View Full Version : Current fair value?

12-16-2013, 10:20 AM
Don'tcha hate these threads? Lol

I'm going to help out a local gunshop by consigning some lead ingots. He's really trying hard to get I to stocking reloading supplies and several customers have expressed interest to him in casting. I'm NOT interested in making myself known to the area. I don't want the hassle of beggars. Yep, that's the Christmas spirit!!!
Seriously though,I'm in such close proximity to the shop that anonymity is something I will have to demand. BUT, I really want to see the gentleman succeed in his business so I'm inclined to help out. I'm going to put a couple hundred pounds of clean WW ingots in his shop. Cast into muffin tins, the ingots are around 2lbs each. I'll take a better average weight of them before I take them in.

Just curious what a fair price for them would be and still leave a little meat on the bone to make it worth his time. I don't pay for lead, so I have no clue really. I've only ever sold/traded here. Never tried to make a bunch of cash, just help out and get things I need that can't be found elsewhere like some of the rare molds I've traded for.

Thanks guys!

Dusty Bannister
12-16-2013, 10:55 AM
If I were going to consider selling off any of my personal supply, I would first determine what it would cost to replace the material locally. Since you are fortunate to have a free source, I would suggest that you check around to see what the local scrap price is for WW sold back to the public. Then knowing how much you normally lose through clips and dross, how much you lose through Iron and Zinc, you could come up with a figure for the alloy. Then consider the cost of fuel and labor of sorting, melting and moving the alloy to the shop. Only then will you have an idea what the average local cost per pound might be. Then you will know what you are giving away to try to keep this shop in the game. If you price it too low, the first guy that comes in will snap up that 200 pounds or whatever, and the LGS is out of stock. Then what? Dusty

12-16-2013, 10:57 AM
Go to Rotometals + shipping - might be a good starting point.

Probably charge less than them.....

My $.02

Geoff in Oregon

12-16-2013, 11:33 AM
A local shop sells ingots @ $2 a pound...which I personally feel is a bit on the high side...like everything else in the shop. In my local area the scrap yards are selling raw COWWs for $0.75-0.80 / pound. Considering my work/expenses I'd guess that $1.25 / lb. would be pretty close to break even; giving the local shop a mark up of at least 25% since you are supplying it without additional cost to him, he should be able to sell the ingots for $1.50 to $1.75 / lb. The fact that the lead costs you nothing shouldn't enter into it at all since anyone interested in buying the ingot could get the raw weights and render them for their own use at local scrap prices. Dusty is dead on about selling them too cheaply if there isn't a limit set on each purchase. You'll be making ingots for someone else that isn't motivated to do things their-selves. Teach them to grow wheat, but don't make the bread for them.


12-16-2013, 11:34 AM


12-16-2013, 11:55 AM
Thanks guys.

Any lead I take him will NOT come from my personal stores. I have a working cache and then I have ferreted away my MC Hammer stash (can't touch this!) for any difficult times. I feel confident my personal inventory is such that I won't find myself in need in this lifetime. I calculated the shooting habits of myself and my closest friend for whom I also cast and load for. Theoretically I should have enough to handle our habits for the next 25 years. @ 36 years old, I won't live to see anything past that.

Again, thanks for the input.

12-16-2013, 11:56 AM
Double post. Interwebz is really suckin' this mornin.

12-16-2013, 02:16 PM
I picked up some lead from a local gun shop awhile back for $1.25lb He had it sitting around for a long time and at one time wanted (IIRC) $2 for it. When I got it he had it marked @ $1.50 but he wanted it gone alittle more than I wanted so we settled :).
I'd say start at $1.50 a lb, after all it's clean ready to cast and no shipping!

12-16-2013, 05:28 PM
I'd sell my COWW at $1.50 to $1.75, but if it has 1% Tin added, then $1.75 to $2.00. Lyman #2 or Linotype, then $2.50, maybe more.

Offer a variety of Lead alloys. Rifle, Pistol, etc. Price it based on what it is. COWW is just a starting place to make a good alloy, in my opinion.

12-16-2013, 07:36 PM
Theoretically I should have enough to handle our habits for the next 25 years. @ 36 years old, I won't live to see anything past that.

At age 59 I find myself wishing I'd invested much more heavily in my body and health when I was in my 30s.

12-16-2013, 07:45 PM
Lead at the only local shop to carry it, is $4.00 per pound in 5# to 10# chunks that won't fit in an electric pot.
My scrap yard source for soft lead at $1 and hard lead at $.50 is less than a mile away, off the same road.

One piece of advice, for consigning goods.
Never consign more goods than you're willing to walk away from - with very few ill feelings. Stuff happens.
In my experience, and in reading about numerous consignment issues in the news, Consignees rarely get goods or cash if ownership flounders.

Other than that, good luck in your venture.

12-16-2013, 08:31 PM
for the next 25 years. @ 36 years old, I won't live to see anything past that.

That's a strange thing to write. There are many on here shooting well past that age. Do you know something that we don't? (End of the world as we know it etc?).

Just wondering....

12-16-2013, 10:35 PM
That's a strange thing to write. There are many on here shooting well past that age. Do you know something that we don't? (End of the world as we know it etc?).

Just wondering....

Zombies and obamacare.

Just saying... ;)

12-16-2013, 10:48 PM
That's a strange thing to write. There are many on here shooting well past that age. Do you know something that we don't? (End of the world as we know it etc?).

Just wondering....

Well, if things get progressively worse with my health & the world (economy and otherwise) at the rate of regression I've seen in just the last ten years, I'll be gone in 25 or so, or wish to the Good Lord I was. ......but, that's neither here nor there in the scheme of lead alloys. :)

12-17-2013, 01:05 AM
Hang in there Dean, I'm rooting for you.:kidding:
At 36, lasting another 25 seem to far away to fathom, Now at 57, 25 more seems easy.

12-17-2013, 05:16 AM
Ahh, sorry Dean, didn't mean to intrude on your personal life. I must admit I often wonder where the world is heading, and have concerns about what's ahead for my kids.

But I'm still hoarding lead! Gonna need it, 'cos I forgot about the Zombies!!

Lead Fred
12-17-2013, 06:18 AM
My bud at a scrap yard sells me anything and everything in his lead barrel for 26 cents a pound.
I melt it down, separate the wheat from the chaff, and ingot it.

12-17-2013, 12:39 PM
If he wants to help you with processing it I would give him a little break but otherwise I would sell/cosign it to him for what you are/were selling it on here for, minus shipping of course. Another thought that would be a win/win for both of you would be to trade him the lead for reloading supplies.

If this works, how is he gonna supply lead at the shop? It doesn't sound like you want to be doing this long term for him. Or is this a short term thing to help him make some money to keep the shop running?

Jerry Jr.

12-18-2013, 11:49 AM
In a retail location you should get at least $1-1.50/# and he should mark them $3-5/#.