View Full Version : Depriming the 45-70 with the 310 tool.

12-18-2013, 02:43 PM
Wanting to deprime some sized 45-70 cases, I turned to the old faithful 310 tool. I don't have a set of dedicated 45-70 handles or a shell adapter for the later alloy handles, I had to get a little creative. Removing the shell adapter from some alloy handles the 45-70 cases could be deprimed as easy as you please. The extractor hook picked up the case and lifted it quite well. Witnesseth:

Green Frog
12-18-2013, 06:25 PM
Brother Char-Gar, you sound surprised(?) [smilie=l:

Froggie :bigsmyl2:

12-18-2013, 08:20 PM

Just goes to show all of us that it doesn't have to be fancy and elaborate to work well.

Sometimes I really like the simplest and most dependable method.