View Full Version : For those familiar with the RCBS "JR3" - I need some help . . .

12-13-2013, 11:36 PM
Long story short - in addition to my Lee 4 place turret, I have a RCBS Jr3 that I'm using for sizing, depriving and some batch loading - I love this little press! So, I wanted the same set up at my place in AZ. I found one at what I consider a decent price on flea bay - I purchased it and it arrived the day before yesterday. Now the sad part . . . the idiot I purchased it from (and I use that term loosely) just put it in a cheap a&& cardboard box and shipped it. When it arrived, the handle had poked through the box (lucky it didn't get lost) and the first thing I spotted was that the threads were all buggered up. I got the press out of the box (no packing or effort made to cushion it during shipment) and from the looks of it, somewhere along the line the press got dropped. The "pivot plate" (not sure of the correct term) where the handle is supposed to screw in is now bent badly out of round and the handle can't even be inserted in to it to thread it in. I have sent a message about the poor packing and the damage to the seller - of course he is not responding. What was a nice press in excellent condition now appears to be a "boat anchor". I have a feeling that I am going to get "stuck" on this one and the idiot who doesn't know how to pack things is going to waltz away ignoring the whole situation.

So . . . my question. These things are built to last centuries so I have a feeling there are no "parts presses" out there? Does anyone have a suggestion? I have sent an email to RCBS but I'm not holding my breath on repair parts since this press is circa 1960s.

I don't think I can put a drift punch in the pivot plate hole where the handle fits in and get it back "in round" without damaging the female threads of the pivot plate. The only other alternative I can see is possibly using a drift punch to try and get it back "in round" and then fitting the handle in (minus threads) and possibly having it welded?

I'm going to see how this sifts out with the seller but I don't hold out much hope that he is going to step up to the plate and take any responsibility. And I'm sure as heck not returning it to him on my nickel. If I'm "stuck", I'm just looking for a way to make this press operable again. I'll post a WTB for the pivot plate on this site but I'm not holding out much hope that some one will have one laying around.

Any suggestions? Thanks! If someone knows of anyone who has a "parts Jr3 press" please let me know.

12-13-2013, 11:43 PM
Just get ahold of RCBS, they're good at getting you going, age does not seem to be a problem with them.

12-13-2013, 11:46 PM
Don't loose faith in RCBS just yet. They may not come through for you, but it would be a surprise if they didn't. I might suggest you give them a call on Monday and make it a little more "personal".
Good Luck,

12-13-2013, 11:58 PM
Call the nice lady at RCBS! I would be surprised if they DIDN'T help you out!!!

12-14-2013, 12:22 AM
Yes , call them. RCBS is good people!

12-14-2013, 02:48 AM
I expect rcbs will help, but as long as the main casting is not broken the press can be repaired --

Lead Fred
12-14-2013, 06:41 AM
I have 3 JRs, Ive repainted and rebuilt them all from parts from RCBS

12-14-2013, 07:42 AM
The customer service at RCBS has made me a believer- I'll pay a premium for their products because of that. There are a lot of businesses that could learn a thing or two about customer service and the resulting brand loyalty from RCBS.

12-14-2013, 07:44 AM
Post a picture of the part, I might have a spare

12-14-2013, 08:05 AM
I would also contact eBay, and see what they would do.

12-14-2013, 09:56 AM
Thank you all. Hopefully RCBS will be able to help - not that I don't have confidence in them as I know they have excellent service and are very helpful. I was just thinking that since the press is probably at least 50 years old that due to design changes, etc. they probably would not have the parts. I'll give them a call on Monday and talk with them in person and see what they have to say.

Thank you boltaction308 - I'll take some photos and post them asap.

Thanks! Hopefully I can get this little beauty back in working order as they are such nice little single stages.

12-14-2013, 10:28 AM
Stay professional, but most definitly leave negative feedback on eBay for the seller regarding the poor and unacceptable packaging and shipping job, if after a short period of time you don't hear anyting back from them. It might save someone else some pain in the future.

12-14-2013, 11:13 AM
Doesn't fleece bay require you to pay with paypal now? If you did, contest the charge. No reason the seller/ shhipper should get a free ride on this.

Also get a copy of the pictures used in the auction before they go away, if possible.


12-14-2013, 11:56 AM
RCBS is usually good about replacements. I recieved and old RC press from a guy that modified the ram for swaging. They sent me another one for free. I also did a project that required me to shorten the linkage arms on another RC press. The project worked OK but wish I hadnt modified the linkage arms. I called RCBS with full intention of paying for replacements. Even after I told them I shortened them they STILL INSISTED on sending me free linkage arms. RCBS is a great company!

12-14-2013, 12:00 PM
Yes, get a hold of PayPal...

They should help out tremendously.

12-14-2013, 01:37 PM
Here are the photos - from the photos, the damage really can't be seen that well. The handle was sticking our to the box and some of the threads damaged as a result. The worst side is not showing in the photo. I probably can touch them up with a 3 corner file. They weren't protected in any way and during shipment, they poked through exposing them to whatever there was to strike and damage them. I'm surprised that the handle just didn't slide out of the box somewhere along the way.

The press itself has the primer arm "hanging out there". Keep in mind this was in a flimsy box with no padding, etc. Why it wasn't removed and taped to the press is beyond me as with it on, it has the potential of being "snapped" off if the box were dropped - which it appears it was.

The pivot plate evidently struck on something enough to knock it out of round. The Jr3 has the 5/8" handle (as opposed to the smaller diameter Jr2 handle) and it is supposed to slide in to the pivot plate and then thread in to tighten. It won't even enter the hole. Originally, I thought someone may have put a Jr2 pivot plate on this press but I have a Jr2 press as well and tried the handle - way too small.

I have sent a second message to the seller with still no reply. I will keep this professional but am not very happy when there is no reply. There may be a reason - I hope so. If it is "avoiding the problem" - that solves nothing. I have sold on fleabay for years. I just completed selling over a 100 items today. I value my customers and when they are good enough to purchase something I am selling, I pack it well so that it will reach them in good condition. In fact, I have been told that I sometimes "over pack" an item but they never complain as it reaches them in the condition it should be. Why this was packed better is beyond me - perhaps just a lack of "common sense"? I do not blame the Post Office for this - it was a result of not being packed correctly. I do know that if the roles were reversed, I would be in immediate contact with the customer upon receiving their message that the item was poorly packed and damaged and I would do everything I could to resolve the issue that was acceptable to both - but, I'm "old school", I'm 61 and that was the way I was brought up.

In looking at this, I don't know what the "cure" is for the fix. I no longer have the machinery where I could remove this pivot plate and possibly chuck it in a vise and run a correct size milling cutter down to the threads so the handle will slide in. I don't know if the pivot plate is "cast" or "forged" but it got dropped hard enough to bend it.

I will call RCBS on Monday and see what they have to say in regards to a "fix" or possible spare part. If they have parts available, I don't expect them to do it for nothing . . . I'd just be happy to get this press fixed so it functions properly and I can take the handle on and off.

I'll see what they say and then go from there. Hopefully the seller will contact me back . . . I don't like to cause a problem for anybody but on the other hand, I didn't shell out $$ for an RCBS "boat anchor" either. Time will tell and there are steps through eBay and PayPal to address such things if the seller/buyer is not doing what should be done.

If anyone has one of these pivot plates laying around, I'd sure appreciate a PM. Thanks.


12-14-2013, 04:09 PM
Wow, that thing took a good swat. The threads on the handle will clean up, they are 9/16". The pivot block could be a challenge, it is the same as used on the RS but not the same as the JR2. Some JR2's were upgraded to the JR3 pivot block but that is another story.

You are correct that there are very few JR parts presses, and that attests to the popularity of this press.
I do not have any parts presses but it may be possible to interchange the pivot block with another brand, I will have to look through the collection to see what may work.

12-14-2013, 05:14 PM
Two Wows from me -- that much damage to the steel block with out damaging the main casting shows the good quality of the cast iron used --
While not minimizing the effort required, it can be salvaged readily enough either on a mill or lathe.
You might get lucky with a drill press but it would be difficult to keep a drill on center.

I have received a few packages my self with poor packing -- No thought given as to the effects of inertia - folks must think the handlers carry each individual box with loving care rather than just chucking them into and out of the truck. Or most likely on and off a conveyor. Not to mention the rough ride in the truck --

12-16-2013, 12:22 AM
I have one of the old JR's and what a shame that some dumb butt shipped that way were that can happen. They are a good little press.

12-16-2013, 02:47 PM
Well . . . I thought I would give an update.

First off, I have sent three messages to the seller and he doesn't respond . . . I have been professional in my messages to him and informed him that he needs to contact me so we can resolve this . . . I doubt that he will so I'll give it one more day and then pursue the complaint process through eBay and PayPal. Too bad that some folks are that way . . . I was brought up better than that.

I called RCBS today . . . I talked with a real nice fellow there but unfortunately, that pivot plate that the handle screws in to is one of the parts they no longer have available since the press was discontinued in the late 70s. He said that he has talked to others who needed the same part and about the only suggestion was that I have a machine shop look at it and see if they could either mill the hole back "in to round" or else make a new plate like it. And while I'm at it . . . I will say that I was very pleased with the customer service dept. and the fellow I talked to at RCBS . . . . good folks and it certainly isn't their fault that they no longer have the parts as I realize it is an older vintage press . . . it was certainly worth the call though just in case they might have one.

I have a feeling that this purchase is "just one of those things in life" so at my age, it's not worth the stress over the seller and his poor packing nor lack of responsibility in getting back with me. Life is too short.

This is really too nice of a little press to not get fixed so I will probably pursue trying to find someone who has the machines and ability to correct the problem. I no longer have access to a milling machine nor machine tools - if I did, I'd probably have it fixed with a little time. If the banged up hole in the plate can't be bored/reamed back in to round, it can probably be bored through and either a new handle made or the existing one altered and if not threaded in to the plate, perhaps made to slide in and be cross pinned. At any rate, I want to get it fixed so it is operable again.

I'm fairly new to this site so will ask - is there anyone on here that does machining and has the equipment that could fix this? If so, please let me know or pm me - I'd surely appreciate it. Many thanks and once again, my hat is off to RCBS as I found their customer service to be tops!

12-16-2013, 09:48 PM
I would nuke the Ebay slob by lodging a complaint and having the Paypal charges reversed.
That will protect everyone by making a believer out of him or getting him boosted off of Ebay.

12-17-2013, 08:46 AM
I may be wrong on this (I was wrong one time in 1968) BUT here is what I would do and I think it would work. Get a bolt with a dia. just under the dia of the hole. Heat the threaded part just under a red heat and use the bolt as a mandrel to get it back to round. DO NOt cool with water let it cool natural then take a well oiled tap and chase the threads and try it. Having Blacksmithed for years think this would work?

12-17-2013, 12:04 PM
I think I would wait to work on it until after you see what the resolution is from ebay and paypal. Probably nothing, but we may all be surprised.

The pictures of the damage finally opened for me today,; to bad the shipper didn't do that damage by dropping it on his unprotected instep.

I would try threading a bolt in from the back side, after taking the press apart and holding the block in a large bench vise. It will probably take a bit of heat, but you may be lucky and get the hole mostly round again. The handle threads are a relatively minor operation to fix.


12-17-2013, 12:35 PM
Turn the handle down and rethread for a nut. That is the way my old Kodiak 150 and Pacific Deluxe press handles were originally designed ! There are no threads in the pivot block.


12-17-2013, 12:50 PM
Turn the handle down and rethread for a nut. That is the way my old Kodiak 150 and Pacific Deluxe press handles were originally designed ! There are no threads in the pivot block.


Another good option! This would be no problem for someone handy with a small homeshop! Maybe you have such a friend?

12-17-2013, 08:00 PM
I do not have an exact replacement block but I do have an old Pacific with the block GLL describes. It will work, but appearance will be a bit "off". I do not have the handle for it.
I will part with it for this project for the cost of shipping.

12-18-2013, 03:04 AM
Another option --
Turn the handle shank down till it fits into the buggered hole -
Rethread the tapped hole -
handle should tighten down on the shoulder -
not elegant but should work -

OOPS -- won't work -- thread won't enter hole -- sorry

12-19-2013, 02:17 PM
Post a picture of the part, I might have a spare

Same here,but I need to see the picture to be sure

Rattlesnake Charlie
12-19-2013, 02:37 PM
If all else fails, turn/grind the handle down until it goes into the pivot, then give it a few hits with the electric welder. Won't be pretty, but it will function. I did a lot of this growing up on the dirt farm.

12-19-2013, 06:20 PM
PM sent:-?

12-20-2013, 09:55 AM
Hey bedbugbilly Do you want the one I have?? I'll need a name and address,I still don't have a reply to my pm your only cost will be shipping let me know ASAP,I'm head to the grandkids house for holidays,I'd like to mail it before leaving.

12-21-2013, 02:33 PM
Thank you all for your help and suggestions - greatly appreciated! I apologize for not posting sooner as I got tied up for a couple of days with some business.

In regards to threading the handle and using a nut - if you look in the lower right hand photo - the handle screws in from the right - the back side of the pivot block is angled at about a 45 degree angle so there is not a right angle surface to tighten a nut down on.

As much as I'd like to be able to unscrew the handle, if I can't, it's still fine. When I talked with the nice gentleman at the RCBS service, we discussed several possibilities for a "fix". I'm getting ready to leave for Arizona this next week so it will have to wait until I get back in March. I will first remove the pivot block and try to find a drift punch of the correct diameter that might "swage" the hole back "in to round" after heating the pivot block. I have a feeling that the damage to the concentricity of the hole is too deep though. The next option is to find someone who has a vertical mill who can drill the entire hole out to the best nominl diameter - then either using the old handle or a different piece of round stock, slide the handle in to the drilled out block and pin it in. I have some feelers out to try and find someone in my area that has a vertical mill that I can either use or have them do the work. We used to have all kinds of small machine shops around but with the economy, they have dried up. One way or another, I'll get it functioning again.

I sent three messages to the seller of this press with no response. I sent a fourth (not a nice one) and finally he resounded - claimed he hadn't received the first ones (yea, right) and couldn't imagine what could have happened - after all, the press is steel and cast iron. He claimed it was well packed and had bubble wrap around it. It was in a flimsy shoe box (which I still have) and had one wrap of bubble wrap - all of which were exploded due to the press shucking around in the box. It's obvious he feels no responsibility and is blowing it off. I have bought / sold for years on flea bay and if the roles were reversed, I would have been "on it" immediately with an apology and I would have refunded the money - but then, that's the way I was brought up.

So . . . when I get back in the early spring, I'll get on it and get it fixed. It's too nice of a little press to tie a rope on and use for a boat anchor! :-) Thanks again to all - your help is greatly appreciated. My best to all for a happy and safe holiday!

12-21-2013, 07:11 PM
In the meantime, file a case with eBay, and they will refund your money, taking it from the supplier's account. Include pictures, including the box.

12-21-2013, 07:48 PM
I had my for awhile, bought used from another owner. The handle bar broke at the tread. I email RCBS and they told be to by for a retrofit to the newer blocks. All in all, it cause me $19 for the delivery to them and paid $19 for the return. Ask them to retrofit to the newer links.

David Yee

01-13-2014, 03:26 AM
Good luck with fleabay. I've sold over 6,000 items there and finally got a negative feedback from a buyer, because I packed the item "too well" and he didn't want to pay the postage charge I posted in my listing. Fleabay would not remove the neg posting I received. And of course as a seller I can't leave any feedback for the buyer.

Good luck with the press. I still use a JR3 press I started with about 1968 I think. I use it for resizing only and I'd hate to think about how many rounds it's processed. If you can find a local machine shop to make the replacement part you will really have a good press.

03-01-2014, 01:27 PM
A few months ago, I posted this thread in regards to a JR3 single stage press that I had purchased and when it arrived it was damaged. I just wanted to give an "update" and say a BIG THANK YOU to a fine member here who helped me out . . SSGOldfart.

I ALSO WANT TO APOLOGIZE HERE to SSGOldfart as I really "DROPPED THE BALL". Bob was kind enough to help me out by sending me the parts I needed to fix the press. I am currently in AZ for a few weeks and when it arrived, I was unpacking it in the garage when a neighbor came along and interrupted me. (he needed a helping hand with a project he was doing at his house). As I was unpacking it, I was thinking that I needed to go in and send a PM to Bob - I also had cut his address off of the box so I could add it in to my reloading notes in a notebook I keep. Well, this morning I got a PM from SSGOldfart asking me if the part had arrived. I thought I had sent him a message but when I looked, I found that I had not! All I can say is that it's hell getting old, thinking you've followed through only to discover that you haven't! But, that is NO EXCUSE and believe me, I was not brought up that way!

I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE TO GGSOldfart . . Bob . . . on here for not doing what I should have accomplished. It was not intentional but that is no excuse! I DROPPED THE BALL! Bob was kind enough to help me out with the part and I let my end down. Bob, I sent you a PM but I want to apologize to you on here and say that I'm sorry that I messed up. I was not brought up that way and I sincerely apologize for not checking to make sure that I had contacted you.

This member is just one of the fine examples of the good folks on here who are so willing to help others out. That's what makes this forum such a special place.

Once again, I sincerely apologize to you GGSOldfart . . . I greatly appreciate all of you help so that I can get this press going again. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and I'm very sorry that I messed up on getting back with you.

I would also like to let the members here know, that GGSOldfart . . Bob . . . refused to let me reimburse him for the postage or the parts. Bob is a "Vet" . . . he suggested that if I wanted to "pay him back" . . the next time I saw a "Vet" . . to say "thank you" and buy them a cup of coffee. That's the kind of "giving person" he is. Bob . . . that mission will be accomplished many times in the years to come and let us all remember those who have served, their sacrifices and let us all continue to support those who serve today . . and their families . . . and remember them in our thoughts, deeds and prayers.

Bob . . my sincere apologies again for dropping the ball and thinking that I had done what I had not - your kind help and generosity is greatly appreciated and I will think of that each time I use the press . . . and I will "even" things up with you somewhere along the line. Thank you again very much.
