View Full Version : Mold or pour lube

12-21-2013, 10:31 AM
The question continues to be - - - - " Do I melt and pour my lube directly into my lube sizer or .....Do I make molds and pour my lube into sticks for future use ? "

For me, it is melt and pour directly into the lube-sizer.

My friend Bryan recently acquired a Lyman 45 that the 2 of us " re-furbed " , he had been looking for a nice melt & pour pot.

I found this aluminum pot in the kitchen section of a store. It needed a spout formed and a different handle put on.

All that is done now and Bryan is ready to melt and pour his Ben's Red into his Lyman 45 .





12-21-2013, 10:33 AM
Melt and pour is the way to go. Fills the reservoir with more lube and much less air. No messing with stick molds and all that.

I use a small pan and a metal funnel.

12-21-2013, 10:49 AM
For those that continue with the lube in the mold routine, that is fine if that is the technique that they prefer for making and storing their lube.

For me however, it just seems like double the work.

If you've got the lube molten, why pour it into a mold, go ahead and pour it into the lube sizer. When you're finished, allow the lube to cool, put a flat dust cover over your pot and you'll be ready for the next fill down the road.


12-21-2013, 11:14 AM
I've thought about doing it this way but figured that I would eventually pour liquid lube into the sizer without a die in place. Could be messy!

Great looking sizer by the way.

12-21-2013, 11:17 AM
Good point you have made alamogunr , I've also read about people pouring liquid lube ON TOP of the pressure nut in the lube reservoir.

Obviously, that's a big problem also.

Other than very minor spills which will wipe up easy, I've never had any problems with the melt and pour system.


12-21-2013, 12:35 PM
If you pour on top of the pressure nut, when it hardens and you back out the nut you now have hollow tube for next time ? lol
You wont make that mistake again will you !

Good job on the sizer, looks great. Pour the lube, no air. Cover save for next time. Melt in container in hot water, pour, repete !


12-21-2013, 03:33 PM
Naw, I just stuff it in, Felix or Ben's. Use a dowel to stuff it.

12-21-2013, 03:52 PM
I melt and pour. All my lubes are stored as little Martha Stewart MINI-LOAVES and I have my old little 1cup enameled pan for filling the sizers.

Only issue I have ever had is going just slightly OVER the venthole on my STAR sizer, that was not good....not good at all...I put the plunger back in while the lube was just starting to solidify......that tiny little hole makes a pretty fair spray nozzle. :lol:

Ben...that is one darn fine looking re-furb...very nice.

12-21-2013, 04:01 PM
Mike, I know the feeling of seeing molten lube squirt out of that weep hole in a Star. My bench still has a bit of MML on it.

12-21-2013, 07:22 PM
I melt and pour. All my lubes are stored as little Martha Stewart MINI-LOAVES and I have my old little 1cup enameled pan for filling the sizers.

Only issue I have ever had is going just slightly OVER the venthole on my STAR sizer, that was not good....not good at all...I put the plunger back in while the lube was just starting to solidify......that tiny little hole makes a pretty fair spray nozzle. :lol:

Ben...that is one darn fine looking re-furb...very nice.

You are very kind and generous with your words !

Many thanks,

12-24-2013, 12:18 AM
Now Ben, I don't know about you, but if my lube has mold on it I use it for flux.

The only time I considered using stick moulds was with the brick-grease type lubes some of us messed with a while back, they would only pour at just over 450F. I'm a melt'n'pour guy with anything that melts at sane temperatures.

If my ship comes in, I might look for a facsimile of Lyman Orange in a powder coat color and redo all of my 45s in it, the sexy pics that get posted from time to time of these excellent refurbs makes me covet. Good job, Ben.


12-26-2013, 09:20 PM
I use 1" pvc molds split in half lengthwise, hold them together with heavy rubber bands. That way I can store the lube w/o remelting to put in the Star.

12-26-2013, 09:22 PM
Melt and pour I use a tuna can with a pour spout bent into it

12-27-2013, 01:57 PM
I use 50/50 lube, and it melts nicely in the microwave. Put a paper towel over the mug, in case it spits a little during the heating. Just pour it in.

12-28-2013, 04:44 AM
Melt & Pour.

I have been using the microwave and want to try my heat gun the next pour.

12-28-2013, 02:21 PM
Depends on your lube. If remelting dries it out or changes, it may not werk.