View Full Version : No-Knead Bread

12-19-2013, 05:24 PM
Been making my own bread with this recipe for a few months, even the worst bread can make great French toast btw...

5 cups flour
2 1/2 Cups water
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp yeast
that's it, now, so you don't get the idea I came up with this on my own,, watch this


As I simply cannot stand at the counter and knead traditional bread this gives me a great bread loaf with minimal work, actually the less you work it the better it turns out.
My recipe give me two full loaf pans. I have been subbing in a cup of whole wheat flour for a cup of white lately. Enjoy.

12-19-2013, 11:16 PM
My wife is a bread making fool.... I should try this just to blow her away....

He he..


12-20-2013, 12:34 AM
Interesting - I'll have to try this out

12-20-2013, 01:01 AM
I've been using that recipe, and even I have been having success!

12-20-2013, 01:47 AM
I'm going with this one and baking it off tomorrow afternoon


Bullshop Junior
12-20-2013, 06:14 AM
Sounds like a neat idea. Ill have to try it.

12-20-2013, 09:40 AM
I gotta try that--looks easy, almost foolproof--just what I need!. Thanks for the tip!

12-20-2013, 07:50 PM
turned out pretty good.

45 2.1
12-20-2013, 09:38 PM
That basic recipe (with those four ingredients) is like several others on the web. I ran into it 5 years ago on Frugal Squirrels. You can also bake the bread in a slow cooker. Good stuff.

12-20-2013, 11:18 PM
Wife liked it better than my plain bread machine recipe and requested I do beer bread again :drinks:
- I should have thought about this before doing the first loaf
- and made the water dough for the first one
- I've just cut into my beer supply :roll:

12-21-2013, 12:19 AM
I will have to try this when my new flour mill arrives

12-21-2013, 01:43 PM
Changing beer to Newcastle Brown Ale - [smilie=1:

12-21-2013, 05:13 PM
Again turned out well - did this one with whole wheat 2 cups and 1 cup white flour - I may just give the bread machine away.

12-21-2013, 05:22 PM
Going to try the beer bread tonight. I think I'll add some jalapeņos.

12-21-2013, 07:14 PM
The mix for tomorrow is Spelt flour with water - hopefully the wife likes it as well as my beer bread [smilie=1:

12-22-2013, 01:08 PM
Ok so I have made the plain beer bread, beer bread with jalapeņos and cheese, and 2 loaves of soft white bread with jalapeņos and cheddar cheese. This is as fun as shooting.

12-22-2013, 01:44 PM
Well , at least after your done your guaranteed to have bagged something for your efforts.

Many a walk in the woods with just deer track soup to show for it.

12-22-2013, 06:28 PM
Changing beer to Newcastle Brown Ale - [smilie=1:

Do you substitute the water with beer? Sounds like it ought to be good!!

12-22-2013, 06:44 PM
I also make a version of no knead bread.. from this cookbook. http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/ Their theory is to have a wetter dough, that can live in a "cambro" bucket in the fridge, when you want to bake... you cut, proof then bake.. fresh bread daily.

One advice for no knead bread makers.. buy a danish dough hook.. Fastest, cleanest way to mix the dough.

12-23-2013, 04:03 PM
I also make a version of no knead bread.. from this cookbook. http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/ Their theory is to have a wetter dough, that can live in a "cambro" bucket in the fridge, when you want to bake... you cut, proof then bake.. fresh bread daily.

One advice for no knead bread makers.. buy a danish dough hook.. Fastest, cleanest way to mix the dough.

While I can easily see the utility in such a tool, and who doesn't like more tools anyway, my own mixing tool is a 1' long piece of 1x2. a clean plain stick that won't snap in my hand like a wooden spoon.
The stick never can outlive it's built in utility, and they are all affordable.

12-23-2013, 06:27 PM
3/4 cup of jalapeņos is too much in a loaf of the beer bread unless you need to open your sinuses. I will back the next loaf down to 1/2 cup. It is amazingly simple. We made some in the 6" cast iron skillets. The wife cut the center out and filled them with broccoli cheese soup. Mmmm good.

Lloyd Smale
12-25-2013, 05:39 AM
I had some walleye left for the summer and figured yesterday id give this recipe a try and make some buns and have fish sandwiches. Turned out ok but not quite light and airy enough for a burger bun. Probably would be fine for regular bread though. Maybe if a guy doubled the yeast or let it rise 2 to 3 hours on the last rise.

45 2.1
12-25-2013, 12:09 PM
I had some walleye left for the summer and figured yesterday id give this recipe a try and make some buns and have fish sandwiches. Turned out ok but not quite light and airy enough for a burger bun. Probably would be fine for regular bread though. Maybe if a guy doubled the yeast or let it rise 2 to 3 hours on the last rise.

Some of these recipes (with these basic four ingredients) have a rise time as you've suggested..... others have an 18 hour (up to 30 hours) rise time to ferment and rise. Take a look here:

12-25-2013, 12:13 PM
I have a loaf in the oven right now..... Want the whole house to smell like yummy bread when they get up to open presents... Will post pics when it gets done...


12-25-2013, 11:47 PM
The longer the rise and ferment the healthier the bread is. Breaks down some of the enzymes that make people sick from modern wheat

01-02-2014, 01:50 AM
I have on occasion kneaded bread but nowadays a big KitchenAide mixer doees it for me. Some breads, like my Parker house roll recipe, don't need much kneading anyway. I substitute 1 cup of whole wheat for ap flour on all but French bread, have learned to appreciate unbleached flour as well.

01-05-2014, 01:09 AM
Mixed up Rye for baking tomorrow - changed out his water for beer though - should be a good one.


01-05-2014, 01:20 PM
I like that bread recipe, Artful. Must admit I'll probably use my mixer anyway.

01-05-2014, 08:20 PM
turned out Darn Nice - I don't think it matter's which way you mix/Knead it.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/rowdyfisk/Misc/P1030989.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/rowdyfisk/media/Misc/P1030989.jpg.html)

evidenced by it's half gone
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/rowdyfisk/Misc/P1030990.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/rowdyfisk/media/Misc/P1030990.jpg.html)

01-05-2014, 08:31 PM
I'm not a baker but always wanted to make bread, will try this.
A friend has some sourdough starter working in a jar,
the top surface is darker than the rest but not fuzzy,
suppose that's OK? It's in the fridge. Said he would give me some.
Sounds easy to feed, etc.

01-05-2014, 08:41 PM
a.squibload, it should be fine - watch this video


01-05-2014, 10:22 PM
here is another


And I'm seeing some Sour Dough Rye Pumpernickel video's so I'm going to create a "Mother" and try
that instead of instant yeast - give me a few days to work on that.

01-08-2014, 05:36 AM
Thanks, interesting. I might want to start with store-bought yeast,
wouldn't want a cat hair or two to get in there.
The good news: it's like beer, soon as the yeast starts multiplying
there will be a blanket of CO2 which kills most bacteria.

There was a time when I kept a dozen or so test tubes of agar
in the freezer, each inoculated with brewer's yeast. Buy one
bottle of yeast and make a dozen batches of beer.
Yeah, I'm cheap. That's why I started casting!

Anyway it looks like even I could bake bread.
If I could make a decent pumpernickel I'd be all set,
that's my favorite.

Tips on altitude? About 6000' here.

01-08-2014, 09:03 AM
Tips on altitude? About 6000' here.

I don't know as Phoenix is low land and Oregon where I was before was low land....Googeage


01-10-2014, 02:01 AM
I'm going to have to try this sound easy to make.

01-10-2014, 11:54 PM

Sourdough Starter "Mother"
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/rowdyfisk/Misc/SourdoughMotherishome.jpeg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/rowdyfisk/media/Misc/SourdoughMotherishome.jpeg.html)

5 Days - split it - fed it - using half to do a bread loaf this weekend! - cross your fingers for me

01-11-2014, 01:18 AM
I have traditionally made my bread/rolls/pizza dough with my Kitchenaid mixer, but this is the cat's meow. I sometimes add a teaspoon full of oregano or italian seasoning (to the dry mix), and it kicks the flavor up a notch. I will have to try the beer next. Other spices/ingredients can be added to the dry mix as well (I usually add dried chives to my biscuits). Pumpernickle may present a problem. If someone finds an easy recipe, please post it. The one time I tried it, it stripped a gear in my Kitchenaid. :(


01-11-2014, 01:28 PM
First batch of Mother used - Whole Wheat Sour Dough
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/rowdyfisk/Misc/P1030995.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/rowdyfisk/media/Misc/P1030995.jpg.html)

and Baked
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/rowdyfisk/Misc/P1030997.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/rowdyfisk/media/Misc/P1030997.jpg.html)

Not enough "sour" bugs in Mother yet - I'll keep feeding and see next week what it's like.

01-11-2014, 02:05 PM
If you buy your yeast in packets or those jars for bread machines it can get pretty expensive. I buy, mine 1lb at a time, once opened it goes into a Glad container, the most important thing is to store it in the freezer. the batch I'm using now is around 3 years old and still going strong!

01-11-2014, 05:22 PM

01-13-2014, 07:37 PM
The mix for tomorrow is Spelt flour with water - hopefully the wife likes it as well as my beer bread [smilie=1:

How'd the spelt experiment work out? SWMBO has a mild wheat allergy....which means I don't eat much either. I DO like good spelt bread, but its expensive. We make it fairly often and have a good recipe that isn't crumbly like many spelt breads are. If we can cut down the amount of time it takes to make it, we'd have it more. This could be the ticket!

01-13-2014, 09:21 PM
Spelt was OK, not crumbly and it's dense
- but I'll be honest I prefer the beer bread of all those I've tried so far. :drinks:

01-14-2014, 03:38 AM
Thanks for that last vid, a good explanation of the process.
I wont have to go through all that if my friend's batch does OK,
said he will give me some when he splits it again. Guess I need
to buy some whole wheat flour.

01-22-2014, 12:02 PM
Recipe worked pretty well. Made two loaves. One I used beer as the liquid and the other I used hard cider for the liquid. Think the cider one was a bit better!!

01-27-2014, 09:22 PM
Looks like I'm gonna have to be a yeast rancher if I wanna do this, friend's starter died.
Just hope it doesn't resemble a superfund site.

01-28-2014, 09:55 PM
Did you remember to feed it?

01-28-2014, 11:40 PM
I never got any.

02-16-2014, 01:24 PM
Made my own last night, hope it starts, no bubbles yet.
Threw in a little pineapple juice, saw that in a video.

02-16-2014, 04:05 PM
We've been making it regularly. SWMBO has been using beer with home ground spelt flour. Every loaf has been very good. The last loaf, which is about half gone now, she added a little bit of honey to and it is even better. Thanks to the OP for setting us on the path!

Charlie Two Tracks
02-25-2014, 02:38 PM
45Nut, I just tried your recipe and it turned out great. First bread I've made. Put it in a cast iron dutch oven to cook and tastes great. Thanks.

Dark Helmet
03-01-2014, 09:57 PM
+1 on the no-knead bread, good and as easy as advertised!