View Full Version : what now

12-21-2013, 09:41 AM
with lead becoming more scarce every day and a future lead scores becoming fewer and farther between (not to mention becoming prohibitively expensive) i keep wondering 'what is the future of recreational shooting and where is our pastime headed?' the antigunners must be swooning over the lead scaracity issue, they are indirectly controlling guns and firearms thru ammunition availability and cost. i may have a small lead supply but it is nowhere near a lifetime supply and what about my kids and others that may want to shoot and enjoy the second amendment in the future. with fewer shooters and reloaders they is less opposition to their taking over the second amendment. it's happening now, all the fears we had about loosing out guns and rights are taking place right now in front of us, i never thought this would ever happen, at least not in my lifetime but it is. so what do we use for a replacement for lead so we can continue to shoot? we had better start soon looking at a inexpensive and readily available alternative to lead. we're not like the goverment arsenels that can just happily convert to solid copper projectiles. my supply of powdered /sinistered metals that are easily swaged into bullets is non-existant. where do we go from here? for one i am going to recycle my lead back into bullets by using a portable trap with a rubber mulch media to catch the bullets. in the past when lead was cheap and readily available nobody gave much thought of launching a few pounds of lead over the country side. we need to give some serious thought on recovering these chunks of lead and recycling them back into bullets. there has to be a lot of other things we can do to save lead. what's out there, i mean what do you guys think? things are bad now but if we don't do something it will get much worse. someone please let me know if you discover a lead alternative. didn't mean to rant , i just want to be able to continue shooting and hopefully pass it on to my kids someday, thanks for being patient and listening..........tenx

12-21-2013, 11:45 AM
I can still get all the lead I want at a local scrapyard, so I'm still covered.

12-21-2013, 05:05 PM
Many things some of us are used to, are scarcer than they were. They aren't gone though.
Donuts and a to go box of coffee on a snowy morning can help your popularity at places you "shop" at. Taking my son along got me an extra bucket full once. It also got my son a free commemorative aluminum mug from a national monument. That was about twenty cents of scrap aluminum, but it made my sons day and put a smile on the counter mans face.

Find some more shooting and reloading buddies.
...Hazmat shipping fees hurt less when you can split them. Save empty powder containers.
...They'll keep an eye out for things they see, that you might need and you can do the same.

12-21-2013, 06:35 PM
Some are concerned, some aren't. I think the difference is how far out is the viewpoint based on- a coupla months, a coupla years, a coupla decades.

[lead] It's probably better than money in the bank.

Maybe in the black market. Like gun rights, lead will probably be continually under attack with elimination being the ultimate goal. RoHS rules ban lead (and cadmium and mercury and other killers) internationally in several products and processes. Expect a never-ending chipping away until all that stuff is contraband.

12-21-2013, 07:42 PM
There is still time to get your supplies together. Just buy as much as you can while you can!

12-22-2013, 03:42 PM
Treat lead like any other investment. Don't put money into it that you can't afford to lose.
Just like any other investment you'll have to find a willing buyer when you might not have time to find a good price.