free is somehow healthier.

01-25-2014, 11:56 PM
One of my sisters has Celiac disease plus other food allergies. It is a real problem for her to shop for food and eating out is potentially lethal. I am allergic to corn and have had a couple of life threatening incidents due to it. I eat only what I kow is safe when eating out and read the ingredient labels of everything.

Bullshop Junior
01-26-2014, 02:42 AM
Thanks for all the comments guys. She has been into health foods for a long time, and gluten problems run in her family, so she ia working on it.

I am seriously loving it down here. Ran to the local gas station a few mins ago and saw a really noce buck whitetail, along with about 30 does, and. A big ol bore hog, and then on the way back saw about 6 smaller eatin size sows.

I think its funny, when we first got here, when Amanda saw the deer, she was all "aww...look how cute". A week later, after hitting one, and almost running over several more, when we pass them on the road, I can hear her mumble "Little B**tards"

01-26-2014, 09:39 AM
This accidental discharge sounds like it happened not far from you Daniel, involving I think, the same model of rifle and during a hog hunt! Killed a singer named Steven Fromholz. Here is a link:

01-26-2014, 10:27 AM
This accidental discharge sounds like it happened not far from you Daniel, involving I think, the same model of rifle and during a hog hunt!

Chief Deputy George Arista said Fromholz was moving a Rossi .44-magnum lever-action rifle in a soft case that wasn’t zipped at the bottom. The rifle dropped out of the case, struck the ground, and discharged.

This tells me all I need to know.

Bullshop Junior
01-26-2014, 11:18 AM
Yep. Had it loaded and dropped it on the hammer.

I usually dont carry mine loaded, its quick to load when I need it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time to have one in the chamber

01-26-2014, 11:22 AM
Yep. Had it loaded and dropped it on the hammer.

I usually dont carry mine loaded, its quick to load when I need it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time to have one in the chamber

I always conceal carry with one in the chamber lol

Bullshop Junior
01-26-2014, 11:27 AM
When I had handguns, i nevee kept one under the hammer. But that was just me. Apparently i wasnt as safe as I thought I was though...

01-26-2014, 03:17 PM
daniel if you had not put one in the chamber before we started into the brush i would have suggested that you do so.
i dang sure had one loaded in my 308, i just had my finger alongside the trigger gaurd and my thumb holding the safety on.
dont feel bad, very few people who actually follow up wounded and potentially dangerous animals have not had an accidental discharge of some sort or another. i for sure have but i just managed to not shoot myself or anyone else .
but i cant remember the last time i have followed up a wounded dangerous critter with anyone else along, i usually wont allow it as it makes for too many things to keep track of at once besides having my senses attuned to where they need to be.
thats why i let you go ahead, i knew you wanted to, and i did not.bbwant you behind me with a loaded gun until you have far more experiance down here.
i know you dont lack backbone or hunting experiance, but going into the thick of it after a wounded boar with no dogs to distract him and to let you know exactly where he is can be nerve wracking .
you will be better next time.
i still wont let you behind me with a gun in there yet, but soon i feel you will be ready to trust no matter what kind of wreck comes at you in the bush at night.
but most likely i will be sitting in the mule waiting for you to holler out that you have taken care of things.
i have probably done enough of that sillyness for several lifetimes.
i just dont need them that bad anymore.

01-26-2014, 03:28 PM
At least he had the rifle pointing at the ground,just hard to miss the snowshoes he has on the end of his legs. lol I guess they will have to turn into water skis now that he lives in texas.

Bullshop Junior
01-26-2014, 05:18 PM
I suppose. Thinking about it, just about everyone I know that plays with guns has been shot, most by themself lol.

The foot it doing really well. Im to where I can walk on it without a limp. I was cleaning my truck today and found the papers from the hospital saying not to put weight on it for 4-6 weeks....too late for that lol.

Im all fired up to start work tomorrow. Ive been hear for close to two weeks now, and im ready to start wht I came here for.

01-29-2014, 12:09 PM
JR needs to report in about the new job and stuff.

Bad Water Bill
01-29-2014, 12:25 PM
JR is WORKING 8-4:30 and then he has to catch and harvest the food for himself and his blushing bride.

And remember he is doing all of this with a broken SNOWSHOE.:bigsmyl2:

Bullshop Junior
01-29-2014, 11:17 PM
JR is WORKING 8-4:30 and then he has to catch and harvest the food for himself and his blushing bride.

And remember he is doing all of this with a broken SNOWSHOE.:bigsmyl2:

More like 7:30 to at least 6. Didnt get off till 7 tonight. But I like the long hours.

The broken snowshoe is actually doing pretty well.

Work is going good. My boss likes me since he didnt really have to show me how to do my job, i just figured it out, and I go beyond what im supposed to be doing to make things easier for him.

Amanda wrote up her story today..I havnt reas it but she said it took 2 hours to write so its probably more like a book.

Bad Water Bill
01-29-2014, 11:25 PM
Waiting patiently for her report.


Can Amanda speal bettern u n yer dad?:kidding:

Bullshop Junior
01-29-2014, 11:42 PM
She spells words difforant then I do, but that dont mean they are right.

Bad Water Bill
01-30-2014, 12:03 AM
How soon will her book be published?

Bullshop Junior
01-30-2014, 12:06 AM
I just proove read it and she has a few choice words she needs to refrase.

Bad Water Bill
01-30-2014, 12:25 AM
She shuda axed Girty fer help.

Girty b a gud splr.

I no kuz eye teched er.

01-30-2014, 01:33 AM
She shuda axed Girty fer help.

Girty b a gud splr.

I no kuz eye teched er.

Bill, sometimes you just start to typing in an unknown tongue. Please tell me it's origins so I can learn and enjoy your posts more! :grin:

01-30-2014, 01:39 PM
don't know if it's good news or bad news, but I read what BWB typed just fine ... :)

01-30-2014, 01:45 PM

01-30-2014, 01:46 PM
"Doesn't correct (BE)cause he knows what you meant" .... bwahahaha! :D

Bullshop Junior
01-30-2014, 02:50 PM
"Doesn't correct (BE)cause he knows what you meant" .... bwahahaha! :D

Took me a hour to figure out why you added the (BE).

01-30-2014, 05:11 PM
This sums it up nicely....


Alvarez Kelly
01-30-2014, 05:31 PM
This sums it up nicely....

Now THAT is funny!

01-30-2014, 05:43 PM

Glad to hear you are on the mend and hard at work. Keep your better half healthy, too and the trip South may work well for you. My SiL has issues with gluten but she uses it to her advantage when my BiL has the guys over. They are no match for her when she wants to clear out a room, no matter how much beer they consume.

Stay well, stay happy, and keep us posted.

01-30-2014, 05:59 PM
Bill, sometimes you just start to typing in an unknown tongue. Please tell me it's origins so I can learn and enjoy your posts more! :grin:

Plain old country talk, known, used and understood all over the U.S. I do not know about Cal. though. lol

01-30-2014, 10:03 PM
Some of those Cali. guys use a language all their own. I had one working for me a while back that I needed an interpreter to communicate with.

01-30-2014, 10:06 PM
Some of those Cali. guys use a language all their own. I had one working for me a while back that I needed an interpreter to communicate with.

Pretty much expected from most foreign countries. lol

Bullshop Junior
01-30-2014, 11:43 PM
Work went really well today until a dang chain broke dropping a 300+lb pipe. Still being a little clumsy getting used to my reduced weight foot the pipe happened to land on said foot. Hurt for a bit but im fine. Im to where I can walk fine now with my boots off without limping, although it still hurts a fair deal.

Amanda is feeling quite a bit better. May have found her a job, and waiting to hear back on monday, we may get to move into a little better place. We shall see.